7,704 research outputs found

    Photometric Variability Among the Brightest Asymptotic Giant Branch Stars Near the Center of M32

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    Deep K' images with 0.1 arcsec angular resolution, obtained with ALTAIR+NIRI on Gemini North, are used to investigate photometric variablity among the brightest asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars in the central regions of M32. Based on a comparison with brightnesses obtained from the K-band data discussed by Davidge et al. (2000, ApJ, 545, L89), it is concluded that (1) at least 60% of bright AGB stars near the center of M32 are photometrically variable, and (2) the amplitudes of the light variations are similar to those of long period variables in the Galactic bulge. We do not find evidence for a population of large amplitude variables, like those detected by IRAS in the Galactic bulge. The technique discussed here may prove useful for conducting an initial reconnaisance of photometric variability among AGB stars in spheroids in the Virgo cluster and beyond, where the required long exposure times may restrict observations to only a few epochs.Comment: 8 pages of text, 3 postscript figures. ApJ (letters) in pres

    The optical-ultraviolet continuum of Seyfert 2 galaxies

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    This paper aims to understand the continuum of Seyfert 2 galaxies. By fitting the single galaxies in the sample of Heckman et al. (1995) with composite models (shock+ photoionization from the active center), we show that five main components characterize the SED of the continuum. Shocks play an important role since they produce a high temperature zone where soft X-rays are emitted. We show that in the optical-UV range, the slope of the NLR emission reproduces the observed values, and may be the main component of the featureless continuum. The presence of star forming regions cannot be excluded in the circumnuclear region of various Seyfert galaxies. An attempt is made to find their fingerprints in the observed AGN spectra. Finally, it is demonstrated that multi-cloud models are necessary to interpret the spectra of single objects, even in the global investigation of a sample of galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX (including 5 Tables) + 17 PostScript figures. To appear in "The Astrophysical Journal

    A Second Luminous Blue Variable in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    H and K band moderate resolution and 4 ÎŒ\mum high resolution spectra have been obtained for FMM#362, a bright star in the Quintuplet Cluster near the Galactic Center. The spectral features in these bands closely match those of the Pistol Star, a luminous blue variable and one of the most luminous stars known. The new spectra and previously-obtained photometry imply a very high luminosity for FMM#362, L ≄106\geq 10^6 \Lsun, and a temperature of 10,000 - 13,000 K. Based on its luminosity, temperature, photometric variability, and similarities to the Pistol Star, we conclude that FMM#362 is a luminous blue variable.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 4 PostScript figures, 2 table

    A Technique for Narrowband Time Series Photometry: the X-ray Star V2116 Oph

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    We have used innovative features of the Taurus Tunable Filter instrument on the 3.9-m Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain nearly-continuous, high-throughput, linear photometry of V2116 Oph in a 7 Angstrom bandpass at the center of the O I 8446 emission line. This instrumental technique shows promise for applications requiring precise, rapid, narrowband photometry of faint objects. The spectrum of V2116 Oph, the counterpart of GX 1+4 (=X1728-247), is exotic, even among the unusual spectra of other optical counterparts of compact Galactic X-ray sources. The second strongest emission line is an unusual one, namely extremely prominent O I 8446, which is likely to result from pumping by an intense Ly beta radiation field. As the X-radiation from GX 1+4 is steadily pulsed, with typical pulsed fractions of 0.4, the O I 8446 emission in V2116 Oph may also be strongly modulated with the current 127 s period of the X-ray source. If so, this may well allow us to obtain high signal-to-noise radial velocity measurements and thus to determine the system parameters. However, no such pulsations are detected, and we set an upper limit of ~1% (full-amplitude) on periodic 8446 oscillations at the X-ray frequency. This value is comparable to the amplitude of continuum oscillations observed on some nights by other workers. Thus we rule out an enhancement of the pulsation amplitude in O I emission, at least at the time of our observations.Comment: 9 pages including 4 figures and no tables. Accepted for publication in PASP; to appear in Volume 110, August 199

    Mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of the enigmatic cocoon stars in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    In an attempt to determine the nature of the enigmatic cocoon stars in the Quintuplet Cluster, we have obtained mid-infrared imaging and spectrophotometry of the cluster, using the CAM and SWS instruments on ISO, using SpectroCam-10 on the Palomar 5m telescope, and NICMOS on HST. The spectra show smooth continua with various dust and ice absorption features. These features are all consistent with an interstellar origin, and there is no clear evidence for any circumstellar contribution to these features. We find no spectral line or feature that could elucidate the nature of these sources. Detailed modeling of the silicate absorption features shows that they are best reproduced by the mu Cep profile, which is typical of the interstellar medium, with tau(sil) \sim 2.9. The high spatial resolution mid-IR images show that three of the five cocoon stars have spatially extended and asymmetric envelopes, with diameters of \sim 20,000 AUs. A reddening law similar to that of Lutz (1999) but with silicate features based on the mu Cep profile and normalized to our value of tau(sil) is used to deredden the observed spectrophotometry. The dereddened energy distributions are characterised by temperatures of 750-925 K, somewhat cooler than determined from near IR data alone. Models of optically thin and geometrically thick dust shells, as used by Williams et al. (1987) for very dusty, late-type WC stars, reproduce the observed SEDs from 4 to 17 mic, and imply shell luminosities of log(L/L(sun)) \sim 4.5-4.9 for the brightest four components. An analysis of the various suggestions proposed to explain the nature of the cocoon stars reveals serious problems with all the hypotheses, and the nature of these sources remains an enigma.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, A&A style. Accepted by A&

    Radiation and String Atmosphere for Relativistic Stars

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    We extend the Vaidya radiating metric to include both a radiation field and a string fluid. Assuming diffusive transport for the string fluid, we find new analytic solutions of Einstein's field equations. Our new solutions represent an extention of Xanthopoulos superposition.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. D, Rapid Communicatio

    Massive Stars in the Quintuplet Cluster

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    We present near-infrared photometry and K-band spectra of newly-identified massive stars in the Quintuplet Cluster, one of the three massive clusters projected within 50 pc of the Galactic Center. We find that the cluster contains a variety of massive stars, including more unambiguously identified Wolf-Rayet stars than any cluster in the Galaxy, and over a dozen stars in earlier stages of evolution, i.e., LBV, Ofpe/WN9, and OB supergiants. One newly identified star is the second ``Luminous Blue Variable'' in the cluster, after the ``Pistol Star.'' Given the evolutionary stages of the identified stars, the cluster appears to be about 4 \pm 1 Myr old, assuming coeval formation. The total mass in observed stars is \sim 10^3 \Msun, and the implied mass is \sim 10^4 \Msun, assuming a lower mass cutoff of 1 \Msun and a Salpeter initial mass function. The implied mass density in stars is at least a few thousand \Msun pc^{-3}. The newly-identified stars increase the estimated ionizing flux from this cluster by about an order of magnitude with respect to earlier estimates, to 10^{50.9} photons/s, or roughly what is required to ionize the nearby ``Sickle'' HII region (G0.18 - 0.04). The total luminosity from the massive cluster stars is ≈107.5\approx 10^{7.5} \Lsun, enough to account for the heating of the nearby molecular cloud, M0.20 - 0.033. We propose a picture which integrates most of the major features in this part of the sky, excepting the non-thermal filaments. We compare the cluster to other young massive clusters and globular clusters, finding that it is unique in stellar content and age, except, perhaps, for the young cluster in the central parsec of the Galaxy. In addition, we find that the cluster is comparable to small ``super star clusters.'

    The Nature of the Nuclear H2O Masers of NGC 1068: Reverberation and Evidence for a Rotating Disk Geometry

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    We report new (1995) Very Large Array observations and (1984 - 1999) Effelsberg 100m monitoring observations of the 22 GHz H2O maser spectrum of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068. The sensitive VLA observations provide a registration of the 22 GHz continuum emission and the location of the maser spots with an accuracy of ~ 5 mas. Within the monitoring data, we find evidence that the nuclear masers vary coherently on time-scales of months to years, much more rapidly than the dynamical time-scale. We argue that the nuclear masers are responding in reverberation to a central power source, presumably the central engine. Between October and November 1997, we detected a simultaneous flare of the blue-shifted and red-shifted satellite maser lines. Reverberation in a rotating disk naturally explains the simultaneous flaring. There is also evidence that near-infrared emission from dust grains associated with the maser disk also responds to the central engine. We present a model in which an X-ray flare results in both the loss of maser signal in 1990 and the peak of the near-infrared light curve in 1994. In support of a rotating disk geometry for the nuclear masers, we find no evidence for centripetal accelerations of the redshifted nuclear masers; the limits are +/- 0.006 km/s/year, implying that the masers are located within 2 degrees of the kinematic line-of-nodes. We also searched for high velocity maser emission like that observed in NGC 4258. In both VLA and Effelsberg spectra, we detect no high velocity lines between +/- 350 km/s to +/- 850 km/s relative to systemic, arguing that masers only lie outside a radius of ~ 0.6 pc (1.9 light years) from the central engine (assuming a distance of 14.4 Mpc).Comment: 62 pages, 19 figure

    Evolution of Hard X-Ray Spectra Along the Branches in Cir X-1

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    Using the data from the PCA and HEXTE on board the RXTE satellite, we investigate the evolution of the 3-200 keV spectra of the peculiar low mass X-ray binary (LMXB) Cir X-1 along the branches on its hardness-intensity diagram (HID) from the vertical horizontal branch (VHB), through the horizontal horizontal branch (HHB) and normal branch (NB), to the flaring branch (FB). We detect a power-law hard component in the spectra. It is found that the derived photon indices (Γ\Gamma) of the power-law hard component are correlated with the position on the HID. The power-law component dominates the X-ray emission of Cir X-1 in the energy band higher than ∌20\sim 20 keV. The fluxes of the power-law component are compared with those of the bremsstrahlung component in the spectra. A possible origin of the power-law hard component is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, ApJ Letter accepte

    Levi-Civita cylinders with fractional angular deficit

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    The angular deficit factor in the Levi-Civita vacuum metric has been parametrized using a Riemann-Liouville fractional integral. This introduces a new parameter into the general relativistic cylinder description, the fractional index {\alpha}. When the fractional index is continued into the negative {\alpha} region, new behavior is found in the Gott-Hiscock cylinder and in an Israel shell.Comment: 5 figure
