404 research outputs found

    Predicting the Avoidance of Body Weight Information Using Novel Measures of Trait Information Avoidance

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    Information avoidance is a growing topic of study in the field of behavioral economics. It has been conceptualized as a form of psychological threat management, is suggested to be a generally stable trait. Moreover, trait information avoidance has been shown to predict real-world information decisions. This study aims to explore the phenomenon of body weight information avoidance, which remains poorly understood. 836 participants completed an online survey containing measures of constructs related to suggested information avoidance mechanisms. Notably, this survey included two measures of trait information avoidance, the Information Avoidance Scale and the recently-developed Information Preferences Scale, that previously demonstrated predictive abilities. Participants later chose between obtaining or avoiding weight information in the form of a body fat percentage estimate. Using a series of logistic regression and Lasso regularization models, this study finds a strong effect for predicting information avoidance using the Information Avoidance Scale, and a moderate effect for predicting information avoidance using the Information Preferences Scale

    Pregnancy initiation in the rhesus macaque: Towards functional manipulation of the maternal-fetal interface

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    Nonhuman primates provide an important opportunity to define the mechanisms that contribute to the success of early pregnancy. We have focused for several years now on defining the expression of novel placental major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. In parallel, we have used reagents against human immune cell markers to characterize the leukocyte population in the decidua and have demonstrated dynamic changes in these cell populations during the first 5 weeks of gestation. The challenge is to identify the possible role(s) of placental MHC class I in modifying/directing the maternal endometrial or systemic immune system in the post-implantation period. Foremost among the challenges is the difficulty in modifying placental function. In the instance of trophoblast surface proteins, passive immunization studies are feasible, although limitations include the empirical nature of this approach, as well as the inability to modify intracellular function. We have shown that using lentiviral vectors to effect preimplantation gene transfer for transgene expression in the placenta is not only feasible, but of good efficiency. In addition to transgene overexpression, robust approaches for knocking down/knocking out placental gene expression are essential. Recent developments in RNA interference approaches may allow "transient knockout" experiments. While the rhesus monkey has been our model of choice, currently there are limitations in the number of available female rhesus monkeys of reproductive age for research in early pregnancy. It is critical that the technologies for advanced study move forward in other species. The baboon has been used significantly in reproductive tract biology and early pregnancy research and important models have been developed for manipulation of the maternal-fetal interface. Additional characterization of other species, such as the cynomolgus and African green (vervet) monkey is critical. Given the limitations on antigen recognition when using human reagents, we also propose that the development of panels of primate-specific anti-leukocyte antibodies is essential for moving forward nonhuman primate reproductive research

    Proteção Internacional de Marcas

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    Este artigo visa tornar hialina a compreensão dos sistemasinternacionais de proteção de marcas buscando impulsionar, a partir da históriadas convenções que regularam e ainda regulam a matéria, uma conclusão queavalia se há atualmente um equilíbrio entre a proteção marcaria e os interessescomerciais dos global players. Para isso, fundamental a compreensão daConvenção União de Paris de 1883, que pela primeira vez harmonizou asregras atinentes a questão das marcas em âmbito mundial, sendo que após asvárias revisões ainda é aplicada até hoje por boa parte dos paísescomercialmente importantes. A União de Paris foi estendida para outra União, ade Madrid, mais conhecida como Acordo de Madrid de 1889, que regulamentouo sistema de solicitações internacionais. Ainda nesta seara, há de se ponderara existência do Protocolo de Madrid de 1989, ao qual juntamente com oAcordo, forma o sistema de Madrid. Desta forma, a análise da harmonizaçãointernacional das marcas se dará, sobretudo na Convenção União de Paris, noSistema de Madrid, no Trademark Law Treaty e ainda no TRIPS

    До питання про перебування поляків на Волині в першій половині ХХ століття

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    З давніх віків Волинь як територія, яка знаходилась на кордоні західного і східного світів була специфічним регіоном. Поєднання традицій різних культур - все це різнить цей край від іншої частини України. Хоч Волинь і захід України, але деякий час певна її частина традиційно розвивалася під впливом Російської імперії і православного світогляду.Яцечко-Блаженко Тетяна Володимирівна - ст. викл. кафедри археології, давньої та середньовічної історії України Східноєвропейського національного університету ім. Лесі Українк

    Hofbauer Cells: Their Role in Healthy and Complicated Pregnancy

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    Hofbauer cells are placental villous macrophages of fetal origin that are present throughout pregnancy. Although Hofbauer cell populations are antigenically and morphologically heterogeneous, their epigenetic, antigenic, and functional profiles most closely resemble alternatively activated macrophages or what are referred to as M2a, M2b, M2c, and M2d polarity subtypes. Consistent with an M2-like profile, these cells play an important role in placental development including vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. During placental inflammation Hofbauer cells may produce pro-inflammatory cytokines or mediators that damage the villous cell barrier, and induce fibrotic responses within the villi as a continuum of chronic inflammation. However, to date, there is no evidence that Hofbauer cells become classically activated or adopt an M1 polarity phenotype that is able to kill microbes. To the contrary, their predominant M2 like qualities may be why these cells are ineffective in controlling most TORCH infections. Moreover, Hofbauer cells may contribute to vertical transmission of various pathogens to the fetus since they can harbor live virus and serve as reservoirs within the placenta. The goal of this review is to summarize what is currently known about the role of Hofbauer cells in normal and complicated pregnancies that involve immunologic disorders, inflammation, and/or infection

    The effects of short-term JNK inhibition on the survival and growth of aged sympathetic neurons

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    During the course of normal aging, certain populations of nerve growth factor (NGF)-responsive neurons become selectively vulnerable to cell death. Studies using dissociated neurons isolated from neonates have shown that c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are important in regulating the survival and neurite outgrowth of NGF-responsive sympathetic neurons. Unlike neonatal neurons, adult sympathetic neurons are not dependent on NGF for their survival. Moreover, the NGF precursor, proNGF, is neurotoxic for aging but not young adult NGF-responsive neurons. Because of these age-related differences, the effects of JNK inhibition on the survival and growth of sympathetic neurons isolated from aged mice were studied. Aged neurons, as well as glia, were found to be dependent on JNK for their growth but not their survival. Conversely, proNGF neurotoxicity was JNK-dependent and mediated by the p75-interacting protein NRAGE, whereas neurite outgrowth was independent of NRAGE. These results have implications for the potential use of JNK inhibitors as therapies for ameliorating age-related neurodegenerative disease

    Quantifying the Density of mmWave NR Deployments for Provisioning Multi-Layer VR Services

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    The 5G New Radio (NR) technology operating in millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency band is designed for support bandwidth-greedy applications requiring extraordinary rates at the access interface. However, the use of directional antenna radiation patterns, as well as extremely large path losses and blockage phenomenon, requires efficient algorithms to support these services. In this study, we consider the multi-layer virtual reality (VR) service that utilizes multicast capabilities for baseline layer and unicast transmissions for delivering an enhanced experience. By utilizing the tools of stochastic geometry and queuing theory we develop a simple algorithm allowing to estimate the deployment density of mmWave NR base stations (BS) supporting prescribed delivery guarantees. Our numerical results show that the highest gains of utilizing multicast service for distributing base layer is observed for high UE densities. Despite of its simplicity, the proposed multicast group formation scheme operates close to the state-of-the-art algorithms utilizing the widest beams with longest coverage distance in approximately 50-70% of cases when UE density is lambda >= 0.3. Among other parameters, QoS profile and UE density have a profound impact on the required density of NR BSs while the effect of blockers density is non-linear having the greatest impact on strict QoS profiles. Depending on the system and service parameters the required density of NR BSs may vary in the range of 20-250 BS/km(2).publishedVersionPeer reviewe