875 research outputs found

    Impacto de las etiquetas em La interpretación de La escala de Likert

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    En este trabajo se comparan las distribuciones de las respuestas dadas a un cuestionario formulado en dos versiones, una con etiquetas representando el grado de acuerdo, frente a otra con etiquetas expresando la frecuencia de realización de una acción. Se examina la relación entre la percepción de cada etiqueta lingüística y las etiquetas frecuentistas mediante números borrosos. Se analiza la equivalencia entre ambos métodos, estudiando en detalle la equidistancia en la percepción de las etiquetas extremas. Se evalúan además las diferencias en función de la importancia del tema sobre el que se interroga

    Self-organizing Map and Cellular Automata Combined Technique for Advanced Mesh Generation in Urban and Architectural Design

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    This paper presents a technique for building complex and adaptive meshes for urban and architectural design. The combination of a self-organizing map and cellular automata algorithms stands as a method for generating meshes otherwise static. This intends to be an auxiliary tool for the architect or the urban planner, improving control over large amounts of spatial information. The traditional grid employed as design aid is improved to become more general and flexible

    An innovative cooperative model for the Master Degree Project of Architecture. Overcoming the traditional system.

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.6713Although the Bologna’s process has highlighted the need to develop deep and structural changes in the educational institutions, there is a scarce bibliography on innovation projects in Master Degree Projects, specifically in the field of Architecture. This paper is part of a educational innovative reaserch project that is proposing a cooperative process-and-product model-based for MDP. The model is developed in three stages, from collaborative learning action groups to indivual project. At the end of the process the student has developed three documents: a presentation, a product and a daily-portfolio. Finally, MDP assessment is the sum of three evaluationsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    How new technologies can promote an active and healthy city. Digital platform to identify areas of informal sport practise in the city of Malaga

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    La investigación realizada se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de la Cátedra Tecnologías Emergentes para la Ciudadanía, Red de Cátedras Estratégicas del Vicerrectorado de Proyectos Estratégicos, Universidad de Málaga, y el Polo Digital, Ayuntamiento de Málaga.In recent years the urban public space has become the largest casual sports infrastructure in cities and suburbs. WHO establishes a direct relationship between the Active Healthy City, social cohesion of communities and public space. This approach provides a framework for research and work on the design of the city and urban space as support for this sport practice. Moreover, new technologies provide an opportunity to promote the sport in the city. “Malaga Activa” digital platform project is an initiative that wants to promote the informal sport practice on the urban public space (outside the regulated sports facilities) and healthy living in the neighborhoods of the city of Malaga. This paper presents the results of the first phase of the project identifying the active sport areas -those in which physical and casual sport activities take place-. It also includes a methodology and a performance test of the created digital platform, as well as an assessment of the experience and possible improvements to be incorporated in the successive phases of the project.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech


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    The report compares the European gas infrastructure between 2009 and 2014 to demonstrate how Reg. (EC) 994/2010 has promoted and reinforced security of gas supply. Infrastructure improvements and results of a country-based simulation model analysing a Ukrainian and a Russian shortage of gas are presented.JRC.F.3-Energy Security, Systems and Marke

    A near zero consumption building as an urban acupuncture for a vertical slum. A case study in the city of Malaga, Spain

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    Vertical slum is defined as a particularly vulnerable height building, with serious problems of functionality, safety and habitability. Venezuela’s Tower of David is a famous example. Vertical slums are associated with an important level of physical degradation, coupled with a precarious socioeconomic situation of its occupants. Their inability to create a community for proper and mandatory maintenance increases their physical deterioration. The abandonment of the original owners is replaced by a system of occupation and illegal activities. In many cases, with an interest in maintaining the building in a state of precariousness, which annuls any attempt to rehabilitate it Facing this situation, the intervention is proposed through an urban acupuncture project, understood as a project of expropriation and physical rehabilitation of the building, associated to a project of social rehabilitation in a disadvantaged environment. It is about creating a hybrid building associated with four objectives 1- Create a hybrid building with a mixed offer of social and housing services: sheltered housing for seniors, residence and accommodation for young entrepreneurs. The idea of a social condenser is related to studies of the hybrid building such as the Downtown Athletic Club in New York, or the Rokade Tower and Maartenshof residence (Groningen, The Netherlands). 2- Incorporate the sustainability parameters directed to a building almost zero. 3- Incorporate a model of provision of housing services, managed by the municipality, but with the possibility of incorporating NGOs 4- Design a social rehabilitation project that facilitates the creation of a web of social-based companies or cooperatives that fosters entrepreneurship, and that can actively participate in the rehabilitation and maintenance of the neighborhood itself. This paper applies these principles to a building in Malaga as a case study and 10 strategies are developed and analysed in regards to its physical, social and sustainable transformation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Solving complex problems with a bioinspired model

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    Membrane systems are parallel and bioinspired systems which simulate membranes behavior when processing information. As a part of unconventional computing, P-systems are proven to be effective in solvingcomplexproblems. A software technique is presented here that obtain good results when dealing with such problems. The rules application phase is studied and updated accordingly to obtain the desired results. Certain rules are candidate to be eliminated which can make the model improving in terms of time

    Relación entre la regulación emocional y la autoestima

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    Introducción: Autoestima y regulación emocional son constructos psicológicos relacionadoscon la salud mental. El presente estudio pretende explorar la relación existenteentre estos dos constructos. Objetivo: Analizar la relación entre la autoestima ydistintas dimensiones de la regulación emocional y conocer cuáles tienen más relacióncon la autoestima. Método: Cien personas, entre 20 y 30 años, de la población generalparticiparon en el estudio (51 mujeres y 49 hombres). Fueron evaluadas a travésdel Cuestionario de Autoestima de Rosenberg (Rosenberg, 1965) y la Escala de Dificultadesen la Regulación Emocional (DERS, Gratz y Roemer, 2004). Resultados: Losresultados muestran una correlación significativa entre la autoestima y las subescalasdel DERS: Atención, Claridad, Aceptación, Funcionamiento y Regulación. El análisisde regresión reveló que las dimensiones más relacionadas con la autoestima fueron laAceptación y la Atención. Conclusión: Es esperable encontrar una relación entre lacapacidad de regular las emociones y un constructo que supone una valoración positivade uno mismo, la autoestima. En concreto, la capacidad de prestar atención a lasemociones y aceptarlas podrían ser aspectos fundamentales en la construcción de unautoconcepto y una valoración de sí mismo positivos. En investigaciones futuras sepropone estudiar en profundidad estas relaciones con el fin de poder realizar recomendacionessobre qué aspectos de la regulación emocional trabajar con el fin de potenciarautoestima y bienestar.Introduction: Self-esteem and emotional regulation are psychological constructs relateto mental health. The current research pretends to explore the relation betweenthese two constructs. Objective: Analyze the relation between self-esteem and differentsdimensions of emotional regulation, and knowing which have more relation withthe self-esteem. Method: one hundred people from the general population participatedin this study (51 women and 49 men), with ages between 20-30 years were evaluatedthrough the Rosenberg self-esteem questionnaire (Rosenberg, 1965) and Scale of difficulty in emotional regulation (DERS, Gratz & Roemer, 2004). Results: The resultsshow a significant correlation between self-esteem and the subscales of the DERS: attention,clarity, acceptance, operation and regulation. Regression analysis revealedthat most related to self-esteem dimensions were acceptance and attention. Conclusion:It is expected to find a relationship between the ability to regulate emotions anda construct that implies a positive evaluation of one’s own, the self-esteem. In particular,the ability to pay attention to emotions and accept could be key aspects in constructinga positive self-concept and self-assessment. In future research it is proposedto study in depth these relationships in order to be able to make recommendationsabout which aspects work in emotional regulation in order to enhance self-esteem andwell-being

    Towards Ad Hoc Recovery for Soft Errors

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    The coming exascale era is a great opportunity for high performance computing (HPC) applications. However, high failure rates on these systems will hazard the successful completion of their execution. Bit-flip errors in dynamic random access memory (DRAM) account for a noticeable share of the failures in supercomputers. Hardware mechanisms, such as error correcting code (ECC), can detect and correct single-bit errors and can detect some multi-bit errors while others can go undiscovered. Unfortunately, detected multi-bit errors will most of the time force the termination of the application and lead to a global restart. Thus, other strategies at the software level are needed to tolerate these type of faults more efficiently and to avoid a global restart. In this work, we extend the FTI checkpointing library to facilitate the implementation of custom recovery strategies for MPI applications, minimizing the overhead introduced when coping with soft errors. The new functionalities are evaluated by implementing local forward recovery on three HPC benchmarks with different reliability requirements. Our results demonstrate a reduction on the recovery times by up to 14%.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 708566 (DURO). This research is also supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and FEDER funds of the EU (Projects TIN2016-75845-P and the predoctoral grant of Nuria Losada ref. BES-2014-068066), and by the Galician Government (Xunta de Galicia) under the Consolidation Program of Competitive Research (ref. ED431C 2017/04).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Networks of Evolutionary Processors (NEP) as Decision Support Systems

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    This paper presents the application of Networks of Evolutionary Processors to Decision Support Systems, precisely Knowledge-Driven DSS. Symbolic information and rule-based behavior in Networks of Evolutionary Processors turn out to be a great tool to obtain decisions based on objects present in the network. The non-deterministic and massive parallel way of operation results in NP-problem solving in linear time. A working NEP example is shown