382 research outputs found

    Long-Term Trends in Calcifying Plankton and pH in the North Sea

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    Relationships between six calcifying plankton groups and pH are explored in a highly biologically productive and data-rich area of the central North Sea using time-series datasets. The long-term trends show that abundances of foraminiferans, coccolithophores, and echinoderm larvae have risen over the last few decades while the abundances of bivalves and pteropods have declined. Despite good coverage of pH data for the study area there is uncertainty over the quality of this historical dataset; pH appears to have been declining since the mid 1990s but there was no statistical connection between the abundance of the calcifying plankton and the pH trends. If there are any effects of pH on calcifying plankton in the North Sea they appear to be masked by the combined effects of other climatic (e.g. temperature), chemical (nutrient concentrations) and biotic (predation) drivers. Certain calcified plankton have proliferated in the central North Sea, and are tolerant of changes in pH that have occurred since the 1950s but bivalve larvae and pteropods have declined. An improved monitoring programme is required as ocean acidification may be occurring at a rate that will exceed the environmental niches of numerous planktonic taxa, testing their capacities for acclimation and genetic adaptation

    Knowledge of Driving Vehicle Licensing Agency guidelines among NHS doctors:A multicentre observational study

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    Objectives: Over half of the UK population holds a driver's licence. The DVLA have produced guidelines to ensure drivers with medical conditions drive safely. Doctors should ensure that patients are given appropriate information and advice if they have a medical condition affecting their driving. We sought to evaluate doctors' knowledge of DVLA guidelines. Design: A 25-point questionnaire was designed from DVLA guidelines (‘The DVLA Questionnaire’). Five questions were included for each of neurology, cardiology, drug and alcohol abuse, visual, and respiratory disorders. Setting: Ealing Hospital, Northwick Park Hospital, Watford General Hospital, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. Participants: 140 UK doctors. Main outcome measures: Questionnaire scores assessing knowledge of DVLA guidelines in five specialty areas. Results: The median overall questionnaire score was 28%, interquartile range 20–36% and range 0–100% [Watford 28%, Leeds 30%, Norfolk and Norwich 36%, Ealing 30%, Northwick Park 28%]. There were no significant differences between the scores for each centre (p = 0.1332), Mean scores for specialty areas were: neurology 33.1%, standard deviation 22.1; cardiology 35.6%, standard deviation 26.9; drug and alcohol abuse 30.6%, standard deviation 23.8; visual disorders 33.9%, standard deviation 23.5 and respiratory disorders 20.3%, standard deviation 24.8; overall score 30.7%. There was no significant difference between the scores of the specialty areas (p = 0.4060). Conclusions: Knowledge of DVLA guidelines in our cohort was low. There is a need for increased awareness among hospital doctors through focused education on driving restrictions for common medical conditions. Improving physician knowledge in this area may help optimise patient safety


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    Two separate empirical investigations into the conceptual structure underlying the U.S. SIC were undertaken. Government industry specialists and industry classification experts reviewed individual4-digit U.S. SICs and judgmentally determined if these industries had been constructed by grouping similar production processes, or, alternatively, by grouping similar markets. Independently, an algorithm derived from the diversification index developed by Gollop and Monahan (1991) was used to measure the heterogeneity of establishment production functions, by 4-digit industry, using the Census Longitudinal Research Database file. The two reviews yielded broadly similar results: Only about one fifth of US. industries have been designed to be approximately consistent with aggregation conditions derived from production theory

    Make a difference: Choose artificial reefs over natural reefs to compensate for the environmental impacts of dive tourism

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    In the marine environment, natural reef habitats are amongst the most threatened by human activities. Although reef-based ecotourism can benefit local economies, dive tourism can damage sensitive habitats. One solution to managing conflicts between the economic value of diving and its ecological threats is the deployment of artificial reefs near popular dive sites. We surveyed recreational divers to assess divers' use, preference, and perceptions of diving artificial versus natural sites. We found that more divers prefer to dive in natural than artificial habitats, with associated biodiversity the most popular reason for preferring natural habitats, and appreciating shipwrecks the most popular reason for preferring artificial ones. Despite our sample population being highly educated and experienced, predominantly European divers, only 49 % of them perceived artificial reefs as important or somewhat important for diverting pressure from sensitive natural habitats. Similarly, only 13 % of respondents exhibited preference to avoid coral reefs to protect them. These results highlight the fact that more needs to be done to educate divers about the potential importance of artificial habitats in diverting divers from natural reefs. We suggest encouraging divers to switch out a proportion of their dives in vulnerable natural sites for artificial reefs. This is not only true for coral reefs, but should be applied to other natural reef habitats that are popular with divers such as kelp forests, sponge gardens and serpulid and coralligenous reefs. We hope that this study will provide a platform to stimulate a diver-led discussion and campaign for increased uptake of artificial reef use, resulting in reduced impacts on natural reefs

    Determinants of Length of Stay Following Total Anterior Circulatory Stroke

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    Identification of factors that determine length of stay (LOS) in total anterior circulatory stroke (TACS) has potential for targeted intervention to reduce the associated health care burden. This study aimed to determine which factors predict LOS following either ischaemic or haemorrhagic TACS. The study sample population was drawn from the Norfolk and Norwich Stroke and Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Register (1996 – 2012), a prospective registry. 2965 patients admitted with TACS verified by a stroke specialist team were included. Primary analysis identified predictors of length of stay (LOS) in either haemorrhagic or ischaemic TACS. Secondary analyses identified predictors of LOS in patients who were discharged alive or who died during admission separately. Moderate (p=0.014) to severe disability (p=0.015) and history of congestive heart failure (p=0.027) in the primary analysis and pre-stroke residence in a care facility among patients who survived to discharge (p=0.013) were associated with a shorter length of stay. Factors associated with increased length of stay included presence of neurological lateralisation in the primary analysis (p=0.004) and amongst patients who died (p=0.003 and p=0.014 for ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke, respectively). Patients with advanced age (≥85 years) with haemorrhagic stroke had longer LOS regardless of mortality outcome. Patients with low pre-morbid disability (modified Rankin score ≤2 who died following haemorrhagic TACS also had longer LOS. Our study found predictors of LOS following TACS include neurological lateralisation, pre-stroke disability status, congestive heart failure, pre-morbid residence and age. The identification of such factors would assist in resource allocation and discharge planning

    At what scale should we assess the health of pelagic habitats? Trade-offs between small-scale manageable pressures and the need for regional upscaling

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    Major planktonic lifeforms such as diatoms, dinoflagellates, meroplankton and holoplankton have recently shown significant and alarming changes in abundance - mainly downwards trends - around the northwest European shelf. This has major implications for food web connections and for ecosystem services including seafood provision and carbon storage. We have quantified these changes in abundance for 2006–2019/20 using a Plankton Index (PI) and show that the scale of spatial aggregation is critical to the ability of the PI to detect change, understand causal mechanisms, and provide advice to policymakers. We derived PI statistics in the Celtic and North Seas from data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey offshore and England’s Environment Agency inshore using three sets of spatial units: (i) Ecohydrodynamic (EHD) units based on hydro-biogeochemical modelling, (ii) ‘COMP4′ areas based on cluster analysis of satellite data for chlorophyll a and primary productivity, and (iii) English coastal and estuarine Water Framework Directive (WFD) waterbodies. For the largest scale areas, the EHD units (median size 87,000 km2), we find greater change in plankton communities than previously reported, suggesting that these shifts have continued and possibly intensified in recent years. The smaller-scale COMP4 areas (median size 6,700 km2) appear to encompass more spatially coherent changes in plankton community structure than EHD units; at this scale PI values indicate community shifts of greater magnitude. These COMP4 areas provide a reasonable compromise scale for linking offshore plankton communities to large-scale drivers of change such as climate warming. For inshore plankton communities, larger changes are detected at the smaller WFD waterbody scale (median size 11 km2). This scale allows direct links to coastal management measures and is more suitable for linking to land-sourced pressures. Recent integration of the UK’s OSPAR and WFD plankton monitoring data management enables the exploration of changes across spatial scales to develop a holistic understanding of ecosystem health. Regional-sea scale derivation of the PI for coastal waters provides a clear indication that changes are occurring, at least in phytoplankton communities, while localised PI statistics offer an additional layer of information which can be an important tool for linking to localised drivers of change including coastal anthropogenic pressures. Broadscale inshore zooplankton monitoring is needed to evaluate the coastal plankton community holistically; zooplankton communities offshore are also changing but these changes cannot currently be linked to coastal processes. Layering information across spatial scales provides a breadth of system-level understanding beyond what any one typology can provide

    Unusual Assortment of Segments in 2 Rare Human Rotavirus Genomes

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    Using full-length genome sequence analysis, we investigated 2 rare G3P[9] human rotavirus strains isolated from children with diarrhea. The genomes were recognized as assortments of genes closely related to rotaviruses originating from cats, ruminants, and humans. Results suggest multiple transmissions of genes from animal to human strains of rotaviruses