1,581 research outputs found


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    How large are welfare costs associated with economic aggregate fluctuations is a topic of great concern among economists at least since Robert Lucas' well-known and thought-provoking exercise in the late 1980s. Our analysis assesses the magnitude of such costs for nine countries in South America by means of three alternative trend-cycle decomposition methods. The results suggest South American countries have welfare costs of economic fluctuations notably higher than the U. S. economy.

    O atendimento educacional aos alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação na Rede Pública Estadual do Paraná: uma história recente

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    Metadados do Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso: O atendimento educacional aos alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação na Rede Pública Estadual do Paraná: uma história recente, pela discente: Ana Paula Leandro Gonçalves, sob Orientação de Catarina Costa Fernandes do curso de Especialização em Atendimento Educacional Especializado na perspectiva da Educação Inclusiva (2015-2016) da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), no Repositório Institucional da UNILA (RI-UNILA).O atendimento educacional aos alunos com altas habilidades/superdotação na Rede Pública Estadual do Paraná: uma história recent

    Brittle Guinea-Bissau: a quest for political and economic stability

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    This research paper analyzed a fundamental challenge facing the Republic of Guinea-Bissau (GB) — political instability. Since GB declared independence on September 24, 1973, the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cabo Verde (PAIGC) has failed to bring political stability to what is now one of the poorest countries in the world. Reviewing GB’s political history from its first head of state Luís Cabral (1974–1980) to 2022, we see that there have been 16 heads of state, 30 heads of government, a considerable number of ministers, numerous failed national economic development plans, a year-long civil war, two suspensions of the constitution, and at least four successful coups d’état (and numerous failed attempts). Today, GB remains one of the least developed countries in the world with poor spatial development initiatives, is located in a challenging regional environment, and has a politically relevant diaspora. However, GB is home to approximately two million inhabitants, holds a remarkable range of fauna and flora, and has a unique immaterial heritage that must be protected — which can only be achieved with political stability. The protection of this heritage was an important reason that, in 1996, UNESCO classified the Bolama-Bijagós region as a World Biosphere Ecological Reserve. Considering all of these aspects, we posed and answered the following research question: How can Guinea-Bissau overcome its governance instability as a condition to disentangle itself from its impoverished status? This research question is particularly important in the context of avoiding being exposed to the economic interests of external actors. Methodologically, we use Dahl’s democracy model (2015) and a qualitative approach in the context of a data triangulation involving primary sources, official sources, and media reports.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Investment in Human Capital in a Macrodynamic Framework: Redistributive Taxation, Public Debt and Welfare

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    Efficient investment in human capital is a subject of great concern among economists. By means of an overlapping-generations macrodynamic model with credit constraints, imperfect insurance and exogenous labor supply, we appraise inefficiencies related to misinvestment in human capital and propose a simple scheme of redistributive taxation to mitigate them. A numerical simulation is calibrated in order to match stylized facts of the quite unequal Brazilian economy and shows that, in steady-state, with a flat-tax mechanism and lump-sum transfers, government intervention is beneficial to the extent it maximizes our utilitarian measure of welfare and reduces both inefficiency associated with misdirected investment in human capital and standard inequality indexes. After considering the possibility of decomposing our utilitarian measure of welfare and of allowing for public debt, we show that reduced inequality is the driving force which accounts for welfare improvement and that public debt plays no role. Robustness analysis shows that endogenizing labor supply does not lead to substantial changes in previous resultsinvestment in human capital; idiosyncratic risk; efficiency; overaccumulation of capital; redistributive taxation; public debt; welfare measures; social insurance.

    Novos dados sobre as relações filogenéticas de dois macacos gigantes extintos do Novo Mundo (Primates, Platyrrhini)

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    The phylogenetic position of the genera Caipora and Protopithecus within the Platyrrhini was investigated within a cladistic framework based on morphological characters with emphasis on patterns of tooth variation. A data matrix of 102 characters and 23 terminal taxa was subjected to analysis using a branch and bound option of the PAUP 4.0 Software. As a result, 40 equally most parsimonious trees were obtained. A strict consensus of these trees yielded a topology with 15 components with five unresolved trichotomies. The phylogenetic results show that the giant monkeys Caipora and Protopithecus should be recognized as typical atelins, belonging to the tribe Atelini, being both closely related to Ateles. The cranio-dental evidence supporting the Atelini clade are: 1) a rounded basal portion of the incisors; 2) I1-2 similar in size (height); 3) hypocone smaller than protocone in M2 and similar in size in M1; 4) metacone smaller than paracone in M1- 2; 5) metacrista developed in M1-2; and 6) postglenoid foramen reduced. Based on this phylogenetic data, the taxonomical interpretation that indicates Protopithecus as a member of Alouattini is refuted.A posição filogenética de Caipora e Protopithecus dentro de Platyrrhini foi investigada a partir de uma abordagem cladística baseada em caracteres morfológicos, com ênfase nos padrões de variação dentária. Uma matriz de dados com 102 caracteres e 23 táxons terminais foi submetida a uma análise de parcimônia usando a opção branch and bound do Programa PAUP 4.0. Como resultado desta análise, foram obtidas 40 árvores igualmente parcimoniosas. O consenso estrito das árvores resultou numa topologia contendo 15 componentes, sendo cinco tricotomias não resolvidas. De acordo com os resultados Caipora e Protopithecus são reconhecidos como atelinos, pertencentes a Tribo Atelini, ambos filogeneticamente associados ao gênero Ateles. As evidências crânio-dentárias que suportam o clado Atelini são as seguintes: 1) porção basal dos incisivos abaulada; 2) I1-2 similares em tamanho (altura); 3) hipocone menor que o protocone em M2 e com tamanho similar em M1; 4) metacone menor que o paracone em M1-2; 5) metacrista desenvolvida em M1-2; e 6) forame pós-glenóide reduzido. Baseado nestas informações, a interpretação taxonômica de Protopithecus como membro de Alouatini é refutada

    Acesso e sucesso no ensino superior: inventariando as expectativas dos estudantes

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    [Resumo] Partindo das mudanças no Ensino Superior decorrentes das transformações sociais e do aumento exponencial do número de alunos que acedem a este nível de ensino, o presente artigo descreve as expectativas académicas que os estudantes apresentam aquando do seu ingresso no Ensino Superior. O estudo considera as respostas a uma entrevista semi-estruturada de um grupo de alunos tradicionais (entram no Ensino Superior após conclusão do Ensino Secundário) e de alunos não tradicionais (alunos que acedem com mais de 23 anos). O conteúdo das entrevistas foi codificado tomando uma categorização das expectativas dos estudantes na base da literatura e das suas verbalizações. As sete categorias formadas foram: formação para o emprego, qualidade da formação, pressão social, qualidade da instituição, interação social, desenvolvimento pessoal, e envolvimento político e cidadania. Enquanto os alunos mais velhos se repartiram pelas expectativas de formação para o emprego, qualidade da formação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social sendo inexpressiva a percentagem de registos para as demais expectativas; os alunos mais novos cristalizam muito a sua escolha nas expectativas de uma formação para o emprego, no entanto estendem - nas às restantes categorias

    Formal Verification of AADL Models Using UPPAAL

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    VII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC 2017), Session 10: Development and Tools - B, .Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are known to be highly complex systems which can be applied to a variety of different environments, covering both civil and military application domains. As CPS are typically complex systems, its design process requires strong guarantees that the specified functional and non-functional properties are satisfied on the designed application. Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) and high-level specification languages are a valuable asset to help the design and evaluation of such complex systems. However, when looking at the existing MDE tool-support, it is observed that there is still little support for the automated integration of formal verification techniques in these tools. Given that formal verification is necessary to ensure the levels of reliability required by safety critical CPS, this paper presents an approach that aims to integrate the Model Checking technique in the CPS design process for the purpose of correctly analyzing temporal and safety characteristics. A tool named ECPS Verifier was designed to support the model checking integration into the design process, providing the generation of timed automata models from high-levels specifications in AADL. The proposed method is illustrated by means of the design of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, from where we derive the timed automata models to be analyzed in the UPPAAL tool.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Meu primeiro manifesto político foi um romance”: reflexões sobre a obra O Estrangeiro de Plínio Salgado

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    Plínio Salgado é conhecido como líder e mentor do movimento integralista, todavia, a sua atuação literária teve grande destaque no cenário cultural brasileiro e português. Na sua ampla produção, merece menção o romance O estrangeiro (1926), no qual destaca a figura do imigrante no desenvolvimento da nação e aprofunda a crítica à sociedade de então, refletindo sobre o modelo nacionalista a ser empregado no Brasil. Esta pesquisa buscará analisar esta obra em interfase com as propostas dos eugenistas paulistas sobre a questão da imigração.Plinio Salgado is known as a leader and mentor of the “integralismo”, however, its performance had great literary prominence in the Brazilian and Portuguese cultural. In his extensive production, deserves mention romance O estrangeiro (1926), in which stands the figure of the immigrant in the nation's development and deepens the critique of society then pondering the nationalist model to be used in Brazil. This research will try to analyze this work in interphases with the proposals of the eugenicists on the issue of immigration

    The expression in saccharomyces cerevisiae of a glucose/xylose symporter from Candida intermedia is affected by the presence of a glucose/xylose facilitator

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    Microbiology, 154Two glucose/xylose transporter genes from Candida intermedia were recently cloned and characterized: GXF1, which encodes a glucose/xylose facilitator; and GXS1, which encodes a glucose/xylose proton symporter. Here we report the functional expression of these transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. While Gxf1p seems to be fully functional in S. cerevisiae, the symporter Gxs1p exhibits very low glucose/xylose transport activity, which could not be ascribed to insufficient production of the protein or incorrect subcellular localization. In addition, coexpression of glucose/xylose facilitators with Gxs1p strongly reduced GXS1 mRNA levels, and consequently symport activity, in glucose-grown, but not in ethanol-grown, cells. The observed decrease in GXS1 transcript levels seems to be related to an enhanced glucose influx mediated by glucose facilitator protein(s), and not to a specific interaction between Gxs1p and other transporters. We found GXS1 mRNA levels to be severely reduced as a result of glucose addition, and we show that this effect takes place at the level of GXS1 mRNA stability. Our results suggest that a decrease in mRNAs encoding high-affinity/active sugar transport systems may be a widespread and conserved mechanism in yeasts, limiting expression of these proteins whenever their activity is dispensable