93 research outputs found

    Cryopreservation of cell laden natural origin hydrogels for cartilage regeneration strategies

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    Statement of Purpose: An increase of scientific published literature and clinical experience supports the requirement of providing products like cultured cells and tissues to the market. One of the main prospects of cartilage tissue engineering is the possibility of developing custom-made regenerative medicine solutions on an individual patient basis. The efficient preservation and storage procedure will provide products available as needed which could be adapted to an autologous immediate solution. Thus, the aim of this study was to examine the effects of the cryopreservation on the chondrogenic differentiation characteristics of human mesenchymal stem cells isolated from adipose tissue (hASCs). Furthermore, we also propose to determine hASCs-hydrogel stability and confirm the potential of these bioengineered constructs to be applied in cartilage regeneration. The results obtained show that the hydrogels withstand the cryopreservation process maintaining their structural integrity, with good cell content after cryopreservation. Thus, cell encapsulation systems of natural based hydrogels may be an interesting approach for the long term preservation of cartilage tissue engineered products. Methods: The κ-carrageenan (κCR) hydrogels were produced using an ionotropic gelation method. Then, stem cells, namely human adipose derived stem cells (hASCs), were encapsulated in κCR discs (5 mm dia. x 3 mm height) at a density of 5x106 cell/cm3 and cultured for 21 days in standard basal (BM) or chondrogenic media (ChM). The cell hydrogels were cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for up to 30 days. The overall morphology of κCR discs with encapsulated hASCs was observed under light microscope. hASCs viability and proliferation rate was determined by double stand DNA quantification. Additionally, chondrogenic differentiation of hASCs encapsulated in the hydrogels is being characterized by histological staining for selective cartilage staining and real time PCR analysis (Sox9, aggrecan, and collagen: type I, type II and type X). DMA analysis allowed determining the mechanical properties of κ-carrageenan hydrogels, namely storage (elastic) and loss (viscous) while immersed in wet state at 24 °C and throughout a physiological relevant range of frequencies. The described characterization assays were performed both before (BC) and after cryopreservation/freezing (AC) time points. Results: The cell morphology, distribution and appearance of the hydrogels are clearly observed from the microscopic light images (Figure 1A). It is possible to observe the smooth and homogeneous surface, the well defined and stable shape before and after the freezing process. Encapsulated hASCs were able to maintain cellular content, despite an expected decrease observed upon cryopreservation (Figure 1B), which is associated to a recovery time after thawing. The microscopic images and biological evaluation of κCR hydrogel revealed that the cryopreservation process did not change the cellular morphology; the surface and integrity of the hydrogel disc and enables maintenance of hASCs after exposure to low temperatures environments. Figure 1. (A) Representative optical micrographs of hASCs encapsulated in κCR hydrogels and cultured in ChM and BM before and after cryopreservation and (B) cell proliferation results, based on the quantification of dsDNA content. Scale bar represent 100 μm. Conclusions: The results obtained so far indicated the feasibility of hASCs-κCR system in cartilage tissue engineering regeneration strategies due to its ability to support hASCs viability before and after cryopreservation. Ongoing studies on the assessment of chondrogenic features of these cryopreserved systems will provide information on the effect of cryopreservation indicative of a stable chondrocyte phenotype. In summary, this study provided information on the potential of ASCs-hydrogel constructs for a long term storage and ready to use bioengineered tissue substitutes for cartilage regeneration strategies. References: (Popa EG. Biomacromolecules 2011;12:3952-3961

    Development of new chitosan/carrageenan nanoparticles for drug delivery applications

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    The use of polymeric nanoparticles, especially those composed of natural polymers, has become a very interesting approach in drug delivery., mainly because of the advantages offered by their small dimensions. The aim of this work was to develop a novel formulation of nanoparticles comprised of two natural marine-derived polymers, namely chitosan and carrageenan, and to evaluate their potential for the association and controlled release of macromolecules. Nanoparticles were obtained in a hydrophilic environment, under very mild conditions, avoiding the use of organic solvents or other aggressive technologies for their preparation. The developed nanocarriers presented sizes within 350-650 run and positive zeta potentials of 50-60 mV. Polymeric interactions between nanoparticles' components were evaluated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Using ovalbumin as model protein, nanoparticles evidenced loading capacity varying from 4% to 17%, and demonstrated excellent capacity to provide a controlled release for up to 3 weeks. Furthermore, nanoparticles have demonstrated to exhibit a noncytotoxic behavior in biological in vitro tests performed using L929 fibroblasts, which is critical regarding the biocompatibility of those carriers. In summary, the developed chitosan-carrageenan nanoparticles have shown promising properties to be used as carriers of therapeutic macromolecules, with potential application not only strictly in drug delivery, but also in broader areas, such as tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 92A: 1265-1272, 2010Contract grant sponsor: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (POCTI/FEDER programmes)Contract grant sponsor: European Union STREP Project HIPPOCRATES; contract grant number: NMP3-CT-2003505758Contract grant sponsor: European NoE EXPERTISSUES; contract grant number: NMP3-CT-2004-50028

    Adapted chester step test can have maximal response characteristics for the assessment of exercise capacity in young women

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    Chester step test (CST) estimates the exercise capacity through a submaximal response, which can limit its application in the prescription of exercise. This study aimed to assess whether an adaptation of the CST (with a progressive profile) can have maximal response characteristics in young women and compare it to the incremental shuttle walk test (ISWT). Another aim was to determine its within-day test–retest reliability. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 25 women (20.3 ± 1.5 years) who performed the field tests twice on two different days (48 h apart).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação de Desempenho: Percepção dos Auditores Independentes na Aferição Da Remuneração

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    O objetivo deste estudo é evidenciar a percepção dos auditores em relação aos critérios utilizados para aferição da sua remuneração. Para tanto foi elaborado um questionário estruturado através da plataforma Google docs que foi disponibilizado para auditores de 7 diferentes escritórios de auditoria entre os meses de maio e junho de 2013. O tratamento estatístico remete a análise descritiva dos dados obtidos na pesquisa de campo, com base na utilização de medidas de posição e dispersão. Foram utilizadas ainda tabelas de contingência para analisar comportamentos de indivíduos em variáveis distintas. A amostra foi composta por 17 indivíduos componentes dos diversos cargos hierárquicos da carreira de auditor independente. A análise dos resultados evidenciou que auditores que investem mais tempo em reuniões com pares também desejam ser remunerados pelo resultado da equipe e que as informações contábeis não são utilizadas para avaliar os esforços da maior parte dos auditores. Verificou-se ainda que a existência de fatores incontroláveis impulsiona os respondentes a reconhecerem a necessidade do uso da subjetividade em suas avaliações de desempenho. Conclui-se que não existe consenso entre os respondentes se critérios contábeis deveriam ser utilizados para avaliar desempenho e que o cargo em que o auditor se encontra influencia na sua percepção em relação a critérios de remuneração variável

    Evaluation of the functionality of workers with Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)/ Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs): the construction of the ICF Core Set for RSI/MSDs

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    This study presents the ICF Core Set for Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)/ Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and its construction process. The ICF Core Set for RSI/MSDs was created through successive consensuses among specialists in the workers' healthcare area throughout six phases, which involved from the assessment and the study of the ICF, followed by its reading and discussion, to the establishment of codes and comparison with the core sets of generalized pain and depression. For the "body functions" component, the chosen codes were related to the following aspects: mental, sensory, pain and neuromusculoskeletal functions, as well as movement functions. For the "body structures" component, the chosen codes were related to the following aspects: nervous system structures and those related to movement. For the "activity and participation" component, the chosen codes were related to: mobility, personal care, domestic life, interpersonal relations and interactions and the main areas of life. For "environmental factors", the codes chosen were related to: support and relationships, attitudes and services, systems and policies. The environment component was the most limited for the description within the work context. This study represents the effort of constructing a core set based on an interdisciplinary approach, viable to be applied during the treatment and rehabilitation process of workers presenting RSI/MSDs and can contribute to bring Brazil into the international discussion that deals with the consequences of human disease from a social-medical model, displacing the scientific debate and the creation of public policies from the context of disability/incapacity into the health context.O presente artigo apresenta o Core set da CIF para LER/DORT e seu processo de construção.  O Core set da CIF para LER/DORT foi elaborado por meio de consensos sucessivos entre especialistas do campo da saúde do trabalhador em seis etapas, que envolveram desde a aproximação e estudo da CIF, leitura, discussão até a eleição de códigos e comparação com os core sets de dor generalizada e de depressão. Para o componente ‘funções do corpo’ foram escolhidos códigos relacionados aos aspectos: funções mentais, sensoriais, de dor e neuromusculoesqueléticas e relacionadas ao movimento. Para ‘estruturas do corpo’ foram escolhidos códigos relacionados aos aspectos: estruturas do sistema nervoso e relacionadas ao movimento. Para ‘atividade e participação’ foram escolhidos códigos relacionados à: mobilidade, cuidado pessoal, vida doméstica, relações e interações interpessoais e áreas principais da vida. Para ‘fatores ambientais’ foram escolhidos códigos relacionados à: apoio e relacionamentos, atitudes e serviços, sistemas e políticas. O componente ambiente foi o mais limitado para a descrição dentro do contexto do trabalho. Este artigo apresenta o esforço de construção de um core set, a partir de uma abordagem interdisciplinar, viável à aplicação no processo de tratamento e reabilitação de trabalhadores com LER/DORT e poderá contribuir para inserir o Brasil na discussão internacional que trata das conseqüências do adoecimento humano a partir do modelo sócio-médico, deslocando o debate científico e a produção de políticas públicas do contexto da deficiência/incapacidade para o contexto da saúde

    Efeitos da intervenção fisioterapêutica nas respostas sensoriais e funcionais de diabéticos neuropatas

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    The purpose of this study was to elaborate and apply a physical therapy treatment for diabetic neuropathic patients, comparing their sensorial, motor and functional responses before and after treatment to those of a healthy control group. Ten healthy subjects (CG) and 10 neuropathic diabetes patients (DG) clinically diagnosed were studied. Motor, functionaland sensorial evaluations were performed pre and post-intervention in both groups. Treatment was individually applied in 45-minute sessions twice a week, during 5 weeks. Therapy program consisted in stretching exercises for hamstrings, triceps surae and tibialis anterior muscles, actively-resisted exercises for intrinsic and extrinsic foot and ankle muscles, practice of daily activities and feet self-care orientations. Data were statistically analysed. When comparing DG post treatment data to DG-pre and CG, thermal sensitivity showed improvement in heel, hallux, lateral and medial forefoot; DG ankle dorsiflexion and eversion ROM reached values similar to those of CG's; DG showed significant improvement in ankle extension and inversion; and DG-post reached the same muscular functions observed in CG in intrinsic feet muscles, tibialis anterior and triceps surae. The physical therapy treatment showed effective in reducing distal numbness, tingling and pricking and it was also effective in preventing muscle function and mobility limitations in diabetic neuropathic patients.O objetivo foi elaborar e aplicar um tratamento fisioterapêutico para diabéticos neuropatas e comparar suas respostas sensoriais, motoras e funcionais, pré e pós-intervenção, com um grupo de sujeitos não-diabéticos assintomáticos. Participaram do estudo 10 sujeitos controle (GC) e 10 diabéticos neuropatas (GD) diagnosticados clinicamente. Realizou-se uma avaliação motora, funcional e sensorial nos dois grupos pré e pós-intervenção. O tratamento foi aplicado individualmente duas vezes por semana, por 45 minutos, durante 5 semanas. Foram feitos alongamentos de cadeia posterior e tibial anterior; exercícios ativos resistidos para musculatura intrínseca do pé e tornozelo; treino de atividades de vida diária e fornecidas orientações de autocuidado com os pés. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente. Comparando-se os dados do GD pós-tratamento com os do GC, verificou-se melhora na sensibilidade térmica nas regiões de calcanhar, hálux, antepé lateral e medial; a amplitude ativa de dorsiflexão e eversão do tornozelo igualou-se à do GC; houve melhora significativa da extensão e inversão do pé; e o GD alcançou funções musculares (musculatura intrínseca do pé,tríceps sural e tibial anterior) semelhantes às do GC. Em diabéticos neuropatas, o tratamento fisioterapêutico proposto mostrou-se eficaz na atenuação dos sintomas dormência, formigamento e queimação, além de contribuir para a mobilidade e prevenção de limitações de função muscular


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    The process of death and dying entails several defense mechanisms in adolescents and their families, such as isolation and denial. As a result of the damage to the mental health of all those involved in the process of a terminal illness, especially adolescents; and due to the complexity of that moment, the present study aims to reflect on how adolescents, in a terminal state, deal with death and dying. For that, a descriptive, bibliographical research of the integrative review type with a qualitative approach was carried out. The study was carried out based on the period from 2018 to 2022, and the data collected in the electronic databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Google Scholar. Thus, it was found that adolescent patients, in the course of their terminal illness, were not undergoing psychological follow-up, had difficulty talking about the topic and felt the absence of an open dialogue about their diagnosis and prognosis. Finally, it is expected that this study will lead to an increase in research on this topic, due to the scarcity of research, and that this scientific production will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of adolescence.O processo de morte e morrer acarreta no adolescente e sua família diversos mecanismos de defesa, tais como isolamento e negação. Em decorrência do prejuízo à saúde mental de todos os envolvidos no processo de uma doença em estado terminal, em especial o adolescente; e pela complexidade desse momento, é que o presente estudo tem como objetivo refletir sobre como o adolescente, em estado terminal, lida com a morte e o morrer. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva, bibliográfica do tipo revisão integrativa com abordagem qualitativa. O estudo foi realizado tomando por base o período de 2018 a 2022, e os dados coletados nas bases eletrônicas: Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e Google Acadêmico. Desse modo, constatou-se que os pacientes adolescentes, no curso da sua doença terminal, não estavam em acompanhamento psicológico, apresentaram dificuldade em falar sobre o tema e sentiram ausência de um diálogo aberto a respeito do seu diagnóstico e prognóstico. Por fim, espera-se que esse estudo propicie um incremento de pesquisas em relação a este tema, em virtude da escassez de pesquisas, e que essa produção científica contribua para o avanço do conhecimento na área da adolescência

    Activities and mechanisms of oregano, marjoram and rosemary essential oils against Malassezia pachydermatitis isolates from canine and feline otitis

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    Malassezia pachydermatis is an opportunistic yeast found in the ear canal of small animals; however, the current azole-based therapy applied to it has failed to achieve clinical success due to the antifungal resistance. This issue has encouraged the studies in natural products, such as Origanum vulgare (oregano), Origanum majorana (marjoram) and Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) essential oils, although their mechanism of action remains unclear. Malassezia pachydermatis specimens deriving from otitis cases in dogs (n = 22) and cats (n = 2) were subjected to CLSI M27-A3. Sorbitol protection and ergosterol effect were analyzed to investigate their mechanism of action. Fungistatic (MIC) and fungicidal (MFC) activities were observed for oregano (MIC90/MFC90: 0.625 mg/mL); marjoram (MIC90/MFC90: 2.5 mg/mL) and rosemary MIC90/MFC90 > 2.5 mg/mL). Oregano showed superior antifungal effect even at lower MIC and MFC values. All three oils acted on cell wall and at complexation to fungal ergosterol. By gas chromatography (GC-FID), carvacrol was the major compound found in oregano (73.9%); 1,8-cineole was for marjoram and rosemary (20.9% and 49.4%, respectively). These findings support the potential use of these essential oils to treat canine and feline otitis caused by Malassezia pachydermatis

    Uso indiscriminado de morfina no cuidado paliativo de pacientes com câncer: uma revisão integrativa

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    Objective: To evaluate how the indiscriminate use of morphine affects end-stage cancer patients. Methods: Integrative review study, with a descriptive and qualitative approach, about the effects of indiscriminate use of morphine among patients with end-stage cancer, between 2013 and 2023. Results: Initially, applying criteria of language, year of publication and availability in full, 1,879 articles were considered, of which 1,521 were excluded because they were reviews, documents and books, resulting in 358 articles read in full, in which 14 met all the inclusion criteria. In summary, two studies bring positive aspects of prolonged morphine regarding the analgesic effects and minimal adverse events, however, 12 studies bring different approaches regarding the indiscriminate use of morphine, in order to demonstrate divergences regarding aspects of pain control, however, a better description as to the occurrence of adverse events (especially nausea, constipation and sleepiness), drug addiction/tolerance and risk of death associated with stroke, AEs, and sepsis. Conclusion: There is still literature divergence as to the contribution of morphine in pain reduction, although some authors point out its contribution, however, it is well reported that the indiscriminate use may reflect in problems of AEs level, tolerance and risks to death, therefore, it is necessary to discuss its prescription in order to promulgate an effective medical monitoring and control in administration.   Keywords: Morphine; Cancer; Abuse; Adverse Events.Objetivo: Avaliar como o uso indiscriminado de morfina afeta os pacientes em estágio terminal de câncer. Métodos: Estudo de revisão integrativa, de abordagem descritiva e qualitativa, sobre os efeitos no uso indiscriminado de morfina entre pacientes com câncer em estágio terminal, entre 2013 e 2023. Resultados: Inicialmente, aplicando critério de idioma, ano de publicação e disponibilidade na íntegra, foram considerando 1.879 artigos onde, 1.521 foram excluídos por se tratar de revisão, documentos e livros, resultando em 358 artigos lidos na íntegra, no qual 14 contemplaram todos os critérios de inclusão. Em suma, dois estudos trazem aspectos positivos da morfina prolongada quanto aos efeitos analgésicos e mínimos eventos adversos, contudo, 12 estudos trazem abordagens diferenciadas quanto ao uso indiscriminado da morfina, de forma a demonstrar divergências quanto aspectos de controle da dor, entretanto, uma melhor descrição quanto a ocorrência de eventos adversos (sobretudo náuseas, constipação e sonolência), vicio/tolerância medicamentosa e riscos de óbitos associados a Acidente Vascular Cerebral, Fibrilação Arterial e sepse. Conclusão: Ainda há divergência literária quanto a contribuição da morfina prolongada na redução da dor, embora alguns autores pontuem seu aporte, contudo, é bem relatado que o uso indiscriminado pode refletir em problemas de nível de EAs, tolerância e riscos ao óbito, logo, é necessário discutir a sua prescrição de forma a promulgar um acompanhamento médico efetivo e controle na administração.   Palavras-chave: Morfina; Câncer; Uso abusivo; Eventos Adversos
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