832 research outputs found

    Treatment technologies of fresh market wastewater

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    Fresh Market Wastewater (FMWW) is rich with high amounts of suspended solids, organic and inorganic compounds, nutrients, gases and some elements which come from fish entrails and seafood preparation sales, meat cutting, poultry slaughtering, fruits and vegetables sales. The excess of these parameters are harmful to the aquatic life since the FMWW is usually discharged into the drainage systems without any treatment or partial treatment. The FMWW technologies are developed due to some technical factors influencing the designation and construction. There are several projects of fresh market treatment technologies used on site area in small scale which could be replicated to other fresh market, and some case study have been tested in laboratory batch experiments. All the projects exhibited an efficiency to reduce critical parameters in FMWW and give positive impacts to the locals and responsible parties

    A comparative analysis of the diet of the long-beaked common dolphin (<i>Delphinus capensis</i>) with three other small cetaceans from coastal Peru. Scientific Committee document SC/56/SM2, International Whaling Commission, July 2004, Sorrento, Italy

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    The diet of long-beaked common dolphin Delphinus capensis, dusky dolphin Lagenorhynchus obscurus, Burmeister’s porpoise Phocoena spinipinnis, and bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus, was determined based on 281 stomach contents collected along the Peruvian central coast and San Juan de Marcona in the period 1987-1993. Counts of otoliths, squid beaks and some other remains were used to estimate frequency of occurrence and prey percentage of composition (PC). Long-beaked common dolphins (n=117) fed mainly on fish (98.71% of preys), the remainder was composed of squids and crustaceans: Peruvian anchovies Engraulis ringens (PC= 71.14%), Vincigerria lucetia (7.89%), Lampanictus parvicauda (6.77%), Merluccius gayi (4.49%), Odontesthes regia (3.54%), Mictophum nitidulum (2.62%) and Trachurus picturatus (1.42%). Dusky dolphins (n=66) consumed E. ringens (49.8%, 16.9%), L. parvicauda (23.6%, 0.1%), T. picturatus (17.1%, 0%), Normachthys crockery (0%, 76.4%), V. lucetia (3.5%, 0.1%), and Sardinops sagax (2.8%, 0 %) off the central Peruvian coast and San Juan de Marcona, respectively. In the same areas, Burmeister’s porpoise (n=67) fed on anchovies (90.37%, 81.89%), O. regia (6.64%, 0%), Anchoa sp. (1.13%, 0%), N. crockery (0%, 8.53%) and M. gayi (0.65%, 8.4%). Bottlenose dolphins (n=22) consumed L. parvicauda (39.24%), Sphiraena sp. (13.48%), S. sagax (13.31%), Prionotus sp. (9.59%), M. gayi (7.43%), T. picturatus (4.41%) and E. ringens (4.06%). The use of the Shannon & Wiener, Levins and Czekanowski’s indexes in combination with the feeding patterns of the sampled species indicated an opportunistic feeding strategy with respect to their preys. The four cetacean species studied are predators of both pelagic and mesopelagic large schooling fish species, and demonstrate no selectivity towards prey species but towards social behaviour and habitat. An average linkage cluster analysis showed high levels of similarity in the diets of the studied cetaceans. This low diversification and a high degree of overlap in trophic niches is probably related to the high productivity of the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem

    (±)-Gossypol induces apoptosis and autophagy in head and neck carcinoma cell lines and inhibits the growth of transplanted salivary gland cancer cells in BALB/c mice

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    Racemic Gossypol [(±)-GOS], composed of both (-)-GOS and (+)-GOS, is a small BH3-mimetic polyphenol derived from cotton seeds. (±)-GOS has been employed and well tolerated by cancer patients. Head and neck carcinoma (HNC) represents one of the most fatal cancers worldwide, and a significant proportion of HNC expresses high levels of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins. In this study, we demonstrate that (±)-GOS inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis and autophagy of human pharynx, tongue, and salivary gland cancer cell lines and of mouse salivary gland cancer cells (SALTO). (±)-GOS was able to: (a) decrease the ErbB2 protein expression; (b) inhibit the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and AKT; (c) stimulate p38 and JNK1/2 protein phosphorylation. (±)-GOS administration was safe in BALB/c mice and it reduced the growth of transplanted SALTO cells in vivo and prolonged mice median survival. Our results suggest the potential role of (±)-GOS as an antitumor agent in HNC patients

    A systematic review of actions aimed at university students with ADHD

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    [EN] University students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) need to have a range of actions at their disposal that are tailored to their needs. The aim of this study is to analyse the actions of support for university students with ADHD by means of a systematic review of ERIC, WOS, and Scopus from 2017 to 2022, following the PICOC and PRISMA guidelines. A sample of 24 studies are analysed through the MAXQDA 2022 software. The results show two types of studies, on the one hand, supporting actions offered directly by universities to their students and, on the other, intervention programs from which university students have benefit but outside the university settings. Concerning the first type, universities mainly offer accommodations linked to exams, tutoring and online courses adapted to ADHD students. About the second type, programmes focused on cognitive-behavioural therapy, coaching and mindfulness have proven to be useful with ADHD university students. In this sense, further research is needed to analyze the viability of including these intervention programs for ADHD students at universities.S


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    The tabernacle of the Royal Church of Santa Clara, in Murcia, is a very singular specimen of baroque art. In past times it suffered quite important alterations, which led to a recent restoration. The long lasting and laborious work carried out by the author of this paper hod the main goal of returning the physical entirety of the piece. Disappearedparts were carved a new, and a great number of fissures and holes were refilled. Afrer cleaning, the parts damaged or replaced were gilded using sheets of fine gold and traditional techniques. During this process, it was discovered the artist's signature and the date of 1755 (at an upper part of the work), which ,fitlly confirm the authorship by the reredos maker José Ganga.The tabernacle of the Royal Church of Santa Clara, in Murcia, is a very singular specimen of baroque art. In past times it suffered quite important alterations, which led to a recent restoration. The long lasting and laborious work carried out by the author of this paper hod the main goal of returning the physical entirety of the piece. Disappearedparts were carved a new, and a great number of fissures and holes were refilled. Afrer cleaning, the parts damaged or replaced were gilded using sheets of fine gold and traditional techniques. During this process, it was discovered the artist's signature and the date of 1755 (at an upper part of the work), which ,fitlly confirm the authorship by the reredos maker José Ganga


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    The Bishop's Palace in Murcia is one of the few 18th century Spanish Baroque monuments which conserves in its principal facade mural paintings as ornamental decoration, together with, fine stone-sculptured motits. This characteristic as well as the size and architectural quality of the building make it one of !he most unique without doubt. The decorative paintings represent in each of !he adornings, a group of motifs that are similar and form a type of tapestry, framed by attractive mouldings and rocaille (Rococo ornament) that surround medallions and shields in the form of a horn-ofplenty with rocaille. The state of conservation that this facade presents is very poor since thepictorial elements as well as the stone ones are highiy deteriorated. The diagnosis of its state will be referred to in more detail, intending to highlight the necessity to contribute to a prompt and adequate restoration that such a noble facade deserves.The Bishop's Palace in Murcia is one of the few 18th century Spanish Baroque monuments which conserves in its principal facade mural paintings as ornamental decoration, together with, fine stone-sculptured motits. This characteristic as well as the size and architectural quality of the building make it one of !he most unique without doubt. The decorative paintings represent in each of !he adornings, a group of motifs that are similar and form a type of tapestry, framed by attractive mouldings and rocaille (Rococo ornament) that surround medallions and shields in the form of a horn-ofplenty with rocaille. The state of conservation that this facade presents is very poor since thepictorial elements as well as the stone ones are highiy deteriorated. The diagnosis of its state will be referred to in more detail, intending to highlight the necessity to contribute to a prompt and adequate restoration that such a noble facade deserves

    The Recovery and Restoration of Roman Wall Paintings in Southeast Spain

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    [ES] La recuperación de la pintura mural romana en el sureste español se realiza, por una parte en las propias excavaciones in situ en los yacimientos, donde se puede encontrar esa pintura mural de dos formas, aún situada en los paramentos de las villas romanas, o bien al pie de dichos muros desplomadas, fragmentadas e incluso enterradas, siendo entonces necesario la colaboración en el trabajo de recuperación del arqueólogo y del restaurador. También se pueden recuperar pinturas murales romanas en los fondos de los museos arqueológicos, pues muchos conservan multitud de cajas con innumerables fragmentos de piezas murales halladas en excavaciones precedentes y almacenadas allí en espera del posterior estudio, clasificación y restauración. Ejemplos de todo ello se exponen más adelante.[EN] Recovery of the Roman wall painting in the southeast Spanish is done, by a party's own excavations in the archaeological site, where you can find this mural in two ways, still located in the walls of Roman villas or at the foot of these walls collapsed, fragmented and even buried, making it necessary cooperation in the recovery work of the archaeologist and restorer. You can also recall Roman wall paintings in the collections of archaeological museums, as many boxes remain innumerable multitude of fragments of mural pieces found in excavations and record stored there pending further study, grading and restoration. Examples of the above are discussed.Santiago Godos, V. (2013). La recuperación y restauración de la pintura mural romana en el sureste español. Virtual Archaeology Review. 4(9):135-142. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2013.4264OJS13514249ABAD, CASAL L. (1982): La pintura mural romana en España. Sevilla-Alicante, y también del mismo autor (1982): "Aspectos técnicos de la pintura mural romana", en Lucentum, I.FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A. (1997): Programa Decorativo-Ornamental de la Villa Ramana de la Huerta del Paturro" Tesina de Licenciatura,FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A. (2000): El programa pictórico de los edificios públicos y privados del área de Carthago Nova y su entorno, Tesis Doctoral defendida en la Universidad de Murcia.FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A. (2008): "La pintura mural romana de Carthago Noua: evolución de los programas pictóricos a través de los estilos, talleres y técnicas decorativas", Murcia.FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A. (2009): "Estudio de las pinturas murales en la 'uilla' romana de la Huerta del Paturro en Portmán", Anales de Prehistoria y Arqueología, vol. 13-14, 1997-1998, Murcia)" en Anales de Prehistoria y arqueología, nº 15.FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A. (1997) "Restos pictóricos de la pared sur de la habitación 2 de la villa romana de la Huerta del Paturro en Portmán".FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A. (1999): "La pintura mural de la villa romana de los Torrejones (Yecla) y de la pared sur de la habitación 2 de la villa romana de la huerta del paturro en Portman" en actas XXIV Congreso Nacional de Arqueología, Cartagena, pp. 137-150.FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A. et al (2012): "La pintura mural romana y su contexto arqueológico" en Pintura Mural Romana de la villa de la Quintilla (Lorca). Alicante, pp. 7-12 y 22-27.GAMBOA GIL DE SOLA, M. (1997): "Nuevos descubrimientos de pintura romana en Cartagena" en actas XXIV Congreso Nacional de Arqueología, Cartagena, pp. 81-87.GARCÍA SANDOVAL, J., PLAZA SANTIAGO, R. y FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A, (2004): "La musealización de las pinturas romanas de la Quintilla (Lorca): Restauración y montaje expositivo", en Alberca, 2, 125-138.MARTÍNEZ RODRÍGUEZ, A. et al (2012): Pintura Mural Romana de la villa de La Quintilla(Lorca). Pintura Mural de la habitación 32 de la villa romana de la Quintilla (Lorca, Murcia).Publicación de la exposición. MARQ.AlicanteMINIERO FORTE, P. et al. (1989): Stabiae. Pitture e stucchi delle ville romane, destacando el apartado: "Sul restauro degli affreschi". Nápoles, pp. 31-34.MORENO CIFUENTES, M.A. (1998): "La consolidación de revestimientos murales en yacimientos arqueológicos" en Técnicas de Consolidación en Pintura mural. Actas Seminario "Consolidación de Pinturas Murales", pp. 53-73.PLAZA SANTIAGO, R., FERNANDEZ DIAZ, A. y GARCÍA SANDOVAL, J., MARTÍNEZ RODRIGUEZ, A., PONCE GARCÍA, J. Y RAMALLO ASENSIO, S.F. (2003-2005): "Las pintura murales de la Quintilla (Lorca): Restauración y montaje expositivo". Memorias de Patrimonio. Intervenciones en el Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia, 7, pp. 247-262.RAMALLO ASENSIO, S. F. (1987): "La villa romana de la Quintilla (Lorca) Informe sucinto de la campaña 1984, en Excavaciones y prospecciones arqueológicas, Servicio Regional de Patrimonio Histórico, Murcia, pp. 299-303.RAMALLO ASENSIO, S. F. (1995a):"La Villa Romana de la Quintilla (Lorca): Una aproximación a su proyecto arquitectónico y al programa ornamental" en J. M. Noguera (ed) Poblamiento rural romano en el sudeste de Hispania, Murcia, pp. 49-79.RAMALLO ASENSIO, S. F. (1995b): "La villa romana de La Quintilla" (Lorca, Murcia), en JRA, 8, pp.310-312.RAMALLO ASENSIO, S. F. (2012) "La pintura mural romana y su contexto arqueológico" en Pintura Mural Romana de la villa de la Quintilla (Lorca). Alicante, pp. 7-12 y 22-27.RAMALLO ASENSIO, S.F. et al. (2003): "La villa romana de La Quintilla (Lorca, Murcia): programa decorativo y ornamental", en IXème Colloque Internationale de I'AIEMA (Roma, 2001), pp. 1001- 1021.RAMALLO ASENSIO, S.F. et al. (2003): "Villa Romana de la Quintilla (Lorca)", XIV Jornadas de Patrimonio y Arqueología de la Región de Murcia, pp. 58-60, Murcia.RAMALLO ASENSIO, S.F. et al. (2004a): "Campaña de excavaciones en La Quintilla (Lorca)", XV Jornadas de Patrimonio y Arqueología de la Región de Murcia, pp. 73-74.RAMALLO ASENSIO, S.F. et al. (2004b): "Extración, excavación y labores de consolidación de las pinturas murales de la habitación 35 de la villa romana de la Quintilla (Lorca)" MemAMurcia, 13, pp.107-122.ROCA ALBEROLA, S y SANTAMARIA ALBERTOS, E. (2012): "La restauración del fragmento de pintura mural" en Pintura Mural Romana de la villa de la Quintilla (Lorca). Alicante, pp.13-15 y 28-30.SANTIAGO GODOS, V. (1997): "Pintura mural romana en el sureste de España: Un caso concreto de Conservación y Restauración" en actas XXIV Congreso Nacional de Arqueología, pp. 161-170

    How Does Reciprocity Affect Undergraduate Student Orientation towards Stakeholders?

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    5987Nowadays, students are more aware of the impact of companies on their stakeholders and the need for properly handling their expectations to operationalize corporate social responsibility. Nevertheless, little is known about how certain individual traits may relate to their stance on the issue. This exploratory research contributes to stakeholder theory by analysing the e ect of the individual’s decision-making process, including the consideration of their social preferences, on their orientation toward stakeholder management. Here, we draw upon a theoretical model for resource-allocation decision-making consisting of reciprocal and non-reciprocal components. Our data, from undergraduate students enrolled in di erent degrees, were collected through a questionnaire and two social within-subject experiments (ultimatum and dictator games). Thus, our results show that the presence of a reciprocal component when decisions are made is positively linked to an instrumental orientation toward stakeholders. In addition, a greater non-reciprocal component in the decision-making process corresponds to a more normative orientation.S

    How significant is corporate social responsibility to business research?

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    [EN] Previous studies have established that there is a positive evolution of the quantity ofcorporate social responsibility (CSR) research output in terms of published papers. Sofar, however, there has been little discussion about how influential it has becomewithin the business discipline. This article seeks to obtain data which will help toaddress this research gap. The databases Web of Science andJournal Citation Reports(JCR) were used to carry out analyses at the journal and article levels. Results con-firmed a solid growth in CSR research and revealed that papers on the topic havegained attention from the scientific community. Furthermore, CSR articles are mostlyconcentrated in a small number of specialized journals, and opting for these journalsmay be related to the total citations. The conclusions drawn from this study may beespecially useful for academic managers and business researchers interested in theevaluation of academic performance.S

    Organización de un almacén de productos terminados en una empresa textil de Lima

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    La presente investigación titulada: Organización de un almacén de productos terminados en una empresa textil de Lima, tuvo como objetivo general determinar cuál es la importancia de organizar un almacén de productos terminados en una empresa textil de Lima, además de poder explicar y describir en cierto grado como organizar el almacén de productos terminados. Con el fin de lograr dicho objetivo se aplicó técnicas e instrumentos cualitativos, y la técnica de investigación utilizada fue la entrevista, cuyo instrumento fue la guía de preguntas de entrevista, la investigación fue de tipo básica, diseño hermenéutico y se emplearon métodos descriptivos, comparativos, analíticos e inductivos. Los participantes externos que se encuentran relacionados con el presente trabajo son personas que tiene una amplia experiencia en cuanto a la organización de productos terminados en empresas textiles se refiere, para ello se optó por llevar a cabo el uso de los instrumentos tales como guías de observación, guía de entrevista y ficha de análisis documental para poder recolectar mejor la información brindada por los participantes internos que laboran dentro de la empresa. Se llegó a la siguiente conclusión: La organización del almacén de productos terminados en una empresa textil se realiza mediante la aplicación de políticas de inventario, clasificación ABC, codificación numeral, zonificar las zonas necesarias aplicando técnicas de almacenamiento, instalar infraestructura adecuada, utilizar transpaletas como equipos de manipulación y aplicar los principios de almacenamiento. Implementar tecnologías como software para la gestión de almacenes y códigos de barra en los productos terminados. Así mismo, el reconocimiento de las habilidades del capital humano, definición los puestos de trabajo y las funciones que deben de realizar cada uno de ellos