42 research outputs found

    La dinámica institucional entre las prácticas de enseñanza y las prácticas asistenciales. La derivación de liceales a los Equipos Educativos Multidisciplinarios

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    Esta investigación se centra en el análisis de las dinámicas institucionales que inciden en la derivación de estudiantes a los Equipos Educativos Multidisciplinarios de los Liceos Públicos de Montevideo durante el año 2016. El enfoque teórico es sociocrítico, con categorías de Análisis Institucional y marco conceptual que incorpora la lógica dialéctica. La metodología se basa en un diseño mixto, cuali-cuantitativo, y las técnicas principales de recolección de datos (en veinte establecimientos con Educación Media Básica) son las Entrevistas semiestructuradas y los Cuestionarios autoadministrados. Las conclusiones de este estudio problematizan algunos aspectos del trabajo – tanto docente como técnico – al tiempo que recogen algunos aspectos propositivos de los actores institucionale

    Detection of the aminoglycosidestreptothricin resistance gene cluster ant(6)-sat4-aph(3´)-III in commensal viridans group streptococci

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    High-level aminoglycoside resistance was assessed in 190 commensal erythromycin-resistant α-hemolytic streptococcal strains. Of these, seven were als aminoglycoside-resistant: one Streptococcus mitis strain was resistant to high levels of kanamycin and carried the aph(3´)-III gene, four S. mitis strains were resistant to high levels of streptomycin and lacked aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes, and two S. oralis strains that were resistant to high levels of kanamycin and streptomycin harbored both the aph(3´)-III and the ant(6) genes. The two S. oralis strains also carried the ant(6)-sat4-aph(3´´)-III aminoglycoside-streptothricin resistance gene cluster, but it was not contained in a Tn5405-like structure. The presence of this resistance gene cluster in commensal streptococci suggests an exchange of resistance genes between these bacteria and enterococci or staphylococci. [Int Microbiol 2007; 10(1):57-60

    Novel 10-bp deletion in the translational attenuator of a constitutively expressed erm(A) gene from Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    Alterations in the erm(A) regulatory region of six clinical isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis and one of Staphylococcus haemolyticus displaying a constitutive resistance phenotype were investigated. Anovel deletion of 10 bp with respect to the corresponding sequence of Tn554 was identified in the attenuator of a constitutively expressed erm(A) gene of one of the S. epidermidis isolates. Thus far, this is the smallest deletion conferring constitutive resistance in the translational attenuator of erm(A) in a naturally occurring S. epidermidis strain of human origin. [Int Microbiol 2007; 10(2):147-150

    Docente en construcción: reflexiones de una alumna que nunca terminará de aprender

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    Vivir en primera persona un entorno educativo real durante mis Prácticum, me ha permitido adquirir las competencias objeto de este Trabajo Fin de Máster. Para evidenciarlo he realizado una reflexión que relaciona estas competencias con las actividades desarrolladas durante este Máster, concretamente con mi experiencia en los tres periodos de Prácticum desarrollados en el Colegio Escolapias Santa Engracia de Zaragoza. Para ello, primeramente realizo una contextualización de las características que debe poseer un buen docente, el marco normativo y la situación actual de la Formación Profesional en nuestro país, y de los retos a los que se enfrentan los docentes cada día. Para terminar, se podrán leer una serie de propuestas de mejora de mi todavía incipiente, perfil docente.<br /

    Low birth weight and small for gestational age are associated with complications of childhood and adolescence obesity: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    In recent decades, the incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) has increased dramatically in children and adolescents, posing a real public health problem. Beyond unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyles, growing evidence suggests that some perinatal factors, such as low birth weight (LBW), are associated with higher risk of T2D in adulthood. In this regard, it remains unclear whether the increased risk is already present in childhood and adolescence. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to clarify the association of LBW or being small for gestational age (SGA) with insulin resistance in childhood and adolescence. The systematic review resulted in 28 individual studies, and those with the same outcome were included within two random-effects meta-analyses. Compared with children or adolescents born with adequate size for gestational age, those SGA had 2.33-fold higher risk of T2D (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.05–5.17). Furthermore, LBW and being SGA were associated with 0.20 higher mean homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) values (95% CI: 0.02–0.38). Given the high prevalence of preterm babies, from a population perspective, these results may be of great importance as they point to the existence of a potentially vulnerable subgroup of children and adolescents that could benefit from screening tests and early preventive strategies

    Agapo Luis Palomeque | Así de simple

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    Esta iniciativa de los Institutos Normales de Montevideo, coordinada por Rodolfo Míguez junto a Juan Ignacio Gil, Martín Goñi, Noelia Catapano y Leticia Perez, fortalecida por el invalorable apoyo de otros actores institucionales —sin el que la obra no sería posible—, tiene como resultado este libro, que es bienvenido para todo el cfe de la Administración Nacional de Educación Pública, así como para la comunidad académica nacional en general. Lo que el grupo de trabajo —con el apoyo del equipo directivo de los ii. nn.— denominó Proyecto Palomeque tiene el valor de sistematizar tanto datos secundarios, contenidos en los últimos capítulos, como datos primarios que se desprenden de la transcripción de las entrevistas, en primer lugar, al propio profesor Palomeque —en un estilo narrativo autobiográfico que tiene un gran potencial para investigadores cualitativistas de diversas disciplinas— y, en segundo lugar, a informantes calificados conocedores de la vida y obra del profesor Agapo desde diferentes ámbitos. Gracias a los seminarios biográficos que se realizaron regularmente con el Prof. Palomeque en el Archivo Histórico de los ii. nn., el equipo de investigadores supo realizar una construcción colectiva de esta historia de vida que resulta fascinante y fecunda. El lector se encontrará con narraciones de recuerdos a través de los cuales se puede recuperar costumbres de época, la propia cultura escolar y liceal marcante de la educación pública de las décadas de los años cuarenta y cincuenta del siglo xx, así como la percepción del estudiante del interior sobre la universidad. De esta narrativa brotan datos sustantivos para futuras investigaciones desde distintos marcos referenciales: pedagógico, histórico, antropológico, filosófico y sociológico sin lugar a dudas. En lo personal, leer los recuerdos del profesor me llevó a reflexionar sobre la niñez y la juventud del Uruguay de mediados del siglo xx; en algunos tramos de la narrativa fue inevitable relacionar las evidencias empíricas plasmadas en el texto con algunos aspectos de las teorías sociológicas reproductivistas que se dieron a conocer en los años setenta del siglo pasado.Prólogo . Introducción. Índice de siglas . Capítulo 1. MEMORIAS . Primer segmento | En viaje de ida. Segundo segmento | Años de fragua . Tercer segmento | Influencias e intuiciones . Cuarto segmento | Peculiaridades del camino. Quinto segmento | Peripecias Capítulo 2. FERMENTARIO . SOBRE CUESTIONES ÍNTIMAS. El infinito al alcance de la mano . El hijo del albañil y la costurera Un Don Quijote canario en tiempos de escasez Palabras sobre el fracaso y el arrepentimiento. Su búsqueda interior y el problema de la religión. Perfume de mujer. SOBRE CUESTIONES RELACIONALES. Un llamado a la humildad. Vocación docente . Se rompió el molde A grupas del tango . Seducido por el futuro. Netflix . RECORDANDO AL ACUARELISTA OLVIDADO. SOBRE CUESTIONES HISTÓRICAS. La historia de la educación uruguaya contada en mil palabras . Los documentos de José Pedro Varela. ¿Varela y cuántos más?.. La guerra mirada desde Canelones . Pivel Devoto, muy ceremonioso . Agapo Luis Palomeque | Así de simple Sobre la reforma educacional de Germán Rama . Construyendo sentido en la pandemia . CUESTIONARIO PROUST. Capítulo 3. TRAYECTORIA. DESDE LA MIRADA AJENA . Jorge Bralich . Zully Bruno Vercesi . Sonia Cerecetto.. Bettina Corti. Oscar Gilardoni Gandolfo. Raúl Iturria . Leonardo Laborde . Luis Alberto Lacalle Herrera . Jorge Liberati . Fernando Lúquez Cilintano. Fabián Melogno Vélez. Susana Monreal . Oscar Padrón Favre. Romeo Pérez Antón . Enrique Puchet . José Pedro Rilla . Lylian Santarcieri . Guillermo Seré Marques . Fernanda Sosa . Alberto Volonté . Selección de documentos. Año 1984 | El distintivo W en controversia. Año 1986 | Voto discorde sobre la exclusión de Educación Cívica de 1.º y 2.º año del Ciclo Básico Único . Año 1989 | Significación histórica de la Revolución Francesa . Año 1990 | Fundamentación para derogar la Ley de Duelos. Año 1991 | Alcance y significación teórico-prácticos de la laicidad . Año 1991 | En relación al Día de la Tradición. Agapo Luis Palomeque | Así de simple Año 1995 | Cuando la sobriedad y la ebriedad se enfrentaron. A propósito del llamado Caso Morelli.. Año 2018 | La historia de la educación menoscabada . Año 2021 | Con motivo del fallecimiento del Maestro Soler. Anexo . Palomeque en palabras de Caetano. Biobibliografía . Fotografías

    Correlation between serum advanced glycation end products and dietary intake of advanced glycation end products estimated from home cooking and food frequency questionnaires

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    Abstract Background & aims: To our knowledge the association between dietary advanced glycation end-products (dAGEs) and cardiometabolic disease is limited. Our aim was to examine the association between dAGEs and serum concentration of carboxymethyl-lysine (CML) or soluble receptor advanced glycation end-products (sRAGEs), and to assess the difference on dAGEs and circulating AGEs according to lifestyle and biochemical measures. Methods and results: 52 overweight or obese adults diagnosed with type 2 diabetes were included in this cross-sectional analysis. dAGEs were estimated from a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) or from a FFQ þ Home Cooking Frequency Questionnaire (HCFQ). Serum concentrations of CML and sRAGEs were measured by ELISA. Correlation tests were used to analyze the association between dAGEs derived from the FFQ or FFQ þ HCFQ and concentrations of CML or sRAGEs. Demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors and biochemical measures were analyzed according to sRAGEs and dAGEs using student t-test and ANCOVA. A significant inverse association was found between serum sRAGEs and dAGEs estimated using the FFQ þ HCFQ (r Z 0.36, p Z 0.010), whereas no association was found for dAGEs derived from the FFQ alone. No association was observed between CML and dAGEs. dAGEs intake estimated from the FFQ þ HCFQ was significantly higher among younger and male participants, and in those with higher BMI, higher Hb1Ac levels, longer time with type 2 diabetes, lower adherence to Mediterranean diet, and higher use of culinary techniques that generate more AGEs (all p values p < 0.05). Conclusions: These results show knowledge on culinary techniques is relevant to derive the association between dAGEs intake and cardiometabolic risk factors

    Influence of fat intake and BMI on the association of rs1799983 NOS3 polymorphism with blood pressure levels in an Iberian population

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    Introduction Hypertension contributes to the burden of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure and premature mortality [1]. In fact, hypertension complications account for 9.4 million deaths worldwide every year [2]. Key risk factors include age, race, endocrine and metabolic disorders, lifestyle behaviors and genetics, among others [1]. In this context, familial and twin studies have estimated the heritable component of Blood Pressure (BP) to be about 30%-60% [3]. Moreover, Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) have identified a large number of polymorphisms associated with BP or hypertension, which are located in or near genes involved in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, related to enzymes and receptors of the mineral-and glucocorticoid pathways and associated with proteins implicated in the structure and/or regulation of vascular tone [4].Among them, the Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS3) gene is regarded as one of the putative candidate gene for BP regulation and hypertension, since it is involved in the production of Nitric Oxide (NO) which has vasodilator effects (i.e. inhibiting vascular smooth muscle contraction) [5]. Indeed, it has been observed in an animal model that the disruption of NOS3 gene led to hypertension, while in humans the inhibition of NOS3 elevated BP [5, 6]. Between NOS3 genetic variants, the rs1799983 is the most recognized polymorphism related not only to BP and hypertension, but also to coronary artery and vascular diseases, myocardial infarction, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes [7]. Unfortunately, the results of studies seeking associations of rs1799983 and BP or hypertension have not always been consistent in different populations, which might be due to gene-environmental risk factors interactions [8]. However, to our knowledge, there are few reports on the modulation of environmental factors such as excess body weight or diet, two risk factors widely associated with increased BP levels and hypertension, on the association between rs1799983 and BP or hypertension [9, 10]. Therefore, the aims of the present research were to examine the potential association between the rs1799983 NOS3 genetic variant and BP levels and hypertension, and to investigate the possible influence of non-genetic risk factors on that association

    Parity implications for anthropometrical variables, lifestyle behaviors and dietary habits in pregnant women

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    Altogether the results presented in this thesis clearly show that dietary and genetic factors could modulate susceptibility to obesity and its metabolic disorders. Notably, individuals with a high genetic predisposition to obesity, defined by a GRS based on 16 obesity and lipid metabolism related polymorphisms, showed higher adiposity measures and obesity risk than those individuals with a low genetic predisposition. Although scientific evidence suggests the heritability component of obesity, in the present study we observed that genetic factors explain a small percentage of BMI variation as has been found by other authors. However, when we include in the regression model phenotypic features such as age, physical activity and energy intake the percentage of BMI explanation increased. These results confirm that obesity should be treated as a multifactorial disease in which a large number of phenotypic and genotypic factors are involved. Furthermore, our research work also contributes to better understand not only the role of genetics on body weight loss but also how the diet could modify the association between a polymorphism and body weight regulation. Specifically, for the first time we reported the interaction between the ADCY3 rs10182181 genetic variant and dietary macronutrient distribution on changes in anthropometric and body composition measurements. In addition, the MTNR1B rs101830963 genetic variant interacted with dietary fat intake in response to a hypocaloric diet in terms of body composition and lipid metabolism traits. On the other hand, the fat/carbohydrate intake modified the association between the PPM1K rs1440581 variant and changes in insulin and insulin resistance traits after a dietary intervention to induced weight loss. Finally, the association between the NOS3 rs1799983 polymorphism and DBP and risk of hypertension was modified by MUFA and PUFA intake, and BMI, respectively. Nutrigenetics emerges as a good option to further investigate the interindividual susceptibility to metabolic disorders and the response to dietary interventions, and therefore provide personalized nutrition based on the genetic make-up for preventing and treating obesity and its related comorbidities