9 research outputs found

    Impact of Birthing Room Design on Maternal Childbirth Experience: Results From the Room4Birth Randomized Trial

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    Objective: To study the effect of the birthing room design on nulliparous women’s childbirth experience up to 1 year after birth. Background: Although it is known that the birth environment can support or hinder birth processes, the impact of the birthing room design on maternal childbirth experience over time is insufficiently studied. Methods: The Room4Birth randomized controlled trial was conducted at a labor ward in Sweden. Nulliparous women in active stage of spontaneous labor were randomized (n = 406) to either a regular birthing room (n = 202) or a new birthing room designed with more person-centered considerations (n = 204). Childbirth experiences were measured 2 hr, 3 months, and 12 months after birth by using a Visual Analogue Scale of Overall Childbirth Experience (VAS-OCE), the Fear of Birth Scale (FOBS), and the Childbirth Experience Questionnaire (CEQ2). Results: Women randomized to the new room had a more positive childbirth experience reported on the VAS-OCE 3 months (p =.002) and 12 months (p =.021) after birth compared to women randomized to a regular room. Women in the new room also scored higher in the total CEQ2 score (p =.039) and within the CEQ2 subdomain own capacity after 3 months (p =.028). The remaining CEQ2 domains and the FOBS scores did not differ between the groups. Conclusions: These findings show that a birthing room offering more possibilities to change features and functions in the room according to personal needs and requirements, positively affects the childbirth experience of nulliparous women 3 and 12 months after they have given birth

    ”Att vara mamma Ă€r ingen Ă„lder, det Ă€r nĂ„got man blir” : En kvalitativ studie om tonĂ„rsmödrars upplevelse av stöd i samband med barnafödande

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    Att vÀnta och föda barn i en redan turbulent tid som tonÄrstiden kan vara, leder till ytterligare pÄtagliga förÀndringar bÄde fysiskt, psykiskt och socialt. Omgivningens och den professionella personalens attityder och förhÄllningssÀtt har stor betydelse för hur unga kvinnor upplever och hanterar barnafödande. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka unga mödrars upplevelse av stöd i samband med barnafödande under tonÄren. Metoden som anvÀndes var kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Nio unga mödrar intervjuades och det transkriberade materialet som utgjordes av intervjuerna tolkades utifrÄn kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys med induktiv ansats. I analysen framkom ett tema: Att bli bekrÀftad och tagen pÄ allvar innebÀr att kunna mogna i sin graviditet och i sin roll som blivande tonÄrsförÀlder. Detta behov av stöd inleddes redan dÄ den unga gravida fick ett positivt graviditetsbesked och beslut angÄende att behÄlla barnet eller inte skulle fattas. Vidare grundar temat sig i att kunna stÄ upp för sitt beslut och ta ansvar för det inför en omgivning med ibland negativa attityder till ungt förÀldraskap. Det handlar Àven om de stora förÀndringar i livet, vilket graviditet och förÀldraskap för med sig och det viktiga i att kÀnna sig tagen pÄ allvar. Dessa aspekter av barnafödande i ung Älder Àr mycket viktigt att barnmorskor kÀnner till i sitt arbete. Resultatet visade att unga barnafödande kvinnor har behov av individuellt anpassat stöd och i stor utstrÀckning bekrÀftelse frÄn sin omgivning för att pÄ ett positivt sÀtt vÀxa i sin nya roll som förÀlder. De unga mödrarna i denna studie visades inte vÄga stÀlla krav pÄ vÄrden och de kunde Àven ha svÄrt att förmedla vilken typ av anpassat stöd de önskade, vilket visar pÄ att de inte alltid litade till sitt eget vÀrde eller till sina rÀttigheter som gravid, ung kvinna.Nyckelord: tonÄringar, barnafödande, upplevelse, stöd, barnmorska, attityderProgram: Barnmorskeutbildnin

    Implementing a new birthing room design : a qualitative study with a care provider perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Research shows that interventions to protect the sensitive physiological process of birth by improving the birthing room design may positively affect perinatal outcomes. It is, however, crucial to understand the mechanisms and contextual elements that influence the outcomes of such complex interventions. Hence, we aimed to explore care providers' experiences of the implementation of a new hospital birthing room designed to be more supportive of women's birth physiology. METHODS: This qualitative study reports on the implementation of the new birthing room, which was evaluated in the Room4Birth randomised controlled trial in Sweden. Individual interviews were undertaken with care providers, including assistant nurses, midwives, obstetricians, and managers (n = 21). A content analysis of interview data was conducted and mapped into the three domains of the Normalisation Process Theory coding manual: implementation context, mechanism, and outcome. RESULTS: The implementation of the new room challenged the prevailing biomedical paradigm within the labour ward context and raised the care providers' awareness about the complex interplay between birth physiology and the environment. This awareness had the potential to encourage care providers to be more emotionally present, rather than to focus on monitoring practices. The new room also evoked a sense of insecurity due to its unfamiliar design, which acted as a barrier to integrating the room as a well-functioning part of everyday care practice. CONCLUSION: Our findings highlight the disparity that existed between what care providers considered valuable for women during childbirth and their own requirements from the built environment based on their professional responsibilities. This identified disparity emphasises the importance of hospital birthing rooms (i) supporting women's emotions and birth physiology and (ii) being standardised to meet care providers' requirements for a functional work environment. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03948815, 14/05/2019

    The influence and meaning of the birth environment for nulliparous women at a hospital-based labour ward in Sweden : An ethnographic study

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    BACKGROUND: Labour and birth are sensitive physiological processes substantially influenced by environmental and psychosocial factors. AIM: To explore the influence and meaning of the birth environment for nulliparous women giving birth in either one of two differently designed birthing rooms at a hospital-based labour ward. METHODS: Five months of ethnographic fieldwork was conducted at a labour ward in Sweden, consisting of participant observations of 16 nulliparous women giving birth in either a 'Regular' birthing room (n = 8) or a specially designed, 'New room' (n = 8). Data included field notes, informal interviews, reflective notes, and individual interviews with eight women after birth. The data was analysed through an ethnographic iterative hermeneutic analysis process. FINDINGS: The analysis identified the birth environment as consisting of the physical space, the human interaction within it, and the institutional context. The analytic concept; Birth Manual was conceived as an instrument for managing labour in accordance with institutional authority. Significant to the interpretation of the influence and meaning of the birth environment were two abstract rooms: an Institutional room, where birth was approached as a critical event, designating birthing women as passive; and a Personal room, where birth was approached as a physiological event in which women's agency was facilitated. CONCLUSION: Institutional authority permeated the atmosphere within the birth environment, irrespective of the design of the room. A power imbalance between institutional demands and birthing women's needs was identified, emphasising the vital role the birth philosophy plays in creating safe birth environments that increase women's sense of agency

    Limited, But Not Eliminated, Excess Long-Term Morbidity in Stage I-IIA Hodgkin Lymphoma Treated With Doxorubicin, Bleomycin, Vinblastine, and Dacarbazine and Limited-Field Radiotherapy

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    PURPOSE Balancing disease control and toxicity from chemotherapy and radiotherapy (RT) when treating early-stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL) is important. Available data on long-term toxicity after RT for cHL mostly refer to RT techniques no longer in use. We aimed to describe long-term toxicity from modern limited-field (LF)-RT after two or four cycles of doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, and dacarbazine (ABVD). PATIENTS AND METHODS This study included all patients with cHL treated with two or four cycles of ABVD and 30 Gy LF-RT during 1999-2005 in Sweden. Patients (n = 215) and comparators (n = 860), matched for age, gender, and region of residence, were cross-checked against national health registries for malignancies, diseases of the circulatory system (DCS), and diseases of the respiratory system (DRS) from the day of diagnosis of cHL. RESULTS The risk of a malignancy was higher for patients than comparators, hazard ratio (HR) 1.5 (95% CI, 1.0 to 2.4), as was the risk for DCS 1.5 (95% CI, 1.1 to 2.0) and for DRS 2.6 (95% CI, 1.6 to 4.3). The median followup was 16 years (range, 12-19 years). Of individual diagnoses in DCS, only venous thromboembolism was statistically significantly elevated. If the first 6 months (ie, time of active treatment for cHL) were excluded and censoring at relapse of cHL or diagnosis of any malignancy, the increased HR for venous thromboembolism diminished. Most of the excess risk for DRS consisted of asthma, HR 3.5 (95% CI, 1.8 to 6.8). Patients diagnosed with DRS were significantly younger than comparators. CONCLUSION Compared with toxicity from earlier RT techniques, excess morbidity was not eliminated, but lower than previously reported. The elevated risk of DRS was driven by diagnosis of asthma, which could in part be explained by misdiagnosis of persisting pulmonary toxicity.Funding Agencies|Stiftelsen Onkologiska Klinikens i Uppsala Forskningsfond; Swedish Cancer Society</p

    Room4Birth-The effect of giving birth in a hospital birthing room designed with person-centred considerations: A Swedish randomised controlled trial

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    Objective: To evaluate if a birthing room designed with person-centred considerations improves labour and birth outcomes for nulliparous women when compared to regular birthing rooms. Methods: A randomised controlled trial was conducted at a Swedish labour ward between January 2019 and October 2020. Nulliparous women in spontaneous labour were randomised either to a birthing room designed with person-centred considerations (New room) or a Regular room. The primary outcome was a composite of four variables: vaginal non-instrumental birth; no oxytocin augmentation; postpartum blood los

    No excess long-term mortality in stage I-IIA Hodgkin lymphoma patients treated with ABVD and limited field radiotherapy

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    When treating limited stage classical Hodgkin lymphoma (cHL), balancing treatment efficacy and toxicity is important. Toxicities after extended-field radiotherapy are well documented. Investigators have aimed at reducing toxicity without compromising efficacy, mainly by using combined modality treatment (CMT), i.e. chemotherapy and limited-field radiotherapy. In some clinical trials, radiotherapy has been omitted. We evaluated 364 patients with stage I-IIA cHL treated between 1999 and 2005. Patients were treated with two or four cycles of doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine (ABVD) according to presence of risk factors, followed by 30 Gy limited-field (reduced compared to involved-field) radiotherapy. After a median follow-up of 16 years for survival, freedom from progression at five and ten years was 93% and overall survival at 5 and 10 years was 98% and 96%, respectively. Only two relapses, out of 27, occurred after more than 5 years. There was no excess mortality compared to the general population. Of the analysed subgroups, only patients with progression within five years showed significant excess mortality. The absence of excess mortality questions the concept of omitting radiotherapy after short-term chemotherapy, a strategy that has been associated with an elevated risk of relapse but not yet with a proven reduced long-term excess mortality