13,498 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of Bacterial Extracellular Electron Exchange.

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    The biochemical mechanisms by which microbes interact with extracellular soluble metal ions and insoluble redox-active minerals have been the focus of intense research over the last three decades. The process presents two challenges to the microorganism; firstly electrons have to be transported at the cell surface, which in Gram negative bacteria presents an additional problem of electron transfer across the ~ 6 nm of the outer membrane. Secondly the electrons must be transferred to or from the terminal electron acceptors or donors. This review covers the known mechanisms that bacteria use to transport electrons across the cell envelope to external electron donors/acceptors. In Gram negative bacteria electron transfer across the outer membrane involves the use of an outer membrane β-barrel and cytochrome. These can be in the form of a porin-cytochrome protein, such as Cyc2 of Acidothiobacillus ferrioxydans, or a multiprotein porin-cytochrome complex like MtrCAB of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1. For mineral respiring organisms there is the additional challenge of transferring the electrons from the cell to mineral surface. For the strict anaerobe Geobacter sulfurreducens this requires electron transfer through conductive pili to associated cytochrome OmcS that directly reduces Fe(III)oxides, while the facultative anaerobe S. oneidensis MR-1 accomplishes mineral reduction through direct membrane contact, contact through filamentous extentions and soluble flavin shuttles, all of which require the outer membrane cytochromes MtrC and OmcA in addition to secreted flavin

    Corrosion studies of different ferrous alloys for rolling cylinders

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    peer reviewedThe aim of this work is to study the corrosion behaviour in chloride media of a high chromium iron alloy. The influence of the surface finishing as well as the heat treatment was analysed. The technique employed for measuring the corrosion behaviour was the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, an electrochemical technique that allows the observation not only of the corrosion rates but also the changes on the corrosion mechanism of the alloy. The results showed that it is worth performing a double tempering and a having smoother surface finishing only for long exposure periods. A comparison between different oxidising conditions was also performed simulating the life in service of the hot rolling cylinders and revealed an increase in the protective properties as the oxidising time increased due to the chromium present on the alloy (18%). (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Validación con datos in-situ de alturas de ola obtenidas mediante radar altimétrico

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    Los rádares altimétricos a bordo de satélites artificiales, han sido diseñados para dar información precisa de la altura del nivel del mar, la altura de ola significante y la velocidad del viento sobre la superficie del mar. En los estudios, tanto anteriores como actuales, se observan problemas en las regiones costeras, donde las medidas del altímetro tienen menor precisión y una mayor dificultad a la hora de interpretar estos datos. Estos inconvenientes son debidos a dos factores principales. En primer lugar, la contaminación de la señal radar debido a la cercanía de la costa. En segundo lugar, inexactitudes en las correcciones de marea y troposférica húmeda. A estos problemas se añade la complejidad de la zona de estudio, al ser una región con una amplia gama de procesos hidrodinámicos con diversas escalas espacio-temporales. Tener acceso a información exacta en la costa, con las condiciones que conlleva, tiene una gran importancia debido al enorme interés económico-estratégico de la zona litoral. Este interés hace que surjan nuevas estrategias para generar productos altimétricos optimizados para tales condiciones. Las medidas de la altura de ola significante y su variabilidad en las áreas costeras son usadas para muchos propósitos (por ejemplo, análisis del transporte de sedimento, setup de la ola y tormentas de marea), y para la validación/calibración de modelos (pronóstico de oleaje, circulación oceánica). Estas aplicaciones sirven para un amplio rango de propósitos sociales relevantes, tales como el diseño de estructuras de ingeniería en alta mar, la protección de las zonas costeras, rutas para los buques y la planificación de las operaciones en el océano. Muchos estudios se han dedicado a la validación de los datos de la altura de ola significante dados por el radar altimétrico a bordo de satélites artificiales, utilizando observaciones in-situ. El objetivo de esta ponencia es exponer una metodología para validar los datos de altura de oleaje proporcionados por el radar altimétrico RA-2 a bordo del satélite ENVISAT, a partir de datos in-situ medidos por una boya, y su aplicación a un caso particular

    Stairs detection with odometry-aided traversal from a wearable RGB-D camera

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    Stairs are one of the most common structures present in human-made scenarios, but also one of the most dangerous for those with vision problems. In this work we propose a complete method to detect, locate and parametrise stairs with a wearable RGB-D camera. Our algorithm uses the depth data to determine if the horizontal planes in the scene are valid steps of a staircase judging their dimensions and relative positions. As a result we obtain a scaled model of the staircase with the spatial location and orientation with respect to the subject. The visual odometry is also estimated to continuously recover the current position and orientation of the user while moving. This enhances the system giving the ability to come back to previously detected features and providing location awareness of the user during the climb. Simultaneously, the detection of the staircase during the traversal is used to correct the drift of the visual odometry. A comparison of results of the stair detection with other state-of-the-art algorithms was performed using public dataset. Additional experiments have also been carried out, recording our own natural scenes with a chest-mounted RGB-D camera in indoor scenarios. The algorithm is robust enough to work in real-time and even under partial occlusions of the stair

    Microsolvation of heavy halides

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    The fundamental question of how intermolecular interactions lead to the stabilization of heavy halides (Br−, I−, At−) microsolvated with up to six explicit water molecules is addressed here. An exhaustive exploration of the potential energy surfaces using a random search algorithm followed by optimization of molecular geometries using pseudopotentials and at the full four component relativistic levels of theory, affords a good number of structures with high probabilities of occurrence, highlighting the important role of local minima to reproduce experimentally measured properties. Sequential hydration enthalpies for astatide are reported here for the first time in the scientific literature. Closed shell (ionic, long range) as well as intermediate character interactions (contributions from closed shell and covalent) are at play stabilizing the clusters. The ability of water molecules to either donate or to accept electron density dictates the nature and strength of the corresponding hydrogen bonds in solvation shells. Binding energies and molecular geometries are shown to be more sensitive to electron correlation than to relativistic effects

    Regulatory polymorphisms in extracellular matrix protease genes and susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis: a case-control study

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    Many extracellular matrix (ECM) proteases seem to be important in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and regulation of their transcription levels is a critical mechanism for controlling their activity. We have investigated, therefore, whether the best-characterized single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) affecting transcription of the ECM proteases that have been related with joint pathology are associated with RA susceptibility. Nine SNPs in eight genes were selected by bibliographic search, including SNPs in the genes encoding matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)1, MMP2, MMP3, MMP7, MMP9, MMP13, plasminogen activator, tissue type (PLAT) and PAI-1. They were studied in a case-control setting that included 550 RA patients and 652 controls of Spanish ancestry from a single center. Genotyping was performed by single-base extension. Only two of the nine SNPs showed significant association with RA susceptibility. RA patients showed increased frequencies of the -7351 T allele of the gene encoding PLAT (36.4% versus 32.1% in controls, p = 0.026) and the -1306 T allele of the gene encoding MMP2 (24.5% versus 20.3% in controls, p = 0.013). These two alleles seemed to cooperate according to an additive model with respect to increased RA susceptibility (p = 0.004), and they were the low-expression alleles of the respective SNPs in a PLAT enhancer and the MMP2 promoter. These findings are in agreement with previous data suggesting that these two ECM proteases have a protective role in RA pathology. Confirmation of these associations will be needed to support these hypotheses. The remaining SNPs did not show association, either individually or collectively. Therefore, although regulatory SNPs in ECM proteases did not show any major effect on RA susceptibility, it was possible to find modest associations that, if replicated, will have interesting implications in the understanding of RA pathology
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