248 research outputs found


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    After one hundred years of its first release, the Machado de Assis’ work entitled “Dom Casmurro”, still raises controversy around the possibility of Capitu’s adultery. Due to innumerate new editions and the recent book’s adaptation to a film, this article intends to deal with the dialogica connection between the literary work and the adapted film entitled “Dom”, that was freely inspired in Machado de Assis’ book by the film director Moacyr Goes.Após cem anos de sua primeira publicação, a obra Dom Casmurro de Machado de Assis ainda levanta polêmica quanto ao possível adultério de Capitu. Frente às inúmeras novas edições e a recente adaptação do livro em filme, pretende-se, neste artigo, abordar a relação dialógica entre a obra literária e o longa-metragem Dom, livremente inspirado no romance pelo diretor Moacyr Góes

    A formação do pedagogo para atuar na gestão escolar: o Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba

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    This Course Conclusion Paper aims to investigate the training offered in the Pedagogy Undergratuation Course at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Campus I, for the performance of the pedagogue in management in the school field. From which the following specific objectives unfold: to analyze the proposal of the Pedagogy course of UFPB for the formation of the managing pedagogue; apprehend the management space in the curriculum syllabus at UFPB Pedagogy course and; identify which management conceptions govern the education of the pedagogue at UFPB. To theoretically support our work, we rely on the conceptions of authors such as Libâneo (2004), Luck (2000, 2009 and 2010), Mandú (2013), Silva (2006), Saviani (2008), França (2013), Paz (2012), Daniel (2012), among others, who helped us to reflect on the education of the pedagogue in the area of management and the process of historical construction of the pedagogy course in Brazil, as well as the reading of documents such as the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCNs) for the Pedagogy Course, among others. The research is characterized as qualitative and its locus is the Pedagogy course offered at Campus I of UFPB, having as data collection procedures the documentary research of the main guiding documents of the course (Political-Pedagogical Project of the Course and Curricular Syllabus) and subjects related with Management, as well as an interview with twelve students from the three shifts, enrolled in the final semesters (7th, 8th and 9th) of the course. The analysis of the documents allowed us to consider that the Pedagogy Undergratuation Course of the researched university, although it occupies a small space, meets what the DCNs determine, offering disciplines that are located directly in the field of management such as Educational Management, Supervised Internship I - Educational Management, Educational Planning (compulsory) and Pedagogical Work Organization (optional), thus contributing to the training of the pedagogue to work in school management. It was possible to identify, through interviews with students, that the course curriculum does not meet students' need for in-depth management knowledge, emphasizing that the subjects have a good syllabus, but not enough for future practice in school management fiel. Respondents also reported that, in addition to the disciplines mentioned in the analysis of the guiding documents, there are discussions about management in other disciplines, but superficially, since management is not the subject of these disciplines. In general, the analysis found that initial training needs to offer greater subsidies, that is, there is a weakness in the education of the pedagogue to act in management, especially in the field of school management.O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem por objetivo geral investigar a formação oferecida no curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Campus I, para a atuação do pedagogo na área de gestão, no campo escolar. Do qual se desdobram os seguintes objetivos específicos: analisar a proposta do curso de Pedagogia da UFPB para a formação do pedagogo gestor; apreender o espaço da gestão na matriz curricular do curso de Pedagogia da UFPB e; identificar quais concepções de gestão regem a formação do pedagogo na UFPB. Para embasar teoricamente nosso trabalho, contamos com as concepções de autores como Libâneo (2004), Luck (2000, 2009 e 2010), Mandú (2013), Silva (2006), Saviani (2008), França (2013), Paz (2012), Daniel (2012), entre outros, que nos ajudaram a refletir acerca da formação do pedagogo na área da gestão e do processo de construção histórica do curso de pedagogia no Brasil, além das leituras de documentos como as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais (DCNs) para o Curso de Pedagogia, dentre outros. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa e tem como lócus o curso de Pedagogia ofertado no Campus I da UFPB, tendo como procedimentos de coleta de dados a pesquisa documental dos principais documentos norteadores do curso (Projeto Político-Pedagógico do Curso e Matriz Curricular) e das ementas das disciplinas que tratam sobre a Gestão, além de entrevista com doze estudantes dos três turnos, matriculados nos períodos finais (7o, 8o e 9o) do curso. A análise dos documentos nos permitiu considerar que o Curso de Pedagogia da universidade pesquisada, embora ocupe um espaço reduzido, atende ao que determinam as DCNs, ofertando disciplinas que estão situadas diretamente no campo da gestão: Gestão Educacional, Estágio Supervisionado I - Gestão Educacional, Planejamento Educacional (obrigatórias) e Organização do Trabalho Pedagógico (optativa), contribuindo, assim, na formação do pedagogo para atuar na gestão escolar. Foi possível identificar, através das entrevistas com os estudantes, que o currículo do curso não atende a necessidade que os estudantes têm de conhecimentos aprofundados sobre a gestão, enfatizando que as disciplinas têm um bom conteúdo programático, porém, insuficiente para uma futura prática no campo da gestão escolar. Em linhas gerais, a análise constatou que, a formação inicial precisa oferecer maiores subsídios, ou seja, percebe-se uma fragilidade na formação do pedagogo para atuar na gestão, em especial no campo da gestão escolar

    Recent advances in antimicrobial surfaces for urinary catheters

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    Although urinary catheters (UCs) are one of the most used medical devices, they are related to a high incidence of urinary tract infections resulting from microbial colonization and consequent biofilm development on UC surfaces. Currently, a panoply of antimicrobial and antifouling surfaces is available to solve this longstanding problem. However, despite their high performance, these surfaces are still far from clinical application. In this current opinion article, we evaluate and critically discuss the antimicrobial performance and applicability of UC surfaces with different antibiofilm mechanisms. It is our opinion that either killing or anti-adhesive coatings are promising in controlling infection development. However, most of them are more effective in delaying microbial adhesion rather than preventing it

    Müller´s Duct Persistence Syndrome Associated with Cryptorchidism, Sertoli Cell Tumor and Pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer

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    Background: Sexual development disturbances (SDD) are divided in SDD with XX genotype (SDD XX) and SDD with XY genotype (SDD XY). Among SDD XY, the Müller´s duct persistence syndrome (MDPS) is characterized by XY karyotype individuals with male external genitals; however, with internal female reproductive organs such as uterine horns, uterus, and cranial vagina portion. The MDPS cases and their related complications are considered very rare in veterinary medicine. The aim of the present case report is to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of a MDPS case associated with cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor, and pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer dog.Case: A 7-year-old male Miniature Schnauzer weighting 7 kg was brought to veterinary consultation due to owner´s complain of frequent vomiting, apathy, abdominal algia and progressive scrotal enlargement in the last two months. Physical exam reveals hyperthermia (39.7°C), discrete dehydration, enlarged popliteal lymph nodes as well as scrotum enlargement with only one palpable testicle. A blood sample collected for complete blood count showed regenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutrophilia with left shift in the leukogram. Abdominal ultrasound examination indicated the presence of a tubular structure filled by anechoic content extending from the scrotum to caudal abdomen. Moreover, a 6.39 x 8.54 cm heterogeneous mass in the medial mesogastric region became evident. The patient was hospitalized and submitted to exploratory laparotomy after 24 h due to rectal temperature increase (41°C), worsened abdominal pain and intense apathy. There was free purulent liquid in abdominal cavity and two uterine horns were documented. The left uterine horn passes through inguinal ring and both horns were filled by purulent material. At the right uterine horn extremity there was the mass previously document at ultrasound. The structures were removed and sent to histopathological examination. The microscopic exam confirmed testicular and uterine tissue; furthermore, a Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra were also characterized. The dog was kept at the hospital receiving fluid, antibiotics, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory therapy. After five days the animal was discharged with clear clinical recover. A sample for karyotyping was collected from the oral mucosa which reveals a XY karyotype in the dog. By this way it was concluded that the dog suffers from a SDD XY with MDPS associated to cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra.  Discussion: The MDPS cases are often associated with cryptorchidism and testicular tumors. Miniature Schnauzers is one of the most affected dog breeds with this condition, and the heritability pattern is already described. Most cases are identified in adult to old-aged dogs after vague clinical signs investigation such as apathy, anorexia and abdominal or inguinal enlargement, as observed in the present report. When Sertoli cell tumor are present, the hormone secretion pattern of this neoplasia may influence complications occurrence. Once higher estrogen levels may induce endometrial gland proliferation, hydrometra and pyometra are among these complications, as well as reduced hematopoiesis. Moreover, progesterone levels could be also increased favoring pyometra pathophysiology. By conclusion, despite very rare, MDPS should be investigated in Miniature Schnauzers with vague clinical signs, especially cryptorchidic ones. Karyotyping and histopathology were crucial to confirm the diagnosis. Moreover, no other case with MDPS, cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor, and pyometra was found in the published literature consulted.

    Müller’s duct persistence syndrome associated with cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer

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    Background: Sexual development disturbances (SDD) are divided in SDD with XX genotype (SDD XX) and SDD with XY genotype (SDD XY). Among SDD XY, the Müller’s duct persistence syndrome (MDPS) is characterized by XY karyotype individuals with male external genitals; however, with internal female reproductive organs such as uterine horns, uterus, and cranial vagina portion. The MDPS cases and their related complications are considered very rare in veterinary medicine. The aim of the present case report is to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of a MDPS case associated with cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor, and pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer dog. Case: A 7-year-old male Miniature Schnauzer weighting 7 kg was brought to veterinary consultation due to owner’s complain of frequent vomiting, apathy, abdominal algia and progressive scrotal enlargement in the last two months. Physical exam reveals hyperthermia (39.7°C), discrete dehydration, enlarged popliteal lymph nodes as well as scrotum enlargement with only one palpable testicle. A blood sample collected for complete blood count showed regenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia, and neutrophilia with left shift in the leukogram. Abdominal ultrasound examination indicated the presence of a tubular structure filled by anechoic content extending from the scrotum to caudal abdomen. Moreover, a 6.39 x 8.54 cm heterogeneous mass in the medial mesogastric region became evident. The patient was hospitalized and submitted to exploratory laparotomy after 24 h due to rectal temperature increase (41°C), worsened abdominal pain, and intense apathy. There was free purulent liquid in abdominal cavity and two uterine horns were documented. The left uterine horn passes through inguinal ring and both horns were filled by purulent material. At the right uterine horn extremity there was the mass previously document at ultrasound. The structures were removed and sent to histopathological examination. The microscopic exam confirmed testicular and uterine tissue; furthermore, a Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra were also characterized. The dog was kept at the hospital receiving fluid, antibiotics, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory therapy. After five days the animal was discharged with clear clinical recover. A sample for karyotyping was collected from the oral mucosa which reveals a XY karyotype in the dog. By this way it was concluded that the dog suffers from a SDD XY with MDPS associated to cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra. Discussion: The MDPS cases are often associated with cryptorchidism and testicular tumors. Miniature Schnauzers is one of the most affected dog breeds with this condition, and the heritability pattern is already described. Most cases are identified in adult to old-aged dogs after vague clinical signs investigation such as apathy, anorexia and abdominal or inguinal enlargement, as observed in the present report. When Sertoli cell tumor are present, the hormone secretion pattern of this neoplasia may influence complications occurrence. Once higher estrogen levels may induce endometrial gland proliferation, hydrometra and pyometra are among these complications, as well as reduced hematopoiesis. Moreover, progesterone levels could be also increased favoring pyometra pathophysiology. By conclusion, despite very rare, MDPS should be investigated in Miniature Schnauzers with vague clinical signs, especially cryptorchidic ones. Karyotyping and histopathology were crucial to confirm the diagnosis. Moreover, no other case with MDPS, cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor, and pyometra was found in the published literature consulted


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    Este artigo trata da análise acerca da formação oferecida no curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB) Campus I para a atuação do pedagogo na área de gestão, no campo escolar. A pesquisa se justifica, pois, a formação do pedagogo para atuar na gestão escolar é uma temática não muito explorada nas produções acadêmicas da instituição. A pesquisa caracteriza-se como qualitativa e tem como lócus o curso de Pedagogia ofertado no Campus I da UFPB, tendo como procedimentos de coleta de dados a pesquisa documental dos principais documentos norteadores do curso (Projeto Político-Pedagógico do Curso e Matriz Curricular) e das ementas das disciplinas que tratam sobre a Gestão. A análise dos documentos nos permitiu considerar que o Curso de Pedagogia da universidade pesquisada, embora ocupe um espaço reduzido, atende ao que determinam as DCNs, ofertando disciplinas: Gestão Educacional, Estágio Supervisionado I - Gestão Educacional, Planejamento Educacional (obrigatórias) e Organização do Trabalho Pedagógico (optativa), que estão situadas diretamente no campo da gestão, contribuindo, assim, na formação do pedagogo para atuar na gestão escolar

    Alopécia Androgenética Feminina

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    O objetivo do nosso trabalho científico é esclarecer a patologia da Alopécia Androgenética Feminina e seus tratamentos. Através das nossas pesquisas, analisaremos os tratamentos mais difundidos nos artigos pesquisados. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever alguns procedimentos indicados para o tratamento da alopécia androgenética feminina. Especificamente, pretende-se comparar os tipos de tratamento indicados e verificar se ocorre a combinação de diferentes métodos


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    O estudo objetivou avaliar a adequabilidade da assistência pré-natal de baixo risco, conforme a recomendação do Ministério da Saúde, quanto ao número mínimo de consultas, e verificar possíveis fatores associados. Avaliou-se a atenção pré-natal de uma coorte histórica de 95 gestantes. Mais de 50% das mulheres fizeram 6 ou mais consultas de pré-natal. O início do pré-natal ocorreu no primeiro trimestre de gestação para 52% das mulheres; 84,2% das mulheres realizaram todos os exames de pré-natal e apenas 16,8% realizaram consulta no puerpério. A assistência pré-natal foi considerada adequada para 2,1% da amostra. Maior número de consultas pré-natal foi observado entre as mulheres com companheiro e com maior número de filhos. Os registros demonstraram baixa adequação à totalidade dos critérios mínimos estabelecidos e poucos fatores parecem explicar esse cenário

    Exploring Nitrogen-Functionalized Graphene Composites for Urinary Catheter Applications

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    Graphene has been broadly studied, particularly for the fabrication of biomedical devices, owing to its physicochemical and antimicrobial properties. In this study, the antibiofilm efficacy of graphene nanoplatelet (GNP)-based composites as coatings for urinary catheters (UCs) was investigated. GNPs were functionalized with nitrogen (N-GNP) and incorporated into a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) matrix. The resulting materials were characterized, and the N-GNP/PDMS composite was evaluated against single- and multi-species biofilms of Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Both biofilm cell composition and structure were analyzed. Furthermore, the antibacterial mechanisms of action of N-GNP were explored. The N-GNP/PDMS composite showed increased hydrophobicity and roughness compared to PDMS. In single-species biofilms, this composite significantly reduced the number of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, and K. pneumoniae cells (by 64, 41, and 29%, respectively), and decreased S. aureus biofilm culturability (by 50%). In tri-species biofilms, a 41% reduction in total cells was observed. These results are aligned with the outcomes of the biofilm structure analysis. Moreover, N-GNP caused changes in membrane permeability and triggered reactive oxygen species (ROS) synthesis in S. aureus, whereas in Gram-negative bacteria, it only induced changes in cell metabolism. Overall, the N-GNP/PDMS composite inhibited biofilm development, showing the potential of these carbon materials as coatings for UCs. (c) 2023 by the authors

    Condições de infraestrutura das escolas brasileiras: Uma escola pobre para os pobres?

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    We analyzed the infrastructure conditions of Brazilian schools, aiming to expose their inequalities and territorial distribution. The literature review pointed an influence on previous studies of school infrastructure of regulation by outcomes on the educational system coordination and the limits of current redistributive policies in promoting greater inter federative equity. We tested the hypothesis of a poor school for the poor using the clusters analysis (use of K-means after application of hierarchical method, to determine the number of clusters and centroids). The three clusters obtained (adequate, intermediate and precarious) allowed us to trace the profiles of school infrastructure inequalities by constructing reference variables that expressed the quality of the good or service. Among the results obtained, there was a greater number of students from families participating in the “Bolsa Família” Program in public schools located in urban areas in the group called “adequate”, according to Brazilian standards. There was also a higher concentration of these students in municipal schools in rural areas of the “precarious” group, despite the reduced number of enrollments by Brazilian standards. We concluded by relating the reasons for the invisibility of these schools to the agendas of national public education policies. Las condiciones de infraestructura de las escuelas brasileñas fueron analizadas con el objetivo de exponer sus desigualdades y distribución territorial. La revisión de literatura apuntó la influencia de la regulación por resultados en la coordinación sistema educativo como el referente de los análisis anteriores sobre la infraestructura escolar y los límites de las actuales políticas redistributivas en la promoción de mayor equidad interfederativa. La hipótesis de una escuela pobre para los pobres fue probada mediante análisis de clusters (uso del K-medias después de la aplicación de método jerárquico, para determinación del número de clusters y los centroides). Los tres grupos elaborados (adecuado, intermedio y precario) permitieron trazar perfiles de las desigualdades de infraestructura de las escuelas, mediante la construcción de variables de referencia que expresan calidad del bien o servicio. Entre los resultados obtenidos se evidenció la presencia de un mayor número de alumnos de familias participantes del Programa Bolsa-Familia en escuelas públicas (estaduales y municipales) ubicadas en áreas urbanas en el agrupamiento denominado "adecuado", para los estándares brasileños. Se verificó también mayor concentración de estos alumnos en las escuelas municipales de áreas rurales del agrupamiento "precario", a pesar del menor número de matrículas para los estándares brasileños. Se concluyó el estudio relacionando las razones de la invisibilidad de esas escuelas a las agendas de las políticas públicas nacionales de educación a su distribución en la federación.As condições de infraestrutura das escolas brasileiras foram analisadas com o objetivo de expor suas desigualdades e distribuição territorial. Revisão de literatura apontou a influência da regulação por resultados na coordenação sistema educacional sobre os estudos precedentes de infraestrutura escolar e os limites das atuais políticas redistributivas na promoção de maior equidade interfederativa. A hipótese de uma escola pobre para os pobres foi testada mediante análise de clusters (uso do K-médias após aplicação de método hierárquico, para determinação do número de clusterse os centroides). Os três agrupamentos elaborados (adequado, intermediário e precário) permitiram traçar perfis das desigualdades de infraestrutura das escolas, mediante a construção de variáveis de referência que expressam qualidade do bem ou serviço. Entre os resultados obtidos evidenciou-se a presença de um maior número de alunos de famílias participantes do Programa Bolsa-Família em escolas públicas (estaduais e municipais) localizadas em áreas urbanas no agrupamento denominado “adequado”, para os padrões brasileiros. Verificou-se também maior concentração desses alunos nas escolas municipais de áreas rurais do agrupamento “precário”, apesar do número reduzido de matriculas para os padrões brasileiros. Concluiu-se o estudo relacionando as razões da invisibilidade dessas escolas às agendas das políticas públicas nacionais de educação a sua distribuição na federação