79 research outputs found

    Learning environments and pedagogical model of an engineering design degree program

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    This paper presents the theoretical background that supports the use of project-based learning (PBL) in engineering education and relates it to the pedagogical framework implemented in the new first cycle degree program Technology and Product Design offered by the University of Aveiro. The program structure is described focusing on the learning environments used in each course of this interdisciplinary program. The purpose of this paper is to characterize this new curriculum in order to contribute to the discussion about engineering education pedagogy with a complete program implementation experiment. Issues like courses architecture and scope, assessment, student/teacher ratios and group sizes are addressed. Furthermore, students’ perceptions of the learning environments is investigated and compared with their learning results. Ultimately the implications of a student-centred learning curriculum design, based on a PBL strategy, are discussed

    Anxiety, stress and depression related to sleep wake disorders and alcohol consumption

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    A transição normativa do ensino secundário para o superior apresenta vários desa os, nomeadamente a saída da casa familiar, o aumento de independência, alterações nos grupos sociais e um acesso aumentado a álcool e drogas. Alguns dos estudantes com estratégias de coping menos adaptativas para lidar com estas alterações, em muitos casos stressantes, podem estar em risco de desenvolver uma má qualidade de sono e comportamentos de risco no que diz respeito ao consumo de álcool. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a ansiedade, stress e depressão relacionadas com distúrbios de sono e consumo de álcool em alunos do ensino supe- rior, bem como a relação entre a qualidade de sono, stress, ansiedade, depressão e consumo de álcool e as caraterísticas sociodemográ cas selecionadas. METODOLOGIA: Estudo, descritivo-correlacional e transversal. Amostra não probabilística e por conveniência de 158 alunos do ensino superior. Os instrumentos de avaliação foram o Alcohol Use Disorders Identi cation Test-AUDIT, o Índice de Qualidade de Sono de Pitts- burgh-IQPS e a Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress-EADS-21. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos estudantes (53.8%) demonstra uma má qualidade de sono apresentando níveis de stress, ansiedade e de- pressão superiores aos restantes. Uma maioria de estudantes (86.1%) tem um nível de consumo de álcool normal. Existe uma relação entre a qualidade de sono e o nível de consumo de álcool. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do estudo con rmam a necessidade da consulta de higiene do sono na Unidade de Psicologia Clínica do Insti- tuto Politécnico de Bragança, de forma a ir ao encontro das queixas evidenciadas nas perturbações no padrão do sono-vigília dos estudantes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mental health and sleep-vigil disturbances in high school students: sleep hygiene consultation

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    Sleep disturbance has consequences on cognitive level as well as on the metabolic balance of youth. The improvement of literacy levels on sleep habits and rest promotes their suitability. This study aimed to evaluate the mental health levels (anxiety, depression and stress) and sleep quality of higher education students through a descriptive and correlational study, quantitative and transversal in nature, on a non-probabilistic and by convenience sample of 510 higher education students. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale were used. Among the results we underline a poor quality of sleep in most of the sample as well as a statistically significant correlation between sleep quality and mental health in the analysed aspects, noting also the statistically significant poorer quality of sleep among female students and higher levels of depression and anxiety among male students. We conclude that the Sleep Hygiene Consultations performed by the clinical office of the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, are appropriate and timely to improve the literacy levels about sleep and rest habits, and to promote its fitness in the course of academic activities, contributing to a healthy development with less risk of anxiety, depression, stress and other risk behaviours.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Health and Sickness Absence in Denmark: A Study of Elderly-Care Immigrant Workers

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    The objective of this study is to investigate patterns of sickness absence in light of health status among immigrants. Cross-sectional data from 2005 was used and the study population consisted of 3,121 healthcare assistants and healthcare helpers working in the elderly-care sector in Denmark. A multinomial logistic regression was employed to investigate the relationship between health indicator, sickness absence and being an immigrant. Our findings show that, on one hand, immigrants have worse health status, but on the other, they have significantly lower sickness absence than their Danish counterparts, even after factors such as age and gender are controlled for. The results show that the relationship between being an immigrant and sickness absence differs according to health status. Our findings are in line with Steer and Rhode’s theoretical framework, according to which attendance to work is a function of ability and motivation to be at work

    Incidência e prevalência da disfunção erétil e ejaculatória em estudantes de medicina nas cidades de Goiania e Anápolis

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    RESUMO: A disfunção sexual é um distúrbio que tem por característica se pronunciar com o avançar da idade e dos fatores sociais e pessoais que envolve o indivíduo. Dentre as principais disfunções sexuais encontra-se a disfunção erétil e a ejaculação precoce como as mais prevalentes, sendo estas determinadas por vários fatores predisponentes de tais patologias, como fatores orgânicos e psicológicos. Nesse sentido, espera-se quemesmo os estudantes de medicina, que normalmente representam uma população jovem e saudável, devido a fatores como o estresse físico, emocional e mental, proporcionadas por sua rotina, podem acabar tendo sua sexualidade afetada, tornando-se possíveis vítimas da disfunção sexual. Esses transtornos sexuais podem então somatizar negativamente na vida de um estudante universitário de medicina, prejudicando suaqualidade de vida e até ser um fator predisponente para doenças psicossociais. Dessa forma, o presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar a incidência e a prevalência da disfunção erétil e ejaculatória em estudantes de medicina de escolas médicas da cidade de Goiânia e de Anápolis, relacionando fatores predisponentes e de rotina dessa população. Trata-se de um estudo primário, observacional, de prevalência, transversal, descritivo e quantitativo. Como instrumento de coleta de dados serão aplicados questionários aos participantes com base em dados da Associação Americana de Urologia (AUA), os quais serão realizados em escolas de medicina das cidades de Goiânia e Anápolis. Espera-se encontrar uma estimativa sobre a incidência e a prevalência de disfunção erétil e ejaculatória masculina nos acadêmicos de medicina. Acredita-se que esses estudantes não tenham o conhecimento adequado sobre os fatores predisponentes e consequências da disfunção sexual e como isso pode refletir na sua vida acadêmica

    Effects of excluding grazing on the vegetation and soils of degraded sparse-elm grassland in the Horqin Sandy Land, China

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    Livestock grazing is a crucial cause of vegetation degradation and desertification in sandy lands. The sparse-elm grassland of Horqin Sandy Land, China has suffered severe degradation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Management to exclude grazing is often necessary for ecological restoration, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. We report effects on vegetation and soils in a 10-year experiment to exclude livestock, completely or seasonally, in comparison with a continuously grazed area in Horqin. Complete exclusion of grazing and restriction of grazing to summer both led to significantly increased plant cover and density relative to the grazed control. Species richness increased, reflected in higher Shannon-Wiener indices; only complete exclusion increased the Simpson diversity index, whereas Pielou evenness was significantly lowest under seasonal grazing. Exclosure treatments were also associated with improved soil texture, and increased water retention, available nitrogen, total nitrogen, total carbon and total phosphorus. Soil pH and C/N ratio were highest under the seasonal grazing regime. The results indicated that exclosure management indeed improved biodiversity and ecosystem services in an erosion-prone region. Although total exclosure was most effective in restoration of degraded sparse-elm grassland, seasonal grazing management was highly beneficial and represented a good compromise with resource utilization and economic development