132 research outputs found

    Data Mining and Data Warehouse ------ Maximal Simplex Method

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    Association Rule Mining is a widely used method for finding interesting relationships from large data sets. The challenge here is how to swiftly and accurately discover association rules from large data sets. To achieve this, this paper will (1) build a data warehouse system that simulates the secondary storage and represents a database by bit patterns, and (2) implement a new geometric algorithm to find association rules, called Maximal Simplex Algorithm. The data warehouse consists of very long bit columns. Each column is an item or an attribute value pair and a row represents a transaction or a tuple in a database. A bit value 1 in a row represents the transaction contain this item or the tuple contains this value. In this Maximal Simplex Algorithm, we interpret the set of bit columns as a set of independent vertices in a high dimension Euclidean space. The main idea is for each vertex, we find its star neighborhood, namely to find all simplexes that contains this vertex. An n-dimensional simplex is called n-simplex. An n-simplex represents the association rule of length n+1. Based on the experimental results, Maximal Simplex method improves the performance of association rule mining. And also it is possible to achieve parallel computing by using the data warehouse system

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Ibu, Hygiene Dan Sanitasi Lingkungan Terhadap Infeksi Kecacingan Soil Transmitted Helmint (Sth)Pada Anak Di Sd Inpres Kuanheun Kupang Barat

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    Infeksi kecacingan adalah infeksi satu atau lebih cacing parasit usus yang terdiri dari golongan nematoda usus. Diantaranematoda usus ada sejumlah spesies yang penularannya melalui tanah atau biasa disebut dengan cacing jenis soil transmitted helminthes(STH) yaitu terutama cacing gelang (Ascaris lumbricoides), cacing tambang (Necator americanus dan Ancylostoma duuodenale), dan cacing cambuk (Trichuris trichiura).Faktor resiko infeksi kecacingan yaitu karakteristik ibu(umur, pekerjaan, tingkat penghasilan dan tingkat pendidikan,) personal hygiene (cuci tangan sebelum dan sesudah makan dan penggunaan alas kaki), dan sanitasi lingkungan(kebiasaan BAB, kondisi kuku, sumber air bersih, jamban, sarana pembuangan limbah, sarana pembuangan sampah dan jenis lantai rumah). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik ibu, hygiene dan sanitasi lingkungan terhadap infeksi kecacingan Soil transmitted helmints(STH) pada anak diSD Inpres Kuanheun Kupang Barat. Jenis penelitian ini observasional dengan desain penelitian Cross Sectional Study.Sampel penelitian sebanyak 50 responden. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji chi square untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor resiko dengan kejadian kecacingan soil transmitted helmints (STH). Hasil analisis bivariat menyatakan ada pengaruh dengan kejadian kecacingan soil transmitted helmints (STH) yaitu : penggunaan alas kaki (P = 0,001), kondisi kuku (P = 0,031)dan jenis lantai rumah (P = 0,002). Berdasarkan keseluruhan penelitian faktor resiko yang diteliti, yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian kecacingan soil transmitted helmints (STH) adalah penggunaan alas kaki, kondisi kuku dan jenis lantai rumah.Saran dari peneliti sebaiknya penggunaan alas kaki pada anak-anak perlu diperhatikan agar terhindar dari infeksi kecacinga

    Development of novel satellite attitude determination and control algorithms based on telemetry data from an Earth satellite

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    All spacecraft missions require accurate knowledge of attitude, which is derived from on-board sensors using attitude determination algorithms. The increasing demands for attitude accuracy, high performance and low cost spacecraft are driving designers to change from available attitude determination methods to those that are more robust and accurate. However, the cost, the processor workload and the time-constraints in spacecraft development and deployment projects curtail the opportunity for developing new on-board attitude determination methods, especially with regards to the development of more precise sensors. Therefore, it is always desired to achieve the required attitude accuracy with the existing set of on-board sensors, but using effective attitude determination methods and sensor fusion algorithms. Developing such algorithms starts on the ground and is subject to verification and tuning with real experimental data from telemetry. Moreover, the on-ground mission control center has to evaluate the attitude accuracy, calibrate sensors and performance. Motivated by these needs, the main objective of this thesis is to develop novel attitude determination algorithms combining several sensors and attitude estimation methods for Ground-Based Attitude Estimation (GBAE) with telemetry data. The GBAE formulation will be based on a guaranteed ellipsoidal state estimation for acquisition mode and a modified Kalman filter for pointing mode, to provide optimal attitude estimates of the spacecraft. The GBAE has to be evaluated both in the simulation environment and in the flight environment. In the simulation environment, the evaluation of the GBAE rests on the availability of an accurate dynamical model for the spacecraft. However, spacecraft dynamics are complex with multiple modes of operation. Moreover, the nonlinearities in the actual system make the spacecraft dynamics more complex. This motivates the use of switching between a global nonlinear controller for acquisition mode and a local linear controller for pointing mode, which can guarantee performance and is less computationally intensive for implementation in an on-board microprocessor. In this thesis, novel attitude determination and control algorithms are evaluated in the flight environment for a case study in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency for the SCISAT-1 satellite

    Kajian Pendidikan Agama Kristen terhadap Peran Orangtua dalam Pertumbuhan Spiritualitas Anak dan Implikasinya bagi Kemajuan Jemaat di GKS Pusat Pelli

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    Orang tua memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam kehidupan spiritualitas anak. Melalui perannya sebagai pendidik, orang tua dapat memaksimalkan tanggung jawabnya untuk membimbing, mengajar, dan memfasilitasi anak dalam pendidikan agama Kristen, sehingga dapat berdampak pada pertumbuhan spiritualitasnya. Keteladanan orang tua dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Kristen keluarga menjadikan anak dapat mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai Kekristenan yang diajarkan. Didikan ini berdampak ketika anak telah bertumbuh dewasa dan membantu anak menyadari panggilannya untuk terlibat mengusahakan pertumbuhan dan kemajuan jemaat. Sebab, Gereja yang maju adalah mampu memberdayakan setiap anggota jemaatnya terlibat secara aktif dalam pelayanan gereja serta dapat menyediakan pelayanan yang menjawab semua kebutuhan jemaatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kajian pendidikan agama Kristen keluarga yang dilakukan orang tua terhadap pertumbuhan spiritualitas anak dan implikasinya bagi kemajuan jemaat di GKS Pusat Pelli. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data wawancara kepada sepuluh orang informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua belum memahami pendidikan agama Kristen seutuhnya. Orang tua menganggap bahwa pendidikan agama Kristen hanya menjadi tanggung jawab gereja (sekolah minggu) dan sekolah sebagai lembaga formal yang berkompeten di bidang tersebut. Namun, ketika mewawancarai para presbiter, penulis menemukan mereka memahami hakikat dari pendidikan agama Kristen tetapi belum ada upaya melalui program gereja, yang dapat membekali orang tua dalam mendidik anak-anak dalam lingkungan keluarga. Oleh karena itu, melalui tulisan ini diharapkan gereja maupun orangtua dapat membentuk usaha kolaboratif dalam mempersiapkan generasi penerus yang berperan aktif dalam pertumbuhan maupun kemajuan jemaatnya

    Kajian Pendidikan Agama Kristen terhadap Peran Orangtua dalam Pertumbuhan Spiritualitas Anak dan Implikasinya bagi Kemajuan Jemaat di GKS Pusat Pelli

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    Orang tua memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam kehidupan spiritualitas anak. Melalui perannya sebagai pendidik, orang tua dapat memaksimalkan tanggung jawabnya untuk membimbing, mengajar, dan memfasilitasi anak dalam pendidikan agama Kristen, sehingga dapat berdampak pada pertumbuhan spiritualitasnya. Keteladanan orang tua dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan agama Kristen keluarga menjadikan anak dapat mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai Kekristenan yang diajarkan. Didikan ini berdampak ketika anak telah bertumbuh dewasa dan membantu anak menyadari panggilannya untuk terlibat mengusahakan pertumbuhan dan kemajuan jemaat. Sebab, Gereja yang maju adalah mampu memberdayakan setiap anggota jemaatnya terlibat secara aktif dalam pelayanan gereja serta dapat menyediakan pelayanan yang menjawab semua kebutuhan jemaatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kajian pendidikan agama Kristen keluarga yang dilakukan orang tua terhadap pertumbuhan spiritualitas anak dan implikasinya bagi kemajuan jemaat di GKS Pusat Pelli. Penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data wawancara kepada sepuluh orang informan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang tua belum memahami pendidikan agama Kristen seutuhnya. Orang tua menganggap bahwa pendidikan agama Kristen hanya menjadi tanggung sekolah minggu dan sekolah sebagai lembaga formal yang berkompeten di bidang tersebut. Namun, ketika mewawancarai para presbiter, penulis menemukan mereka memahami hakikat dari pendidikan agama Kristen, tetapi belum ada upaya melalui program gereja, yang dapat membekali orang tua dalam mendidik anak-anak dalam lingkungan keluarga. Oleh karena itu, melalui tulisan ini diharapkan gereja maupun orang tua dapat membentuk usaha kolaboratif dalam mempersiapkan generasi penerus yang berperan aktif dalam pertumbuhan maupun kemajuan jemaatnya. Kata Kunci : PAK Keluarga, Peran Orang Tua, Spiritualitas Anak, dan Kemajuan Jemaat GKS Pusat Pelli ABSTRACT Parents have a significant role in the spiritual life of children. Through their role as educators, parents can maximize their responsibility to guide, teach, and facilitate children in Christian religious education, so that it can have an impact on their spiritual growth. The example of parents in carrying out family Christian education makes children able to implement the Christian values that are taught. This education has an impact when the child has grown up and helps the child realize the calling to be involved in the growth and progress of the church. This is because an advanced church is able to empower every member of its congregation to be actively involved in church ministry and to be able to provide services that answer all the needs of its congregation. This study aims to describe the study of family Christian education conducted by parents on the growth of children's spirituality and the implications for the development of the congregation at GKS Pusat Pelli. The author uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques interviewing ten respondents. The results of the study show that parents do not fully understand Christian education. Parents consider that Christian education is only the responsibility of the church (Sunday school) and the school as a formal institution that is competent in this field. However, when interviewing the presbyters, the writer found that they understand the essence of Christian education but there has been no effort through the church's program, which can equip parents in educating their children in a family environment. Therefore, through this writing it is hoped that both the church and parents can form a collaborative effort in preparing the next generation to play an active role in the growth and progress of their congregation. Keywords: Family Christian Education, Parent’s Rple, Children Spirituality, and Development of GKS Pusat Pelli


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    Friction Stir Processing (FSP) is a new solid-state processing technique for micro structural modification which was developed based on the principle of Friction Stir Welding (FSW). The basic concept of FSP is remarkably simple. A non-consumable rotating tool with a pin and shoulder is inserted into a single piece of material and traversed along the desired path for localized micro structural modification for specific property enhancement in the processed zone due to intense plastic deformation, mixing and thermal exposure of material. Friction Stir Processing (FSP) is a solid–state surface modification technique to alter the properties of metals and alloys. This work studies the effect of FSP on pure copper with three different tool pin profiles (plain cylindrical,  square and taper ) at low-heat input condition. The tool rotational speed and tool traverse speed were kept constant to maintain the low heat input., micro hardness and tensile strength were analyzed to evaluate the modifications occurred in the mechanical properties

    An unexpected infection in loss-of-function mutations in STAT3: malignant alveolar echinococcosis in liver

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    Loss-of-function (LOF) mutations in signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (S TAT 3) gene causes autosomal dominant hyper immunoglobulin E syndrome (AD-HIES or Job's Syndrome), a rare and complex primary immunodeficiency (PID) syndrome characterized by increased levels of IgE (>2000 IU/mL), eosinophilia, recurrent staphylococcal skin abscesses, eczema, recurrent pneumonia, skeletal and connective tissue abnormalities. Although bacterial and fungal infections are common in AD-HIES, susceptibility to parasitic infections has not been reported. Alveolar echinococcosis (AE), a zoonosis caused by the growth of the Echinococcus multilocularis (EM) metacestode, mimics slow-growing liver cancer. The mortality rate of AE is very high when it is diagnosed late or undertreated. Here, we report a 14-year-old boy with AE infections of the liver and the lung resulting in liver failure and diagnosed as STAT3-LOF. To our knowledge, the association between these two conditions has not been reported in the literature before

    Predicting the values of the leptonic CP violation phases in theories with discrete flavour symmetries

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    Using the fact that the neutrino mixing matrix U=UeUνU = U^\dagger_{e}U_{\nu}, where UeU_{e} and UνU_{\nu} result from the diagonalisation of the charged lepton and neutrino mass matrices, we consider a number of forms of UνU_{\nu} associated with a variety of discrete symmetries: i) bimaximal (BM) and ii) tri-bimaximal (TBM) forms, the forms corresponding iii) to the conservation of the lepton charge L=LeLμLτL' = L_e - L_\mu - L_{\tau} (LC), iv) to golden ratio type A (GRA) mixing, v) golden ratio type B (GRB) mixing, and vi) to hexagonal (HG) mixing. Employing the minimal form of UeU_e, in terms of angles and phases it contains, that can provide the requisite corrections to UνU_{\nu} so that reactor, atmospheric and solar neutrino mixing angles θ13\theta_{13}, θ23\theta_{23} and θ12\theta_{12} have values compatible with the current data, including a possible sizable deviation of θ23\theta_{23} from π/4\pi/4, we discuss the possibility to obtain predictions for the CP violation phases in the neutrino mixing matrix. Considering the ``standard ordering'' of the the 12 and the 23 rotations in UeU_e and following the approach developed in \cite{Marzocca:2013cr} we derive predictions for the Dirac phase δ\delta and the rephasing invariant JCPJ_{\rm CP} in the cases of GRA, GRB and HG forms of UνU_{\nu} (results for the TBM and BM (LC) forms were obtained in \cite{Marzocca:2013cr}). We show also that under rather general conditions within the scheme considered the values of the Majorana phases in the PMNS matrix can be predicted for each of the forms of UνU_{\nu} discussed. We give examples of these predictions and of their implications for neutrinoless double beta decay. In the GRA, GRB and HG cases, as in the TBM one, relatively large CP violation effects in neutrino oscillations are predicted (JCP(0.0310.034)|J_{CP}| \sim (0.031 - 0.034)). Distinguishing between the TBM, BM (LC), GRA, GRB and HG forms of UνU_{\nu} requires a measurement of cosδ\cos\delta or a relatively high precision measurement of JCPJ_{\rm CP}