188 research outputs found
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Effect of the desorption process on photoluminescence excitation spectra of porous silicon
Photoluminescence (PL), photoluminescence excitation (PLE) and FTIR methods were used to study the PL excitation mechanism in porous silicon (PS). Two types of PLE spectra were observed, consisting of two (visible and ultraviolet) and one (only ultraviolet) bands. The intensities of each PLE band depend differently on the anodization conditions during aging and thermal treatment. Two excitation channels were shown to exist in PS. The visible PLE band at 300 K was attributed to light absorption of some species on the surface of Si wires.Досліджено механізм збудження фотолюмінесценції пористого кремміго методами фотолюмінесценції та інфрачервоного поглинання. Показано, що існує два типі спектрів збудження, які містять або дві смуги (видиму та ультрафіолетову), або тільки одну (ультрафіолетову) смугу. Вивчено залежності інтенсивностей кожної смуги від режимів електрохімічного травлення, а також їх поведінка у процесі старіння та термічного оброблення пористих шарів. Показано, що існують два канали збудження фотолюмінесценції. Видима смуга у спектрі збудження при 300 К пов.язується з поглинанням світла у речовинах, які адсорбовані на поверхні кремнієвих ниток.Исследован механизм возбуждении фотолюминесценции пористого кремнии методами фотолюминесценции и инфракрасного поглощения. Показано, что существуют два типа спектров возбуждения, которые содержат либо две полосы (видимую и ультрафиолетовую), либо только одну (ультрафиолетовую) полосу. Изучены зависимости ингенсивностей каждой полосы возбуждения от режимов электрохимического травления, а также их поведение в процессе старения и термических обработок пористых слоев. Показано, что существуют два канала возбуждения фотолюминесценции. Видимая полоса в спектре возбуждения при 300 К связывается с поглощением света веществами, адсорбированными на поверхности кремниевых нитей
D-Brane Chemistry
We study several different kinds of bound states built from D-branes and
orientifolds. These states are to atoms what branonium - the bound state of a
brane and its anti-brane - is to positronium, inasmuch as they typically
involve a light brane bound to a much heavier object with conserved charges
which forbid the system's decay. We find the fully relativistic motion of a
probe Dp'-brane in the presence of source Dp-branes is integrable by
quadratures. Keplerian conic sections are obtained for special choices for p
and p' and the systems are shown to be equivalent to nonrelativistic systems.
Their quantum behaviour is also equivalent to the corresponding
non-relativistic limit. In particular the p=6, p'=0 case is equivalent to a
non-relativistic dyon in a magnetic monopole background, with the trajectories
in the surface of a cone. We also show that the motion of the probe branes
about D6-branes in IIA theory is equivalent to the motion of the corresponding
probes in the uplift to M-theory in 11 dimensions, for which there are no
D6-branes but their fields are replaced by a particular Taub-NUT geometry. We
further discuss the interactions of D-branes and orientifold planes having the
same dimension. this system behaves at large distances as a brane-brane system
but at shorter distances it does not have the tachyon instability.Comment: ref. added and typos correcte
Lower risk of lung cancer after multiple pneumonia diagnoses
Although pneumonia has been suggested as a risk factor for lung cancer, previous studies have not evaluated the influence of number of pneumonia diagnoses in relation to lung cancer risk
Spinor condensates and light scattering from Bose-Einstein condensates
These notes discuss two aspects of the physics of atomic Bose-Einstein
condensates: optical properties and spinor condensates. The first topic
includes light scattering experiments which probe the excitations of a
condensate in both the free-particle and phonon regime. At higher light
intensity, a new form of superradiance and phase-coherent matter wave
amplification were observed. We also discuss properties of spinor condensates
and describe studies of ground--state spin domain structures and dynamical
studies which revealed metastable excited states and quantum tunneling.Comment: 58 pages, 33 figures, to appear in Proceedings of Les Houches 1999
Summer School, Session LXXI
A Theory for the High-T_c Cuprates: Anomalous Normal-State and Spectroscopic Properties, Phase Diagram, and Pairing
A theory of highly correlated layered superconducting materials isapplied for
the cuprates. Differently from an independent-electron approximation, their
low-energy excitations are approached in terms of auxiliary particles
representing combinations of atomic-like electron configurations, where the
introduction of a Lagrange Bose field enables treating them as bosons or
fermions. The energy spectrum of this field accounts for the tendency of
hole-doped cuprates to form stripe-like inhomogeneities. Consequently, it
induces a different analytical behavior for auxiliary particles corresponding
to "antinodal" and "nodal" electrons, enabling the existence of different
pairing temperatures at T^* and T_c. This theory correctly describes the
observed phase diagram of the cuprates, including the non-Fermi-liquid to FL
crossover in the normal state, the existence of Fermi arcs below T^* and of a
"marginal-FL" critical behavior above it. The qualitative anomalous behavior of
numerous physical quantities is accounted for, including kink- and
waterfall-like spectral features, the drop in the scattering rates below T^*
and more radically below T_c, and an effective increase in the density of
carriers with T and \omega, reflected in transport, optical and other
properties. Also is explained the correspondence between T_c, the
resonance-mode energy, and the "nodal gap".Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure
First cosmology results using type Ia supernovae from the Dark Energy Survey: constraints on cosmological parameters
We present the first cosmological parameter constraints using measurements of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the Dark Energy Survey Supernova Program (DES-SN). The analysis uses a subsample of 207 spectroscopically confirmed SNe Ia from the first three years of DES-SN, combined with a low-redshift sample of 122 SNe from the literature. Our "DES-SN3YR" result from these 329 SNe Ia is based on a series of companion analyses and improvements covering SN Ia discovery, spectroscopic selection, photometry, calibration, distance bias corrections, and evaluation of systematic uncertainties. For a flat LCDM model we find a matter density Omega_m = 0.331 +_ 0.038. For a flat wCDM model, and combining our SN Ia constraints with those from the cosmic microwave background (CMB), we find a dark energy equation of state w = -0.978 +_ 0.059, and Omega_m = 0.321 +_ 0.018. For a flat w0waCDM model, and combining probes from SN Ia, CMB and baryon acoustic oscillations, we find w0 = -0.885 +_ 0.114 and wa = -0.387 +_ 0.430. These results are in agreement with a cosmological constant and with previous constraints using SNe Ia (Pantheon, JLA)
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