1,374 research outputs found

    Mass Uncertainties of f0(600) and f0(1370) and their Effects on Determination of the Quark and Glueball Admixtures of the I=0 Scalar Mesons

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    Within a nonlinear chiral Lagrangian framework the correlations between the quark and glueball admixtures of the isosinglet scalar mesons below 2 GeV and the current large uncertainties on the mass of the f0(600) and the f0(1370) are studied. The framework is formulated in terms of two scalar meson nonets (a two-quark nonet and a four-quark nonet) together with a scalar glueball. It is shown that while some properties of these states are sensitive to the mass of f0(600) and f0(1370), several relatively robust conclusions can be made: The f0(600), the f0(980), and the f0(1370) are admixtures of two and four quark components, with f0(600) being dominantly a non-strange four-quark state, and f0(980) and f0(1370) having a dominant two-quark component. Similarly, the f0(1500) and the f0(1710) have considerable two and four quark admixtures, but in addition have a large glueball component. For each state, a detailed analysis providing the numerical estimates of all components is given. It is also shown that this framework clearly favors the experimental values: m[f0(600)] < 700 MeV and m[f0(1370)] = 1300-1450 MeV. Moreover, an overall fit to the available data shows a reciprocal substructure for the f0(600) and the f0(1370), and a linear correlation between their masses of the form m [f0(1370)] = 0.29 m[f0(600)] + 1.22 GeV. The scalar glueball mass of 1.5-1.7 GeV is found in this analysis.Comment: placement of figures inside text improved. Content unchange

    Karakteristik Kualitas Pengajar Berdasarkan Faktor Mutu Pelayanan Di Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNSRAT Menggunakan Analisis Biplot

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan faktor penentu mutu pelayanan tenaga pengajar di Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNSRAT menggunakan analasis biplot. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang diperoleh dari 377 peserta 28 matakuliah untuk 18 dosen (DS1, DS2, DS3, DS4, DS5, DS6, DS7, DS8, DS9, DS10, DS11, DS12, DS13, DS14, DS15, DS16, DS17, DS18) pada semester genap TA 2011/2012. Data diambil pada Bulan Mei di Jurusan Matematika FMIPA UNSRAT. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dosen-dosen yang dikategorikan memiliki mutu yang relatif sama unggul terhadap faktor mutu pelayanan adalah DS1, DS2, DS3, DS4, DS6, DS11, dan DS12. Objek-objek yang memiliki mutu yang relatif sama tidak unggul terhadap faktor mutu pelayanan adalah DS5, DS7, DS8, DS9, DS10, DS13, DS14, DS15, DS16, DS17 dan DS18.The objective of this research was describe service quality factor of lectures at department of mathematics FMIPA UNSRAT using biplot analysis. The data used primary data collected from 377 students of 28 subjects for 18 lecturers (DS1, DS2, DS3, DS4, DS5, DS6, DS7, DS8, DS9, DS10, DS11, DS12, DS13, DS14, DS15, DS16, DS17, DS18) in the second semester 2011/2012. Data were taken in May at department of mathematics FMIPA UNSRAT. The results showed that lecturer who categorized relatively superior quality to service quality factors are DS1, DS2, DS3, DS4, DS6, DS11 and DS12. Then the lecturer who categorized relatively not superior quality to service quality factors are DS5, DS7, DS8, DS9, DS10, DS13, DS14, DS15, DS16, DS17 and DS18

    Adaptive Dispersion Compensation for Remote Fiber Delivery of NIR Femtosecond Pulses

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    We report on remote delivery of 25 pJ broadband near-infrared femtosecond light pulses from a Ti:sapphire laser through 150 meters of single-mode optical fiber. Pulse distortion due to dispersion is overcome with pre-compensation using adaptive pulse shaping techniques, while nonlinearities are mitigated using an SF10 rod for the final stage of pulse compression. Near transform limited pulse duration of 130 fs is measured after the final compression.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Fall from grace: The role of dominance and prestige in the punishment of high-status actors

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the Academy of Management via the DOI in this recordWhen actors transgress social norms, their social status colors the severity with which they are punished. While some argue that high-status transgressors attract severe punishment when accused of ambiguous transgressions, others contend the opposite. In this paper, we attempt to reconcile this theoretical inconsistency. We propose that the capacity for social status to color third-party judgments of transgressions may depend on the status type of high-status actors. Drawing on the evolutionary theory of dominance and prestige as two alternate forms of status within social hierarchies, we suggest that actors associated with dominance-based status will be penalized more harshly than actors whose status is based on prestige. Across multiple studies employing archival field data, controlled lab experiments, and different instantiations of dominance, prestige, and misconduct, we consistently demonstrate that high-status dominant actors are punished more harshly than their prestigious counterparts. Further, we find that attributions of intentionality and lack of moral credentials explain the harsher punishments meted out to dominant (versus prestigious) high-status actors. In this way, we provide both a parsimonious reconciliation of the inconsistency in the extant literature and a theoretical explanation of how status type of high-status actors differentially impacts the judgment, decisions, and behaviors of third parties.Leadership InstituteLondon Business Schoo

    Using longitudinal antibiotic point prevalence survey (PPS) to drive antimicrobial stewardship programmes in a Nigerian tertiary hospital

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    Background: Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) provides a means of tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Unfortunately, in Nigeria, like in some other low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs), AMS practice has been lacklustre due to poor institutional support amongst other factors. Efforts were made to address this situation by engaging with the management of National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria, using antibiotic prescription information obtained through repeated point prevalence survey.Methodology: Two rounds of antibiotic PPS were conducted in 2015 and 2017 using the Global Point Prevalence Survey (G-PPS) format. Data were collected from all inpatients receiving antibiotics on the selected day of study, including patient characteristics, antimicrobial prescription details, laboratory results and information on a set of quality indicators. The data were uploaded to an online G-PPS application hosted at the University of Antwerp in Belgium for validation, analysis and reporting.Results: The PPS data showed that hospital-wide antibiotic use prevalence increased from 58% in 2015 to 61% in 2017. Surgical prophylaxis beyond 24 hours also increased from 88-90% in 2015 to 100% in 2017, and only minority of therapies were supported by laboratory input for diagnosis and monitoring; 22% in 2015 and 5% in 2017.Conclusion: These results were used for evidence-based engagement with the management to formally support AMS activities in the hospital. Positive outcomes were the formal reconstitution and inauguration of AMS committee in 2018 as well as the issuance of a formal policy statement by the hospital in 2020. The ease and free availability of Global PPS methodology makes it ideal in driving antimicrobial stewardship programme (ASP) in LMICs like Nigeria. Keywords: Antibiotic stewardship checklist, institutional support, point &nbsp; French Title: Utilisation d'une enquête longitudinale sur la prévalence ponctuelle des antibiotiques (PPS) pour conduire des programmes de gestion des antimicrobiens dans un hôpital tertiaire nigérian Contexte: La gestion des antimicrobiens (AMS) offre un moyen de lutter contre la résistance aux antimicrobiens (RAM). Malheureusement, au Nigéria, comme dans certains autres pays à revenu faible ou intermédiaire (PRFI), la pratique de la MGS a été médiocre en raison d'un soutien institutionnel insuffisant, entre autres facteurs. Des&nbsp; Longitudinal PPS for AMS programmes efforts ont été faits pour remédier à cette situation en collaborant avec la direction de l'hôpital national d'Abuja, au Nigéria, en utilisant les informations sur les prescriptions d'antibiotiques obtenues grâce à une enquête ponctuelle répétée de prévalence.Méthodologie: Deux séries d'antibiotiques PPS ont été menées en 2015 et 2017 en utilisant le format Global Point Prevalence Survey (G-PPS). Des données ont été recueillies auprès de tous les patients hospitalisés recevant des antibiotiques le jour sélectionné de l'étude, y compris les caractéristiques des patients, les détails de la prescription d'antimicrobiens, les résultats de laboratoire et les informations sur un ensemble d'indicateurs de qualité. Les données ont été téléchargées sur une application en ligne G-PPS hébergée à l'Université d'Anvers en Belgique à des fins de validation, d'analyse et rapports.Résultats: Les données PPS ont montré que la prévalence de l'utilisation d'antibiotiques à l'échelle de l'hôpital est passée de 58% en 2015 à 61% en 2017. La prophylaxie chirurgicale au-delà de 24 heures est également passée de 88 à 90% en 2015 à 100% en 2017, et seule une minorité de thérapies a été soutenue par entrée de laboratoire pour le diagnostic et la surveillance; 22% en 2015 et 5% en 2017.Conclusion: Ces résultats ont été utilisés pour un engagement fondé sur des données probantes avec la direction afin de soutenir officiellement les activités AMS à l'hôpital. Les résultats positifs ont été la reconstitution formelle et l'inauguration du comité AMS en 2018 ainsi que la publication d'une déclaration de politique formelle par l'hôpital en 2020. La facilité et la disponibilité gratuite de la méthodologie Global PPS la rend idéale pour conduire le programme de gestion des antimicrobiens (ASP) en PRFI comme le Nigéria. Mots clés: liste de contrôle pour la gestion des antibiotiques, soutien institutionnel, enquête ponctuelle de prévalence, déclaration de politique prevalence survey, policy statement &nbsp

    VIP-expressing interneurons in the anterior insular cortex contribute to sensory processing to regulate adaptive behavior

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    Adaptive behavior critically depends on the detection of behaviorally relevant stimuli. The anterior insular cortex (aIC) has long been proposed as a key player in the representation and integration of sensory stimuli, and implicated in a wide variety of cognitive and emotional functions. However, to date, little is known about the contribution of aIC interneurons to sensory processing. By using a combination of whole-brain connectivity tracing, imaging of neural calcium dynamics, and optogenetic modulation in freely moving mice across different experimental paradigms, such as fear conditioning and social preference, we describe here a role for aIC vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing (VIP+) interneurons in mediating adaptive behaviors. Our findings enlighten the contribution of aIC VIP+ interneurons to sensory processing, showing that they are anatomically connected to a wide range of sensory-related brain areas and critically respond to behaviorally relevant stimuli independent of task and modality

    Evelopment of the model of diagnosis of the risk of bankruptcy

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    The article presents an overview of foreign and domestic models for the diagnosis of bankruptcy risk, and gives a brief description of them. Also considered the development of our own model of bankruptcy risk diagnostics for Russian enterprise