1,308 research outputs found

    On Symmetry Enhancement in the psu(1,1|2) Sector of N=4 SYM

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    Strong evidence indicates that the spectrum of planar anomalous dimensions of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory is given asymptotically by Bethe equations. A curious observation is that the Bethe equations for the psu(1,1|2) subsector lead to very large degeneracies of 2^M multiplets, which apparently do not follow from conventional integrable structures. In this article, we explain such degeneracies by constructing suitable conserved nonlocal generators acting on the spin chain. We propose that they generate a subalgebra of the loop algebra for the su(2) automorphism of psu(1,1|2). Then the degenerate multiplets of size 2^M transform in irreducible tensor products of M two-dimensional evaluation representations of the loop algebra.Comment: 35 pages, v2: references added, sign inconsistency resolved in (5.5,5.6), v3: Section 3.4 on Hamiltonian added, minor improvements, to appear in JHE

    Structure constants for the osp(1|2) current algebra

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    We study the free field realization of the two-dimensional osp(1|2) current algebra. We consider the case in which the level of the affine osp(1|2) symmetry is a positive integer. Using the Coulomb gas technique we obtain integral representations for the conformal blocks of the model. In particular, from the behaviour of the four-point function, we extract the structure constants for the product of two arbitrary primary operators of the theory. From this result we derive the fusion rules of the osp(1|2) conformal field theory and we explore the connections between the osp(1|2) affine symmetry and the N=1 superconformal field theories.Comment: 64 pages, phyzzx, no figure

    Three-Point Functions in N=4 SYM Theory at One-Loop

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    We analyze the one-loop correction to the three-point function coefficient of scalar primary operators in N=4 SYM theory. By applying constraints from the superconformal symmetry, we demonstrate that the type of Feynman diagrams that contribute depends on the choice of renormalization scheme. In the planar limit, explicit expressions for the correction are interpreted in terms of the hamiltonians of the associated integrable closed and open spin chains. This suggests that at least at one-loop, the planar conformal field theory is integrable with the anomalous dimensions and OPE coefficients both obtainable from integrable spin chain calculations. We also connect the planar results with similar structures found in closed string field theory.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures, harvmac; references adde

    A Note on Domain Walls and the Parameter Space of N=1 Gauge Theories

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    We study the spectrum of BPS domain walls within the parameter space of N=1 U(N) gauge theories with adjoint matter and a cubic superpotential. Using a low energy description obtained by compactifying the theory on R^3 x S^1, we examine the wall spectrum by combining direct calculations at special points in the parameter space with insight drawn from the leading order potential between minimal walls, i.e those interpolating between adjacent vacua. We show that the multiplicity of composite BPS walls -- as characterised by the CFIV index -- exhibits discontinuities on marginal stability curves within the parameter space of the maximally confining branch. The structure of these marginal stability curves for large N appears tied to certain singularities within the matrix model description of the confining vacua.Comment: 33 pages, LaTeX, 6 eps figures; v2: references adde

    Quantum Loops in the Resonance Chiral Theory: The Vector Form Factor

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    We present a calculation of the Vector Form Factor at the next-to-leading order in the 1/N_C expansion, within the framework of Resonance Chiral Theory. The calculation is performed in the chiral limit, and with two dynamical quark flavours. The ultraviolet behaviour of quantum loops involving virtual resonance propagators is analyzed, together with the kind of counterterms needed in the renormalization procedure. Using the lowest-order equations of motion, we show that only a few combinations of local couplings appear in the final result. The low-energy limit of our calculation reproduces the standard Chiral Perturbation Theory formula, allowing us to determine the resonance contribution to the chiral low-energy couplings, at the next-to-leading order in 1/N_C, keeping a full control of their renormalization scale dependence.Comment: 27+1 pages, 9 figure

    Semi-empirical catalog of early-type galaxy-halo systems: dark matter density profiles, halo contraction and dark matter annihilation strength

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    With SDSS galaxy data and halo data from up-to-date N-body simulations we construct a semi-empirical catalog (SEC) of early-type systems by making a self-consistent bivariate statistical match of stellar mass (M_star) and velocity dispersion (sigma) with halo virial mass (M_vir). We then assign stellar mass profile and velocity dispersion profile parameters to each system in the SEC using their observed correlations with M_star and sigma. Simultaneously, we solve for dark matter density profile of each halo using the spherical Jeans equation. The resulting dark matter density profiles deviate in general from the dissipationless profile of NFW or Einasto and their mean inner density slope and concentration vary systematically with M_vir. Statistical tests of the distribution of profiles at fixed M_vir rule out the null hypothesis that it follows the distribution predicted by N-body simulations for M_vir ~< 10^{13.5-14.5} M_solar. These dark matter profiles imply that dark matter density is, on average, enhanced significantly in the inner region of halos with M_vir ~< 10^{13.5-14.5} M_solar supporting halo contraction. The main characteristics of halo contraction are: (1) the mean dark matter density within the effective radius has increased by a factor varying systematically up to ~ 3-4 at M_vir = 10^{12} M_solar, and (2) the inner density slope has a mean of ~ 1.3 with rho(r) ~ r^{-alpha} and a halo-to-halo rms scatter of rms(alpha) ~ 0.4-0.5 for 10^{12} M_solar ~< M_vir ~< 10^{13-14} M_solar steeper than the NFW profile (alpha=1). Based on our results we predict that halos of nearby elliptical and lenticular galaxies can, in principle, be promising targets for gamma-ray emission from dark matter annihilation.Comment: 43 pages, 20 figures, JCAP, revised and accepted versio

    Integrable Open Spin Chains in Defect Conformal Field Theory

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    We demonstrate that the one-loop dilatation generator for the scalar sector of a certain perturbation of N=4 Super Yang-Mills with fundamentals is the Hamiltonian of an integrable spin chain with open boundary conditions. The theory is a supersymmetric defect conformal field theory (dCFT) with the fundamentals in hypermultiplets confined to a codimension one defect. We obtain a K-matrix satisfying a suitably generalized form of the boundary Yang-Baxter equation, study the Bethe ansatz equations and demonstrate how Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions arise in field theory, and match to existing results in the plane wave limit.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX. v2: references added, typos correcte

    Specific heat of quasi-2D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg models with varying inter-planar couplings

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    We have used the stochastic series expansion (SSE) quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) method to study the three-dimensional (3D) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on cubic lattices with in-plane coupling J and varying inter-plane coupling J_perp < J. The specific heat curves exhibit a 3D ordering peak as well as a broad maximum arising from short-range 2D order. For J_perp << J, there is a clear separation of the two peaks. In the simulations, the contributions to the total specific heat from the ordering across and within the layers can be separated, and this enables us to study in detail the 3D peak around T_c (which otherwise typically is dominated by statistical noise). We find that the peak height decreases with decreasing J_perp, becoming nearly linear below J_perp = 0.2J. The relevance of these results to the lack of observed specific heat anomaly at the ordering transition of some quasi-2D antiferromagnets is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure
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