110 research outputs found

    Housing for seniors in Třinec - variation B

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    Import 29/09/2010Tato bakalářská práce se věnuje rekonstrukci bývalé mateřské školy na ulici Máchově v Třinci. Předmětem práce je změna užívání budovy mateřské školy na bydlení pro seniory, která rovněž řeší bezprostřední okolí budovy (zahrada a parkování). Za tímto účelem byl proveden rozbor problematiky současného stavu území pro zjištění a vyhodnocení potřeb lokality. Dokumentace je zpracována formou objemové studie ve dvou variantách, které jsou charakterizovány hlavně rozdílnou cenou. Důraz je kladen na variantní řešení A z důvodu nabídnutí kvalitnějšího prožití stáří i s bariérami, které nám život připravuje. Součásti práce je také stručné ekonomické zhodnocení návrhu.This bachelor’s thesis deal with reconstruction of previous kindergarten on Máchova street in Třinec. It deals with the change of use of a building housing a kindergarten for the elderly, which also solves the immediate vicinity of the building (garden and parking). For this purpose, was analyzed at the current state of the territory, for identifying and evaluating the needs of the site. Documentation has been prepared by displacement studies in two variants, which are mainly characterized by different price. The emphasis is on alternative solutions A, because of offering better spend ages with barriers, which prepares us to live. The work also includes brief economic assessment of the proposal.Prezenční222 - Katedra městského inženýrstvívýborn

    The Influence of Shareholders on Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Shareholders are an important group of stakeholders influencing management and corporate activity through the two channels of shareholder activism and socially responsible investing. The main ways shareholders engage corporations on their social performance have undergone changes since the 1960s, both in their prevalence and their characteristics. In addition to providing essential background information on the two shareholder engagement strategies, this paper draws parallels with and connections to the overall historical development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This paper also highlights those organizations or events that have been pivotal in the historical development of the shareholder-CSR relationship to indicate future avenues for more in-depth research

    What is so morbid about viaticals?

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    A viatical settlement (or viatical) is a transaction in which an investor purchases the life insurance policy from a terminally ill person for a lump sum so that the investor can receive those benefits at the time of death. While there is an ongoing debate in the insurance and financial planning industry about viaticals, including the ethics of this practice, the focus has been predominantly on abuses in the course of buying and selling viaticals and less on the fundamental ethicality of the economic idea behind viaticals. This paper offers a systematic ethical analysis of viaticals that leverages the distinction between the ethicality of an economic idea and the ethicality of economic reality to isolate and discuss the fundamental ethical problems of viaticals. By unpacking the evaluative content of our negative emotional reactions to viaticals, we show that, even under ideal circumstances, the economic idea of viaticals is, at its core, unethical

    The Influence of Shareholders on Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Despite persistence of the image of shareholders as narrow-minded profit maximizers who demand that managers ignore calls for a broader social responsibility of business, shareholders have become some of the most important allies of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) movement. This paper examines the intersection of shareholder engagement and CSR from a historical perspective. It provides background information about two central avenues through which shareholders engage the corporation – shareholder activism and socially responsible investing—and then traces how these avenues have shaped and been shaped by the CSR movement. Part one of this paper focuses on shareholder activism (SA). After a brief overview of the legal and procedural framework for SA, the paper turns to a discussion of the types of issues shareholder activists have pursued over the years and how corporate responses have developed in turn. By tracing these developments, it becomes evident that SA has played an important role in the development of the corporate social responsibility movement in several ways. First, an increase in SA supported the formation of organizations that allowed individuals to channel concerns and expectations about the responsible conduct of corporations. Second, SA around social issues challenged existing legal boundaries and initiated a shift in legislation as well as judicial interpretation of regulations. This shift allowed a broader array of CSR issues to be brought directly to the attention of corporations through the annual proxy process, which in turn increased the public’s awareness of the relevance of responsible corporate conduct. As a response to increased shareholder and public support for CSR, corporations started to embrace CSR as a strategic opportunity rather than as a threat. Part two of this paper examines socially responsible investing (SRI), a more passive form of shareholder engagement. Because the efficacy of SRI as a driver of corporate change has been questioned in previous research, the paper examines in depth if and how SRI can be supportive of the CSR movement, and how recent developments in the financial marketplace can strengthen the connection between SRI and CSR

    Construction technological process of the sloping roof assembling

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    GLAC, Vladimír. Stavebně technologický postup provádění šikmé střechy. Ostrava, 2020. Bakalářská práce. Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta stavební, Katedra pozemního stavitelství. Vedoucí bakalářské práce Ing. Filip Čmiel, Ph.D. Předmětem bakalářské práce je vypracování projektové dokumentace pro stavební povolení třípodlažního bytového domu a stavebně technologický postup provádění krovu včetně střešního pláště šikmé střechy. Bakalářská práce se skládá z textové části a výkresové části. Textová část obsahuje průvodní zprávu, technickou zprávu, technologický postup krovu a střešního pláště, rozpočet a harmonogram pro etapu zastřešení. Výkresovou část tvoří: koordinační situace stavby, výkres výkopů , základy, půdorysy jednotlivých podlaží, střecha, strop, řez objektem, pohledy.Glac, Vladimir. Construction technological process of the sloping roof assembling. Ostrava, 2020. Bachelor thesis. University of Mining – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering. Head of Bachelor's Thesis Ing. Filip Čmiel, Ph.D. The subject of the bachelor thesis is the preparation of project documentation for the building permit of a three-storey apartment building and the technological process of the implementation of the truss, including the roof cladding of the sloping roof. The bachelor thesis consists of a text section and a drawing part. The text section contains the accompanying report, the technical report, the technological process of the truss and roof covering, the budget and the timetable for the roofing stage. The drawing part consists of: coordination situation of the building, drawing of excavation , foundations, floor plans of individual floors, roof, ceiling, cutting by object, views.225 - Katedra pozemního stavitelstvídobř

    You have our permission not to grow

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    Wzorzec Osobowy Pedagoga Specjalnego w Edukacji i Terapii Dziecka z Zaburzeniami ze Spektrum Autyzmu- Studium Przypadku

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    This publication is about a special educator as a role model in the education and therapy of children with autism spectrum disorders. Based on the study of an individual case, the author of the article described the creation and meaning of a relationship that developed through contact with a 3rd grade primary school student who had a document indicating the need for special education due to autism. The student joined the integration class in the middle of the school year. The aim of the article is to show the meaning and the influence of the relationship and the person of a special educator on the process of education and therapy of children with special educational needs. The presented description shows that specialists and teachers play a huge role in the lives of their pupils, and their personality traits ad influence are visible in the progress made by the students.Niniejsza publikacja obejmuje zagadnienia dotyczące osoby pedagoga specjalnego, jako wzorca osobowego oraz jego znaczenia w edukacji, terapii dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu. Autorka artykułu nad podstawie studium przypadku opisała proces kształtowania się i znaczenia relacji, jaka powstała w kontakcie z uczennicą klasy III Szkoły Podstawowej mającą orzeczenie o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego z uwagi na autyzm oraz możliwe czynniki mające na nią wpływ. Celem publikacji jest ukazanie ogromnego wpływu i znaczenia relacji oraz samej osoby pedagoga specjalnego na proces wychowania, edukacji oraz terapii dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi. Przedstawiony opis wskazuje, iż specjaliści, nauczyciele odgrywają duże znaczenie w życiu swoich podopiecznych, zaś ich oddziaływanie oraz zbudowana relacje widoczna jest w poczynionych przez uczniów postępach

    Tension devices of belt conveyors

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá porovnáním řady způsobu napínacích zařízení pásových dopravníku a konstrukčním návrhem pneumatického napínacího zařízení DYNAP. Je zde provedený vzorový výpočet napínací síly. Dále jsou zde popsány jednotlivé části napínacího zařízení DYNAP, jeho způsob montáže, spouštění, seřízení a ovládání. K práci je přiložena výkresová dokumentace zařízení.This bachelor´s thesis deals with the comparison of various tension devices of belt conveyors and a constructional suggestion of a pneumatic tension device DYNAP. The paradigmatic calculation of the tension force is conducted. Furthermore, the components of the tension device are described, as well as the method of its assembling, activation, adjusting and handling. The drawing documentation of the device is attached.

    Conflict in Roles: Lying to the Ingroup Versus the Outgoing in Negotiations

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    This empirical study examines how group membership affects the likelihood of lies occurring in a two-person negotiation setting involving an experimental design with a repeated ultimatum bargaining. To better understand the reasoning of the negotiator in in-group and out-group bargaining exercises, the authors also examined perceptions of fairness in relation to offers for the in-group and out-group. The authors find that when negotiating, individuals tell lies of greater magnitude to out-group members than to ingroup members. In both situations, the magnitude of the initial lie predicts the likelihood that a concealment lie (i.e., another lie to conceal the initial lie) will be told. The study also finds that in negotiations with in-group members, the relationship between the initial lie and the concealment lie is moderated by the negotiator’s perceptions of unfair treatment toward the in-group bargaining partner. The authors assert that concealment lies with in-group members allow the individual to appear to maintain both the roles of a self-interested negotiator and a fair group member. The authors tested three hypotheses using a natural group of 42 undergraduate students who belonged to a sports team at a large Northeastern university. Implications for stakeholder research are addressed

    Areas of Privacy in Facebook: Expectations and Value

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    Privacy issues surrounding the use of social media sites have been apparent over the past ten years. Use of such sites, particularly Facebook, has been increasing and recently business organizations have begun using Facebook as a means of connecting with potential customers or clients. This paper presents an empirical study of perceived privacy violations to examine factors that in!uence the expectations of privacy on Facebook. Results of the study suggest that the more important Facebook is to users, the more likely they are to perceive privacy violations and the more likely those violations are to be considered serious. Furthermore, how information is used is more important than the way this information is accessed