2,356 research outputs found

    Scattering Equations and a new Factorization for Amplitudes I: Gauge Theories

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    In this work we show how a double-cover (DC) extension of the Cachazo, He and Yuan formalism (CHY) can be used to provide a new realization for the factorization of the amplitudes involving gluons and scalar fields. First, we propose a graphic representation for a color-ordered Yang-Mills (YM) and special Yang-Mills-Scalar (YMS) amplitudes within the scattering equation formalism. Using the DC prescription, we are able to obtain an algorithm (integration-rules) which decomposes amplitudes in terms of three-point building-blocks. It is important to remark that the pole structure of this method is totally different to ordinary factorization (which is a consequence of the scattering equations). Finally, as a byproduct, we show that the soft limit in the CHY approach, at leading order, becomes trivial by using the technology described in this paper.Comment: 50+7 pages and typos fixed. Some modifications were made to improve the tex

    Computation of Contour Integrals on M0,n{\cal M}_{0,n}

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    Contour integrals of rational functions over M0,n{\cal M}_{0,n}, the moduli space of nn-punctured spheres, have recently appeared at the core of the tree-level S-matrix of massless particles in arbitrary dimensions. The contour is determined by the critical points of a certain Morse function on M0,n{\cal M}_{0,n}. The integrand is a general rational function of the puncture locations with poles of arbitrary order as two punctures coincide. In this note we provide an algorithm for the analytic computation of any such integral. The algorithm uses three ingredients: an operation we call general KLT, Petersen's theorem applied to the existence of a 2-factor in any 4-regular graph and Hamiltonian decompositions of certain 4-regular graphs. The procedure is iterative and reduces the computation of a general integral to that of simple building blocks. These are integrals which compute double-color-ordered partial amplitudes in a bi-adjoint cubic scalar theory.Comment: 36+11 p

    Scattering Equations and Factorization of Amplitudes II: Effective Field Theories

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    We continue the program of extending the scattering equation framework by Cachazo, He and Yuan to a double-cover prescription. We discuss how to apply the double-cover formalism to effective field theories, with a special focus on the non-linear sigma model. A defining characteristic of the double-cover formulation is the emergence of new factorization relations. We present several factorization relations, along with a novel recursion relation. Using the recursion relation and a new prescription for the integrand, any non-linear sigma model amplitude can be expressed in terms of off-shell three-point amplitudes. The resulting expression is purely algebraic, and we do not have to solve any scattering equation. We also discuss soft limits, boundary terms in BCFW recursion, and application of the double-cover prescription to other effective field theories, like the special Galileon theory.Comment: 39+14 page

    N-Point Tree-Level Scattering Amplitude in the New Berkovits' String

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    We give a proof by direct computation that at tree level, the twistor-like superstring theory in the pure spinor formalism proposed very recently by Berkovits describes ten-dimensional N=1 super Yang-Mills in its heterotic version, and type II supergravity in its type II version. The Yang-Mills case agrees with the result obtained by Mafra, Schlotterer, Stieberger and Tsimpis. When restricting to gluon and graviton scattering, this new theory gives rise to Cachazo-He-Yuan formula.Comment: two footnotes added; version submitted to JHE

    The closed-string 3-loop amplitude and S-duality

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    The low-energy limit of the four-point 3-loop amplitude (including its overall coefficient) is computed in both type IIA and IIB superstring theories using the pure spinor formalism. The result is shown to agree with the prediction of the coefficient for the type IIB D6R4D^6 R^4 interaction made by Green and Vanhove based on S-duality considerations.Comment: 26 pages, harvmac. v3: factor of 3 in section 3.3 corrected, updated abstract and dropped Z_3-symmetry argumen

    One-loop Parke-Taylor factors for quadratic propagators from massless scattering equations

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    In this paper we reconsider the Cachazo-He-Yuan construction (CHY) of the so called scattering amplitudes at one-loop, in order to obtain quadratic propagators. In theories with colour ordering the key ingredient is the redefinition of the Parke-Taylor factors. After classifying all the possible one-loop CHY-integrands we conjecture a new one-loop amplitude for the massless Bi-adjoint Φ3\Phi^3 theory. The prescription directly reproduces the quadratic propagators from of the traditional Feynman approach.Comment: 43 pages, new appendix added, few typos corrected. Accepted for publication in JHE

    Non-planar one-loop Parke-Taylor factors in the CHY approach for quadratic propagators

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    In this work we have studied the Kleiss-Kuijf relations for the recently introduced Parke-Taylor factors at one-loop in the CHY approach, that reproduce quadratic Feynman propagators. By doing this, we were able to identify the non-planar one-loop Parke-Taylor factors. In order to check that, in fact, these new factors can describe non-planar amplitudes, we applied them to the bi-adjoint Φ3\Phi^3 theory. As a byproduct, we found a new type of graphs that we called the non-planar CHY-graphs. These graphs encode all the information for the subleading order at one-loop, and there is not an equivalent of these in the Feynman formalism.Comment: 35 pages, typos corrected, references adde