151 research outputs found

    Cyclic left and torsion-theoretic spectra of modules and their relations

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    In this paper, strongly-prime submodules of a cyclic module are considered and their main properties are given. On this basis, a concept of a cyclic spectrum of a module is introduced. This spectrum is a generalization of the Rosenberg spectrum of a noncommutative ring. In addition, some natural properties of this spectrum are investigated, in particular, its functoriality is proved

    Introducing Parallelism to First-Year CS Majors

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    We propose to strengthen the computer science (CS) curriculum by embedding parallel concepts in a required first-semester seminar taken by all incoming declared CS majors. We introduce students to parallel computing concepts through a series of unplugged activities so that students see parallel approaches as a natural form of solution to a task. We describe a pilot offering of the class and activities, with measurements and analysis of what students self-report and their performance on assessments

    Determination of optimal parameters of the pulse width modulation of the 4qs transducer for electriс rolling stock

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    Досліджено режими роботи однофазного 4qs-перетворювача з широтно-імпульсною модуляцією в складі електрорухомого складу змінного струму. Розроблено методу визначення параметрiв ШIМ, при яких реалізується оптимальний за критерiєм мiнiмiзацiї величини реактивної потужності в системі "локомотив – тягова мережа" режим роботи перетворювача. Особливостями запропонованої методи є розділення процесу визначення оптимальних параметрів ШІМ на 2 етапи, що дозволяє видалити з імітаційної моделі непотрiбнi на даному етапі блоки та зменшити сумарний час моделювання. На першому етапі визначаються значення коефіцієнту потужності та струму ланки постійного струму в усьому діапазоні коефiцiєнтiв модуляції та зсуву між мережевим струмом та опорним синусоїдальним сигналом. Далi, з отриманого масиву даних виділяються пари значень параметрів ШІМ, за яких реалізується найвищий коефіцієнт потужності системи "електровоз – тягова мережа", та заносяться до табличною системи завдання параметрів ШІМ. На другому етапi визначається залежності електричних втрат, а, отже, й ККД, та коефіцієнту нелінійних спотворювань мережевого струму вiд тактової частоти перетворювачi. Визначення електричних втрат ґрунтується на обчисленнi енергiї, що була розсiяна протягом 1 с на IGBT-транзисторi та снаберному резисторi в залежностi вiд миттєвих значень струму через них. Для знаходження параметрiв ШIМ за наведеною методою розроблено iмiтацiйну модель 4qs-перетворювача, проведено iдентифiкацiю параметрiв ШIМ перетворювача електровозу для тестової задачi. Визначено, що енергетичнi показники перетворювача залежать нелiнiйно вiд трьох керуючих величин, що є параметрами ШIМ: коефiцiєнту модуляцiї, зсуву мiж мережевим струмом та опорним синусоїдальним сигналом, та тактовою частоти ШIМ. Визначено, що перетворювач з iдентифiкованими параметрами ШIМ забезпечує одиничний коефiцiєнт потужностi тягової мережi при навантаженнi бiльше 10 % вiд номiналь- ного в режимах тяги та рекуперативного гальмування. Отримано залежнiсть електричних втрат перетворювача та коефiцiєнту нелiнiйних спотворень в тяговiй мережi вiд тактової частоти ШIМ. Визначено, що рацiональне значення тактової частоти лежить в iнтервалi 900…2000 Гц, при цьому ККД перетворювача досягає 98…95 %, коефiцiєнт нелiнiйних спотворень складає 12…5 %. Визначено, що виключення з силового кола снаберної ланки може суттєво зменшити сумарнi електричнi втрати. Встановлено, що втрати на паразитних опорах фiльтрiв незначнi, тому їх можна не враховувати в загальному балансi втрат

    Investment Attractiveness of the Territory

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    Results of the investment appeal analysis of the Kazan city from 2003 for 2013 are presented in article. Within this research authors leaned both on quantitative indices of investment appeal, and on qualitative characteristics.   For the investment appeal analysis of the Kazan city the technique of the factorial analysis and ranging was chosen. In addition, the method of mathematical correlation was applied to detecting dependence between indicators. As initial information for carrying out the investment appeal analysis indicators of development of the Kazan city from 2003 to 2013 published in statistical collections were used. The investment appeal analysis included assessment of 9 factors, and investment risks paid off on the basis of 12 factors.By results of the conducted research it is possible to draw a conclusion that the largest investment potential was revealed in 2013 and the smallest in 2003 while the greatest investment risk was revealed in 2009, and the smallest in 2013. Following the results of calculations the maximum integrated indicator was received in 2013 - 94,34888, minimum in 2003 - 34,58387High level of a consumer price index, low level of the average salary, the low level of the population occupied in small and medium business remain problem areas in Kazan, but It should be noted that work in this direction is conducted also rather active

    Small entrepreneurship’s impact on the development of Central Federal District regions

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London.In this article, we examine the influence of small entrepreneurship on the main indicators of the Central Federal District regions development for the period from 2002 to 2012. As a result of regression analysis, a statistically significant association between indicators of small entrepreneurship and development of the Central Federal District is revealed

    Some aspects of African study in the era of globalization

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    The article deals with the problems of African study process peculiarities as the science field in the era of globalization. The authors analyze Ethnography and language cultures peculiarities typical of Africa. The main part of the research is devoted to the language group variety, most common features of language divisions and subdivisions, spread on the territory of African Continent. The main geographical, economic, cultural, social, political, cultural characteristics are given according to the division of Africa into four main part

    2018–2019 antiviral drug sensitivity of the influenza virus strains isolated from various regions of Kazakhstan

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    Influenza is a serious public health problem. The ability of influenza virus to change upon replication is the most serious issue for practical medicine and virology, which can fundamentally alter virus biological properties, such as infectivity and virulence. The high mutational variability of influenza viruses can contribute to rapidly emerging drug resistance. Therefore, the study of antiviral drug sensitivity among influenza viruses is necessary to justify proper drug use for treatment and prevention of influenza infection. The aim of the study was to examine antiviral drug susceptibility of influenza A/H1N1 and B virus strains isolated from various regions of Kazakhstan in the years 2018–2019. Materials and methods. The susceptibility analysis of 20 strains of influenza A/H1N1 and B viruses was carried out by using chemotherapeutic agents including Remantadine, Tamiflu, Arbidol, and Ingavirin. Viruses were cultured in the allantoic cavity of developing 10-day-old chicken embryos for 48 hours at 36оC. The hemagglutinating activity was determined according to the standard method on 96-well plates using 0.75% chicken red blood cell suspension; the infectivity was calculated by the Reed–Muench method. The susceptibility of virus strains to different concentrations of antiviral drugs was evaluated by the level of virus reproductive suppression of 100 lg EID50/0.2 ml in chicken embryos. Statistical analysis was performed using Microsoft Office Excel 2010 software. Results. A study of susceptibility to chemotherapeutic agents demonstrated heterogeneity of influenza A and B virus population isolated in Kazakhstan during the 2018–2019 period. The susceptibility to tamiflu was found in all Kazakhstan strains of influenza A/H1N1 virus and three type B strains (inhibitory concentration was 0.44–25.38 μg/mL). The reproduction of most viruses was effectively inhibited by Tamiflu at a concentration of 0.68–3.23 μg/mL. The inhibitory concentration for three strains of A/H1N1 virus was 7.23–25.38 μg/mL. Remantadine inhibited reproduction of viruses at higher doses (12.60–25.55 μg /mL). All investigated viruses were resistant to Arbidol and Ingavirin. A single type B influenza virus strain was found to be weakly susceptible to Ingavirin. Conclusion. The heterogeneity of influenza virus population in susceptibility to antiviral drugs suggest a need for constant epidemiological surveillance in order to identify drug-resistant variants

    Economic, social and environmental aspects of the impact of the universiade - 2013 on development of Kazan city and Tatarstan Republic

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. The article describes the methodological approaches used to study the influence of major international sporting events on the development of the city and region (on example of XXVII World Summer Universiade which held in the Russian Federation in the city of Kazan in 2013). This paper presents the results of economic, social and environmental consequences for the development of the city of Kazan and Tatarstan. Assessment of impacts is given in an integrated form, with the conclusions of the contradictory effects for the different areas of the city and the region

    Increasing Abrasive Wear Resistance of Instrumental Steels High–Temperature Hardening

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    An additional reserve for increasing the abrasive wear resistance of pearlite class steels (U12, 70KHGML, 150KHNML) is high-temperature hardening with the formation of metastable austenite in the structure. The maximum wear resistance during abrasive wear is achieved after high-temperature hardening (1150 °C) in oil, which forms a martensitic structure with metastable austenite, which, when wear out, turns into martensite with a high ability to frictional hardening.Дополнительным резервом повышения абразивной износостойкости сталей перлитного класса (У12,70ХГМЛ,150ХНМЛ) — служит высокотемпературная закалка с образованием в структуре метастабильного аустенита. Максимальная износостойкость при абразивном изнашивании достигается после высокотемпературной закалки (1150 °C) в масле, формирующей мартенситную структуру с метастабильным аустенитом, при изнашивании превращающимся в мартенсит с высокой способностью к фрикционному упрочнению

    Detection of influenza virus and pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections in population of Kazakhstan during 2018-2019 epidemic season

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    Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections are the most common infectious diseases of our time, causing a significant harm to human health as well as great economic damage. At least five groups of viruses, including more than 300 subtypes, are currently related to ARVI pathogens. Such infectious agents are characterized by a high degree of variability resulting in replaced virus antigenic characteristics augmenting their contagiousness, immunoevasion, and resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. Of relevance, influenza and other ARVIs also pose a threat due to subsequent rapid formation of bacterially-associated respiratory diseases as well as their continuous variability and emergence of new pathogenic species. In recent years, subtype A (H1N1) and A (H3N2) with predominance of pandemic strain, as well as type B influenza viruses have been simultaneously found in circulation. Most common among the causative agents of noninfluenza ARVIs, are respiratory syncytial virus, rhino- and adenoviruses, as well as I/III parainfluenza viruses. Here we present the results of virological and serological studies of clinical samples collected during the 2018—2019 epidemic season in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan after analyzing 2794 clinical samples (2530 nasopharyngeal swabs and 264 blood serum samples) of patients diagnosed with ARVI, ARI, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Examining nasopharyngeal swabs by using RT-PCR showed that the mixed etiology influenza viruses with predominant A/H1N1pdm virus circulated in Kazakhstan. In particular, influenza virus genetic material was found in 511 swabs (20.20% of total examined samples), so that influenza A virus RNA was detected in 508 biological samples such as A/H1N1 — in 289, A/H3N2 — 209, unverified virus subtype — 10 samples. Type B influenza virus was detected in 3 samples. Analyzing 264 blood serum samples by the HAI assay and ELISA showed the presence of antibodies specific to influenza A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and B viruses in the population of various regions of Kazakhstan, thereby indirectly confirming their co-circulation. 42 influenza virus strains were isolated in chicken embryos, of which 28 were assigned to A/H1N1pdm virus, 13 — A/H3N2 virus, and one isolate was identified as influenza B virus. The laboratory diagnostics of clinical samples for ARVIs revealed that respiratory syncytial virus prevailed among identified non-influenza agents, whereas rhino- and adenoviruses were less common. Metapneumoviruses, bocaviruses, coronaviruses, and type I parainfluenza viruses were detected in few cases. Comparison of our study data with the data on 2017—2018 circulation of influenza pathogens showed that in Kazakhstan influenza A and B viruses continued to circulate, with the dominance of A/H1N1pdm virus as it was in the previous epidemic season. Identification of non-influenza viruses, the causative agents of 2018—2019 respiratory infections, showed the predominance of respiratory syncytial virus that correlated with the aforementioned results