2,271 research outputs found

    New Perspectives for Electrodialytic Remediation

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    Electrodialytic remediation has been widely used for the recovery of different contaminants from numerous matrices, such as, for example, polluted soils, wastewater sludge, fly ash, mine tailing or harbour sediments. The electrodialytic remediation is an enhancement of the electrokinetic remediation technique, and it consists of the use of ion-exchange membranes for the control of the acid and the alkaline fronts generated in the electrochemical processes. While the standard electrodialytic cell is usually built with three-compartment configuration, it has been shown that for the remediation of matrices that require acid environment, a two-compartment cell has given satisfactory removal efficiencies with reduced energy costs. Recycling secondary batteries, with growing demand, has an increasing economic and environmental interest. This work focusses on the proposal of the electrodialytic remediation technique as a possible application for the recycling of lithium-ion cells and other secondary batteries. The recovery of valuable components, such as lithium, manganese, cobalt of phosphorous, based on current recycling processes and the characterization of solid waste is addressed.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 778045. Paz-Garcia acknowledges the financial support from the University of Malaga, project: PPIT.UMA.B5.2018/17. Villen-Guzman acknowledges the funding from the University of Malaga for the postdoctoral fellowship PPIT.UMA.A.3.2.2018. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Electrodialytic Recovery of Cobalt from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    Contribución en congreso científicoRecycling lithium-ion batteries has an increasing interest for economic and environmental reasons. Disposal of lithium-ion batteries imposes high risk to the environment due to the toxicity of some of their essential components. In addition to this, some of these components, such as cobalt, natural graphite and phosphorus, are included in the list of critical raw materials for the European Union due to their strategic importance in the manufacturing industry. Therefore, in the recent years, numerous research studies have been focused on the development of efficient processes for battery recycling and the selective recuperation of these key components. LiCoO2 is the most common material use in current lithium-ion batteries cathodes. In the current work, an electrodialytic method is proposed for the recovery of cobalt from this kind of electrode. In a standard electrodialytic cell, the treated matrix is separated from the anode and the cathode compartments by means of ion-exchange membranes. A cation-exchange membrane (CEM) allows the passage of cations and hinders the passage of anions, while the behaviour of anion-exchange membrane (AEM) does the opposite. A three-compartment electrodialytic cell has been designed and assembled, as depicted in the figure. In the central compartment, a suspension of LiCoO2 is added. Different extracting agents, such as EDTA, HCl and HNO3, are tested to enhanced the dissolution and the selective extraction of the target metal. Dissolved cobalt-containing complexes migrate towards the cathode or the anode compartments depending on the ionic charge of the complexes. While cobalt extraction via extracting agents is an expensive treatment, as it requires the constant addition of chemicals, an efficient electrodialytic cell could allow the recirculation of the extracting agents and the economical optimization of the process.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 778045. Paz-Garcia acknowledges the financial support from the University of Malaga, project: PPIT.UMA.B5.2018/17. Villen-Guzman acknowledges the funding from the University of Malaga for the postdoctoral fellowship PPIT.UMA.A.3.2.2018. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    WM-SIMA: Herramienta de simulación para el enlace descendente LTE-Advanced

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    In this paper, we present a novel and efficient link level simulation framework for the donwlink (DL) of Long Term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A) cellular networks. The tool, called Wireless Mobile SIMulator Advanced (WM-SIMA), is available to be downloaded so that researchers can use it to evaluate the performance for different network configurations. In this work, the main characteristics of WM-SIMA are presented. As a case of use, the Average Spectral Efficiency (ASE) is obtained for the DL of a two-tier network, composed of Macro Access Points (MAPs) and Pico APs (PAPs). Simulation results confirms that there exist an optimal Cell Range Expansion (CRE) bias in the cell association that maximizes the ASE. Interestingly, it is confirmed that this optimal bias does not depend on the number of PAPs, while increasing the number of PAPs leads to a higher ASE for the same bias.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (TEC2013-44442-P). Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Modeling of Electrodialytic Treatment of Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    Lithium-ion batteries are currently present in most portable electronic devices and their use is rapidly growing in the field of electric vehicles and renewable energy storage. Many components in lithium-ion batteries are toxic and/or environmentally hazardous. Furthermore, some of them are expensive and listed as critical materials in terms of supply-chain risk. Therefore, the need to improve the recycling techniques for lithium-ion batteries is becoming a priority. Herein, we describe and present a model for the electrodialytic treatment of disposed lithium-ion batteries. Electrodialysis is a separation process based on the use of electric fields and ion-selective membranes. The electrodialytic cell can be designed in different configurations, to enhance the selective extraction of the target products. In a standard electrodialytic cell, the treated matrix is separated from the anode and the cathode compartments by means of anion- and cation-exchange membranes respectively. However, depending on the ionic charge and the specific chemistry of the matrix, different cell designs can be used. In the present work, different possible configurations are explored for the optimization of the extraction of key valuable components from spent lithium-ion batteries, taking into account the chemical properties of the system depending on the chosen extracting agent and cell configuration. The model presented here is based on a set of differential and algebraic equations consisting of a Nernst-Planck based continuity equations for each of the chemical species involved in the process, coupled with the electroneutrality and the local chemical equilibrium conditions. The numerical solution is performed using COMSOL Multiphysics, and the simulation results are compared with experimental data for model validation.This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 778045. Paz-Garcia acknowledges the financial support from the University of Malaga, project: PPIT.UMA.B5.2018/17. Villen-Guzman acknowledges the funding from the University of Malaga for the postdoctoral fellowship PPIT.UMA.A.3.2.2018. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    A Model for Electrodialytic Treatment of Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    New recycling processes for secondary batteries are needed to achieve sustainable use of natural resources. Indeed, many components in lithium ion batteries, such as cobalt and graphite, are in the European Union’s “Critical Raw Materials” list. Electrodialytic treatment of disposed lithium-ion batteries is a pioneer proposal for the selective recovery of some of these relevant elements. In this work, a model for the electrochemical technology of disposed batteries implemented using COMSOL Multiphysics is presented. The main aim of this model is the optimization of the extraction of valuable components from spent batteries and the prediction of experimental results, which entails a better understanding of the different process involved. The model is based on the Nernst-Planck- Poisson system of equations coupled with the local chemical equilibrium conditions. The model uses multi-scale discretization of the different components; including the assumed well-stirred compartments, the ion-exchange membranes and the diffuse double-layer at the surface of the membranes. Different cell configuration has been tested, and results were compared to experimental data for model validation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. The authors acknowledge the financial support from the "Plan Propio de Investigación de la Universidad de Málaga" with project numbers PPIT.UMA.D1, PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/20 and PPIT.UMA.B5.2018/17. This work has also received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 778045

    Valoración de los alumnos de la Unidad docente HU 12 de Octubre- HU Infanta Cristina sobre la implantación de la docencia y evaluación online con utilización del campus virtual en asignaturas teóricas y prácticas

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    La docencia en el Grado de Medicina se ha producido tradicionalmente mediante métodos presenciales, tanto en lo que se refiere a impartir clases magistrales o seminarios, como en lo referente a la experiencia clínica de los alumnos con pacientes reales o simulados. Sin embargo, la situación epidemiológica actual, con la pandemia producida por el covid-19, ha precipitado que durante los cursos académicos 2019-20 y 2020-21 se hayan comenzado a utilizar métodos de enseñanza virtual, con un profesorado y alumnado sin a penas conocimiento ni experiencia previa. Por estos motivos, se ha realizado una evaluación de la opinión de los alumnos sobre la docencia teórica online, la actividad práctica virtual, los exámenes on line o las características de la docencia práctica en un ambiente de pandemia

    Natural killer (NK) cell-derived extracellular-vesicle shuttled microRNAs control T cell responses.

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    Natural killer (NK) cells recognize and kill target cells undergoing different types of stress. NK cells are also capable of modulating immune responses. In particular, they regulate T cell functions. Small RNA next-generation sequencing of resting and activated human NK cells and their secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs) led to the identification of a specific repertoire of NK-EV-associated microRNAs and their post-transcriptional modifications signature. Several microRNAs of NK-EVs, namely miR-10b-5p, miR-92a-3p, and miR-155-5p, specifically target molecules involved in Th1 responses. NK-EVs promote the downregulation of GATA3 mRNA in CD4+ T cells and subsequent TBX21 de-repression that leads to Th1 polarization and IFN-γ and IL-2 production. NK-EVs also have an effect on monocyte and moDCs (monocyte-derived dendritic cells) function, driving their activation and increased presentation and costimulatory functions. Nanoparticle-delivered NK-EV microRNAs partially recapitulate NK-EV effects in mice. Our results provide new insights on the immunomodulatory roles of NK-EVs that may help to improve their use as immunotherapeutic tools.This manuscript was funded by grants PDI-2020-120412RB-I00 and PDC2021- 121719-I00 (FS-M) and PID2020- 119352RB-I00 (AS) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness; CAM (S2017/BMD3671-INFLAMUNE-CM) from the Comunidad de Madrid (FS-M). CIBERCV (CB16/11/00272) and BIOIMID PIE13/041 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos. The current research has received funding from 'la Caixa' Foundation under the project code HR17-00016. Grants from Ramón Areces Foundation 'Ciencias de la Vida y de la Salud' (XIX Concurso-2018) and from Ayuda Fundación BBVA y Equipo de Investigación Científica (BIOMEDICINA-2018) (to FSM). The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades and the Pro-CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015–0505). IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the ‘Severo Ochoa’ Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, CEX2020-001039-S). SGD is supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Universities. Authors thank Dr Miguel Vicente-Manzanares for critical review and editing. We also thank Dr Francisco Urbano and Dr Covadonga Aguado for their support with EM (TEM facilities, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).S

    Insertion (22;9)(q11;q34q21) in a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia characterized by fluorescence in situ hybridization

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    An unusual cytogenetic rearrangement, described as ins(22;9)(q11;q34q21), was detected in a 49-year-old male patient diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed a b3a2 fusion transcript. In order to confirm the cytogenetic findings and fully characterize the inverted insertion, we performed fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assays using locus-specific and whole chromosome painting probes. Our FISH analysis showed the presence of the BCR/ABL fusion gene, verified the insertion and determined that the breakpoint on chromosome 22 where the insertion took place was located proximal to the BCR gene and distal to the TUPLE1 gene on 22q11

    Situación de la actividad gripal en España en el pico de la epidemia 2017-18

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    [ES] La onda epidémica gripal de la temporada 2017-18 se inició en España en la semana 50/2017,con mayor anticipación, junto con la temporada 2016-17, que todas las epidemias gripales desde la pandemia de 20091. La máxima tasa de incidencia gripal se ha alcanzado en la semana 03/2018, con un nivel medio de actividad gripal2, calificado de alto en el grupo de mayores de 64 años. La actividad se ha asociado a la circulación predominante de virus de la gripe B (68%), cuya contribución ha ido disminuyendo conforme avanzaba el mes de enero a favor de los dos subtipo de virus A circulantes [A(H3N2) y A(H1N1)pdm09]. El 86% de los virus B caracterizados hasta el momento pertenecen al linaje B/Yamagata y el 14% al linaje Victoria, incluido en la vacuna de esta temporada; entre los virus B/Victoria el 70% pertenecen a un nuevo subgrupo representado por B/Norway/2409/2017, caracterizado por presentar una deleción en los aminoácidos 162 y 163 de la hemaglutinina. Los estudios antigénicos deben confirmar las diferencias antigénicas de los virus circulantes con respecto a los virus incluidos en la vacuna estacional de la presente temporada. En términos de hospitalizaciones graves de gripe, se han notificado hasta el momento al sistema de vigilancia de casos graves hospitalizados confirmados de gripe (CGHCG) las mayores tasas de hospitalización globales y en mayores de 64 años desde la temporada 2013-14. Sin embargo, la tasa de letalidad y admisión en UCI entre los CGHCG están en el rango, o incluso son inferiores, que las de temporadas previas. Se ha identificado un exceso de mortalidad que se concentra como es habitual en las personas mayores de 64 años, concomitante en el tiempo tanto con el pico de actividad gripal como con una ola de frío en España, pudiendo ambos ser factores contribuyentes. Las estimaciones preliminares de efectividad de la vacuna antigripal en la temporada 2017-18 muestran valores moderados de protección frente casos de gripe B, el virus que ha circulado mayoritariamente hasta ahora en España. Además se ha observado un efecto protector de la vacuna de esta temporada en la admisión en UCI y evolución fatal entre los casos graves hospitalizados confirmados de gripe que se notifican a nuestro sistema de vigilancia. [EN] Influenza activity in Spain started early this 2017-18 season (week 50/2017), which is, along with the 2016-17 season, the earliest week of all seasons since the 2009 pandemic. The peak of influenza incidence rate has been reached in the week 03/2018, with a medium level of influenza activity (high in people older than 64 years). So far, the influenza season 2017-18 is characterized by the predominant circulation of type B virus (68%), decreasing its contribution in favor of type A [A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm09] as the month of January progressed. Eighty-six percent of the B viruses characterized so far belong to the B/Yamagata-lineage and 14% to the B/Victoria-lineage, included in the vaccine this season; among B / Victoria viruses, 70% belong to a new subgroup represented by B/Norway/2409/2017, which carries the HA1 double amino acid deletion, Δ162-163. Antigenic studies should confirm the antigenic differences of circulating viruses with respect to vaccine virus component of the current season. This season shows the highest rates of hospitalization (global and over 64 years of age group) since the 2013-14 season. However, the case-fatality rate and ICU admissions among severe hospitalized confirmed influenza cases (SHCIC) are in the range, or even lower, than in previous seasons. An excess of all-cause mortality was identified, coinciding with both the rise of the epidemic wave, as with extremely cold weather in the beginning of the year, which probably contributed to the excess mortality. This excess of all-cause mortality was concentrated as usual in people over 64 years. Preliminary estimates of the effectiveness of influenza vaccine in the 2017-18 season show moderate protection against cases of influenza B, the virus that has circulated so far in Spain. In addition, a protective effect of this season’s vaccine on ICU admissions has been observed, as well as case-fatality rate among SHCIC reported to our surveillance system

    Vigilancia de la gripe en España. Temporada 2014-2015 (desde la semana 40/2014 hasta la semana 20/2015).

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    La actividad gripal en España en la temporada 2014-2015 fue moderada y se asoció a una circulación mayoritaria de virus de la gripe A(H3N2) con una creciente contribución de virus B a partir del pico de la epidemia. La onda epidémica gripal tuvo una presentación normal en el tiempo con el pico de máxima actividad gripal a finales de enero de 2015. Los menores de 15 años fueron el grupo de edad más afectado, con mayores tasas de incidencia acumulada en el grupo de 5-14 años. Se notificaron 19 brotes confirmados de gripe en ocho Comunidades Autónomas (CCAA), el 58% de ellos ubicados en residencias geriátricas y como agente causal se confirmó el virus A(H3N2). El análisis filogenético de los virus gripales que circularon en España durante la temporada muestra que el 66,8 % de los virus A(H3N2) presentarían diferencias antigénicas con respecto al virus vacunal de la temporada 2014-2015 en el hemisferio norte. Sin embargo, los virus A(H1N1)pdm09 y los virus B del linaje Yamagata estarían cubiertos por la vacuna de esta temporada. Se notificaron 1.724 casos graves hospitalizados confirmados de gripe (CGHCG) de los que 33% fueron admitidos en UCI y 16% fallecieron. El mayor porcentaje de casos graves de gripe se registró en los mayores de 64 años y en el grupo de 45-64 años. En el 77% de los casos se confirmó el virus de la gripe tipo A, siendo el 83% de los subtipados A(H3N2). El 88% de los CGHCG presentó algún factor de riesgo de complicaciones de gripe y el 48% no había recibido la vacuna antigripal en la temporada. Las defunciones en los CGHCG se concentraron fundamentalmente en los mayores de 64 años. La letalidad observada en términos de defunciones entre CGHCG fue la más alta observada después de la pandemia de 2009. En consonancia con estos indicadores de gravedad, el sistema MOMO (Monitorización de la mortalidad diaria) estimó un exceso de mortalidad por todas las causas, concentrado fundamentalmente en el grupo de mayores de 64 años, coincidiendo con el periodo epidémico de la gripe. La actividad gripal en la región templada del hemisferio norte ha sido moderada con predominio de virus A(H3N2) en Europa y Norte de América. La actividad gripal en los países templados del hemisferio sur se ha mantenido en niveles propios de inter-temporada.N