115 research outputs found

    До питання про перебування поляків на Волині в першій половині ХХ століття

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    З давніх віків Волинь як територія, яка знаходилась на кордоні західного і східного світів була специфічним регіоном. Поєднання традицій різних культур - все це різнить цей край від іншої частини України. Хоч Волинь і захід України, але деякий час певна її частина традиційно розвивалася під впливом Російської імперії і православного світогляду.Яцечко-Блаженко Тетяна Володимирівна - ст. викл. кафедри археології, давньої та середньовічної історії України Східноєвропейського національного університету ім. Лесі Українк

    Моделювання 3D фармакофорів у молекулах похідних 5,7-диметил-6-фенілазо-3Н-тіазоло[4,5-b]піридин-2-ону

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    Flexible molecular docking studies for 5,7-dimethyl-6-phenylazo-3H-thiazolo[4,5-b]pyridin-2-ones have been performed with the purpose to reveal their potency as enzymes involved in the arachidonic acid (AA) cascade inhibitors: both cyclooxygenase isoforms (COX-1 and COX-2), and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase-1 (mPGES-1). The protein-ligand interaction fingerprint (PLIF) tool implemented in MOE software has been used for summarizing the interactions between ligands and the abovementioned enzymes. Receptor interaction fingerprints have been generated from the docked poses of the virtual screening hits with COX-1,2 and mPGES-1 active sites coordinates. 3D pharmacophore models containing two and three points queries as the combination of their structures steric and electronic parameters have been generated and it provides the affinity and inhibitory activity of the novel compounds towards multiply receptors. The analysis of the pharmacophore models obtained indicates the functionality of fused bicyclic thiazolopyridine scaffold which provides the steric placement of at least one of these heterocycles atoms in the respective pharmacophore centres. The fused thiazolo[4,5-b]pyridine-2-one system may be considered as a promosing scaffold for creating diverse combinatorial libraries of potential biologically active substances. The final conclusion has been confirmed by the results of the virtual screening procedures and pharmacophore centres modeling in molecules of novel thiazolo [4,5-b]pyridine-2-one.Проведены докинговые исследования, целью которых было установить возможность ингибирования производными 5,7-диметил-6-фенилазо-3Н-тиазоло[4,5-b]пиридин-2-она активности ферментов, которые являются катализаторами разных стадий циклооксигеназного пути метаболизма арахидоновой кислоты: обеих изоформ циклооксигеназы (COX-1, COX-2) и микросомной простанландин Е синтазы-1 (mPGES-1). Осуществлено моделирование 3D фармакофоров в молекулах исследуемых соединений с использованием методологии «отпечатков пальцев» взаимодействий между рецептором и лигандом (Protein-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints – PLIF). Выявленные типы и локализация взаимодействий в комплексах синтезованных соединений с указанными рецепторами позволили построить трех- и двухцентровые 3D модели фармакофоров в молекулах этих веществ, которые объединяют стерические и электронные свойства их структур, необходимые для реализации оптимального связывания с биологическими мишенями. Анализ полученных фармакофорных моделей указывает на функциональность конденсированного бициклического скафолда, которая обеспечивается стерическим расположением атомов по меньшей мере одного из указанных гетероциклов в соответствующих фармакофорных центрах. Конденсированную тиазолопиридиновую гетероциклическую систему можно рассматривать как перспективный скафолд для создания комбинаторных библиотек потенциальных биологически активных веществ, подтверждением чему являются результаты проведенных процедур виртуального скрининга и моделирования фармакофорных центров в молекулах производных тиазоло[4,5 b]пиридин-2-ону.Проведені докінгові дослідження з метою встановлення можливості інгібування похідними 5,7-диметил-6-фенілазо-3Н-тіазоло[4,5-b]піридин-2-ону активності ферментів, задіяних у різних стадіях циклооксигеназного шляху метаболізму арахідонової кислоти: двох ізоформ циклооксигенази (COX-1 і COX-2) та мікросомної простанландин Е синтази-1 (mPGES-1). Було проведено моделювання 3D фармакофорів у молекулах досліджуваних сполук із використанням методології «відбитків пальців» взаємодій між рецептором та лігандом (Protein-Ligand Interaction Fingerprints – PLIF). Встановлені типи і локалізація взаємодій у комплексах синтезованих сполук із зазначеними рецепторами дозволили побудувати три- та двоцентрові 3D моделі фармакофорів у молекулах цих речовин, які поєднують стеричні та електронні властивості їх структур, необхідні для забезпечення оптимального зв’язування з біологічними мішенями. Аналіз одержаних фармакофорних моделей вказує на функціональність конденсованого біциклічного тіазолопіридинового скафолда, яка забезпечується стеричним розміщенням атомів хоча б одного з цих гетероциклів у відповідних фармакофорних центрах. Конденсовану тіазолопіридинову гетероциклічну систему можна розглядати як перспективний скафолд для створення комбінаторних бібліотек потенційних біологічно активних речовин, що підтверджується результатами проведених процедур віртуального скринінгу та моделювання фармакофорних центрів у молекулах похідних тіазоло[4,5-b]піридин-2-ону

    Control of maternal Zika virus infection during pregnancy is associated with lower antibody titers in a macaque model

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    IntroductionZika virus (ZIKV) infection during pregnancy results in a spectrum of birth defects and neurodevelopmental deficits in prenatally exposed infants, with no clear understanding of why some pregnancies are more severely affected. Differential control of maternal ZIKV infection may explain the spectrum of adverse outcomes.MethodsHere, we investigated whether the magnitude and breadth of the maternal ZIKV-specific antibody response is associated with better virologic control using a rhesus macaque model of prenatal ZIKV infection. We inoculated 18 dams with an Asian-lineage ZIKV isolate (PRVABC59) at 30-45 gestational days. Plasma vRNA and infectious virus kinetics were determined over the course of pregnancy, as well as vRNA burden in the maternal-fetal interface (MFI) at delivery. Binding and neutralizing antibody assays were performed to determine the magnitude of the ZIKV-specific IgM and IgG antibody responses throughout pregnancy, along with peptide microarray assays to define the breadth of linear ZIKV epitopes recognized.ResultsDams with better virologic control (n= 9) cleared detectable infectious virus and vRNA from the plasma by 7 days post-infection (DPI) and had a lower vRNA burden in the MFI at delivery. In comparison, dams with worse virologic control (n= 9) still cleared detectable infectious virus from the plasma by 7 DPI but had vRNA that persisted longer, and had higher vRNA burden in the MFI at delivery. The magnitudes of the ZIKV-specific antibody responses were significantly lower in the dams with better virologic control, suggesting that higher antibody titers are not associated with better control of ZIKV infection. Additionally, the breadth of the ZIKV linear epitopes recognized did not differ between the dams with better and worse control of ZIKV infection.DiscussionThus, the magnitude and breadth of the maternal antibody responses do not seem to impact maternal virologic control. This may be because control of maternal infection is determined in the first 7 DPI, when detectable infectious virus is present and before robust antibody responses are generated. However, the presence of higher ZIKV-specific antibody titers in dams with worse virologic control suggests that these could be used as a biomarker of poor maternal control of infection and should be explored further

    Miscarriage and stillbirth following maternal Zika virus infection in nonhuman primates.

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) infection is associated with congenital defects and pregnancy loss. Here, we found that 26% of nonhuman primates infected with Asian/American ZIKV in early gestation experienced fetal demise later in pregnancy despite showing few clinical signs of infection. Pregnancy loss due to asymptomatic ZIKV infection may therefore be a common but under-recognized adverse outcome related to maternal ZIKV infection

    A research agenda for seed-trait functional ecology

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    Trait-based approaches have improved our understanding of plant evolution, community assembly and ecosystem functioning. A major challenge for the upcoming decades is to understand the functions and evolution of early life-history traits, across levels of organization and ecological strategies. Although a variety of seed traits are critical for dispersal, persistence, germination timing and seedling establishment, only seed mass has been considered systematically. Here we suggest broadening the range of morphological, physiological and biochemical seed traits to add new understanding on plant niches, population dynamics and community assembly. The diversity of seed traits and functions provides an important challenge that will require international collaboration in three areas of research. First, we present a conceptual framework for a seed ecological spectrum that builds upon current understanding of plant niches. We then lay the foundation for a seed-trait functional network, the establishment of which will underpin and facilitate trait-based inferences. Finally, we anticipate novel insights and challenges associated with incorporating diverse seed traits into predictive evolutionary ecology, community ecology and applied ecology. If the community invests in standardized seed-trait collection and the implementation of rigorous databases, major strides can be made at this exciting frontier of functional ecology

    Activation of NK Cells by an Endocytosed Receptor for Soluble HLA-G

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    Signaling from endosomes is emerging as a mechanism by which selected receptors provide sustained signals distinct from those generated at the plasma membrane. The activity of natural killer (NK) cells, which are important effectors of innate immunity and regulators of adaptive immunity, is controlled primarily by receptors that are at the cell surface. Here we show that cytokine secretion by resting human NK cells is induced by soluble, but not solid-phase, antibodies to the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) 2DL4, a receptor for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G. KIR2DL4 was constitutively internalized into Rab5-positive compartments via a dynamin-dependent process. Soluble HLA-G was endocytosed into KIR2DL4–containing compartments in NK cells and in 293T cells transfected with KIR2DL4. Chemokine secretion induced by KIR2DL4 transfection into 293T cells occurred only with recombinant forms of KIR2DL4 that trafficked to endosomes. The profile of genes up-regulated by KIR2DL4 engagement on resting NK cells revealed a proinflammatory/proangiogenic response. Soluble HLA-G induced secretion of a similar set of cytokines and chemokines. This unique stimulation of resting NK cells by soluble HLA-G, which is endocytosed by KIR2DL4, implies that NK cells may provide useful functions at sites of HLA-G expression, such as promotion of vascularization in maternal decidua during early pregnancy

    The role of HLA-G in human pregnancy

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    Pregnancy in mammals featuring hemochorial placentation introduces a major conflict with the mother's immune system, which is dedicated to repelling invaders bearing foreign DNA and RNA. Numerous and highly sophisticated strategies for preventing mothers from rejecting their genetically different fetus(es) have now been identified. These involve production of novel soluble and membrane-bound molecules by uterine and placental cells. In humans, the placenta-derived molecules include glycoproteins derived from the HLA class Ib gene, HLA-G. Isoforms of HLA-G saturate the maternal-fetal interface and circulate in mothers throughout pregnancy. Uteroplacental immune privilege for the fetus and its associated tissues is believed to result when immune cells encounter HLA-G. Unequivocally demonstration of this concept requires experiments in animal models. Both the monkey and the baboon express molecules that are similar but not identical to HLA-G, and may comprise suitable animal models for establishing a central role for these proteins in pregnancy