167 research outputs found
Summer Term Commencement [Program], August 18, 1932
The program of the commencement ceremonies, including a list of institutional leadership, a list of the departments by college, awards given at the ceremonies, and a list of undergraduate and graduate degree candidates.https://scholarworks.uni.edu/commencement_programs/1197/thumbnail.jp
Vascular anatomical features of the medial thigh flap in human cadavers of Caucasian origin
Background: Medial fasciocutaneous flaps, which are based on the femoral artery from the thigh region, are used for wide inguinal, scrotal, vaginal, perineal, leg, head and neck defect reconstructions in injured human patients. Within this regard, anatomical knowledge about perforating and cutaneous branches of the femoral artery is important for the surgeons.
Materials and methods: In the present study, vascular pedicles of the medial thigh perforator flap based on the femoral artery were investigated according to anatomical and surgical landmarks. Human Caucasian preserved cadavers of 15 adults (13 males, 2 females; age range 55–82 years: 30 sides, bilaterally) that were previously formalin fixed were subjected to our analytical examinations. Micro dissections were performed under 4× loop magnification while representing the perforating branches of the femoral artery after filling by coloured latex injection via the external iliac artery.
Results: The size and length parameters of these branches which appeared around the apex of the femoral triangle were evaluated. The mean size of the perforating branch at the point of origin was 0.14 cm and the mean size of the cutaneous branch at the point of origin was 0.09 cm, the mean length of the pedicle was 4.74 cm and the mean length of the cutaneous branch was 3.30 cm, respectively. Location of the perforating and the cutaneous branches were also determined according to the surgical landmarks such as the anterior superior iliac spine, inguinal ligament, pubic tubercle and interepicondylar line.
Conclusions: The pedicle of the medial flap should locate up to 25 cm from the anterior superior iliac spine so as to preserve the vascular structures. Exact location of this artery helps the surgeons to perform anastomosis in an easier and safer manner during surgical operations.
Volumetric evaluation of hemicerebellar changes in migraine patients without aura
Brain balance changes have been recognised in migraine, but cerebellar function
between or during attacks has been assessed only in a few studies. Previous
studies have indicated that migraine affects cerebellar function. In the
present study we aimed to evaluate the hemicerebellar volume changes of
patients with migraine without aura (MWoA). Volumetric changes of cerebellar
hemispheres were evaluated in terms of asymmetry using stereological methods
on magnetic resonance images (MRI) retrospectively. Nineteen patients
with MWoA and 18 age- and gender-matched control subjects were included
in the study. MRIs were analysed by using the point-counting approach of
stereological methods by Cavalier’s principle. There was no statistically significant
cerebellar atrophy or hemicerebellar asymmetry between the MWoA and
control subjects. There was no cerebellar atrophy or asymmetry between the
MWoA and age-matched control group. The stereological evaluation of cerebellar
asymmetry and atrophy in humans is important for both clinicians and
anatomists. The technique is simple, inexpensive, and reliable. (Folia Morphol
2011; 70, 4: 235–239
Suprascapular foramen: a rare variation caused by ossified suprascapular ligaments
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of the suprascapular foramen in West Anatolian population.
Materials and methods: Eighty-one dried human scapulae of West Anatolian people of unknown ages and gender belonging to the Anatomy Department Laboratory of Dokuz Eylul University Medical School were examined macroscopically. The vertical and transverse diameters of the suprascapular foramen and central thickness of the ossified ligaments were measured with calliper in millimetres and digital calliper, respectively.
Results: We observed the suprascapular foramen due to ossification of the suprascapular ligament only in 2 of 81 (2.47%) scapulae. The vertical and transverse diameters of the suprascapular foramen and central thickness of the ossified ligaments (No. 1 and No. 2) were measured as 8.0 mm vs. 4.0 mm, 3.6 mm vs. 2.0 mm and 4.0 mm vs. 1.4 mm, respectively.
Conclusions: The suprascapular foramen caused by ossified suprascapular ligament is rarely observed variation in West Anatolian population.
Technical and economic aspects of fuel saving in air-conditioning and house heat supply
У статті проведено техніко-економічне порівняння звичайної установки для теплопостачання і
кондиціювання повітря в будинку, яка працює на природньому газі, з установкою, яка працює з використанням
сонячної енергії. Показано, що завдяки комплексному врахуванню технічних, економічних, екологічних та інших
аспектів можна розв’язати господарську та науково-технічну проблему щодо скорочення споживання
традиційних паливно-енергетичних ресурсів. Застосування техніко-економічних методик та інформаційно-
комунікативних технологій спонукає до посилення вимог щодо економічної ефективності комплексу
маркетингових технологій високотехнологічних підприємств. Оскільки вартість газу і електроенергії постійно
зростає, виникає необхідність вирішення проблеми щодо зменшення їх споживання кондиціонерами повітря.
Для відмови від використання електроенергії пропонується розробка систем кондиціювання повітря з
живленням від сонячної енергії. Загострення екологічних проблем обумовлює необхідність застосування
сонячних систем кондиціювання повітря, робота яких базується на різниці температур денного та нічного
повітря. У зв’язку з цим важливого значення набуваєзастосування комбінованих сонячних установок, що
використовуються як для опалення в холодний період року, так і для охолодження його в теплий період.
Використання сонячної енергії для кондиціювання заманливо й тому, що графік приходу сонячної енергії
збігається з графіком споживання холоду й тому, що додавання сонячного охолодження до опалення дозволяє
значно поліпшити економіку сонячного теплопостачання. Проаналізовано витрати на встановлення
обладнання і експлуатацію, а також на використання природнього газу і електроенергії. Встановлено, що
користувач витратить на установлення нового обладнання у 2,27 разів більше ніж на звичайну систему, але
кожного місяця він буде витрачати на 70% менше електроенергії в режимі кондиціювання та на 310 м3
природнього газу в режимі опалення. Обґрунтовано, що впродовж п’яти років користувач витратить на
104111,3 грн. менше, ніж при користуванні звичайною установкою. Запропоновано в подальших розробках
систем для теплопостачання і кондиціювання повітря в будинку вирішувати екологічні проблеми, які
залежать від кількості використання природнього палива в масштабах населеного пункту, міста, країни.Technical and economic comparison of typical facility for heat supply and indoor air-conditioning, which is
operated on natural gas, with the facility working with the use of solar energy is conducted. It is shown that due to the
integrated accounting of technical, economic, ecological and other aspects it is possible to solve an economic, scientific
and technical problem of reduction of consumption of traditional fuel and energy resources. Application of technical and economic methods and information and communication technologies leads to strengthening of the requirements for
economic efficiency of complex of marketing technologies of the high-technology enterprises. Since cost of gas and
electricity is increasing constantly, there is a problem of reduction of their consumption by air conditioners. For refusal
of electricity use, it is proposed to design a system of air conditioning on solar power. A growing environmental
problems leads to necessity of application of air conditioning systems on solar power that are based on a difference of
daytime and night-time air temperatures. Therefore, it is increasingly important to apply the combined solar facilities,
which are used for heating during the cold season, and for cooling of premises during the warm period. The use of
solar energy for air conditioning is also beneficial because the schedule of solar energy inflow coincides with the
schedule of use of cold and because the addition of solar cooling to heating allows to improve economy of solar heat
supply considerably. Costs of the facilities installation and maintenance as well as costs of using natural gas and
electricity are analyzed. It is identified that users will spend 2.27 times more on purchasing and installation of the new
equipment than on typical installation. However, they will spend 70 per cent less electricity in the air-conditioning
mode and 310 m3 less natural gas in the heating mode every month. It is proved that throughout five years the user will
spend UAH 104111.3 less than using typical facility. In the further engineering of system for heat supply and air
conditioning in buildings it is offered to solve environmental problems, which depend on quantity of used natural fuel in
scales of settlement, cities, countries
Investigation of temporal bone asymmetry in cases with unilateral tinnitus: morphometric and multicentric clinical study
The aim of this multicentric study was to compare the anatomical structures of temporal bone in patients with unilateral tinnitus with their healthy ears. We also aimed at evaluating whether age and gender-related asymmetrical changes occur in temporal bones or not. Fifty two ears of 26 patients who had unilateral tinnitus were included into the retrospective study. The patients who had subjective nonpulsatile tinnitus and who previously had temporal computed tomography according to their file records were accepted to study. Temporal CT scans and audiometric results of patients were examined retrospectively. Middle ear volume, diameter of internal acoustic meats and diameter of jugular bulb were evaluated by both anatomist and radiologist, interobserverly. Internal acoustic meats and jugular bulb were found larger in the ears that had tinnitus than healthy ears; however, there was no statistically significance. The stereological morphometrical study of temporal bone asymmetry in humans correlate with sex is of importance for both otolarygologs and anatomists. These results will contribute to data on middle ear volume, internal acustic meats and jugular bulb sizes
Developmental effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans.
Large numbers and large quantities of endocrine-disrupting chemicals have been released into the environment since World War II. Many of these chemicals can disturb development of the endocrine system and of the organs that respond to endocrine signals in organisms indirectly exposed during prenatal and/or early postnatal life; effects of exposure during development are permanent and irreversible. The risk to the developing organism can also stem from direct exposure of the offspring after birth or hatching. In addition, transgenerational exposure can result from the exposure of the mother to a chemical at any time throughout her life before producing offspring due to persistence of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in body fat, which is mobilized during egg laying or pregnancy and lactation. Mechanisms underlying the disruption of the development of vital systems, such as the endocrine, reproductive, and immune systems, are discussed with reference to wildlife, laboratory animals, and humans
Treatment Response of Cystic Echinococcosis to Benzimidazoles: A Systematic Review
Over the past 30 years, benzimidazoles have increasingly been used to treat cystic echinococcosis (CE). The efficacy of benzimidazoles, however, remains unclear. We systematically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, SIGLE, and CCTR to identify studies on benzimidazole treatment outcome. A large heterogeneity of methods in 23 reports precluded a meta-analysis of published results. Specialist centres were contacted to provide individual patient data. We conducted survival analyses for cyst response defined as inactive (CE4 or CE5 by the ultrasound-based World Health Organisation [WHO] classification scheme) or as disappeared. We collected data from 711 treated patients with 1,308 cysts from six centres (five countries). Analysis was restricted to 1,159 liver and peritoneal cysts. Overall, 1–2 y after initiation of benzimidazole treatment 50%–75% of active C1 cysts were classified as inactive/disappeared compared to 30%–55% of CE2 and CE3 cysts. Further in analyzing the rate of inactivation/disappearance with regard to cyst size, 50%–60% of cysts <6 cm responded to treatment after 1–2 y compared to 25%–50% of cysts >6 cm. However, 25% of cysts reverted to active status within 1.5 to 2 y after having initially responded and multiple relapses were observed; after the second and third treatment 60% of cysts relapsed within 2 y. We estimated that 2 y after treatment initiation 40% of cysts are still active or become active again. The overall efficacy of benzimidazoles has been overstated in the past. There is an urgent need for a pragmatic randomised controlled trial that compares standardized benzimidazole therapy on responsive cyst stages with the other treatment modalities
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