104 research outputs found

    Quantifying feedback from narrow line region outflows in nearby active galaxies II. Spatially resolved mass outflow rates for the QSO2 Markarian 34

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    We present spatially resolved mass outflow rate measurements (M˙ out) for the narrow line region of Markarian 34, the nearest Compton-thick type 2 quasar (QSO2). Spectra obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope and at Apache Point Observatory reveal complex kinematics, with distinct signatures of outflow and rotation within 2 kpc of the nucleus. Using multi-component photoionization models, we find that the outflow contains a total ionized gas mass of M≈1.6×106Me. Combining this with the kinematics yields a peak outflow rate of M˙ out » 2.0 0.4 Me yr−1 at a distance of 470 pc from the nucleus, with a spatially integrated kinetic energy of E≈1.4×1055 erg. These outflows are more energetic than those observed in Mrk 573 and NGC 4151, supporting a correlation between luminosity and outflow strength even though they have similar peak outflow rates. The mix of rotational and outflowing components suggests that spatially resolved observations are required to determine accurate outflow parameters in systems with complex kinematics

    Revisiting the warm sub-Saturn TOI-1710b

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    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) provides a continuous suite of new planet candidates that need confirmation and precise mass determination from ground-based observatories. This is the case for the G-type star TOI-1710, which is known to host a transiting sub-Saturn planet (Mp=\mathrm{M_p}=28.3±\pm4.7M\mathrm{M}_\oplus) in a long-period orbit (P=24.28\,d). Here we combine archival SOPHIE and new and archival HARPS-N radial velocity data with newly available TESS data to refine the planetary parameters of the system and derive a new mass measurement for the transiting planet, taking into account the impact of the stellar activity on the mass measurement. We report for TOI-1710b a radius of Rp\mathrm{R_p}==5.15±\pm0.12R\mathrm{R}_\oplus, a mass of Mp\mathrm{M_p}==18.4±\pm4.5M\mathrm{M}_\oplus, and a mean bulk density of ρp\rho_{\rm p}==0.73±\pm0.18gcm3\mathrm{g \, cm^{-3}}, which are consistent at 1.2σ\sigma, 1.5σ\sigma, and 0.7σ\sigma, respectively, with previous measurements. Although there is not a significant difference in the final mass measurement, we needed to add a Gaussian process component to successfully fit the radial velocity dataset. This work illustrates that adding more measurements does not necessarily imply a better mass determination in terms of precision, even though they contribute to increasing our full understanding of the system. Furthermore, TOI-1710b joins an intriguing class of planets with radii in the range 4-8 R\mathrm{R}_\oplus that have no counterparts in the Solar System. A large gaseous envelope and a bright host star make TOI-1710b a very suitable candidate for follow-up atmospheric characterization.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 21 pages, 14 figure

    A super-massive Neptune-sized planet

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    Neptune-sized planets exhibit a wide range of compositions and densities, depending onf cators related to their formation and evolution history, such as the distance from their host stars and atmospheric escape processes. They can vary from relatively low-density planets with thick hydrogen-helium atmospheres to higher-density planets with a substantial amount of water or a rocky interior with a thinner atmosphere, such as HD 95338 b, TOI-849 b and TOI-2196 b. The discovery of exoplanets in the hot-Neptune desert, a region close to the host stars with a deficit of Neptune-sized planets, provides insights into the formation and evolution of planetary systems, including the existence of this region itself. Here we show observations of the transiting planet TOI-1853 b, which has a radius of 3.46 +- 0.08 Earth radii and orbits a dwarf star every 1.24 days. This planet has a mass of 73.2 +- 2.7 Earth masses, almost twice that of any other Neptune-sized planet known so far, and a density of 9.7 +- 0.8 grams per cubic centimetre. These values place TOI-1853 b in the middle of the Neptunian desert and imply that heavy elements dominate its mass. The properties of TOI-1853 b present a puzzle for conventional theories of planetary formation and evolution, and could be the result of several proto-planet collisions or the final state of an initially high-eccentricity planet that migrated closer to its parent star.Comment: Preprint submitted to Nature. Please refer to the published version for the final parameters estimation

    A super-Earth and a mini-Neptune near the 2:1 MMR straddling the radius valley around the nearby mid-M dwarf TOI-2096

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    Context. Several planetary formation models have been proposed to explain the observed abundance and variety of compositions of super-Earths and mini-Neptunes. In this context, multitransiting systems orbiting low-mass stars whose planets are close to the radius valley are benchmark systems, which help to elucidate which formation model dominates.Aims. We report the discovery, validation, and initial characterization of one such system, TOI-2096 (TIC 142748283), a two-planet system composed of a super-Earth and a mini-Neptune hosted by a mid-type M dwarf located 48 pc away.Methods. We characterized the host star by combining optical spectra, analyzing its broadband spectral energy distribution, and using evolutionary models for low-mass stars. Then, we derived the planetary properties by modeling the photometric data from TESS and ground-based facilities. In addition, we used archival data, high-resolution imaging, and statistical validation to support our planetary interpretation.Results. We found that the stellar properties of TOI-2096 correspond to a dwarf star of spectral type M4±0.5. It harbors a super-Earth (R = 1.24 ± 0.07 R⊕) and a mini-Neptune (R = 1.90 ± 0.09 R⊕) in likely slightly eccentric orbits with orbital periods of 3.12 d and 6.39 d, respectively. These orbital periods are close to the first-order 2:1 mean-motion resonance (MMR), a configuration that may lead to measurable transit timing variations (TTVs). We computed the expected TTVs amplitude for each planet and found that they might be measurable with high-precision photometry delivering mid-transit times with accuracies of ≲2 min. Moreover, we conclude that measuring the planetary masses via radial velocities (RVs) could also be possible. Lastly, we found that these planets are among the best in their class to conduct atmospheric studies using the NIRSpec/Prism onboard the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).Conclusions. The properties of this system make it a suitable candidate for further studies, particularly for mass determination using RVs and/or TTVs, decreasing the scarcity of systems that can be used to test planetary formation models around low-mass stars

    TOI-2257 b: A highly eccentric long-period sub-Neptune transiting a nearby M dwarf

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    N.S., R.W. and B.-O.D. acknowledge support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (PP00P2-163967 and PP00P2-190080). M.N.G. acknowledges support from MIT's Kavli Institute as a Juan Carlos Torres Fellow and from the European Space Agency (ESA) as an ESA Research Fellow. A.A.B., B.S.S.and I.A.S. acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under the grant 075-15-2020-780 (N13.1902.21.0039). L.D. is an F.R.S.-FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher. B.V.R. thanks the Heising-Simons Foundation for support. This publication benefits from the support of the French Community of Belgium in the context of the FRIA Doctoral Grant awarded to M.T. and E.J. acknowledges DGAPA for his postdoctoral fellowship. Y.G.M.C. acknowledges support from UNAM-DGAPA PAPIIT BG-101321. D.D. acknowledges support from the TESS Guest Investigator Program grant 80NSSC19K1727 and NASA Exoplanet Research Program grant 18-2XRP18_2-0136. We acknowledge support from the Centre for Space and Habitability (CSH) of the University of Bern. Part of this work received support from the National Centre for Competence in Research PlanetS, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). Funding for the TESS mission is provided by NASA's Science Mission Directorate. We acknowledge the use of public TESS data from pipelines at the TESS Science Office and at the TESS Science Processing Operations Center. This research has made use of the Exoplanet Follow-up Observation Program website, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Exploration Program. Resources supporting this work were provided by the NASA High-End Computing (HEC) Program through the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research Center for the production of the SPOC data products. This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission that are publicly available from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). This work is based upon observations carried out at the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional on the Sierra de San Pedro Martir (OAN-SPM), Baja California, Mexico. We warmly thank the entire technical staff of the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional at San Pedro Martir in Mexico for their unfailing support to SAINT-EX operations, namely: E. Cadena, T. Calvario, E. Colorado, F. Diaz, A. Franco, B. Garcia, C. Guerrero, G. Guisa, F. Guillen, A. Landa, L. Figueroa, B. Hernandez, J. Herrera, E. Lopez, E. Lugo, B. Martinez, G. Melgoza, F. Montalvo, J.M. Nunez, J.L. Ochoa, I. Plauchu, F. Quiroz, H. Riesgo, H. Serrano, T. Verdugo, I. Zavala. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the FP/2007-2013 ERC grant agreement nffi 336480, and under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grants agreements nffi 679030 and 803193/BEBOP); from an Actions de Recherche Concertee (ARC) grant, financed by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, from the Balzan Prize Foundation, from the BEL-SPO/BRAIN2.0 research program (PORTAL project), from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC; grant nffi ST/S00193X/1), and from F.R.S-FNRS (Research Project ID T010920F). This work was also partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation (PI: Queloz, grant number 327127), as well as by the MERAC foundation (PI: Triaud). PI: Gillon is F.R.S.-FNRS Senior Research Associate. TRAPPIST is funded by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique, FNRS) under the grant PDR T.0120.21, with the participation of the Swiss National Science Fundation (SNF). M.G. and E.J. are F.R.S.-FNRS Senior Research Associate. This work makes use of observations from the LCOGT network. Part of the LCOGT telescope time was granted by NOIRLab through the Mid-Scale Innovations Program (MSIP). M.S.I.P. is funded by NSF. Some of the observations in the paper made use of the High-Resolution Imaging instrument(s) `Alopeke (and/or Zorro). `Alopeke (and/or Zorro) was funded by the NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program and built at the NASA Ames Research Center by Steve B. Howell, Nic Scott, Elliott P. Horch, and Emmett Quigley. Data were reduced using a software pipeline originally written by Elliott Horch and Mark Everett. `Alopeke (and/or Zorro) was mounted on the Gemini North (and/or South) telescope of the international Gemini Observatory, a program of NSF's OIR Lab, which is managed by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation, on behalf of the Gemini partnership: the National Science Foundation (United States), National Research Council (Canada), Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo (Chile), Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion (Argentina), Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia, Inovacoes e Comunicacoes (Brazil), and Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (Republic of Korea). This research has made use of the NASA Exoplanet Archive, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Exploration Program. This research made use of exoplanet (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2021a,b) and its dependencies (Agol et al. 2020; Kumar et al. 2019; Astropy Collaboration 2013, 2018; Kipping 2013; Luger et al. 2019; Salvatier et al. 2016; Theano Development Team 2016). Additional use of software packages AstroImageJ (Collins et al. 2017) and TAPIR (Jensen 2013).Context. Thanks to the relative ease of finding and characterizing small planets around M-dwarf stars, these objects have become cornerstones in the field of exoplanet studies. The current paucity of planets in long-period orbits around M dwarfs makes such objects particularly compelling as they provide clues about the formation and evolution of these systems. Aims. In this study we present the discovery of TOI-2257 b (TIC 198485881), a long-period (35 d) sub-Neptune orbiting an M3 star at 57.8 pc. Its transit depth is about 0.4%, large enough to be detected with medium-size, ground-based telescopes. The long transit duration suggests the planet is in a highly eccentric orbit (e similar to 0.5), which would make it the most eccentric planet known to be transiting an M-dwarf star. Methods. We combined TESS and ground-based data obtained with the 1.0-meter SAINT-EX, 0.60-meter TRAPPIST-North, and 1.2-meter FLWO telescopes to find a planetary size of 2.2 R-circle plus and an orbital period of 35.19 days. In addition, we make use of archival data, high-resolution imaging, and vetting packages to support our planetary interpretation. Results. With its long period and high eccentricity, TOI-2257 b falls into a novel slice of parameter space. Despite the planet's low equilibrium temperature (similar to 256 K), its host star's small size (R-* = 0.311 +/- 0.015) and relative infrared brightness (K-mag = 10.7) make it a suitable candidate for atmospheric exploration via transmission spectroscopy.Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)European Commission PP00P2-163967 PP00P2-190080MIT's Kavli InstituteEuropean Space Agency European CommissionMinistry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation 075-15-2020-780 (N13.1902.21.0039)Heising-Simons FoundationFrench Community of BelgiumDGAPAPrograma de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigacion e Innovacion Tecnologica (PAPIIT) Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico BG-101321TESS Guest Investigator Program 80NSSC19K1727NASA Exoplanet Research Program 18-2XRP18_2-0136Centre for Space and Habitability (CSH) of the University of BernSwiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)European Research Council (ERC) 336480Actions de Recherche Concertee (ARC) grant - Wallonia-Brussels FederationUK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) ST/S00193X/1Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS T010920FSimons Foundation 327127MERAC foundationFonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS PDR T.0120.21Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)National Science Foundation (NSF)NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program NASA's Science Mission DirectorateEuropean Research Council (ERC) 679030 803193/BEBOPBalzan Prize Foundation BEL-SPO/BRAIN2.0 research program (PORTAL project

    Three low-mass companions around aged stars discovered by TESS

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    We report the discovery of three transiting low-mass companions to aged stars: a brown dwarf (TOI-2336b) and two objects near the hydrogen burning mass limit (TOI-1608b and TOI-2521b). These three systems were first identified using data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). TOI-2336b has a radius of 1.05±0.04 RJ1.05\pm 0.04\ R_J, a mass of 69.9±2.3 MJ69.9\pm 2.3\ M_J and an orbital period of 7.71 days. TOI-1608b has a radius of 1.21±0.06 RJ1.21\pm 0.06\ R_J, a mass of 90.7±3.7 MJ90.7\pm 3.7\ M_J and an orbital period of 2.47 days. TOI-2521b has a radius of 1.01±0.04 RJ1.01\pm 0.04\ R_J, a mass of 77.5±3.3 MJ77.5\pm 3.3\ M_J and an orbital period of 5.56 days. We found all these low-mass companions are inflated. We fitted a relation between radius, mass and incident flux using the sample of known transiting brown dwarfs and low-mass M dwarfs. We found a positive correlation between the flux and the radius for brown dwarfs and for low-mass stars that is weaker than the correlation observed for giant planets.Comment: 20 pages, 13 figures; submitted to MNRA

    TOI-2084 b and TOI-4184 b:two new sub-Neptunes around M dwarf stars

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    Funding: The research leading to these results has received funding from the ARC grant for Concerted Research Actions, financed by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. This research is in part funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (grants agreements n◦ 803193/BEBOP), and from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC; grant n◦ ST/S00193X/1). U.G.J. gratefully acknowledges support from tthe European Union H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 under grant No. 860470 (CHAMELEON). We acknowledge funding from the European Research Council under the ERC Grant Agreement n. 337591-ExTrA.We present the discovery and validation of two TESS exoplanets orbiting nearby M dwarfs: TOI-2084 b, and TOI-4184b. We characterized the host stars by combining spectra from Shane/Kast and Magellan/FIRE, spectral energy distribution analysis, and stellar evolutionary models. In addition, we used Gemini-South/Zorro & -North/Alopeke high-resolution imaging, archival science images, and statistical validation packages to support the planetary interpretation. We performed a global analysis of multi-colour photometric data from TESS and ground-based facilities in order to derive the stellar and planetary physical parameters for each system. We find that TOI-2084 band TOI-4184 bare sub-Neptune-sized planets with radii of Rp = 2.47 ± 0.13R⊕ and Rp = 2.43 ± 0.21 R⊕, respectively. TOI-2084 b completes an orbit around its host star every 6.08 days, has an equilibrium temperature of Teq = 527 ± 8 K and an irradiation of Sp = 12.8 ± 0.8 S⊕. Its host star is a dwarf of spectral M2.0 ± 0.5 at a distance of 114 pc with an effective temperature of Teff = 3550 ± 50 K, and has a wide, co-moving M8 companion at a projected separation of 1400 au. TOI-4184 b orbits around an M5.0 ± 0.5 type dwarf star (Kmag = 11.87) each 4.9 days, and has an equilibrium temperature of Teq = 412 ± 8 K and an irradiation of Sp = 4.8 ± 0.4 S⊕. TOI-4184 is a metal poor star ([Fe/H] = −0.27 ± 0.09 dex) at a distance of 69 pc with an effective temperature of Teff = 3225 ± 75 K. Both planets are located at the edge of the sub-Jovian desert in the radius-period plane. The combination of the small size and the large infrared brightness of their host stars make these new planets promising targets for future atmospheric exploration with JWST.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    TOI-2084 b and TOI-4184 b: two new sub-Neptunes around M dwarf stars

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    We present the discovery and validation of two TESS exoplanets orbiting nearby M dwarfs: TOI-2084b, and TOI-4184b. We characterized the host stars by combining spectra from Shane/Kast and Magellan/FIRE, SED (Spectral Energy Distribution) analysis, and stellar evolutionary models. In addition, we used Gemini-South/Zorro & -North/Alopeke high-resolution imaging, archival science images, and statistical validation packages to support the planetary interpretation. We performed a global analysis of multi-colour photometric data from TESS and ground-based facilities in order to derive the stellar and planetary physical parameters for each system. We find that TOI-2084b and TOI-4184b are sub-Neptune-sized planets with radii of Rp = 2.47 +/- 0.13R_Earth and Rp = 2.43 +/- 0.21R_Earth, respectively. TOI-2084b completes an orbit around its host star every 6.08 days, has an equilibrium temperature of T_eq = 527 +/- 8K and an irradiation of S_p = 12.8 +/- 0.8 S_Earth. Its host star is a dwarf of spectral M2.0 +/- 0.5 at a distance of 114pc with an effective temperature of T_eff = 3550 +/- 50 K, and has a wide, co-moving M8 companion at a projected separation of 1400 au. TOI-4184b orbits around an M5.0 +/- 0.5 type dwarf star (Kmag = 11.87) each 4.9 days, and has an equilibrium temperature of T_eq = 412 +/- 8 K and an irradiation of S_p = 4.8 +/- 0.4 S_Earth. TOI-4184 is a metal poor star ([Fe/H] = -0.27 +/- 0.09 dex) at a distance of 69 pc with an effective temperature of T_eff = 3225 +/- 75 K. Both planets are located at the edge of the sub-Jovian desert in the radius-period plane. The combination of the small size and the large infrared brightness of their host stars make these new planets promising targets for future atmospheric exploration with JWST.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    A large sub-Neptune transiting the thick-disk M4 V TOI-2406

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    We thank the anonymous referee for their corrections and help in improving the paper. We warmly thank the entire technical staff of the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional at San Pedro Martir in Mexico for their unfailing support to SAINT-EX operations, namely: E. Cadena, T. Calvario, E. Colorado, B. Garcia, G. Guisa, A. Franco, L. Figueroa, B. Hernandez, J. Herrera, E. Lopez, E. Lugo, B. Martinez, J. M. Nunez, J. L. Ochoa, M. Pereyra, F. Quiroz, T. Verdugo, I. Zavala. B.V.R. thanks the Heising-Simons Foundation for support. Y.G.M.C acknowledges support from UNAM-PAPIIT IG-101321. B.-O. D. acknowledges support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (PP00P2-163967 and PP00P2-190080). R.B. acknowledges the support from the Swiss National Science Foundation under grant P2BEP2_195285. M.N.G. acknowledges support from MIT's Kavli Institute as a Juan Carlos Torres Fellow. A.H.M.J.T acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement nffi 803193/BEBOP), from the MERAC foundation, and from the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC; grant nffi ST/S00193X/1). T.D. acknowledges support from MIT's Kavli Institute as a Kavli postdoctoral fellow Part of this work received support from the National Centre for Competence in Research PlanetS, supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). The research leading to these results has received funding from the ARC grant for Concerted Research Actions, financed by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. TRAPPIST is funded by the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique, FNRS) under the grant FRFC 2.5.594.09.F, with the participation of the Swiss National Science Fundation (SNF). M.G. and E.J. are F.R.S.-FNRS Senior Research Associate. This publication benefits from the support of the French Community of Belgium in the context of the FRIA Doctoral Grant awarded to MT. We acknowledge the use of public TESS data from pipelines at the TESS Science Office and at the TESS Science Processing Operations Center. We acknowledge the use of public TESS Alert data from pipelines at the TESS Science Office and at the TESS Science Processing Operations Center. Resources supporting this work were provided by the NASA High-End Computing (HEC) Program through the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research Center for the production of the SPOC data products. Funding for the TESS mission is provided by NASA's Science Mission Directorate. This research has made use of the Exoplanet Follow-up Observation Program website, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Exploration Program. This paper includes data collected by the TESS mission that are publicly available from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). We thank the TESS GI program G03274 PI, Ryan Cloutier, for proposing the target of this work for 2-min-cadence observations in Sector 30. This work is based upon observations carried out at the Observatorio Astronomico Nacional on the Sierra de San Pedro Martir (OAN-SPM), Baja California, Mexico. This work makes use of observations from the LCOGT network. Part of the LCOGT telescope time was granted by NOIRLab through the Mid-Scale Innovations Program (MSIP). MSIP is funded by NSF. This work includes data collected at the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) on Mt. Graham. This paper includes data taken on the EDEN telescope network. We acknowledge support from the Earths in Other Solar Systems Project (EOS) and Alien Earths (grant numbers NNX15AD94G and 80NSSC21K0593), sponsored by NASA. Some of the observations in the paper made use of the High-Resolution Imaging instrument Zorro (Gemini program GS-2020B-LP-105). Zorro was funded by the NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program and built at the NASA Ames Research Center by Steve B. Howell, Nic Scott, Elliott P. Horch, and Emmett Quigley. Zorro was mounted on the Gemini South telescope of the international Gemini Observatory, a program of NSF's OIR Lab, which is managed by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation. on behalf of the Gemini partnership: the National Science Foundation (United States), National Research Council (Canada), Agencia Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo (Chile), Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion (Argentina), Ministerio da Ciencia, Tecnologia, Inovacoes e Comunicacoes (Brazil), and Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (Republic of Korea). This research has made use of the NASA Exoplanet Archive, which is operated by the California Institute of Technology, under contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Exploration Program. This work made use of the following Python packages: astropy (Astropy Collaboration 2013, 2018), lightkurve (Lightkurve Collaboration 2018), matplotlib (Hunter 2007), pandas (Wes McKinney 2010), seaborn (Waskom & The Seaborn Development team 2021), scipy (Virtanen et al. 2020) and numpy (Harris et al. 2020).Context. Large sub-Neptunes are uncommon around the coolest stars in the Galaxy and are rarer still around those that are metal-poor. However, owing to the large planet-to-star radius ratio, these planets are highly suitable for atmospheric study via transmission spectroscopy in the infrared, such as with JWST. Aims. Here we report the discovery and validation of a sub-Neptune orbiting the thick-disk, mid-M dwarf star TOI-2406. The star's low metallicity and the relatively large size and short period of the planet make TOI-2406 b an unusual outcome of planet formation, and its characterisation provides an important observational constraint for formation models. Methods. We first infer properties of the host star by analysing the star's near-infrared spectrum, spectral energy distribution, and Gaia parallax. We use multi-band photometry to confirm that the transit event is on-target and achromatic, and we statistically validate the TESS signal as a transiting exoplanet. We then determine physical properties of the planet through global transit modelling of the TESS and ground-based time-series data. Results. We determine the host to be a metal-poor M4 V star, located at a distance of 56 pc, with properties T-eff = 3100 +/- 75 K, M-* = 0.162 +/- 0.008M(circle dot), R-* = 0.202 +/- 0.011R(circle dot), and [Fe/H] = -0.38 +/- 0.07, and a member of the thick disk. The planet is a relatively large sub-Neptune for the M-dwarf planet population, with R-p = 2.94 +/- 0.17R(circle plus) and P= 3.077 d, producing transits of 2% depth. We note the orbit has a non-zero eccentricity to 3 sigma, prompting questions about the dynamical history of the system. Conclusions. This system is an interesting outcome of planet formation and presents a benchmark for large-planet formation around metal-poor, low-mass stars. The system warrants further study, in particular radial velocity follow-up to determine the planet mass and constrain possible bound companions. Furthermore, TOI-2406 b is a good target for future atmospheric study through transmission spectroscopy. Although the planet's mass remains to be constrained, we estimate the S/N using amass-radius relationship, ranking the system fifth in the population of large sub-Neptunes, with TOI-2406 b having a much lower equilibrium temperature than other spectroscopically accessible members of this population.Heising-Simons FoundationPrograma de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigacion e Innovacion Tecnologica (PAPIIT)Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico IG-101321Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)European Commission PP00P2-163967 PP00P2-190080 P2BEP2_195285MIT's Kavli Institute as a Juan Carlos Torres FellowEuropean Research Council (ERC) nffi 803193/BEBOPMERAC foundationUK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) nffi ST/S00193X/1MIT's Kavli Institute as a Kavli postdoctoral fellowSwiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)Australian Research CouncilFonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRS FRFC 2.5.594.09.FSwiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)French Community of Belgium in the context of the FRIA Doctoral GrantNASA High-End Computing (HEC) Program through the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division at Ames Research CenterNASA's Science Mission DirectorateNational Aeronautics and Space Administration under the Exoplanet Exploration ProgramTESS GI program G03274National Science Foundation (NSF)Earths in Other Solar Systems Project (EOS)Alien Earths - NASA NNX15AD94G 80NSSC21K0593High-Resolution Imaging instrument Zorro (Gemini program) GS-2020B-LP-105NASA Exoplanet Exploration ProgramNational Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)National Science Foundation (NSF