520 research outputs found

    Europe and the new devision of labour: Introduction

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    Arbeitsteilung, Arbeitsorganisation, Arbeitsnachfrage, Outsourcing, Lohnfertigung, Eu-Staaten, Division of labour, Work organization, Labour demand, Offshore assembly, EU countries

    Study of the phase transition in polycrystalline (Ba_{0.90}Pb_{0.10})(Ti_{0.90}Sn_{0.10})O_3

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    Polycrystalline sample of (Ba_{0.90}Pb_{0.10})(Ti_{0.90}Sn_{0.10})O_3 was obtained by means of a conventional ceramic technology. The dielectric measurements were performed depending on temperature and frequency of electric measuring field. The character of the phase transitions of (Ba_{0.90}Pb_{0.10})(Ti_{0.90}Sn_{0.10})O_3 ceramics strongly depends on the presence of Pb in the sample. The obtained results pointed out the diffused character of phase transition. The temperature dependence of the dielectric properties showed that the phase transition from the paraelectric phase to ferroelectric one takes place at the same temperature (T_{m}=367 K). It does not depend on the frequency of the measuring electric field. A change of the value of the parameter \gamma takes place in the paraelectric phase.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Rape Acknowledgement in the Context of the #MeToo Movement

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    Sexual violence perpetrated by men against women is a pervasive social issue that affects women around the world. Sexual violence has taken place in what has been termed “rape culture,” or a culture in which sexual violence is normalized, minimized, or tacitly condoned. In October 2017, #MeToo gained global attention when numerous women began sharing experiences of male perpetrated sexual violence via social media. The recent attention given to issues of sexual violence has included little discussion about the issues facing women who have not acknowledged, or women who report male perpetrated coercive experiences that fall within the legal definition of rape, but who do not identify a perpetrator’s actions as “rape” or “sexual assault.” The present study recruited women ages 18 years and older who reported an experience meeting the legal definition of rape or sexual assault but who did not identify with those labels. This study used qualitative methods to explore the impact of #MeToo from the perspective of women who have not acknowledged. Themes derived in the present study suggested that #MeToo raised participants’ awareness that unwanted and/or coercive sexual experiences are “not unique” and that survivors are “not alone,” encouraged openness about survivors’ experiences, and validated that these experiences are problematic. Contradictions were also found across participants’ writing. Overall, #MeToo was described as having a positive emotional impact for women participating in this study without necessarily changing their own ambivalence or the external beliefs of those close to them

    Individual Professional Practise in the Company

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    Import 29/09/2010Tato bakalářská práce popisuje průběh praxe vykonávané studentem ve firmě fv.cz, s.r.o. Firma fv.cz působí v oblastech vývoje internetových aplikací. Můžeme se zde dozvědět o různých principech a technologiích používaných při tvorbě internetových stránek. Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje hlavně na vývoj internetových stránek pod programovacím jazykem PHP, student ve firmě pracoval jako PHP programátor. V práci jsou rozebrány úkoly přidělené studentovi v rámci praxe. Je zde popsána implementace různých rozšíření internetového obchodu deju-jewelry.com. Dozvíme se jak implementovat platební bránu pro platbu platebními kartami v e-shopu, je zde rozebráno řešení hromadného odesílání e-mailů a část práce se zabývá i optimalizací internetových stránek.The aim of this thesis is to describe the working practices of the student in fv.cz, s.r.o company. Fv.cz, s.r.o company is active in the development of Internet applications. We can learn there about different principles and technologies used for creating websites. This thesis focuses mainly on the development of websites under the PHP programming language student working in the company as a PHP programmer. In this thesis, the tasks assigned to a student are discussed, in relation to the experience in the implementation of the expansion of the e-shop deju-jewelry.com We can learn how implement a payment gateway for credit cards payments in an e-shop. And also there is analysed solution of mass sending of emails and part of work is also about optimalisation of websites.Prezenční456 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Vertices cannot be hidden from quantum spatial search for almost all random graphs

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    In this paper we show that all nodes can be found optimally for almost all random Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi G(n,p){\mathcal G}(n,p) graphs using continuous-time quantum spatial search procedure. This works for both adjacency and Laplacian matrices, though under different conditions. The first one requires p=ω(log8(n)/n)p=\omega(\log^8(n)/n), while the seconds requires p(1+ε)log(n)/np\geq(1+\varepsilon)\log (n)/n, where ε>0\varepsilon>0. The proof was made by analyzing the convergence of eigenvectors corresponding to outlying eigenvalues in the \|\cdot\|_\infty norm. At the same time for p<(1ε)log(n)/np<(1-\varepsilon)\log(n)/n, the property does not hold for any matrix, due to the connectivity issues. Hence, our derivation concerning Laplacian matrix is tight.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figur

    Reimagining Clinical Legal Education

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    edited by Linden Thomas, Steven Vaughan, Bharat Malkani and Theresa Lynch (Hart Publishing), 2018, 280pp, £64.80 (hardback), ISBN: 978150991352