74 research outputs found

    Laboratory evidence that dinotefuran, pyriproxyfen and permethrin combination abrogates Leishmania infantum transmissibility by sick dogs

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    Dogs are reservoir hosts of leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania infantum and transmitted by phlebotomine vectors. The effect of dinotefuran, pyriproxyfen and permethrin spot-on solution (Vectra®3D, Ceva Santé Animale, Libourne, France) on Leishmania transmissibility by naturally infected dogs via reared Phlebotomus perniciosus, was assessed. Dogs affected by leishmaniasis were submitted to xenodiagnosis and 6 infecting >10% of insects were treated topically on day 0. Antifeeding, insecticidal and anti-transmissibility effects were evaluated through xenodiagnoses performed on days 1, 7 and 28, using individual pre-treatment parameters as control. Feeding and mortality rates were assessed at 24 h, whereas promastigote infection, maturation and burden were assessed up to 96 h post blood meal (potentially infectious rate). On day 1, the anti-feeding efficacy was >95% in 4 dogs, insecticidal efficacy 100% in 4 dogs, and anti-transmissibility effect 100% in 6 dogs. Efficacy rates recorded on day 7 were very similar to day 1. On day 28, anti-feeding and insecticidal efficacy values were much broader, ranging 32.6–100% and 7.7–94.4%, respectively. Potentially infectious insects were recorded from two dogs, with sharp decrease in transmissibility rate as compared with pre-treatment condition. Altogether, Vectra®3D abrogated by >98% the potential Leishmania transmissibility by the examined pool of infected dogs over 1 month

    Measurement of νˉμ\bar{\nu}_{\mu} and νμ\nu_{\mu} charged current inclusive cross sections and their ratio with the T2K off-axis near detector

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    We report a measurement of cross section σ(νμ+nucleusμ+X)\sigma(\nu_{\mu}+{\rm nucleus}\rightarrow\mu^{-}+X) and the first measurements of the cross section σ(νˉμ+nucleusμ++X)\sigma(\bar{\nu}_{\mu}+{\rm nucleus}\rightarrow\mu^{+}+X) and their ratio R(σ(νˉ)σ(ν))R(\frac{\sigma(\bar \nu)}{\sigma(\nu)}) at (anti-)neutrino energies below 1.5 GeV. We determine the single momentum bin cross section measurements, averaged over the T2K νˉ/ν\bar{\nu}/\nu-flux, for the detector target material (mainly Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Copper) with phase space restricted laboratory frame kinematics of θμ\theta_{\mu}500 MeV/c. The results are σ(νˉ)=(0.900±0.029(stat.)±0.088(syst.))×1039\sigma(\bar{\nu})=\left( 0.900\pm0.029{\rm (stat.)}\pm0.088{\rm (syst.)}\right)\times10^{-39} and $\sigma(\nu)=\left( 2.41\ \pm0.022{\rm{(stat.)}}\pm0.231{\rm (syst.)}\ \right)\times10^{-39}inunitsofcm in units of cm^{2}/nucleonand/nucleon and R\left(\frac{\sigma(\bar{\nu})}{\sigma(\nu)}\right)= 0.373\pm0.012{\rm (stat.)}\pm0.015{\rm (syst.)}$.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Measurement of Muon Antineutrino Oscillations with an Accelerator-Produced Off-Axis Beam

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    T2K reports its first measurements of the parameters governing the disappearance of ν-μ in an off-axis beam due to flavor change induced by neutrino oscillations. The quasimonochromatic ν-μ beam, produced with a peak energy of 0.6 GeV at J-PARC, is observed at the far detector Super-Kamiokande, 295 km away, where the ν-μ survival probability is expected to be minimal. Using a data set corresponding to 4.01×1020 protons on target, 34 fully contained μ-like events were observed. The best-fit oscillation parameters are sin2(θ-23)=0.45 and |Δm-322|=2.51×10-3 eV2 with 68% confidence intervals of 0.38-0.64 and 2.26-2.80×10-3 eV2, respectively. These results are in agreement with existing antineutrino parameter measurements and also with the νμ disappearance parameters measured by T2K

    Updated T2K measurements of muon neutrino and antineutrino disappearance using 1.5 x 10(21) protons on target

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    We report measurements by the T2K experiment of the parameters θ23\theta_{23} and Δm322\Delta m^{2}_{32} governing the disappearance of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos in the three flavor neutrino oscillation model. Utilizing the ability of the experiment to run with either a mainly neutrino or a mainly antineutrino beam, the parameters are measured separately for neutrinos and antineutrinos. Using 7.482×10207.482 \times 10^{20} POT in neutrino running mode and 7.471×10207.471 \times 10^{20} POT in antineutrino mode, T2K obtained, sin2(θ23)=0.510.07+0.08\sin^{2}(\theta_{23})=0.51^{+0.08}_{-0.07} and Δm322=2.530.13+0.15×103\Delta m^{2}_{32} = 2.53^{+0.15}_{-0.13} \times 10^{-3}eV2^{2}/c4^{4} for neutrinos, and sin2(θ23)=0.420.07+0.25\sin^{2}({\overline{\theta}}_{23})=0.42^{+0.25}_{-0.07} and Δm232=2.550.27+0.33×103{\Delta\overline{m}^2}_{32} = 2.55^{+0.33}_{-0.27} \times 10^{-3}eV2^{2}/c4^{4} for antineutrinos (assuming normal mass ordering). No significant differences between the values of the parameters describing the disappearance of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos were observed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Measurement of ¯νμ and νμ charged current inclusive cross sections and their ratio with the T2K off-axis near detector

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    We report a measurement of cross section σ(νμ+nucleus→μ−+X) and the first measurements of the cross section σ(¯νμ+nucleus→μ++X) and their ratio R(σ(¯ν)σ(ν)) at (anti) neutrino energies below 1.5 GeV. We determine the single momentum bin cross section measurements, averaged over the T2K ¯ν/ν-flux, for the detector target material (mainly carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and copper) with phase space restricted laboratory frame kinematics of θμ500  MeV/c. The results are σ(¯ν)=(0.900±0.029(stat)±0.088(syst))×10−39 and σ(ν)=(2.41±0.022(stat)±0.231(syst))×10−39 in units of cm2/nucleon and R(σ(¯ν)σ(ν))=0.373±0.012(stat)±0.015(syst)

    Measurement of double-differential muon neutrino charged-current interactions on C8 H8 without pions in the final state using the T2K off-axis beam

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    We report the measurement of muon neutrino charged-current interactions on carbon without pions in the final state at the T2K beam energy using 5.734×1020 protons on target. For the first time the measurement is reported as a flux-integrated, double-differential cross section in muon kinematic variables (cosθμ, pμ), without correcting for events where a pion is produced and then absorbed by final state interactions. Two analyses are performed with different selections, background evaluations and cross-section extraction methods to demonstrate the robustness of the results against biases due to model-dependent assumptions. The measurements compare favorably with recent models which include nucleon-nucleon correlations but, given the present precision, the measurement does not distinguish among the available models. The data also agree with Monte Carlo simulations which use effective parameters that are tuned to external data to describe the nuclear effects. The total cross section in the full phase space is σ=(0.417±0.047(syst)±0.005(stat))×10-38 cm2 nucleon-1 and the cross section integrated in the region of phase space with largest efficiency and best signal-over-background ratio (cosθμ>0.6 and pμ>200 MeV) is σ=(0.202±0.036(syst)±0.003(stat))×10-38 cm2 nucleon-1

    Measurement of Muon Antineutrino Oscillations with an Accelerator-Produced Off-Axis Beam.

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    T2K reports its first measurements of the parameters governing the disappearance of ν[over ¯]_{μ} in an off-axis beam due to flavor change induced by neutrino oscillations. The quasimonochromatic ν[over ¯]_{μ} beam, produced with a peak energy of 0.6 GeV at J-PARC, is observed at the far detector Super-Kamiokande, 295 km away, where the ν[over ¯]_{μ} survival probability is expected to be minimal. Using a data set corresponding to 4.01×10^{20} protons on target, 34 fully contained μ-like events were observed. The best-fit oscillation parameters are sin^{2}(θ[over ¯]_{23})=0.45 and |Δm[over ¯]_{32}^{2}|=2.51×10^{-3}  eV^{2} with 68% confidence intervals of 0.38-0.64 and 2.26-2.80×10^{-3}  eV^{2}, respectively. These results are in agreement with existing antineutrino parameter measurements and also with the ν_{μ} disappearance parameters measured by T2K

    First measurement of the muon neutrino charged current single pion production cross section on water with the T2K near detector

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    The T2K off-axis near detector, ND280, is used to make the first differential cross section measurements of muon neutrino charged current single positive pion production on a water target at energies ∼0.8 GeV. The differential measurements are presented as a function of the muon and pion kinematics, in the restricted phase space defined by pπþ > 200 MeV=c, pμ > 200 MeV=c, cosðθπþ Þ > 0.3 and cosðθμÞ > 0.3. The total flux integrated νμ charged current single positive pion production cross section on water in the restricted phase space is measured to be hσiϕ ¼ 4.25 0.48ðstatÞ 1.56ðsystÞ × 10−40 cm2=nucleon. The total cross section is consistent with the NEUT prediction (5.03 × 10−40 cm2=nucleon) and 2σ lower than the GENIE prediction (7.68 × 10−40 cm2=nucleon). The differential cross sections are in good agreement with the NEUT generator. The GENIE simulation reproduces well the shapes of the distributions, but overestimates the overall cross section normalization

    First measurement of the νμ charged-current cross section on a water target without pions in the final state

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    This paper reports the first differential measurement of the charged-current interaction cross section of νμ on water with no pions in the final state. This flux-averaged measurement has been made using the T2K experiment’s off-axis near detector, and is reported in doubly differential bins of muon momentum and angle. The flux-averaged total cross section in a restricted region of phase space was found to be σ=(0.95±0.08(stat)±0.06(det syst)±0.04(model syst)±0.08(flux))×10−38  cm2/n

    Sensitivity of the T2K accelerator-based neutrino experiment with an Extended run to 20×102120\times10^{21} POT

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    18 pages, 4 figures18 pages, 4 figures18 pages, 4 figures18 pages, 4 figures18 pages, 4 figuresRecent measurements at the T2K experiment indicate that CP violation in neutrino mixing may be observed in the future by long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. We explore the physics program of an extension to the currently approved T2K running of 7.8×10217.8\times 10^{21} protons-on-target to 20×102120\times 10^{21} protons-on-target,aiming at initial observation of CP violation with 3σ\,\sigma or higher significance for the case of maximum CP violation. With accelerator and beam line upgrades, as well as analysis improvements, this program would occur before the next generation of long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiments that are expected to start operation in 2026.We acknowledge the support of MEXT, Japan; NSERC (Grant No. SAPPJ-2014-00031), NRC and CFI, Canada; CEA and CNRS/IN2P3, France; DFG, Germany; INFN, Italy; National Science Centre (NCN), Poland; RSF, RFBR and MES, Russia; MINECO and ERDF funds, Spain; SNSF and SERI, Switzerland; STFC, UK; and DOE, USA. We also thank CERN for the UA1/NOMAD magnet, DESY for the HERA-B magnet mover system, NII for SINET4, the WestGrid and SciNet consortia in Compute Canada, and GridPP in the United Kingdom. In addition, participation of individual researchers and institutions has been further supported by funds from ERC (FP7), H2020 Grant No. RISE-GA644294-JENNIFER, EU; JSPS, Japan; Royal Society, UK; and the DOE Early Career program, USA. CNRS/IN2P3: Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiqueInstitut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules RSF: Russian Science Foundation MES: Ministry of Education and Science, Russia ERDF: European Regional Development Fund SNSF: Swiss National Science Foundation SER (should be SERI): State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovatio