42 research outputs found

    State-of-the-art of historical earthquake investigation in Bulgaria

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    This paper deals with non-instrumental seismology development in Bulgaria (the central-eastern part of the Balkan peninsula). The first steps and products of this scientific branch are discussed because they have traced the road of present-day historical seismology in this country. The sources of information on long-term seismicity are critically reviewed. Some recent studies, which contribute to an improvement of the supporting data sets, are also discussed. A special emphasis is laid on the rules adopted to solve different cases as well as on the aspects, by which our understanding of the seismogenesis throughout the present-day Bulgarian lands has been enhanced


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    El territorio de Bulgaria está situado en la parte oriental de la península de los Balcanes, al sureste de Europa, siendo una parte del cinturón sísmico Alpes-Himalaya. Las ciudades más importantes de Bulgaria se encuentran en las inmediaciones de las fallas activas del Neógeno-Cuaternario. Debido a estas circunstancias, el monitoreo organizado de terremotos, así como el desarrollo de la práctica sismológica inició en Bulgaria a fnales del siglo XIX. La fundación de la sismología en Bulgaria ocurrió en 1891 por el meteorólogo y también el primer sismólogo búlgaro Spas Watzof, posteriormente honrado con rango académico. Spas Watzof fundó y organizó un servicio bien direccionado para la observación regular de los efectos co-sismicos y pro-sísmicos de los terremotos. Poco después, en 1903, Bulgaria fue aceptada como miembro de la Asociación Sismológica  Internacional - ISA (predecesora de la Asociación Internacional de Sismología y Física del Interior de la Tierra - IASPEI). Es importante anotar que expertos extranjeros demostraron interés científco en casos de fuertes terremotos que tuvieron lugar en el territorio búlgaro a inicios del siglo XX (Hörnes, 1904; Grablovitz, 1904; Mihailovich, 1933; Richter, 1958), así como en el uso de registros instrumentales hechos en Bulgaria por sus descubrimientos revolucionarios (Reid, 1910; Mohorovicic, 1910). Actualmente, Bulgaria participa en actividades internacionales en el marco de la Comisión Sismológica Europea (ESC) – una comisión regional de la IASPEI, la Federación Internacional de Redes Digitales de Sismógrafos (FDSN), La Sociedad Geofísica Balcánica y la Organización Integral de Tratados de Prohibición de Pruebas Nucleares (CTBTO). La sismología en Bulgaria celebra su 120oaniversario y es razonable que los resultados de los estudios realizados en este periodo tan largo y publicado en revistas y monografías internacionales y búlgaras sea resumido y presentados aquí. Se presenta cronológicamente el resumen de hitos, desarrollos y logros en el campo de la Macrosismología, Sismología Instrumental y Geodinámica en Bulgaria. El documento trata también de difundir más efectivamente la información científca búlgara más allá de sus fronteras e igualmente divulgar algunas peculiaridades y fenómenos sísmicos de la parte centro-oriental de la península Balcánica.The territory of Bulgaria is situated in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, South-Eastern Europe, being a part of the Alpo-Himalayan seismic belt. The most important cities in Bulgaria lie in the vicinity of Neogene-Quaternary active faults. Due to these circumstances organized monitoring of earthquakes as well as development of seismological practice started in Bulgaria at the end of 19th century. The foundation of seismology in Bulgaria was laid in 1891 by the meteorologist and also the frst Bulgarian seismologist Spas Watzof, later honored with academic rank. Spas Watzof founded and organized a well managed service for regular observation of co-seismic and post-seismic effects of earthquakes. Soon after, in 1903, Bulgaria was accepted as a member of the International Seismological Association (the predecessor of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior - IASPEI). It should be noted that foreign experts demonstrated scientifc interest in cases of strong earthquakes that took place on the territory of Bulgaria in the beginning of 20thcentury (Hörnes, 1904; Grablovitz, 1904; Mihailovich, 1933; Richter, 1958) as well as on using instrumental records made in Bulgaria for their revolutionary discoveries (Reid, 1910; Mohorovicic, 1910). At present Bulgaria participates in international activities in the frames of the EuropeanSeismological Commission (ESC) – a regional commission of the IASPEI, the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN), the Balkan Geophysical Society and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). On occasion of the 120thanniversary of the seismology in Bulgaria it is reasonably the results of studies covering such a long period and published in international and Bulgarian journals and monographs to be summarized and presented herein. The summary of the milestones, development and achievements in the feld of Macroseismology, Instrumental seismology and Geodynamics in Bulgaria is chronologically presented. The paper aims also to spread more effectively the Bulgarian scientifc information abroad as well as to popularize some seismic peculiarities and phenomena in the central-eastern Balkan Peninsula


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    El territorio de Bulgaria está situado en la parte oriental de la península de los Balcanes, al sureste de Europa, siendo una parte del cinturón sísmico Alpes-Himalaya. Las ciudades más importantes de Bulgaria se encuentran en las inmediaciones de las fallas activas del Neógeno-Cuaternario. Debido a estas circunstancias, el monitoreo organizado de terremotos, así como el desarrollo de la práctica sismológica inició en Bulgaria a fnales del siglo XIX. La fundación de la sismología en Bulgaria ocurrió en 1891 por el meteorólogo y también el primer sismólogo búlgaro Spas Watzof, posteriormente honrado con rango académico. Spas Watzof fundó y organizó un servicio bien direccionado para la observación regular de los efectos co-sismicos y pro-sísmicos de los terremotos. Poco después, en 1903, Bulgaria fue aceptada como miembro de la Asociación Sismológica  Internacional - ISA (predecesora de la Asociación Internacional de Sismología y Física del Interior de la Tierra - IASPEI). Es importante anotar que expertos extranjeros demostraron interés científco en casos de fuertes terremotos que tuvieron lugar en el territorio búlgaro a inicios del siglo XX (Hörnes, 1904; Grablovitz, 1904; Mihailovich, 1933; Richter, 1958), así como en el uso de registros instrumentales hechos en Bulgaria por sus descubrimientos revolucionarios (Reid, 1910; Mohorovicic, 1910). Actualmente, Bulgaria participa en actividades internacionales en el marco de la Comisión Sismológica Europea (ESC) – una comisión regional de la IASPEI, la Federación Internacional de Redes Digitales de Sismógrafos (FDSN), La Sociedad Geofísica Balcánica y la Organización Integral de Tratados de Prohibición de Pruebas Nucleares (CTBTO). La sismología en Bulgaria celebra su 120oaniversario y es razonable que los resultados de los estudios realizados en este periodo tan largo y publicado en revistas y monografías internacionales y búlgaras sea resumido y presentados aquí. Se presenta cronológicamente el resumen de hitos, desarrollos y logros en el campo de la Macrosismología, Sismología Instrumental y Geodinámica en Bulgaria. El documento trata también de difundir más efectivamente la información científca búlgara más allá de sus fronteras e igualmente divulgar algunas peculiaridades y fenómenos sísmicos de la parte centro-oriental de la península Balcánica.The territory of Bulgaria is situated in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, South-Eastern Europe, being a part of the Alpo-Himalayan seismic belt. The most important cities in Bulgaria lie in the vicinity of Neogene-Quaternary active faults. Due to these circumstances organized monitoring of earthquakes as well as development of seismological practice started in Bulgaria at the end of 19th century. The foundation of seismology in Bulgaria was laid in 1891 by the meteorologist and also the frst Bulgarian seismologist Spas Watzof, later honored with academic rank. Spas Watzof founded and organized a well managed service for regular observation of co-seismic and post-seismic effects of earthquakes. Soon after, in 1903, Bulgaria was accepted as a member of the International Seismological Association (the predecessor of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior - IASPEI). It should be noted that foreign experts demonstrated scientifc interest in cases of strong earthquakes that took place on the territory of Bulgaria in the beginning of 20thcentury (Hörnes, 1904; Grablovitz, 1904; Mihailovich, 1933; Richter, 1958) as well as on using instrumental records made in Bulgaria for their revolutionary discoveries (Reid, 1910; Mohorovicic, 1910). At present Bulgaria participates in international activities in the frames of the EuropeanSeismological Commission (ESC) – a regional commission of the IASPEI, the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN), the Balkan Geophysical Society and the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). On occasion of the 120thanniversary of the seismology in Bulgaria it is reasonably the results of studies covering such a long period and published in international and Bulgarian journals and monographs to be summarized and presented herein. The summary of the milestones, development and achievements in the feld of Macroseismology, Instrumental seismology and Geodynamics in Bulgaria is chronologically presented. The paper aims also to spread more effectively the Bulgarian scientifc information abroad as well as to popularize some seismic peculiarities and phenomena in the central-eastern Balkan Peninsula

    Formation of the scientist brand

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    Розглянуто комплекс заходів щодо представлення наукового доробку українських учених у світовому інформаційному просторі задля підтвердження їх високого професійного рівня, налагодження комунікацій українських науковців з ученими світу, підвищення індивідуальних рейтингових показників авторів, видань та установ.This article examines complex action plan regarding the representation of the scientific achievements of Ukrainian scientists in the global information space in order to confirm their high professional level, strengthen the communication with scientists from all over the world, and improve rating parameters of authors, publications and institutions

    Characterization of Zahari Zograph's nave wall paintings in the church "The nativity of the virgin" of Rila Monastery (Bulgaria) by vibrational spectroscopy and SEM-EDX analysis

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    An analytical study on the nave mural paintings of the church “The Nativity of the Virgin” of Rila monastery, Bulgaria, painted by Zahari Zograph was carried out. Vibrational spectroscopy was applied to identify the pigments and organic materials used in the mural paintings. To complement the spectral information, elemental composition of the samples was determined by SEM-EDX. The data showed that smalt with carbohydrate binder was applied for the blue background, green colour was executed by green earths and red-orange colour – by red lead. Azurite is the pigment used to paint the blue colour of the saints’ hoods. The mordant for gilding was prepared of drying oil, resin and siccative metal oxides as evidenced by SEM-EDX, ATR-FTIR and pyrolysis GC-MS analysis. The use of azurite is related to Zahari Zograph’s works as it was not found in any of the previously studied murals in the church painted by other artists

    Bis[(E)-2-(3-hydr­oxy-4-methoxy­phen­yl)ethen­yl]-1-methyl­quinolinium tetra­iodidozincate(II) methanol solvate1

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    In the title compound, (C19H18NO2)2[ZnI4]·CH3OH, each cation is nearly planar and exists in an E configuration, the dihedral angles between the quinolinium systems and the benzene rings being 1.78 (10) and 5.44 (10)° for the two cations. The [ZnI4]2− anion displays a very slightly distorted tetra­hedral geometry. There are intra­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds between the hydr­oxy and meth­oxy groups in each cation which generate S(5) ring motifs. In the crystal structure, cations are linked together by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds and weak C—H⋯O inter­actions, whereas the anions are linked to the cations through weak C—H⋯I inter­actions. The asymmetric unit also contains a methanol solvent mol­ecule which is linked to one of the cations by an O—H⋯O hydrogen bond and the anion through an O—H⋯I hydrogen bond. The crystal is further stabilized by C—H⋯π and π–π inter­actions [centroid–centroid distances 3.6054 (15) and 3.6057 (15) Å]


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    In the bioactive title compound, [ZnBr2(C9H13NO)2], the ZnII atom is coordinated in a distorted tetra­hedral arrangement by two Br− anions and the O atoms of two zwitterionic organic ligands. The pyridinium rings are almost planar [maximum deviations = 0.004 (4) and 0.003 (4) Å]. The ethyl groups are approximately perpendicular to the corresponding pyridinium ring planes [N—C—C—C = 88.8 (4)° in each ligand]. The packing of the mol­ecules is controlled by π–π inter­actions, with centroid–centroid distances of 3.625 (3) and 3.711 (2) Å, forming chains approximately parallel to (102). The crystal studied was non-merohedrally twinned (twin relationship between the domains 1 0 0, 0 1 0, −0.4672 −0.1864 −1 and batch scale factor of 7.39%)

    Comparison of computational pose estimation models for joint angles with 3D motion capture

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    Tools to calculate human movement patterns can benefit musculoskeletal clinicians and researchers for rehabilitation assessments. The research objective of this study was to compare two human pose estimation models (HRNet, MediaPipe) against the laboratory marker-based reference standard for joint angles and range of motion (ROM) for several movement parameters. Twenty-two healthy volunteers (Female n=16, Male n=6), participated to compare outputs for knee and elbow kinematics. Joint angles were calculated by selecting three marker points defining the joint and angle between them in Qualisys Track Manager software. Using predicted key points, pose estimation model calculations for the same musculoskeletal kinematic outputs were computed. Coefficient of Variation (CoV) was used as a variation statistic for joint angle during movements. All comparison results were under 10%, implying that both models compute reliable joint angle data during the five tested activities. When comparing ROM as a discrete parameter, CoV values remain low, though not all below 10%. Intra-class Correlation Coefficients were computed across the ROM data as a measure of statistical similarity. Each exercise displayed good-excellent and significant correlations for both models compared to Qualisys apart from left knee sit-to-stand. Exploration from this data sampling imply that flexion/extension exercises give stronger consistency results than full sit-to-stand movements when compared to 3D motion analysis, and there is little distinction between these two models. Finer tuning of models will give further reliability for in-depth analysis as these results are restricted, but valuable for a rehabilitative setting with limited objective analysis alternative

    Оценка качества научной деятельности: исследование оригинальности

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    Today, the research activities of scientists and research organizations is estimated through the informetrical methods (bibliometrics) with absolute and relative indicators based on the number of publications and their citations in scientometric databases. The leading authors  and research organizations are given grants and awards, become international laureates, get financial support or other dividends. The authors argue that the method of research activities evaluation influences the authors’ behavior and increases plagiarism, rigged citation and academic dishonesty.The fraud practices misrepresent the estimations of research activities quality and the current status of a discipline and publication activities. The problem is analyzed; simultaneous use of bibliometric methods and most advanced scientific methods of modern methods of defining writing styles is suggested as a solution. The authors emphasize that traditionally libraries are meant to educate, to popularize knowledge and to inform. Today, they have to go into non-traditional functions, i.e. to support linguistic research and to build linguistic corpora. This would prevent manipulations when estimating publication activities with bibliometric methods and would promote academic honesty in academic practices.Подчёркнуто, что сегодня оценка научной деятельности учёного или академической организации определяется методами информетрии (библиометрии). Оценка производится с помощью абсолютных и относительных показателей, рассчитанных на основе количества публикаций и их цитирований в наукометрических базах данных. Передовые авторы и научные организации становятся победителями конкурсов грантов и международных конкурсов, получают финансовые ресурсы и другие дивиденды. Отмечено, что методика оценки научной деятельности стала влиять на поведение авторов и способствовать увеличению случаев плагиата, договорного цитирования, академической нечестности. Рассмотренные подобные практики искажают оценку качества научной деятельности, на основе которой формируется представление о текущем состоянии науки и публикационной активности. Проанализирована проблема оценки качества научной деятельности, предложен подход совместного использования методов библиометрии и современных научных наработок при определении авторского стиля написания работы. Сделан акцент на том, что на библиотеки традиционно возлагается задача обучения, популяризации знаний и информирования. Названа нетрадиционная функция библиотек: поддержка лингвистических исследований, формирование лингвистических корпусов. Определены меры, затрудняющие манипуляции при оценке научной деятельности библиометрическими методами, которые будут способствовать внедрению принципов академической честности в практику

    State-of-the-art of historical earthquake investigation in Bulgaria

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    This paper deals with non-instrumental seismology development in Bulgaria (the central-eastern part of the Balkan peninsula). The first steps and products of this scientific branch are discussed because they have traced the road of present-day historical seismology in this country. The sources of information on long-term seismicity are critically reviewed. Some recent studies, which contribute to an improvement of the supporting data sets, are also discussed. A special emphasis is laid on the rules adopted to solve different cases as well as on the aspects, by which our understanding of the seismogenesis throughout the present-day Bulgarian lands has been enhanced