1,185 research outputs found

    LemPORT: a High-Accuracy Cross-Platform Lemmatizer for Portuguese

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    Although lemmatization is a very common subtask in many natural language processing tasks, there is a lack of available true cross-platform lemmatization tools specifically targeted for Portuguese, namely for integration in projects developed in Java. To address this issue, we have developed a lemmatizer, initially just for our own use, but which we have decided to make publicly available. The lemmatizer, presented in this document, yields an overall accuracy over 98% when compared against a manually revised corpus

    A multi-criteria model to define intervention priority levels for traffic signs

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    Traffic signs are only effective when they are visible and perceptible. Improving traffic safety cannot be achieved without properly applying and maintaining traffic signs. An integrated approach combining GIS-based multi-criteria analysis with risk assessment is proposed to evaluate the physical and operational characteristics of traffic signs and to define a level of intervention reflecting the need/urgency to improve their performance and compliance. The multi-criteria analysis is based on the identification and weighting of physical and operational criteria. One of the criteria, sign visibility, was evaluated through GIS tools. The method was applied in Guimarães, a Portuguese medium-sized city, by analysing the characteristics of 35 regulatory traffic signs. Results show that 51% of the signs analysed have physical and operational problems (level of intervention 2), requiring actions to improve their condition. Besides the compact urban structure, with narrow and non-linear streets, the trees planted on the pavements were identified as the main cause of obstruction. Since the obstructed signs are hardly visible within the braking and stopping distances, road users are exposed to significant accident risk. Removing and maintaining regularly the vegetation and replacing some signs are important actions to improve their physical and operational characteristics. The proposed method can help transportation entities in improving traffic safety

    Buckling length of a steel column for fire design

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    The Eurocode 3 part 1-2 gives some simple rules to determine the buckling length lfi of a steel column for fire design. In the case of a braced frame in which each storey comprises a separate fire compartment with sufficient fire resistance, Eurocode 3 suggests that the buckling length may be taken as lfi=0.5L in an intermediate storey and as lfi=0.7L in the top storey, where L is the system length in the relevant storey.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V2Y-4MYMP09-1/1/a7f3181ad12d91b9f77b14c13ecb449

    Mobility helps problem-solving systems to avoid Groupthink

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    Groupthink occurs when everyone in a group starts thinking alike, as when people put unlimited faith in a leader. Avoiding this phenomenon is a ubiquitous challenge to problem-solving enterprises and typical countermeasures involve the mobility of group members. Here we use an agent-based model of imitative learning to study the influence of the mobility of the agents on the time they require to find the global maxima of NK-fitness landscapes. The agents cooperate by exchanging information on their fitness and use this information to copy the fittest agent in their influence neighborhoods, which are determined by face-to-face interaction networks. The influence neighborhoods are variable since the agents perform random walks in a two-dimensional space. We find that mobility is slightly harmful for solving easy problems, i.e. problems that do not exhibit suboptimal solutions or local maxima. For difficult problems, however, mobility can prevent the imitative search being trapped in suboptimal solutions and guarantees a better performance than the independent search for any system size


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    This paper proposes a reflection exercise about teacher education and their actions, and analyzes the importance between what is said and what is done in basic education. In this sense, this reflection discusses the knowledge that is necessary for an educator during their professional practice considering critical and reflexive work as a necessary demand in a new social arrangement that asks for changes.O presente trabalho propõe um exercício de reflexão sobre a formação docente e suas ações, analisando a pertinência entre o que se fala e o que se faz na escola de educação básica. Neste sentido, esta reflexão problematiza os conhecimentos necessários ao educador ao longo de seu exercício profissional sob o crivo crítico e reflexivo como uma reivindicação necessário de um novo arranjo social que demanda mudanças

    Entre diretrizes, metas e resultados: monitoramento e avaliação da educação em Sorocaba

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    Este artigo teve como objetivo principal analisar a percepção da Comissão Coordenadora do Monitoramento e Avaliação quanto a agenda de trabalho estabelecida, o fluxo de monitoramento e o fluxo de avaliação e encaminhamento para correção de fluxos, conforme metas delineadas em seus Planos Municipais de Educação, em especial para este estudo, destaca-se o município de Sorocaba/SP. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, de natureza qualitativa, tendo a análise documental como técnica inicial, que buscou compreender a totalidade e as contradições das relações sociais presentes no contexto de monitoramento e avaliação do PME durante sua vigência (2014-2024), com ênfase no município de Sorocaba/SP. Os estudos apontaram para a necessidade de uma construção mais comprometida com a transparência, mais participativa e democrática do planejamento educacional, especificamente o PME, para que seu monitoramento e avaliação sejam estruturados de forma que a sociedade tenha acesso às informações

    Accuracy, precision and robustness of in vivo dry matter digestibility estimates by different markers in ovine

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    O objetivo foi avaliar a acurácia, precisão e robustez das estimativas da digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca obtidas utilizando-se como indicadores fibra em detergente ácido indigestível (FDAi), fibra em detergente neutro (FDNi) indigestível, lignina em detergente ácido (LDA), LDA indigestível (LDAi) e óxido crômico em comparação ao método de coleta total de fezes. Dezoito ovinos (56,5 ± 4,6 kg PV) foram designados aleatoriamente a dietas compostas de 25, 50 ou 75% de concentrado e feno de Coast cross por 25 dias. As fezes foram coletadas por cinco dias para determinação da digestibilidade aparente da MS. As amostras de alimentos e fezes foram incubadas no rúmen de três bovinos por 144 horas, para obtenção das frações indigestíveis. Óxido crômico foi administrado a 4,0 g/animal/dia. A acurácia foi avaliada pela comparação do viés médio (DAMS predito - DAMS observado) entre os indicadores; a precisão, por meio da raiz quadrada do erro de predição e do erro residual; e a robustez, pelo estudo da regressão entre o viés e o consumo de matéria seca, o nível de concentrado e o peso vivo. A recuperação fecal e a acurácia das estimativas da digestibilidade aparente da MS foram maiores para FDAi, seguida pela FDNi, LDAi, pelo óxido crômico e depois pela lignina em detergente ácido. O viés linear foi significativo apenas para FDAi, FDNi e LDAi. O uso de óxido crômico permitiu estimativas mais precisas da digestibilidade aparente da MS. Todos os indicadores foram robustos quanto à variação no consumo de matéria seca e apenas LDAi e óxido crômico foram robustos quanto aos níveis de concentrado na dieta. O óxido crômico não foi robusto quando houve variação no peso vivo animal. Assim, a FDAi é o indicador mais recomendado na estimativa da digestibilidade aparente da MS em ovinos quando o objetivo é comparar aos dados da literatura, enquanto o óxido crômico é mais recomendado quando o objetivo é comparar tratamentos dentro de um mesmo experimento.This study aimed at evaluating the accuracy, precision and robustness of in vivo dry matter apparent digestibility estimates (DMAD), using as markers indigestible acid detergent fiber, indigestible neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent lignin, indigestible acid detergent lignin and chromic oxide in comparison to the fecal total collection. Eighteen wethers (56.5 ± 4.6 kg BW) were randomly assigned to diets containing 25, 50 or 75% of concentrate and Coast cross hay for 25 days. Feces were collected during the five days to determine apparent digestibility of dry matter and samples of feed and feces were incubated for 144 hours in bovine rumen to obtain the indigestible fractions. Chromic oxide (4.0 g/animal) was offered daily. Accuracy was evaluated by comparing mean bias of estimates (predicted dry matter apparent digestibility - observed dry matter apparent digestibility) among markers. Precision was assessed by the root mean square prediction error and the residual error; robustness was studied by the regression between bias and dry matter intake, diet concentrate level and animal body weight. Fecal recovery and accuracy of dry matter apparent digestibility estimates were higher for indigestible acid detergent fiber, followed by indigestible neutral detergent fiber, indigestible acid detergent lignin and chromic oxide, and at last for acid detergent lignin. Linear bias was significant only for indigestible acid detergent fiber, indigestible neutral detergent fiber and indigestible acid detergent lignin. By using chromic oxide it was possible to estimate dry matter apparent digestibility more precisely. All markers were robust regarding to variation of dry matter intake while only indigestible acid detergent lignin and chromic oxide were robust regarding to concentrate levels in the diet. Chromic oxide was not robust when animal body weight varied. In this experimental condition, indigestible acid detergent fiber is the most recommended marker to estimate dry matter apparent digestibility in ovine when the objective is to compare the results with the ones found in literature. On the other hand, chromic oxide is the most recommended marker when the objective is to compare treatments within the same experiment

    Physical Fitness of the Older Adult Community Living in Leiria, Portugal

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    This study aimed to achieve two primary objectives. Firstly, to compare physical fitness levels based on sex, age groups, and body composition. Secondly, to examine physical fitness of the older adults against criterion-referenced fitness standard values using a representative sample from the district of Leiria in Portugal, a region undergoing exponential population growth, including a rise in the elderly population. Data from cross-sectional assessments of the Portuguese older adult community living in the Municipality of Leiria from 2014 to 2022 were collected. This study comprised a sample of 664 community-dwelling older adults (female = 480; male = 184) aged between 60 and 90 years (M = 70.34; SD = 12.67). Participants had a body mass ranging from 45 kg to 122 kg (M = 71.48; SD = 12.34) and a height ranging from 1.30 m to 1.89 m (M = 1.59; SD = 0.08). The Senior Fitness Test battery was used to evaluate parameters of physical fitness, body mass index was calculated, and abdominal circumference was measured. Females displayed a tendency to greater physical fitness compared to males, specifically in terms of lower and upper body flexibility compared to older male adults (p < 0.05). In addition, sexagenarian and older adults with normal weight tended to display greater physical fitness compared to septuagenarian and octogenarian, and overweight adults and those with obesity (p < 0.05), respectively. Information concerning physical fitness is crucial for guiding policymakers and other stakeholders in Leiria for the promotion of healthy aging among the older adult community. Furthermore, this study has established the preliminary reference standards for physical fitness, serving as a tool to promote healthy aging among Portuguese older adults residing in Leiria.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Magnetoliposomes based on NixCu1-xFe2O4 or NiFe2-yAlyO4 nanocrystals for applications in magnetic separation and classification

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    Ferrites are a broad class of compounds with general formula MFe2O4, where M stands for a divalent metallic cation. Among these, copper ferrite (CuFe2O4) presents a moderate saturation magnetization, while nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4) holds a large one. Mixed ferrites with composition NixCu1-xFe2O4 were then prepared by coprecipitation method, in order to control the saturation magnetization with the fraction of Ni. Another possibility is the partial substitution of iron atoms with aluminium, as NiAl2O4 nanocrystals show very low saturation magnetization. Thus, ferrites of NiFe2-yAlyO4 composition were also obtained. XRD spectra of the obtained nanoparticles show the spinel-type crystalline phase. Solid magnetoliposomes of the prepared mixed ferrites were obtained, and their bilayer structure was proven by the use lipophilic fluorescence probes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pesquisas em ensino de Filosofia: experiências no PROF-FILO

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    EDUFTO livro traz uma coletânea de artigos com os resultados de pesquisas realizadas no Mestrado Profissional em Filosofia na UFT e em outras universidades. Os textos, escritos em parceria entre estudantes do mestrado e seus orientadores, expõem as experiências de práticas filosóficas nas escolas, abarcando temas como violência, preconceito, suicídio, resistências e reação às notícias falsas. O objetivo é compartilhar tais experiências e apresentar as boas práticas no Ensino de Filosofia, que podem ser replicadas em outros contextos