7 research outputs found

    Developmental Education for University Students: Ways and Methods of its Organization

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    This article is devoted to the organization of developmental education of students of higher educational institutions. Based on works by I.A. Zimniaia, T.I. Iliin, V.V. Kraevskii, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, I.Ia. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov and other researchers, the authors clarified the concept of “developmental education of university students", analyzed its components, systematized domestic and foreign experience in organizing developmental education in a higher educational institution. The article also presents the author’s set of pedagogical conditions, which contributes to the organization of developmental education for university students. This set includes the following components: correction of students' value orientations in the educational process of the university; the development of cognitive activity of students and the construction of the educational process at the university, subject to the requirements of a person-centered approach

    Calculation of frequency and power characteristics of the composite metal-dielectric resonator using the method of partial regions

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    A new method for calculating the frequency and power characteristics of different modes of a microwave metal-dielectric resonator has been proposed. The results of measurements of experimental specimens are presented that are in good agreement with calculation results. The relationships of the frequency and power characteristics of a resonator as a function of its geometrical and electrophysical parameters were obtained by using the method of partial regions. A high sensitivity of the main mode resonant frequency to the thickness of air inhomogeneity was detected. In this case the introduction of inhomogeneity increases the resonator Q-factor. Thus, the proposed design can be used as a high-Q tunable resonator

    Complex effective dielectric permittivity of micromechanically tunable microstrip lines

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    It is considered an influence of physical-topological parameters of controlled microstrip lines where characteristics modification is achieved by signal electrode movement over the substrate on effective dielectric permittivity and electromagnetic energy loss in the line expressed in form of complex permittivity. There are stated the ways of increase of sensitivity of effective dielectric permittivity modification to signal electrode shift and loss decrease. There are determined ultimate characteristics of tuning and loss. There are represented calculations of transfer factor effective permittivity corresponding to experimental results. These results can be used for development of controlled resonant elements and phase shifters with application of electrically tunable micromovement devices, such as piezo- and electrostrictive actuators or microelectromechanic systems. Due to application of invariant relations of physical-topological parameters represented calculations are suitable for estimation of tuning factors and loss of devices with micromechanical control in a wide range of operating frequency with application of wide range of materials

    Complex effective dielectric permittivity and characteristic impedance of tunable coplanar line

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    An analysis of complex dielectric permittivity and characteristic impedance of micromechanically tunable coplanar line is presented. The coplanar line parameters tuning is achieved by signal line electrode movement above the substrate or the dielectric plate above the surface of line electrodes. A reconfiguration of electromagnetic field with complex nature occurs as a result of such movement in the line. It is described in terms of effective permittivity and characteristic impedance. We studied an influence of physical and geometrical parameters of the line on characteristics of effective permittivity tuning and change in characteristic impedance and line loss. It is found that proposed method for line tuning parameters allows us to obtain a high sensitivity to movement for effective parameters, wherein the level of losses in the line is not deteriorated, and under certain conditions are reduced. These results make it possible to design high-quality tunable resonant elements and phase shifters based on micromechanically controlled coplanar line

    Одновимірна неоднорідна діелектрична структура, як перелаштовуваний резонатор

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    Строго розв'язано електродинамічну задачу для неоднорідної діелектричної структури, яка складається з двох нескінченних пластин, розділених діелектричним прошарком з відмінною діелектричною проникністю. Задачу зведено до нелінійної задачі на власні числа та вектори. Власні числа визначають резонансні частоти, а вектори – власне електромагнітне поле резонансної структури. Показано, що резонансна частота нижчого типу коливань має високу чутливість до зміни повітряного прошарку між діелектричними пластинами. Встановлено зв'язок характеристик перелаштування з геометричними та електрофізичними параметрами пластин. Показано, що перелаштування резонансної частоти відбувається без погіршення власної добротності резонатора. Продемонстровано, що встановлені закономірності для одновимірної неоднорідної структури справедливі для неоднорідних діелектричних резонаторів циліндричної форми

    Developmental Education for University Students: Ways and Methods of its Organization

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    This article is devoted to the organization of developmental education of students of higher educational institutions. Based on works by I.A. Zimniaia, T.I. Iliin, V.V. Kraevskii, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, I.Ia. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov and other researchers, the authors clarified the concept of “developmental education of university students", analyzed its components, systematized domestic and foreign experience in organizing developmental education in a higher educational institution. The article also presents the author’s set of pedagogical conditions, which contributes to the organization of developmental education for university students. This set includes the following components: correction of students' value orientations in the educational process of the university; the development of cognitive activity of students and the construction of the educational process at the university, subject to the requirements of a person-centered approach.Este artículo está dedicado a la organización del desarrollo educativo de estudiantes de instituciones de educación superior. Basado en trabajos de I.A. Zimniaia, T.I. Iliin, V.V. Kraevskii, G.M. Kodzhaspirova, I.Ia. Lerner, I.F. Kharlamov y otros investigadores, los autores aclararon el concepto de "educación para el desarrollo de los estudiantes universitarios", analizaron sus componentes, sistematizaron la experiencia nacional y extranjera en la organización de la educación para el desarrollo en una institución de educación superior. El artículo también presenta el conjunto de condiciones pedagógicas del autor, que contribuye a la organización de la educación para el desarrollo de los estudiantes universitarios. Este conjunto incluye los siguientes componentes: corrección de las orientaciones de valor de los estudiantes en el proceso educativo de la universidad; el desarrollo de la actividad cognitiva de los estudiantes y la construcción del proceso educativo en la universidad, sujeto a los requisitos de un enfoque centrado en la person

    Calculation of frequency and power characteristics of the composite metal-dielectric resonator using the method of partial regions

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    Полный текст доступен на сайте издания по подписке: http://radio.kpi.ua/article/view/S0021347016050058A new method for calculating the frequency and power characteristics of different modes of a microwave metal-dielectric resonator has been proposed. The results of measurements of experimental specimens are presented that are in good agreement with calculation results. The relationships of the frequency and power characteristics of a resonator as a function of its geometrical and electrophysical parameters were obtained by using the method of partial regions. A high sensitivity of the main mode resonant frequency to the thickness of air inhomogeneity was detected. In this case the introduction of inhomogeneity increases the resonator Q-factor. Thus, the proposed design can be used as a high-Q tunable resonator.Предложен новый метод расчета частотных и энергетических характеристик различных типов колебаний металло-диэлектрического резонатора СВЧ. Представлены результаты измерений экспериментального образца резонатора, которые хорошо согласуются с расчетными. С помощью метода частичных областей получены зависимости частотных и энергетических характеристик резонатора от его геометрических и электрофизических параметров. Обнаружена высокая чувствительность резонансной частоты основного типа колебаний на толщину воздушной неоднородности. При этом внедрение неоднородности повышает добротность резонатора. Таким образом, представленная конструкция может быть использована в качестве высокодобротного перестраиваемого резонатор