624 research outputs found

    Time Resolved Correlation measurements of temporally heterogeneous dynamics

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    Time Resolved Correlation (TRC) is a recently introduced light scattering technique that allows to detect and quantify dynamic heterogeneities. The technique is based on the analysis of the temporal evolution of the speckle pattern generated by the light scattered by a sample, which is quantified by c_I(t,τ)c\_I(t,\tau), the degree of correlation between speckle images recorded at time tt and t+τt+\tau. Heterogeneous dynamics results in significant fluctuations of c_I(t,τ)c\_I(t,\tau) with time tt. We describe how to optimize TRC measurements and how to detect and avoid possible artifacts. The statistical properties of the fluctuations of c_Ic\_I are analyzed by studying their variance, probability distribution function, and time autocorrelation function. We show that these quantities are affected by a noise contribution due to the finite number NN of detected speckles. We propose and demonstrate a method to correct for the noise contribution, based on a NN\to \infty extrapolation scheme. Examples from both homogeneous and heterogeneous dynamics are provided. Connections with recent numerical and analytical works on heterogeneous glassy dynamics are briefly discussed.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to PR

    Phase behavior of symmetric linear multiblock copolymers

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    Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the phase behavior of a single linear multiblock copolymer with blocks of A- and B-type monomers under poor solvent conditions, varying the block length NN, number of blocks nn, and the solvent quality (by variation of the temperature TT). The fraction ff of A-type monomers is kept constant and equal to 0.5, and always the lengths of A and B blocks were equal (NA=NB=NN_{A}=N_{B}=N), as well as the number of blocks (nA=nB=nn_{A}=n_{B}=n). We identify the three following regimes where: (i) full microphase separation between blocks of different type occurs (all blocks of A-type monomers form a single cluster, while all blocks of B-type monomers form another), (ii) full microphase separation is observed with a certain probability, and (iii) full microphase separation can not take place. For very high number of blocks nn and very high NN (not accessible to our simulations) further investigation is needed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Europhys. Let

    Unique Properties of Eukaryote-Type Actin and Profilin Horizontally Transferred to Cyanobacteria

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    A eukaryote-type actin and its binding protein profilin encoded on a genomic island in the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa PCC 7806 co-localize to form a hollow, spherical enclosure occupying a considerable intracellular space as shown by in vivo fluorescence microscopy. Biochemical and biophysical characterization reveals key differences between these proteins and their eukaryotic homologs. Small-angle X-ray scattering shows that the actin assembles into elongated, filamentous polymers which can be visualized microscopically with fluorescent phalloidin. Whereas rabbit actin forms thin cylindrical filaments about 100 µm in length, cyanobacterial actin polymers resemble a ribbon, arrest polymerization at 5-10 µm and tend to form irregular multi-strand assemblies. While eukaryotic profilin is a specific actin monomer binding protein, cyanobacterial profilin shows the unprecedented property of decorating actin filaments. Electron micrographs show that cyanobacterial profilin stimulates actin filament bundling and stabilizes their lateral alignment into heteropolymeric sheets from which the observed hollow enclosure may be formed. We hypothesize that adaptation to the confined space of a bacterial cell devoid of binding proteins usually regulating actin polymerization in eukaryotes has driven the co-evolution of cyanobacterial actin and profilin, giving rise to an intracellular entity

    A noncanonical cytochrome c stimulates calcium binding by PilY1 for type IVa pili formation

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    Type IVa pili (T4aP) are versatile bacterial cell surface structures that undergo extension/adhesion/retraction cycles powered by the cell envelope–spanning T4aP machine. In this machine, a complex composed of four minor pilins and PilY1 primes T4aP extension and is also present at the pilus tip mediating adhesion. Similar to many several other bacteria, Myxococcus xanthus contains multiple minor pilins/PilY1 sets that are incompletely understood. Here, we report that minor pilins and PilY1 (PilY1.1) of cluster_1 form priming and tip complexes contingent on calcium and a noncanonical cytochrome c (TfcP) with an unusual His/Cys heme ligation. We provide evidence that TfcP is unlikely to participate in electron transport and instead stimulates calcium binding by PilY1.1 at low-calcium concentrations, thereby stabilizing PilY1.1 and enabling T4aP function in a broader range of calcium concentrations. These results not only identify a previously undescribed function of cytochromes c but also illustrate how incorporation of an accessory factor expands the environmental range under which the T4aP system functions

    Structural and Proteomic Changes in Viable but Non-culturable Vibrio cholerae

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    Aquatic environments are reservoirs of the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae O1, which causes the acute diarrheal disease cholera. Upon low temperature or limited nutrient availability, the cells enter a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state. Characteristic of this state are an altered morphology, low metabolic activity, and lack of growth under standard laboratory conditions. Here, for the first time, the cellular ultrastructure of V. cholerae VBNC cells raised in natural waters was investigated using electron cryo-tomography. This was complemented by a comparison of the proteomes and the peptidoglycan composition of V. cholerae from LB overnight cultures and VBNC cells. The extensive remodeling of the VBNC cells was most obvious in the passive dehiscence of the cell envelope, resulting in improper embedment of flagella and pili. Only minor changes of the peptidoglycan and osmoregulated periplasmic glucans were observed. Active changes in VBNC cells included the production of cluster I chemosensory arrays and change of abundance of cluster II array proteins. Components involved in iron acquisition and storage, peptide import and arginine biosynthesis were overrepresented in VBNC cells, while enzymes of the central carbon metabolism were found at lower levels. Finally, several pathogenicity factors of V. cholerae were less abundant in the VBNC state, potentially limiting their infectious potential. This study gives unprecedented insight into the physiology of VBNC cells and the drastically altered presence of their metabolic and structural proteins

    The restructuring of schooling in England: the responses of well-positioned Headteachers

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    Research to date about the English government’s policy to make schools independent of local authorities (LAs) has looked at the ‘macro’ level of national policy and at the ‘micro’ level of the institution. The study of which this article is a part, explores changes at the ‘meso’ level – the locality. The article analyses interviews in three LAs with 15 headteachers whose schools were well positioned locally. We sought to understand how and why they responded to the changing policy environment. We applied Bourdieu’s concepts of forms of capital to model the relationships between schools and to ground explanations of their responses as positioning themselves in the local field. The article develops this general approach by identifying the varieties of capital available and actually possessed. The most important was categorization as a result of the inspection process. Many of the headteachers felt impelled to lead their schools into various associations with other schools. Some individuals were becoming notably more powerful in their competition arenas. The power of these elite schools to further accumulate advantage and the withdrawal of the LA role as an arbiter of conflict between schools in the interests of the whole community are discussed

    Nanometer-scale characterization of laser-driven compression, shocks, and phase transitions, by x-ray scattering using free electron lasers

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    We study the feasibility of using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) as a new experimental diagnostic for intense laser-solid interactions. By using X-ray pulses from a hard X-ray free electron laser, we can simultaneously achieve nanometer and femtosecond resolution of laser-driven samples. This is an important new capability for the Helmholtz international beamline for extreme fields at the high energy density endstation currently built at the European X-ray free electron laser. We review the relevant SAXS theory and its application to transient processes in solid density plasmas and report on first experimental results that confirm the feasibility of the method. We present results of two test experiments where the first experiment employs ultra-short laser pulses for studying relativistic laser plasma interactions, and the second one focuses on shock compression studies with a nanosecond laser system

    Reproductive health for refugees by refugees in Guinea III: maternal health

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    BACKGROUND: Maternal mortality can be particularly high in conflict and chronic emergency settings, partly due to inaccessible maternal care. This paper examines associations of refugee-led health education, formal education, age, and parity on maternal knowledge, attitudes, and practices among reproductive-age women in refugee camps in Guinea. METHODS: Data comes from a 1999 cross-sectional survey of 444 female refugees in 23 camps. Associations of reported maternal health outcomes with exposure to health education (exposed versus unexposed), formal education (none versus some), age (adolescent versus adult), or parity (nulliparous, parous, grand multiparous), were analysed using logistic regression. RESULTS: No significant differences were found in maternal knowledge or attitudes. Virtually all respondents said pregnant women should attend antenatal care and knew the importance of tetanus vaccination. Most recognised abdominal pain (75%) and headaches (24%) as maternal danger signs and recommended facility attendance for danger signs. Most had last delivered at a facility (67%), mainly for safety reasons (99%). Higher odds of facility delivery were found for those exposed to RHG health education (adjusted odds ratio 2.03, 95%CI 1.23-3.01), formally educated (adjusted OR 1.93, 95%CI 1.05-3.92), or grand multipara (adjusted OR 2.13, 95%CI 1.21-3.75). Main reasons for delivering at home were distance to a facility (94%) and privacy (55%). CONCLUSIONS: Refugee-led maternal health education appeared to increase facility delivery for these refugee women. Improved knowledge of danger signs and the importance of skilled birth attendance, while vital, may be less important in chronic emergency settings than improving facility access where quality of care is acceptable

    Implementation of the β-hydroxyaspartate cycle increases growth performance of Pseudomonas putida on the PET monomer ethylene glycol

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    Ethylene glycol (EG) is a promising next generation feedstock for bioprocesses. It is a key component of the ubiquitous plastic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and other polyester fibers and plastics, used in antifreeze formulations, and can also be generated by electrochemical conversion of syngas, which makes EG a key compound in a circular bioeconomy. The majority of biotechnologically relevant bacteria assimilate EG via the glycerate pathway, a wasteful metabolic route that releases CO2 and requires reducing equivalents as well as ATP. In contrast, the recently characterized β-hydroxyaspartate cycle (BHAC) provides a more efficient, carbon-conserving route for C2 assimilation. Here we aimed at overcoming the natural limitations of EG metabolism in the industrially relevant strain Pseudomonas putida KT2440 by replacing the native glycerate pathway with the BHAC. We first prototyped the core reaction sequence of the BHAC in Escherichia coli before establishing the complete four-enzyme BHAC in Pseudomonas putida. Directed evolution on EG resulted in an improved strain that exhibits 35% faster growth and 20% increased biomass yield compared to a recently reported P. putida strain that was evolved to grow on EG via the glycerate pathway. Genome sequencing and proteomics highlight plastic adaptations of the genetic and metabolic networks in response to the introduction of the BHAC into P. putida and identify key mutations for its further integration during evolution. Taken together, our study shows that the BHAC can be utilized as 'plug-and-play' module for the metabolic engineering of two important microbial platform organisms, paving the way for multiple applications for a more efficient and carbon-conserving upcycling of EG in the future.Microbial Biotechnolog

    Academic success in schools in the Algarve: when leadership is part of the solution and not of the problem

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    This paper presents the results of a case study conducted among school principals in the southern region of Portugal, located in urban, suburban and rural settings. The five cases that comprise this study were subjected to a final rating of “Very Good” in the external evaluation process of schools, whose data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis (regulations and educational project, reports of the external evaluation of responsibility of Inspeção Geral de Educação e Ciência de Portugal). The data collected in this exploratory study were systematized and analyzed according to the following indicators: the students’ academic success, the teachers’ professional development, the organizational development and the identifying features of schools principals. Overall, we cannot affirm the existence of differences according to geographical area, although some particularities which proved to be interesting and indicative of good leadership practices could be highlighted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio