910 research outputs found

    Carga parasitaria y su posible efecto en algunos parámetros morfométricos de girardinichthys multiradiatus (cyprinidontiformes: goodeidae)

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    Se analizaron bases de datos pertenecientes a dos poblaciones naturales del pez vivíparo Girardinichthys multiradiatus en el Estado de México, con datos morfométricos de los organismos, y parámetros de infección como son carga, prevalencia, abundancia, e intensidad de infección; mediante un Análisis de Componentes Principales (PCA), establecimos los datos morfométricos que presentaban el mayor peso estadístico y posteriormente determinamos las especies parásitas mas abundantes (Tylodelphys sp., B. acheiloghnathi y Valipora campylancristrota) y a través de un Análisis de varianza factorial (ANCOVA) determinamos el efecto del peso y la talla en la intensidad parasitaria de cada una de la especies parásitas en G. multiradiatus, así como del sexo y la localidad a la que pertenecían. También analizamos si existía relación entre la intensidad parasitaria y la talla, peso, profundidad corporal y tamaño de aletas (éste ultimo parámetro sólo en machos) mediante un análisis de regresión simple. Diferencias poblacionales en las características del hábitat pueden dar lugar a diferencias en la vulnerabilidad frente a parásitos. En éste trabajo analizamos la asociación entre la presencia de parásitos, y la talla y peso de dos poblaciones de Girardinichthys multiradiatus. Solo para el caso de la metacercaria de Tylodelphys sp. comprobamos que éste parásito no se encuentra con la misma probabilidad en los peces de todas las tallas, edades o sexos., por ejemplo determinamos que la intensidad parasitaria se correlaciona positivamente con el peso de los machos de ambas localidades ya que los mas pesados son los mas parasitados, mientras que en las hembras de San Juanico no se ven afectadas por la carga parasitaria a diferencia de las hembras y machos de Chicnahuapan que son mayormente parasitados entre mas pesados y anchos son. Estas diferencias probablemente se deben a diferencias sexuales en la conducta sexual y al dimorfismo sexual, que es marcado en esta especie. Adicionalmente encontramos una relación significativa entre la carga parasitaria de estos peces y algunos parámetros morfométricos. Finalmente, encontramos que las asociaciones entre intensidad parasitaria y la morfometría incluyendo el peso en cada sexo difieren entre localidades, lo que puede ser una consecuencia directa de la estructura del hábitat sobre la exposición a parásitos, o indirecta, como resultado de diferencias en la intensidad con que opera la selección sexual en ambas localidades

    Sistema de texto-a-habla expresivo en español

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un Sistema de Texto a Habla Expresivo en Español o TTS-EE que convierte una entrada de texto a un sonido de habla natural e inteligible y con emoción, simulando la interacción humana es decir una relación de comunicación entre una o más personas. Están involucrados en el desarrollo de este sistema programas como Python, MBROLA, eSpeak, el alfabeto fonético SAMPA, Easy Align e espeak. Se da un panorama general que va de lo histórico a lo más actual y también se describe detalladamente en qué consiste un Sistema de Texto a Habla. Una parte fundamental de este TTS-EE es la Transcripción ortográfica-fonética con la aplicación de reglas de acentuación, reglas de silabificación y reglas de transcripción basadas en SAMPA, se desarrollan módulos en código Python para tal fin. Además se realiza una síntesis de voz a través del sintetizador MBROLA y el desarrollo de código python para esta síntesis. Otra parte medular del TTS-EE es la creación de una base de datos de habla en español de México similar a una base de habla en español de España que ya se tiene, de las cuales se obtienen datos estadísticos de la duración y el pitch de cada fonema utilizado por medio de una segmentación con el programa PRAAT e Easy Align como herramientas. Se cuenta con un corpus del español del cual se obtuvo una tasa de sílabas por cada grupo de audios que se resumen en la Tabla 1 además de obtenerse una tasa de fonemas que se resumen en la Tabla 2. Finalmente se integra cada parte, la transcripción ortográfica-fonética, el sintetizdor MBROLA para obtener una voz con emoción a partir del texto de entrada pre-procesado, a través de la interfaz gráfica del TTS-EE

    Payments for Ecosystem Services: Legal and Institutional Frameworks

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    Analysis and engagement with partners working on ecosystem services transactions, policies and laws over the past 10 years have demonstrated a clear need to better understand the legal and institutional frameworks that have the potential to promote or hinder the development of payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes, as well as the complex legal considerations that affect ecosystem services projects. In response, the IUCN Environmental Law Centre and The Katoomba Group have worked on a joint initiative to analyze the legal and institutional frameworks of water-related PES schemes and projects in four Andean countries: South America (Northeastern)-Brazil; Bolivia, Colombia and Peru. It has resulted in this report. Country-based analysts with experience in ecosystem services transactions have developed country and project assessments to define existing and recommend future regulatory and institutional frameworks that enable equitable and long-lasting ecosystem services transactions. Partners from North America (Central America)-Costa Rica; North America-Mexico; Ecuador and the North America-United States provided feedback on the assessments. The country assessments yielded lessons which were used to develop a set of recommendations on legal frameworks, property rights, enabling institutions, PES contracts, and governance issues supporting the future development of PES schemes

    La agresividad dentro del aula escolar y la unión familiar

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    Desarrollar Talleres Educativos y otras actividades para sensibilizar niños, niñas y padres de familia sobre los comportamientos de agresividad relacionados con el maltrato intrafamiliar, mediante actividades pedagógicas en el grado preescolar del San Vicente de Paul.La investigación se realizó en el Jardín Infantil San Vicente de Paúl del Municipio de Cajicá Cundinamarca. El Jardín Infantil San Vicente de Paúl comenzó a funcionar el 15 de Abril de 2004, donde pensando en la necesidad de los niños, un grupo de Vicentinos deciden crear este jardín para ayudar a los niños más necesitados del Municipio. Actualmente El Jardín ofrece los grados de párvulos, pre jardín y Jardín. El jardín cuenta con la colaboración de diferentes donaciones como es Alquería que dona mensualmente 32 cestillos de leche, y huevos santa reyes que hace una donación de 6 cubetas de huevos semanales. Los recursos que sostienen el jardín se reciben de locales arrendados que pertenecen a la sociedad, como también la cuota mensual que pagan los padres de familia.Across the ethnographic investigation, and the application of the different surveys that here they will be able to observe, was achieved a common boss found in the behaviors of aggressiveness that the children of the Infant school San Vicente of Paul, demonstrate during the school day, in opposition to his companions of classroom. There is demonstrated that they are provided with a good quality of physical structure to institutional level, where the teachers who accompany them, try to do every day his better effort for changing these levels of aggressiveness that in you cause the children they present, and that in spite of some economic factors, and of other factors that have been determinant at the moment of his integral development, each of them are a good prospectus of near company for the future that we are constructing

    COVID-19's impacts on global value chains, as seen in the apparel industry

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    Abstract: Motivation: The COVID‐19 pandemic has massively disrupted international trade and global value chains. Impacts, however, differ across regions and industries. This article contributes to a better understanding of the scale of disruptions to industries and value chains integral to the economies of and livelihoods in developing countries, and what role policy can play to mitigate harm. Purpose: This article aims to: (1) analyse and characterize disruptions to the global apparel value chain caused by the COVID‐19 pandemic, focusing on how developing countries have been impacted, and; (2) identify key policies to support a resilient, inclusive and sustainable recovery. Approach and methods: We review COVID‐19 related reports published by international and non‐governmental organizations, international trade and production statistics, industry surveys and media reports. We frame our analysis predominantly within the Global Value Chains literature. Findings: The global apparel value chain has been severely disrupted by the pandemic, owing to direct effects of sickness on workers in factories, reduced output of materials—cloth, thread, etc.—used to fabricate clothing, and to reduced demand for apparel in high‐income countries. Developing countries are suffering disproportionately in terms of profits, wages, job security and job safety. Women workers in the apparel chain have been hit especially hard, not only because most workers in the chain are women, but also because they have experienced increasing unpaid care work and higher risk of gender‐based violence. Policy implications: Five key areas of policy to support a resilient, inclusive and sustainable recovery stand out: (1) delivering emergency responses to ensure firm survival and the protection of workers’ livelihoods; (2) reformulating FDI attraction strategies and promoting market diversification; (3) supporting technology adoption and skills development; (4) deploying labour standards to improve workers’ conditions and strengthening social protection systems; and (5) adopting gender‐sensitive responses

    How to Improve the Functional Capacity of Frail and Pre-Frail Elderly People? Health, Nutritional Status and Exercise Intervention. The EXERNET-Elder 3.0 Project

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    Aging is associated with the impairment of health and functional capacity, and physical exercise seems to be an effective tool in frailty prevention and treatment. The purpose of this study was to present the methodology used in the EXERNET-Elder 3.0 project that aims to evaluate the immediate and residual effects and of a multicomponent exercise training program called Elder-fit on frailty, fitness, body composition and quality of life, and also to analyse a possible dietary intake interaction according to health and metabolic status. A total of 110 frail and pre-frail elders participated in this study and were divided into a control group (CG = 52) and an intervention group (IG = 58). The IG performed a supervised multicomponent exercise training program of 6 months and 3 days per week, which included strength, endurance, balance, coordination and flexibility exercises, while the CG continued with their usual daily activities. Both groups received four speeches about healthy habits along the project. Four evaluations were performed: at baseline, after 3 months of training, at the end of the training program (6 months) and 4 months after the program had ended to examine the effects of detraining. Evaluating the efficacy, safety and feasibility of this program will help to develop efficacious physical interventions against frailty. Further, protocols should be described accurately to allow exercise programs to be successfully replicated

    New Evidence on Regucalcin, Body Composition, and Walking Ability Adaptations to Multicomponent Exercise Training in Functionally Limited and Frail Older Adults

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    Background: Regucalcin, or senescence marker protein-30 (SMP30), is a Ca2+-binding protein with multiple functions reported in the literature. Physical exercise has been shown to improve aging markers; nevertheless, SMP30 in humans has not been extensively researched. Older adults experience a decline in functional capacity and body composition. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a multicomponent training (MCT) program on SMP30 and its regulation of walking ability and body composition in functionally limited, frail, and pre-frail older adults. Methods: A total of 34 older adults (aged 80.3 +/- 6.1 years) were divided into an intervention group (IG = 20) and control group (CG = 14). The IG performed a supervised MCT (strength, endurance, balance, coordination, and flexibility) program for 6 months, 3 days per week, whereas the CG continued their normal lives without any specific physical training. SMP30 was analyzed in plasma after 3 and 6 months of MCT, while some physical fitness variables (Timed Up and Go (TUG) and 6-min walk test (6MWT)) and body composition (fat mass and lean mass) were measured at baseline, as well as after 3 months and 6 months of MCT. Results: No significant changes were observed in SPM30 between the IG (877.5 a.u. to 940.5 a.u., respectively) and CG (790.4 a.u. to 763.8 a.u., respectively). Moreover, no SMP30 differences were found between groups after 3 and 6 months of MCT. The IG improved significantly in the 6MWT after 3 months (472.2 +/- 84.2 m) compared to baseline (411.2 +/- 75.2 m). The IG also significantly enhanced their TUG performance after 3 months (7.6 +/- 1.6 s) and 6 months (7.3 +/- 1.8 s) of training compared to baseline (9.3 +/- 3.2 s) (all, p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in body composition between the IG and CG through the 6 months of MCT. Conclusions: The present study suggests that MCT did not change SMP30 levels from 3 to 6 months, where there were changes in neither walking ability nor body composition; however, MCT was effective in improving 6MWT and TUG performance from baseline to 3 months

    Diagnóstico de la señalización vial distrito iv en el municipio de Managua, departamento de Managua, 2018

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    El presente estudio es una investigación de los principales puntos críticos y conteos vehiculares, que tuvo por objetivo realizar un diagnóstico de la señalización vial en el distrito IV de Managua para proponer una señalización vial que complemente la existente

    Total and high molecular weight adiponectin have similar utility for the identification of insulin resistance

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insulin resistance (IR) and related metabolic disturbances are characterized by low levels of adiponectin. High molecular weight adiponectin (HMWA) is considered the active form of adiponectin and a better marker of IR than total adiponectin. The objective of this study is to compare the utility of total adiponectin, HMWA and the HMWA/total adiponectin index (S<sub>A </sub>index) for the identification of IR and related metabolic conditions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional analysis was performed in a group of ambulatory subjects, aged 20 to 70 years, in Mexico City. Areas under the receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve for total, HMWA and the S<sub>A </sub>index were plotted for the identification of metabolic disturbances. Sensitivity and specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and accuracy for the identification of IR were calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The study included 101 men and 168 women. The areas under the ROC curve for total and HMWA for the identification of IR (0.664 <it>vs</it>. 0.669, <it>P </it>= 0.74), obesity (0.592 <it>vs</it>. 0.610, <it>P </it>= 0.32), hypertriglyceridemia (0.661 <it>vs</it>. 0.671, <it>P </it>= 0.50) and hypoalphalipoproteinemia (0.624 <it>vs</it>. 0.633, <it>P </it>= 0.58) were similar. A total adiponectin level of 8.03 μg/ml was associated with a sensitivity of 57.6%, a specificity of 65.9%, a positive predictive value of 50.0%, a negative predictive value of 72.4%, and an accuracy of 62.7% for the diagnosis of IR. The corresponding figures for a HMWA value of 4.25 μg/dl were 59.6%, 67.1%, 51.8%, 73.7% and 64.2%.</p> <p>The area under the ROC curve of the S<sub>A </sub>index for the identification of IR was 0.622 [95% CI 0.554-0.691], obesity 0.613 [95% CI 0.536-0.689], hypertriglyceridemia 0.616 [95% CI 0.549-0.683], and hypoalphalipoproteinemia 0.606 [95% CI 0.535-0.677].</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Total adiponectin, HMWA and the S<sub>A </sub>index had similar utility for the identification of IR and metabolic disturbances.</p