46 research outputs found

    Morphology of Salivary and Lacrimal Glands

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    Generally, the tissues consist of stroma and parenchyma. The epithelial tissue, which forms the basis of exocrine glands, is rich in parenchyma. The secretions of salivary glands are functionally related to the digestion, and the secretions of the lacrimal glands protect the eye surface and allow to maintain a proper vision. The parotid is a pure serous gland and consists of serous acinus. The submandibular gland is a mixed gland consisting of serous acini and mucous tubules, and the acinus is predominant. The sublingual gland is a mixed gland composed of serous acini and mucous tubules, such as the submandibular gland, but the mucous tubules are predominant. The secretions of salivary glands reach the oral cavity with the intercalated canal, the intralobular canal, the interlobular canal, and the main duct channel. “Stenon duct” in the parotid gland, “Wharton duct” in the submandibular gland, and “major sublingual” duct in the sublingual gland open into the oral cavity. The lacrimal gland is structurally similar to salivary glands. This gland was divided into lobules by irregular tight connective tissue. In the lobules, acinar cells and mucus tubules are located together

    The Effect of Denture Cleansing Solutions on the Retention of Precision Attachments: An In Vitro Study.

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    This study aimed to investigate the effect of different cleansing solutions on the retention of precision attachments. A precision attachment patrix was embedded into acrylic resin and the matrix was placed onto the patrix. The red (high retention, 8 N), yellow (regular retention, 6 N), and green (reduced retention, 4 N) plastic matrixes of the attachments (n = 32) were soaked in three different denture cleansing solutions (sodium laureth sulfate, sodium bicarbonate-sodium perborate, sodium bicarbonate) for a duration simulating 6 months of clinical use. The control group was soaked in tap water. A universal testing machine was used to measure the retention values of attachments after they were soaked in denture cleansers. The retention values were compared among the groups with repeated-measures analysis of variance followed by the Tukey HSD test (p = 0.05). Yellow attachments were affected by sodium laureth sulfate, sodium bicarbonate-sodium perborate, and water (p = 0.012). Green attachments' retention increased after immersion in sodium laureth sulfate (p = 0.04) and water (p = 0.02). Red attachments' retention increased after immersion in sodium laureth sulfate or sodium bicarbonate-sodium perborate (p = 0.045). Water did not affect the retention of red attachments. Because sodium bicarbonate tablets did not affect the retention of attachments, clinicians may recommend their use as a cleanser. Clinicians also may inform patients using fixed and removable partial prostheses with precision attachments of a possible increase in retention after the use of sodium laureth sulfate or when using sodium bicarbonate-sodium perborate with yellow and red attachments

    Examination of age-dependent effects of fetal ethanol exposure on behavior, hippocampal cell counts, and doublecortin immunoreactivity in rats

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    WOS: 000333998100002PubMed ID: 24302592Ethanol is known as a potent teratogen having adverse effects on brain and behavior. However, some of the behavioral deficits caused by fetal alcohol exposure and well expressed in juveniles ameliorate with maturation may suggest some kind of functional recovery occurring during postnatal development. The aim of this study was to reexamine age-dependent behavioral impairments in fetal-alcohol rats and to investigate the changes in neurogenesis and gross morphology of the hippocampus during a protracted postnatal period searching for developmental deficits and/or delays that would correlate with behavioral impairments in juveniles and for potential compensatory processes responsible for their amelioration in adults. Ethanol was delivered to the pregnant dams by intragastric intubation throughout 7-21 gestation days at daily dose of 6 g/kg. Isocaloric intubation and intact control groups were included. Locomotor activity, anxiety, and spatial learning tasks were applied to juvenile and young-adult rats from all groups. Unbiased stereological estimates of hippocampal volumes, the total number of pyramidal and granular cells, and double cortin expressing neurons were carried out for postnatal days (PDs) PD1, PD10, PD30, and PD60. Alcohol insult during second trimester equivalent caused significant deficits in the spatial learning in juvenile rats; however, its effect on hippocampal morphology was limited to a marginally lower number of granular cells in dentate gyrus (DG) on PD30. Thus, initial behavioral deficits and the following functional recovery in fetal-alcohol subjects may be due to more subtle plastic changes within the hippocampal formation but also in other structures of the extended hippocampal circuit. Further investigation is required. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 498-513, 2014METU Scientific Research Fund; Turkish Scientific and Technical Council (TUBITAK) [SBAG-107S069]; TUBITAK PhD scholarshipTurkish Scientific and Technical Council (TUBITAK) [SBAG-107S069]Contract grant sponsor: METU Scientific Research Fund.; Contract grant sponsor: Turkish Scientific and Technical Council (TUBITAK); contract grant number: SBAG-107S069 (to E.J.D.).; Contract grant sponsor: TUBITAK PhD scholarship (to B.E.C.)


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    ABSTRACT This study determines possible antibacterial, antioxidant and growth-promoting effects of some selected herbs in broiler chickens. Ground aerial parts of Thymbra spicata, Origanum minutiflorum, Rosmarinus officinalis, Mrytus communis, Salvia tomentosa and ground seed of Cumin were added to broiler diets at 0.0, 0.25, 0.50, 1.00 and 1.50% (w/w). Volatile essential oil contents were analysed. Samples of blood, digesta and intestinal tissues were analysed to determine antioxidant activity, bacteria growth and intestinal histomorphology, respectively. The results showed that at 0-21 days of age the birds performed better on the diets up to 0.25% of herbal inclusion level. Increasing the inclusion level from 0.5 to 1.5% for Origanum minutiflorum, Thymbra spicata and partially for Rosmarinus officinalis increased feed consumption with lower weight gain and depressed efficiency of feed conversion, but not for Salvia tomentosa, Mrytus communis and Cumin. The results further showed that broilers could better perform on the diets up to 0.5% of inclusion level at 42 days. All levels (except 1.5%) for Cumin and Salvia tomentosa did not cause any impairment in performance of broilers. High inclusion levels (0.5 to 1.5%) reduced E. coli count. The selected herbs did not cause an oxidative stress at a given inclusion level. Of the plants Rosmarinus officinalis clearly demonstrated strong antioxidant effect. The high doses of Origanum minutiflorum caused depression in growth rate associated with shortened villus development of intestinal epithelium in broilers. However, increased growth rate with Cumin associated with longer villus and increased dry matter retention in broilers at 21 days were recorded. It was suggested that some of selected herbs can be incorporated up to 0.5% into broiler diets on account of their antibacterial and antioxidant properties

    Effect of thyroidectomy on the histology of rat sublingual gland

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effect of thyroidectomy on the histology of rat sublingual gland. Twenty-eight male Wistar albino rats, aged 4 weeks and weighing between 45-55 g, were used. The rats were divided into two experimental groups (control and thyroidectomy), each containing 14 animals. Total thyroidectomy of rats was performed under ether anesthesia in thyroidectomy group. The rats in the control group were sham operated without having the thyroidectomy. Seven rats randomly selected from both groups were fixed using the perfusion fixation technique 2 and 6 weeks after thyroidectomy, and their sublingual glands were harvested for histological investigation. No histological difference was observed between the two groups 2 weeks after thyroidectomy. However, 6 weeks after thyroidectomy considerable cytoplasmic vacuolization of the epithelial cells of the mucous tubules was seen in the thyroidectomy group compared to the controls. Enlargement of mucous tubules was also observed, and the lumina in most of the tubules was quite dilated. In the stroma surrounding the parenchymal tissues, increased lipid tissue mass was observed. In addition, increased connective tissue mass and mononuclear cell infiltrations were evident. Furthermore, the number of mast cells was significantly higher in the thyroidectomy group than in the controls 6 weeks after thyroidectomy. It was concluded that the thyroid gland and hormones might have an influence on the histology of the sublingual gland