217 research outputs found

    Inorganic arrangement crystal beryllium, lithium, selenium and silicon

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    The use of inorganic crystals technology has been widely date. Since quartz crystals for watches in the nineteenth century, and common way radio in the early twentieth century, to computer chips with new semiconductor materials. Chemical elements such as beryllium, lithium, selenium and silicon, are widely used in technology. The development of new crystals arising from that arrangement can bring technological advances in several areas of knowledge. The likely difficulty of finding such crystals in nature or synthesized, suggest an advanced study of the subject. A study using computer programs with ab initio method was applied. As a result of the likely molecular structure of the arrangement of a crystal was obtained.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figure

    Lot-g3: Lâmpada de Plasma, Ozonizador e Transmissor CW

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    The LOT-G3 is designed to be a versatile equipment that perform several simple experiments for use in helping the physics classes for high school. Easy construction, low cost, using easily accessible materials. Its construction involves simple practices and knowledge of electromagnetism. It has the function of a plasma globe to demonstrate the ionization of a low pressure gas, as well as the formation of magnetic field. Can be used as sanitizer closed environments such as automotive vehicles in ozonator function, demonstrating the ionization of oxygen in the atmosphere, producing ozone, essential to life on earth. And as a sparks transmitter, low power, low frequency modulated continuous wave in (CW), for signals in Morse code. Therefore the equipment here called LOT-G3, has three functions: a plasma lamp, ozonator and CW transmitter.O LOT-G3 foi desenvolvido para se um equipamento versátil, que realize várias experimentos simples para serem utilizados no auxílio as aulas de física para o ensino médio. De fácil construção, baixo custo, utiliza materiais de fácil acesso. Sua construção envolve práticas simples e conhecimento de eletromagnetismo. Tem a função de um globo de plasma, para demonstrar a ionização de um gás a baixa pressão, bem como a formação de campo eletromagnético. Pode ser utilizado como higienizador de ambientes fechados, como veículos automotores na função ozonizador, demonstrando a ionização do oxigênio presente na atmosfera, produzindo ozônio, essencial a vida na terra, filtrando os raios ultravioletas, porém é tóxico se inalado. E como um transmissor faiscador, de baixa potência, baixa frequência em amplitude modulada em onda contínua, continuous wave (CW), para sinais em código Morse. Portanto o equipamento aqui denominado de LOT-G3, apresenta três funções: uma lâmpada de plasma, ozonizador e um transmissor CW

    Cyclone Bomb Hits Southern Brazil in 2020

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    An “explosive extratropical cyclone” is an atmospheric phenomenon that occurs when there is a very rapid drop in central atmospheric pressure. This phenomenon, with its characteristic of rapidly lowering the pressure in its interior, generates very intense winds and for this reason it is called explosive cyclone, bomb cyclone. With gusts recorded of 116 km/h, atmospheric phenomenon - “cyclone bomb” (CB) hit southern Brazil on June 30, the beginning of winter 2020, causing destruction in its influence over. One of the cities most affected was Chapecó, west of the state of Santa Catarina. The satellite images show that the CB generated a low pressure (976 mbar) inside it, generating two atmospheric currents that moved at high speed. In a northwest-southeast direction, Bolivia and Paraguay, crossing the states of Parana and Santa Catarina, and this draft that hit the south of Brazil, which caused the destruction of the affected states. Another moving to Argentina, southwest-northeast direction, due to high area of high pressure (1022 mbar). Both enhanced the phenomenon

    Nuevos entornos para una comunidad virtual consolidada

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    On August 2004 de Virtual University of Quilmes Program (UVQ Program), of the National University of Quilmes implemented the platform “University Campus on Virtual Environments” (Campus nUEVo). The UVQ Program, born on 1999 and pioneer in Argentina, begun a process of innovation after five years of using an adaptation of the Virtual Campus of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya as a medium and environment for developing formation proposals. The main objective of this work is to keep track of the process in which a college community of over four thousand members, migrated from the technologic environment where it was originally constituted, set and socialized to another, new and novel. Here we will go over the institutional strategies of contention, re-socialization inside the environment and solutions to most relevant problems. Also we will analyze the dynamics of the relationship between pedagogical method, technological alternatives and characteristics of the virtual community, as strong conditions of the design of the platform and strategy of implementation. Last we will expose the prospective of developing and innovation at the UVQ Program, from that change.En el mes de agosto del año 2004, el Programa Universidad Virtual de Quilmes (Programa UVQ), de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, implementó la Plataforma Campus Universitario en Entornos Virtuales (Campus nUEVo). El Programa UVQ, nacido en 1999 y pionero en Argentina, puso en marcha un proceso de innovación tras cinco años de utilizar una adaptación del Campus Virtual de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya como medio y ambiente para el desarrollo de sus propuestas de formación. El objetivo principal de este artículo es dar cuenta del proceso por el cual una comunidad universitaria de más de cuatro mil integrantes, migró desde el ambiente tecnológico en el que se había constituido, configurado y socializado a otro, nuevo y novedoso. Repasaremos aquí las estrategias institucionales de contención, re-socialización en el entorno y las soluciones a los problemas más relevantes. Asimismo, analizaremos la dinámica de la relación entre el modelo pedagógico, los alternativas tecnológicas y las características de la comunidad virtual, en tanto condicionantes fuertes del diseño de la plataforma y de la estrategia de implementación. Por último, expondremos la prospectiva de desarrollo e innovación en el Programa UVQ a partir de este cambio

    New approach to beta cell function screening by nitric oxide assessment of obese individuals at the population level

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    Background: Approximately 27% of Americans today are obese, and this condition increases the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and diabetes. The UK Prospective Diabetes Study suggests that loss of beta cell function can begin at least 10 years before diagnosis, and mean beta cell function is already less than 50% at diagnosis. The aim of this research was to assess the possibility of detecting loss of beta cell function in obese patients by a novel approach involving nitric oxide assessment using a combination of technologies. Materials and methods: One hundred and fifteen obese patients (93 women, 22 men) of mean age 39 (range 17-62) years, who were candidates for bariatric surgery were included in the study, and underwent laboratory tests, including fasting blood glucose, fasting insulin plasma, and examination with the Electro Sensor complex. The Electro Sensor complex offers a new way to assess nitric oxide production using five technologies managed by software, ie, the galvanic skin response, photoelectrical plethysmography, heart rate variability analysis, bioimpedance analysis, and blood pressure oscillometric measurements. The homeostasis model assessment 2% beta cell function (HOMA2% β) algorithm was calculated from fasting blood glucose and fasting insulin plasma using free software provided by The University of Oxford Diabetes Trial Unit. The Electro Sensor complex percent beta (ESC% β) algorithm was calculated from the Electro Sensor complex data and statistical neural network. Statistical analysis was performed to correlate ESC% β and HOMA2% β using the coefficient of correlation and Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation. Receiver-operating characteristic curves were also constructed to determine the specificity and sensitivity of ESC% β in detecting a HOMA2% β value < 100. Results: The coefficient of correlation between ESC% β and HOMA2% β was 0.72 (using log values) and the Spearman's coefficient of rank correlation (rho) was 0.799 (P < 0.0001). ESC% β had a sensitivity of 77.14% and specificity of 78.21% (cutoff ≤ 157, corresponding to 40% after conversion into a 0%-100% scale) to detect a HOMA2% β value < 100 (P < 0.0001). Conclusion: The ESC% β algorithm has a high predictive correlation with HOMA2% β, and good specificity and sensitivity to detect a HOMA2% β value < 100. Therefore, the Electro Sensor complex enabling nitric oxide assessment represents a novel method of screening for beta cell function in the obese population on a large scale. Such a tool, which is easy to administer, noninvasive, and cost-effective, would be of great benefit for widespread screening of beta cell function in obese patients. © 2012 Chaim and Gobato, publisher and licensee Dove Medical Press Ltd

    Estrategias de marketing digital en redes sociales : El caso de los hoteles de la ciudad de La Plata

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    Sumergidos en una actualidad donde Internet ha cobrado una función vital para la sociedad en materia de comunicación, comercialización y disponibilidad de información, las estrategias de marketing digital enfocadas exclusivamente en redes sociales se han establecido con un papel protagonista en la estrategia comercial en empresas y negocios en la mayoría de los rubros. Orientando la investigación hacia el turismo, y específicamente a la hotelería, se puede observar cómo las redes sociales han cobrado gran importancia como la vidriera principal de la mayoría de los establecimientos hoteleros alrededor del mundo para poder contar su historia, crear experiencias para los usuarios, construir su reputación y fidelizar a sus clientes. En este marco, y considerando a la ciudad de La Plata como un destino que se encuentra interesado en el crecimiento turístico pero que se reconoce como carente de una oferta hotelera diversa y atractiva, en esta tesis se analizaron una lista de hoteles del casco urbano de la ciudad con el fin de conocer si los mismos implementan estrategias de marketing digital en redes sociales, cuáles son los canales que utilizan y su impacto y, en caso de no implementar las mismas, cuáles son los motivos identificados. Luego de realizar entrevistas a referentes de los hoteles seleccionados y observar sus redes sociales existentes, se comprobó que si bien existen establecimientos que reconocen la importancia y necesidad de una estrategia de marketing digital en redes sociales y las aplican en mayor o menor medida, en general la hotelería platense se encuentra poco implicada en el uso de estas nuevas tecnologías. Se determinó que el motivo principal por el cual no aplican estas estrategias es el desconocimiento sobre el alcance y el impacto que pueden tener las mismas a nivel comercial y promocional. Sin embargo, no se descarta la posibilidad de que la situación se modifique con el apoyo de entidades públicas y el trabajo en conjunto de los establecimientos hoteleros.Facultad de Ciencias Económica