10,257 research outputs found

    Mid-IR period-magnitude relations for AGB stars

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    Asymptotic Giant Branch variables are found to obey period-luminosity relations in the mid-IR similar to those seen at K_S (2.14 microns), even at 24 microns where emission from circumstellar dust is expected to be dominant. Their loci in the M, logP diagrams are essentially the same for the LMC and for NGC6522 in spite of different ages and metallicities. There is no systematic trend of slope with wavelength. The offsets of the apparent magnitude vs. logP relations imply a difference between the two fields of 3.8 in distance modulus. The colours of the variables confirm that a principal period with log P > 1.75 is a necessary condition for detectable mass-loss. At the longest observed wavelength, 24 microns, many semi-regular variables have dust shells comparable in luminosity to those around Miras. There is a clear bifurcation in LMC colour-magnitude diagrams involving 24 micron magnitudes.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    A Critical Review of "Automatic Patch Generation Learned from Human-Written Patches": Essay on the Problem Statement and the Evaluation of Automatic Software Repair

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    At ICSE'2013, there was the first session ever dedicated to automatic program repair. In this session, Kim et al. presented PAR, a novel template-based approach for fixing Java bugs. We strongly disagree with key points of this paper. Our critical review has two goals. First, we aim at explaining why we disagree with Kim and colleagues and why the reasons behind this disagreement are important for research on automatic software repair in general. Second, we aim at contributing to the field with a clarification of the essential ideas behind automatic software repair. In particular we discuss the main evaluation criteria of automatic software repair: understandability, correctness and completeness. We show that depending on how one sets up the repair scenario, the evaluation goals may be contradictory. Eventually, we discuss the nature of fix acceptability and its relation to the notion of software correctness.Comment: ICSE 2014, India (2014

    X-ray rocking curve study of Si-implanted GaAs, Si, and Ge

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    Crystalline properties of Si-implanted GaAs, Si, and Ge have been studied by Bragg case double-crystal x-ray diffraction. Sharp qualitative and quantitative differences were found between the damage in GaAs on one hand and Si and Ge on the other. In Si and Ge the number of defects and the strain increase linearly with dose up to the amorphous threshold. In GaAs the increase in these quantities is neither linear nor monotonic with dose. At a moderate damage level the GaAs crystal undergoes a transition from elastic to plastic behavior. This transition is accompanied by the creation of extended defects, which are not detected in Si or Ge

    Noise Effects on the Complex Patterns of Abnormal Heartbeats

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    Patients at high risk for sudden death often exhibit complex heart rhythms in which abnormal heartbeats are interspersed with normal heartbeats. We analyze such a complex rhythm in a single patient over a 12-hour period and show that the rhythm can be described by a theoretical model consisting of two interacting oscillators with stochastic elements. By varying the magnitude of the noise, we show that for an intermediate level of noise, the model gives best agreement with key statistical features of the dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Ultralow noise performance of an 8.4-GHz maser-feedhorn system

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    A total system noise temperature of 6.6 K was demonstrated with an 8.4-GHz traveling wave maser and feedhorn operating in a cryogenic environment. Both the maser and feedhorn were inserted in the helium cryostat, with the maser operating in the 1.6-K liquid bath and the feedhorn cooled in the helium gas, with a temperature gradient along the horn ranging from the liquid bath temperature at its lower end to room temperature at its top. The ruby maser exhibited 43 dB of gain with a bandwidth of 76 MHz(-3 dB) centered at 8400 MHz. Discussions of the maser, cooled feedhorn, and cryostat designs are presented along with a discussion of the noise temperature measurements

    Enhanced response of the regular networks to local signals in presence of a fast impurity

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    We consider an array of inductively coupled Josephson junctions with a fast impurity (a junction with a smaller value of critical current), and study the consequences of imposing a small amplitude periodic signal at some point in the array. We find that when external signal is imposed at the impurity, the response of the array is boosted and a small amplitude signal can be detected throughout the array. When the signal is imposed elsewhere, minor effects is seen on the dynamics of the array. The same results have been also seen in presence of a single fast spiking neuron in a chain of diffusively coupled FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1108.460

    The bulge luminosity functions in the MSX infrared bands

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    We use an inversion technique to derive the luminosity functions of the Galactic bulge from point source counts extracted from the Midcourse Space Experiment's Point Source Catalog (version 1.2).Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in A&

    Magnetovac Cylinder to Magnetovac Torus

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    A method for mapping known cylindrical magnetovac solutions to solutions in torus coordinates is developed. Identification of the cylinder ends changes topology from R1 x S1 to S1 x S1. An analytic Einstein-Maxwell solution for a toroidal magnetic field in tori is presented. The toroidal interior is matched to an asymptotically flat vacuum exterior, connected by an Israel boundary layer.Comment: to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    ISOGAL Survey of Baade's Windows in the Mid-infrared

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    The ISOGAL mid-infrared survey of areas close to the Galactic Plane aims to determine their stellar content and its possible bearing on the history of the Galaxy. The NGC6522 and Sgr I Baade's Windows of low obscuration towards the inner parts of the Bulge represent ideal places in which to calibrate and understand the ISOGAL colour-magnitude diagrams. The survey observations were made with the ISOCAM instrument of the ISO satellite. The filter bands chosen were LW2(~7 microns) and LW3(~15 microns). The results presented here show that most of the detected objects are late M-type giants on the AGB, with a cut-off for those earlier than M3-M4. The most luminous members of these two Bulge fields at 7 microns are the Mira variables. However, it is evident that they represent the end of a sequence of increasing 15 micron dust emission which commences with M giants of earlier sub-type. In observations of late-type giants the ISOCAM 15 micron band is mainly sensitive to the cool silicate or aluminate dust shells which overwhelm the photospheric emission. However, in ordinary M-giant stars, the 7 micron band is not strongly affected by dust emission and may be influenced instead by absorption. The nu2 band of water at 6.25 microns and the SiO fundamental at 7.9 microns are likely contribitors to this effect. A group of late M stars has been found which vary little or not at all but have infrared colours typical of well-developed dust shells. Their luminosities are similar to those of 200-300 day Miras but they have slightly redder [7]-[15] colours which form an extension of the ordinary M giant sequence. The Mira dust shells show a mid-infrared [7]-[15] colour-period relation. ca 700 days.Comment: 13 pages 15 figure

    A core genetic module : the Mixed Feedback Loop

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    The so-called Mixed Feedback Loop (MFL) is a small two-gene network where protein A regulates the transcription of protein B and the two proteins form a heterodimer. It has been found to be statistically over-represented in statistical analyses of gene and protein interaction databases and to lie at the core of several computer-generated genetic networks. Here, we propose and mathematically study a model of the MFL and show that, by itself, it can serve both as a bistable switch and as a clock (an oscillator) depending on kinetic parameters. The MFL phase diagram as well as a detailed description of the nonlinear oscillation regime are presented and some biological examples are discussed. The results emphasize the role of protein interactions in the function of genetic modules and the usefulness of modelling RNA dynamics explicitly.Comment: To be published in Physical Review
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