26 research outputs found

    MXenes à la Carte: Tailoring the Epitaxial Growth Alternating Nitrogen and Transition Metal Layers

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    A high-throughput analysis based on density functional simulations underscores the viable epitaxial growth of MXenes by alternating nitrogen and metal adlayers. This is supported by an exhaustive analysis of a number of thermodynamic and kinetic thresholds belonging to different critical key steps in the course of the epitaxial growth. The results on 18 pristine N- and C-based MXenes with M2X stoichiometry reveal an easy initial N2 fixation and dissociation, where N2 adsorption is controlled by the MXene surface charge and metal d-band center and its dissociation controlled by the reaction energy change. Furthermore, formation energies indicate the plausible formation of N-terminated M2XN2 MXenes. Moreover, the further covering with metal adlayers is found to be thermodynamically driven and stable, especially when using early transition metal atoms. The most restrictive analyzed criterion is the N2 adsorption and dissociation at nearly full N-covered adlayers, which is yet achievable for almost half of the explored M2X seeds. The present results unfold the possibility of expanding, controlling, and tuning the composition, width, and structure of the MXene family

    Extending the Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad Theorem

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    We extend the `join-premorphisms' part of the Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad Theorem to the case of two-sided restriction semigroups and inductive categories, following on from a result of Lawson (1991) for the `morphisms' part. However, it is so-called `meet-premorphisms' which have proved useful in recent years in the study of partial actions. We therefore obtain an Ehresmann-Schein-Nambooripad-type theorem for meet-premorphisms in the case of two-sided restriction semigroups and inductive categories. As a corollary, we obtain such a theorem in the inverse case.Comment: 23 pages; final section on Szendrei expansions removed; further reordering of materia

    Nanostructured corrosion sensing coatings for aeronautical applications

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    It is critical for the aeronautical industry that the next generation of smart coatings allows the early detection and continuous monitoring of corrosion. Once corrosion is detected, preventive actions can be taken in order to mitigate its costs. Our strategy relies on functional coatings capable of detecting metallic corrosion early on. After appropriate selection of sensing compounds and subsequent loading into nanostructured materials, these are incorporated into coating formulations giving them corrosion sensing functionality. Based on this concept we focused on the compatibility between nanocontainers and coating formulations. Thus, a new sensing coating was investigated using immersion and salt-spray tests, release and leaching studies, viscoelastic properties, curing, thermal stability, hardness, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. The results embody a new generation of coatings with sensing ability, and have implications for self-healing and anti-fouling coatings as well.publishe

    Body condition score, weight variation and reproductive performance of beef cows in rangelands from the Pantanal region

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a influência do escore de condição corporal (ECC) sobre a eficiência reprodutiva de vacas de cria nos períodos pré e pós-parto e a probabilidade de parição, usando o escore de condição corporal e a variação ponderal no período crítico do ciclo reprodutivo. Utilizaram-se 248 vacas multíparas mantidas em pastagens nativas distribuídas em quatro estratégias de suplementação: mistura mineral (controle); suplemento farelado; suplemento líquido; suplemento líquido para vacas e bezerros. As avaliações de peso e ECC, na escala de 1 a 9, foram realizadas no período crítico: em agosto (período pré-parto, 60-90 dias antes da parição) e em janeiro (período pós-parto e reprodutivo) durante quatro anos consecutivos. Para a análise dos anos consecutivos de reprodução, criou-se um escore de reprodução, ou seja, somou-se o número de parições de cada vaca durante os quatro anos pecuários avaliados. O escore de condição corporal nos períodos pré e pós-parto e a idade da vaca influenciaram o escore de reprodução. Portanto, para avaliação da probabilidade de parição, foram utilizadas todas as vacas, classificadas em paridas e vazias. Utilizando equações de estimação generalizadas (EEG), foi modelada a probabilidade de as matrizes serem classificadas como paridas considerando variáveis exploratórias ao longo do tempo. Para se obter probabilidade de parição superior a 80%, as vacas devem possuir escore de aproximadamente 5,5 no período pré-parto. Aproximadamente 60% das vacas paridas mantiveram ou ganharam peso no período crítico do ano, o que levou a maior probabilidade de reconcepção, similar ao observado para as vacas vazias, porém com probabilidade menor de parição. O período pré-parto é o melhor para estimar a probabilidade de parição das vacas por meio da avaliação do escore corporal. A seleção de vacas adaptadas às condições bioclimáticas do Pantanal aumenta a probabilidade de produção de um bezerro por vaca por ano. _________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of body condition score (BCS) on reproductive performance of beef cows before and after calving and to evaluate the calving probability using body condition score and weight variation during critical periods of the cow reproductive cycle. From 2001 to 2005, the body condition score was recorded in 248 multiparous cows raised in native pastures, submitted to different supplementation treatments (mineral mixture only - control; dry supplement; liquid supplement and liquid supplement for cow and calves). Weighing and body condition evaluation were made on a 1-9 point scale in August (prepartum period, 60-90 days before parturition) and January (postpartum and reproductive period). A reproduction score was created in function of the body scores in four consecutive years. Except for the treatment, the other factors (body condition score in the prepartum and postpartum periods and cow age) influenced the reproduction score. Thus, the calving probabilities were estimated for all cows. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to evaluate the calving probability in function of the exploratory variables over time. Calving probability higher than 80% was obtained when cows scored 5,5 before calving. In relation to weight, the results showed that about 60% of calving cows maintained or gained weight in the postpartum period, leading to increase in the rebreeding probability. Similar situation occurred with single cows; however, the calving probability was lower. These results indicate that the calving probability using BCS is better estimated before calving. Furthermore, it indicates the presence of cows more adapted to the Pantanal climatic and feeding conditions than others

    Ideas, Interests And Institutional Changes [idȩias, Interesses E Mudanças Institucionais]

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    This article discusses the relations between institutions, interests and ideas, taking as its reference point experiences in social concertation in Europe and welfare system reforms in Latin America in the 1990s. Recognizing that the current debate over these reforms has incorporated the importance of the cognitive dimension of political processes as a way of building more complex and adequate approaches to the phenomena in question, we take a different approach to previous analyses, arguing that the emphasis given up to now to the role of ideas is insufficient to explain either the nature and diffusion of the processes of economic and social reforms, or their legitimacy and political support. The process of adopting ideas has to produce results that are positively assessed and offer answers - whether consensual or not - to questions deemed central to the public agenda. In addition, there is also a complex process of policy learning and mimicking that allows for better understanding of complex developments, expressing the fact that these elements cannot be left out of the explanations, since they may add new dimensions to studies of economic and social reforms inspired by the role of institutions or by political competition.201239264BACCARO, L., CARRIERI, M. & DAMIANO, C. (2002), The resurgence of the Italian confederal union: Will it last?. ILO, DP 144. Labour and Society ProgrammeBECKER, U., Competitive corporatism below sea level? Dutch myths and puzzles (2001) conference on Small States in World Markets Fifteen Years Later, , Paper to be presented at theBERRY, F. S. & BERRY, W. D. (1999), Innovation and diffusion models in policy research. In: SABATIER, P. A. (org.). Theories of the policy process. Boulder, Co Westview, pp. 169-99CAMERON, D. 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