142 research outputs found

    Use of Mereological Approach for Ontological Constructing in Education Tasks

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    Mereological approach is an important instrument of ontological analysis that deals with the different aspects of the fundamental relations between the ontology's concepts “is a part”. All mistakes of this phase result to the great problems on the understanding of the subject domain and student skills examining in the learning process. We propose to classify the subtypes of all mereological relations of domain ontology for their more correct development.Мереологический подход является важным инструментом онтологического анализа, который касается  различных аспектов фундаментальных отношения между онтологическими терминами типа “быть частью”. Ошибки, возникающие на этом этапе, приводят к значительным проблемам в понимании предметной области и оценке навыков студентов в процессе обучения. Мы предлагаем классифицировать все мереологические отношения онтологии домена для ее более корректной разработки.Мереологічний підхід є важливим інструментом онтологічного аналізу, що стосується  різних аспектів фундаментальних відношень між онтологічними термінами типу “бути частиною”. Усі помилки, що виникають на цьому етапі, приводять до значних проблем у розумінні предметної області й оцінці навичок студентів у процесі навчання. Ми пропонуємо класифікувати всі мереологічні відношення в онтології домену для її більш коректної розробки

    Use of Mereological Approach for Ontological Constructing in Education Tasks

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    Mereological approach is an important instrument of ontological analysis that deals with the different aspects of the fundamental relations between the ontology's concepts “is a part”. All mistakes of this phase result to the great problems on the understanding of the subject domain and student skills examining in the learning process. We propose to classify the subtypes of all mereological relations of domain ontology for their more correct development.Mereological approach is an important instrument of ontological analysis that deals with the different aspects of the fundamental relations between the ontology's concepts “is a part”. All mistakes of this phase result to the great problems on the understanding of the subject domain and student skills examining in the learning process. We propose to classify the subtypes of all mereological relations of domain ontology for their more correct development

    The content of antimicrobial proteins in children with respiratory tract inflammatory diseases

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    Background. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract are often associated with impaired synthesis of antimicrobial peptides, whose representatives are defensins and lactoferrin (LF). The purpose of the study was to establish the concentrations of antimicrobial peptides in the oropharyngeal secretion and plasma in children with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Materials and methods. The study group included 111 children aged 4 to 17 years from orphanages. Сontent of antimicrobial proteins of LF, α-defensins 1–3 (human neutrophil peptides (HNP) 1–3), secretory immunoglobulin A in the oropharyngeal secretion, HNP 1–3 in the blood plasma, of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and -10 in the blood serum in children was measured by immunoassay. Results. Analysis of anamnestic data in somatically healthy children from orphanages showed the presence of 4 to 6 episodes of acute respiratory infections throughout the year, the duration of which averaged 5.3 ± 0.4 days. According to the results of the study, the content of α-defensins 1–3 in the blood plasma of the children of the control group was 3583.3 ± 735.4 pg/ml, while in the group of children with recurrent bronchitis, the HNP 1–3 level was almost twice higher — 6576.7 ± 602.8 pg/ml, p 0.05). Against this background, we observed more than 3-fold increase in the level of anti-inflammatory IL-10, which is a product of type 2 helper cells, responsible for the formation of a humoral antigen-specific immune response, — 4.42 ± 1.00 pg/ml vs 1.41 ± 0.59 pg/ml, respectively (p < 0.05). Conclusions. It was found that sickly children had been characterized by the changes of mucosal protection, low content of α-defensins 1–3 in oropharyngeal secretions. The revealed changes indicated the stress of the local defense mechanisms. The investigation has revealed that overproduction of HNP 1–3 in children with recurrent bronchitis against the background of the disturbed balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines could be one of the causes of recurrent forms of the respiratory tract infection. Актуальність. Запальні захворювання дихальних шляхів часто пов’язані з порушенням синтезу антимікробних пептидів, представниками яких є дефензини та лактоферин (ЛФ). Метою дослідження було встановлення концентрації антимікробних пептидів в орофарингеальному секреті та плазмі кровi в дітей iз запальними захворюваннями дихальних шляхів. Матеріали та методи. Досліджувана групи включала 111 дітей віком від 4 до 17 років із дитячих будинків. Уміст антимікробних білків ЛФ, α-дефензинів 1–3 (людські нейтрофільні пептиди (ЛНП) 1–3), секреторного імуноглобуліну A в ротоглотковому секреті, ЛНП 1–3 у плазмі крові, інтерлейкіну-6 (IЛ-6) та -10 у дітей визначали з використанням методу імуноферментного аналізу. Результати. Аналіз анамнестичних даних у соматично здорових дітей із дитячих будинків показав наявність від 4 до 6 епізодів гострих респіраторних інфекцій протягом року, тривалість яких становила в середньому 5,3 ± 0,4 дня. За результатами дослідження, уміст α-дефензинів 1–3 у плазмі крові дітей контрольної групи становив 3583,3 ± 735,4 пг/мл, тоді як у групі дітей iз рецидивуючим бронхітом рівень ЛНП 1–3 був майже вдвічі вищим — 6576,7 ± 602,8 пг/мл, р 0,05). На цьому тлі ми спостерігали збільшення більше ніж у 3 рази рівня протизапального ІЛ-10, що є продуктом клітин-помічників 2-го типу, якi відповідають за формування гуморальної антигенспецифічної імунної відповіді, — 4,42 ± 1,00 пг/мл проти 1,41 ± 0,59 пг/мл відповідно (p < 0,05). Висновки. Встановлено, що для дітей, якi часто хворіють, характерні зміни показників мукозального захисту, низький вміст α-дефензинів 1–3 в ротоглотковому секреті, що свідчить про напруження механізмів місцевого захисту. У результаті дослідження виявлено, що гіперпродукція ЛНП 1–3 в дітей, хворих на рецидивуючий бронхіт, на тлі порушеної рівноваги між про- і протизапальними цитокінами може бути однією з причин виникнення рецидивуючих форм інфекційного процесу респіраторного тракту

    Electron Correlations in the Low Carrier Density LaFeAsO0.89F0.11 Superconductor (Tc = 28 K)

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    The crystal structure and numerous normal and superconducting state properties of layered tetragonal (P4/nmm) LaFeAsO, with F-doping of 11 %, are reported. Resistivity measurements give an onset transition temperature Tc = 28.2 K, and low field magnetic susceptibility data indicate bulk superconductivity. In applied magnetic field, analysis of the resistive transition results in a critical field Hc2 = 30 T and a coherence length 35 A. An upper limit for the electron carrier concentration of 1 x 10^21 cm-3 is inferred from Hall data just above Tc. Strong electron-electron correlations are suggested from temperature-dependent resistivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal conductivity data. Anomalies near Tc are observed in both Seebeck coefficient and thermal conductivity data.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Problems in diagnosis and surgical treatment of the retroperitoneal non-pancreatogenic phlegmons

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    Catedra de Chirurgie, FEC MF, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ”N. Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Moldova, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Supurațiile ale spațiului retroperitoneal sunt o problemă medico-chirurgicală neobișnuită cu un tablou clinic vag, care prezintă o provocare în aprecierea diagnosticului. Debutul insidios și evoluție ocultă ale acestei patologii sunt urmate de un diagnostic întârziat și drenaj neadecvat, astfel pentru flegmon retroperitoneal sunt caracteristice morbiditatea și mortalitatea considerabile. Anterior au fost publicate studii privind detaliile anatomice ale spațiilor extraperitoneale, dar mai puțina atenție a fost acordată metodelor de diagnostic și tehnicilor chirurgicale de drenaj. Prezentăm o trecere în revistă a 15 de cazuri de inflamații suruprative retroperitoneale nonpancreatogene care s-au manifestat ca entitate clinică principală. În aspect etiologic pacienții s-au repartizat în 5 grupe: psoitele purulente – 4, abcesele retroperitoneale apendiculare - 4, perinefritele purulente - 3, colecții retroperitoneale în urma osteolizei - 3 (ostemielita hematogenă, postraumatică, tuberculoza osoasă), hematom postraumatic retroperitoneal infectat – 1 caz. Trei pacienți (16,7 %) au decedat în perioada postoperatorie precoce. Complicații au survenit la 40 % pacienți. Letalitatea și rata înaltă de complicații au fost asociate cu perioada îndelungată de la debut până la diagnostic pozitiv (> 5 zile) și cu hemocultura pozitivă. Există o corelație între tipuri de complicații și sursa de infecție retroperitoneală. Computer tomografia este metoda cea mai informativă în diagnosticul supurațiilor abdominale extraperitoneale. În cazuri selecte drenajul ecoghidat poate fi folosit ca un gest chirurgical inițial. Descriem tehnica operatorie în dependență de topografia procesului purulent retroperitoneal. Este propus un plan de diagnostic și tratament pentru fiecare grup etiologic.Retroperitoneal space inflammation is an unusual surgical problem with vague clinical presentation, which presents a diagnostic challenge. An insidious onset and occult evolution of illness marked by diagnostic delay, inadequate drainage, and considerable morbidity and mortality is common. Papers regarding anatomic detailing of the extraperitoneal spaces have been published, but less attention has been focused on diagnostic and drainage techniques.We report an analysis of 15 cases of retroperitoneal suppurations which acted as main clinical manifestation. According to etiology of inflammation patients were distributed into 5 groups: psoas abscesses – 4 cases, retroperitoneal appendical abscesses – 4 cases, purulent perinephritis -3, retroperitoneal collections caused by osteolysis – 3 patients (hematogenic, posttraumatic or tuberculous) and one case of infected posttraumatic hematoma.Three patients (16,7 %) died in the early postoperative period. Rate of complications was 40 %. High lethality and postoperative morbidity were associated with positive blood cultures and delayed diagnosis (> 5 days). There is a correlation between the type of complications and etiology of the retroperitoneal phlegmon. Computed tomography is the most informative diagnostic method for the extraperitoneal purulent collections. Echoguided drainage in selected cases appears to be a useful initial approach. The operative technique dependent on the retroperitoneal purulent collection topography is described. A diagnostic and treatment plan is proposed for each etiologic group

    Comment on ``Reduction of static field equation of Faddeev model to first order PDE'', arXiv:0707.2207

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    The authors of the article Phys. Lett. B 652 (2007) 384, (arXiv:0707.2207), propose an interesting method to solve the Faddeev model by reducing it to a set of first order PDEs. They first construct a vectorial quantity α\bm \alpha , depending on the original field and its first derivatives, in terms of which the field equations reduce to a linear first order equation. Then they find vectors α1\bm \alpha_1 and α2\bm \alpha_2 which identically obey this linear first order equation. The last step consists in the identification of the αi\bm \alpha_i with the original α\bm \alpha as a function of the original field. Unfortunately, the derivation of this last step in the paper cited above contains an error which invalidates most of its results

    Frequency quenching of microwave induced resistance oscillations in a high mobility two-dimensional electron gas

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    The frequency dependence of microwave-induced resistance oscillations (MIROs) has been studied experimentally in high-mobility electron GaAs/AlGaAs structures to explore the limits at which these oscillations can be observed. It is found that in dc transport experiments at frequencies above 120 GHz, MIROs start to quench, while above 230 GHz, they completely disappear. The results will need to be understood theoretically but are qualitatively discussed within a model in which forced electronic charge oscillations (plasmons) play an intermediate role in the interaction process between the radiation and the single-particle electron excitations between Landau levels.Comment: final version: total 13 pages including 6 figures (6 pages in journal format

    Surgical treatment of Barrett's esophagus with complications

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    Catedra de Chirurgie Nr 4, Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie ,,Nicolae Testemițanu”, IMSP Spitalul Clinic Republican "Timofei Moșneaga", Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Formele asimptomatice de Esofagul Barret (EB) asociat cu displazie determină în timp un risc anual de până la 60% de dezvoltare a adenocarcinomului esofagian, dar și mai frecvent a complicațiilor acute precum ulcere esofagiene, hemoragii digestive superioare (HDS) sau dezvoltarea în timp a stenozelor cicatriceale. Tratamentul complicațiilor determinate de EB reprezintă intervenții chirurgicale laborioase ce au o mortalitate înaltă și o supraviețuire la 5 ani de până la 15%. Material și metode: Un studiu clinic pe serii de cazuri de 62 de bolnavi care au fost diagnosticați și tratați în clinica de chirurgie nr 4 pentru EB pe parcursul a 20 de ani. Complicații ale EB în lotul de cercetare au fost atestate în 22 cazuri (35,4%). Rezultate: Din lotul complicațiilor în 9 cazuri (56%) a fost atestat un adenocarcinom pe fundalul metaplaziei intestinale, 6 cazuri esofag Barrett cu HGD, stenozele au constituit 4 cazuri (40%), iar HDS pe fundalul ulcerului Barrett 3 cazuri (19%). În 100% cazuri acestea au necesitat intervenții chirurgicale rezective, de substituție a esofagului. În 48% din cazuri am utilizat stomacul, în 27% au fost efectuate esofagoplastii cu intestin subtire și în 25% cu colonul. Complicații postoperatorii au fost apreciate în 34% cazuri (dehiscența de anastomoze, fistule), în 5 cazuri (31%) a fost necesară etapizarea intervenției chirurgicale prin aplicarea primară a unei gastrostome, durata medie de spitalizare a constituit 16 zile, iar mortalitate postoperatorie 25%. Concluzii: Complicatile EB deși nu au o incidență înaltă, acestea reprezintă forme evolutive grave cu un prognostic nefavorabil, necesită frecvent intervenții chirurgicale laborioase și au o mortalitate înaltă.Introduction: The asimptomatic forms of BE associated with dysplasia determine a risk up to 60% of evolution into esophageal adenocarcinoma, even more frequent acute complications such as superior digestive hemorrhage or later cicatricial stenosis. The treatment of complications determined by BE represent laborious surgical interventions with a high mortality rate and a 5 year survival rate of 15%. Material and methods: A study comprised of 62 patients, that were diagnosed and treated in Department Nr.4 of Surgery during the last 20 years. Complications of BE in the surveyed batch were determined in 22 cases (35,4%). Results: From the batch with complications, 9 cases (56%) with adenocarcinoma as a result of intestinal metaplasia, 6 cases of Barrett's esophagus with HGD, stenosis - 4 cases (40%), SDH as a consequence of Barrett ulcer – 3 cases (19%). All of them required surgical treatment of esophageal substitution. In 48% stomach was used, in 27 % esophagoplasty with small intestine, 25 % with colon. Postoperative complications occurred in 34 % (anastomotic dehiscence, fistulae), 5 cases (31%) needed split surgery, first being performed the gastrostomy. The average length of hospital stay was 16 days, postoperative mortality – 25%. Conclusions: Even though the complications of BE are rare, they represent severe forms of evolution with an unfavorable outcome that necessitates complicated surgeries with a high mortality rate

    Radiation induced oscillations of the Hall resistivity in two-dimensional electron systems

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    We consider the effect of microwave radiation on the Hall resistivity in two-dimension electron systems. It is shown that the photon-assisted impurity scattering of electrons can result in oscillatory dependences of both dissipative and Hall components of the conductivity and resistivity tensors on the ratio of radiation frequency to cyclotron frequency. The Hall resistivity can include a component induced by microwave radiation which is an even function of the magnetic field. The phase of the dissipative resistivity oscillations and the polarization dependence of their amplitude are compared with those of the Hall resistivity oscillations. The developed model can clarify the results of recent experimental observations of the radiation induced Hall effect.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur