87 research outputs found


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    Strategická hra - populární žánr počítačových her, kde je klíčem k dosažení vítězství plánování a strategické myšlení. Počítačová hra, která by měla svůj unikátní svět s atmosférou budoucnosti sci-fi. Také aby mechanika hry měla nový systém, který nebude podobný ostatním hrám, které existují. Herní svět je budoucnost. Máme možnost hrát za 2 různé frakce, kde Země- lidstvo a Měsíc - roboti. Každá frakce má svoje schopnosti a cíle hry. Vy musíte vytvořit svou unikátní armádu, která musí zničit hlavní štáb nepřítele. Také každá frakce má generála, který bude řídit vaši armádu. Kromě toho musíte vytvořit jednotku kosmických lodí, které vám pomůže odeslat výsadkovou pěchotu na planetu nepřítele.ObhájenoStrategic Game - A popular genre of computer games where it is the key to achieving winning scheduling and strategic thinking. A computer game that would have its unique world with the atmosphere of science fiction. Also make the game mechanics have a new system that will not be similar to other games that exist. The game world is a future. We have the opportunity to play for 2 different factions, where Earth-humanity and moon-robots. Each faction has its own abilities and goals. You must create your unique army that must destroy the enemy's main crew. Also, every faction has a general who will steer your army. In addition, you have to create a spaceship unit to help you send a parachute infantry to the enemy's planet

    Manual de procesos y procedimientos administrativos y financieros para la Estación de Servicio “Simón Bolívar” año 2019

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    El Manual de Procesos y Procedimentos Administrativos y Financieros para la estaciĂłn de servicio SimĂłn BolĂ­var 2019, ubicada en la Parroquia SimĂłn BolĂ­var Provincia de Pastaza tiene como propĂłsito optimizar los recursos econĂłmicos, humanos, realizar un diagnĂłstico general del funcionamiento de procesos administrativos y procedimientos financieros que sean aplicables para la identificaciĂłn de los responsables dentro de la EstaciĂłn de Servicios. En la investigaciĂłn se aplicĂł encuestas a los empleados y propietario del negocio. Se constatĂł la ausencia de un manual de funciones lo cual pone en duda la veracidad y confiabilidad de la informaciĂłn, la falta de procesos en cuanto a los movimientos para la adquisicion de bienes y servicios. Como parte de la propuesta se definiĂł el proceso de contrataciĂłn de personal, control de combustible, adquisiciĂłn y proceso contable con los respectivos flujogramas, incluyen los responsables y las acciones a desarrollar. Se recomienda implementar el Organigrama Estructural, MisiĂłn, VisiĂłn y el Manual de Procesos Administrativos y Procedimientos Financieros con la finalidad de aplicar los pasos establecidos para asignar cargos y responsabilidades reales para evitar el desperdicio de recursos.The Manual of Administrative and Financial Processes and Procedures for the SimĂłn BolĂ­var 2019 service station, located in the SimĂłn BolĂ­var Parish Province of Pastaza aims to optimize economic, human resources, perform a general diagnosis of the operation of administrative processes and financial procedures that are applicable for the identification of those responsible within the Service Station. In the investigation, surveys applied to the employees and the business owner. It was evident the absence of a manual of functions which questions the veracity and reliability of the information, the lack of processes regarding the movements for the acquisition of goods and services. As part of the proposal, the personnel hiring process, fuel control, acquisition and accounting process with the respective flow programs were defined, including those responsible and the actions to be carried out. It is recommended to implement the Structural Organization Chart, Mission, Vision and the Manual of Administrative Processes and Financial Procedures to apply the steps established to assign real positions and responsibilities to avoid wasting resources

    A Role for Syndecan-1 in Coupling Fascin Spike Formation by Thrombospondin-1

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    An important role of cell matrix adhesion receptors is to mediate transmembrane coupling between extracellular matrix attachment, actin reorganization, and cell spreading. Thrombospondin (TSP)-1 is a modulatory component of matrix expressed during development, immune response, or wound repair. Cell adhesion to TSP-1 involves formation of biochemically distinct matrix contacts based on stable fascin spikes. The cell surface adhesion receptors required have not been identified. We report here that antibody clustering of syndecan-1 proteoglycan specifically transduces organization of cortical actin and fascin bundles in several cell types. Transfection of COS-7 cells with syndecan-1 is sufficient to stimulate cell spreading, fascin spike assembly, and extensive protrusive lateral ruffling on TSP-1 or on syndecan-1 antibody. The underlying molecular mechanism depends on glycosaminoglycan (GAG) modification of the syndecan-1 core protein at residues S45 or S47 for cell membrane spreading and on the VC2 region of the cytoplasmic domain for spreading and fascin spike formation. Expression of the VC2 deletion mutant or GAG-negative syndecan-1 showed that syndecan-1 is necessary in spreading and fascin spike formation by C2C12 cells on TSP-1. These results establish a novel role for syndecan-1 protein in coupling a physiological matrix ligand to formation of a specific matrix contact structure

    Plasma and cellular fibronectin: distinct and independent functions during tissue repair

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    Fibronectin (FN) is a ubiquitous extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein that plays vital roles during tissue repair. The plasma form of FN circulates in the blood, and upon tissue injury, is incorporated into fibrin clots to exert effects on platelet function and to mediate hemostasis. Cellular FN is then synthesized and assembled by cells as they migrate into the clot to reconstitute damaged tissue. The assembly of FN into a complex three-dimensional matrix during physiological repair plays a key role not only as a structural scaffold, but also as a regulator of cell function during this stage of tissue repair. FN fibrillogenesis is a complex, stepwise process that is strictly regulated by a multitude of factors. During fibrosis, there is excessive deposition of ECM, of which FN is one of the major components. Aberrant FN-matrix assembly is a major contributing factor to the switch from normal tissue repair to misregulated fibrosis. Understanding the mechanisms involved in FN assembly and how these interplay with cellular, fibrotic and immune responses may reveal targets for the future development of therapies to regulate aberrant tissue-repair processes


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    Strategická hra - populární žánr počítačových her, kde je klíčem k dosažení vítězství plánování a strategické myšlení. Počítačová hra, která by měla svůj unikátní svět s atmosférou budoucnosti sci-fi. Také aby mechanika hry měla nový systém, který nebude podobný ostatním hrám, které existují. Herní svět je budoucnost. Máme možnost hrát za 2 různé frakce, kde Země- lidstvo a Měsíc - roboti. Každá frakce má svoje schopnosti a cíle hry. Vy musíte vytvořit svou unikátní armádu, která musí zničit hlavní štáb nepřítele. Také každá frakce má generála, který bude řídit vaši armádu. Kromě toho musíte vytvořit jednotku kosmických lodí, které vám pomůže odeslat výsadkovou pěchotu na planetu nepřítele.ObhájenoStrategic Game - A popular genre of computer games where it is the key to achieving winning scheduling and strategic thinking. A computer game that would have its unique world with the atmosphere of science fiction. Also make the game mechanics have a new system that will not be similar to other games that exist. The game world is a future. We have the opportunity to play for 2 different factions, where Earth-humanity and moon-robots. Each faction has its own abilities and goals. You must create your unique army that must destroy the enemy's main crew. Also, every faction has a general who will steer your army. In addition, you have to create a spaceship unit to help you send a parachute infantry to the enemy's planet

    Instagram as an advertising tool and consumer behavior

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    Celem badania było odnalezienie odpowiedniego konsumpcyjnego zachowania użytkowników Instagram. Podstawowe pytanie, jakie jest konsumenckie zachowania użytkowników podczas interakcji z różnymi formatami klasycznych reklamowych postów w Instagram? Użytkownicy Instagram mają pozytywny stosunek do treści na stronie, jednak nie motywuje ich on na to, aby zobaczyć więcej informacji o marce (ceny, inne posty), komentarze nabywców i na podjęcie jakichkolwiek działań związanych z marką: abonament na konto, znacznik „Lubię to”, komentarz itp. W niniejszej pracy używana klasyczna teoria marketingu Philipa Kotlera opisana w jego pracach „Podstawy marketingu” i „Marketing management". Również jako baza badawcza jest używany model zachowań konsumentów AISAS, opracowany w 2009 roku przez Dentsu. AISAS opiera się na klasycznych modelach zachowań konsumentów AIDA, AIDMA itp., jednak w przeciwieństwie do nich, odpowiada potrzebom współczesnej komunikacji internetowej. Konsumpcyjne zachowania użytkowników Instagram przy współpracy z tradycyjnymi formatami reklamowymi jest słabo zbadanym tematem, ze względu na to, że reklama na rosyjskiej przestrzeni Instagram pojawił się w sierpniu 2015 roku. W tej pracy model AISAS stosuje się po raz pierwszy do badania reklam w przestrzeni Instagram. Ponadto, w pracy model jest w pełni dostosowany pod ten zasób.The aim of the study was to find appropriate consumer behavior of Instagram users. The basic question is what is the consumer behavior of users when interacting with various formats of classic advertising posts in Instagram? Instagram users have a positive attitude to the content on the site, but it does not motivate them to see more information about the brand (prices, other posts), buyer comments and to take any actions related to the brand: subscription to the account, the tag "I like ", Commentary, etc. In this work, the classic marketing theory of Philip Kotler described in his works" Fundamentals of marketing "and" Marketing management "is used. Also, the AISAS consumer behavior model developed in 2009 by Dentsu is used as a research base. AISAS is based on classic models of consumer behavior AIDA, AIDMA etc., however, unlike them, it meets the needs of modern Internet communication.Consumer behavior of Instagram users in cooperation with traditional advertising formats is a poorly studied topic, due to the fact that advertising on the Russian Instagram space appeared in August 2015. In this work, the AISAS model is used for the first time to study advertisements in Instagram space. In addition, the model at work is fully adapted to this resource
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