4,839 research outputs found
Horizon Quantum Mechanics for spheroidal sources
We start investigating the extension of the Horizon Quantum Mechanics to the
case of spheroidal sources. We first study the location of trapping surfaces in
space-times resulting from an axial deformation of static isotropic systems,
and show that the Misner-Sharp mass evaluated on the corresponding undeformed
spherically symmetric space provides the correct gravitational radius to locate
the horizon. We finally propose a way to determine the deformation parameter in
the quantum theory.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, final version to appear in EP
Proton recoil polarization in exclusive (e,e'pp) reactions
The general formalism of nucleon recoil polarization in the () reaction is given. Numerical predictions are presented for the
components of the outgoing proton polarization and of the polarization transfer
coefficient in the specific case of the exclusive O()C knockout reaction leading to discrete states in the residual
nucleus. Reaction calculations are performed in a direct knockout framework
where final-state interactions and one-body and two-body currents are included.
The two-nucleon overlap integrals are obtained from a calculation of the
two-proton spectral function of O where long-range and short-range
correlations are consistently included. The comparison of results obtained in
different kinematics confirms that resolution of different final states in the
O()C reaction may act as a filter to
disentangle and separately investigate the reaction processes due to
short-range correlations and two-body currents and indicates that measurements
of the components of the outgoing proton polarization may offer good
opportunities to study short-range correlations.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure
Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in QCD:a finite-size scaling study on the lattice
Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in QCD with massless quarks at infinite
volume can be seen in a finite box by studying, for instance, the dependence of
the chiral condensate from the volume and the quark mass. We perform a
feasibility study of this program by computing the quark condensate on the
lattice in the quenched approximation of QCD at small quark masses. We carry
out simulations in various topological sectors of the theory at several
volumes, quark masses and lattice spacings by employing fermions with an exact
chiral symmetry, and we focus on observables which are infrared stable and free
from mass-dependent ultraviolet divergences. The numerical calculation is
carried out with an exact variance-reduction technique, which is designed to be
particularly efficient when spontaneous symmetry breaking is at work in
generating a few very small low-lying eigenvalues of the Dirac operator. The
finite-size scaling behaviour of the condensate in the topological sectors
considered agrees, within our statistical accuracy, with the expectations of
the chiral effective theory. Close to the chiral limit we observe a detailed
agreement with the first Leutwyler-Smilga sum rule. By comparing the mass, the
volume and the topology dependence of our results with the predictions of the
chiral effective theory, we extract the corresponding low-energy constant.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure
Short-range and tensor correlations in the O(e,epn) reaction
The cross sections for electron induced two-nucleon knockout reactions are
evaluated for the example of the O(e,epn)N reaction leading to
discrete states in the residual nucleus N. These calculations account
for the effects of nucleon-nucleon correlations and include the contributions
of two-body meson exchange currents as the pion seagull, pion in flight and the
isobar current contribution. The effects of short-range as well as tensor
correlations are calculated within the framework of the coupled cluster method
employing the Argonne V14 potential as a model for a realistic nucleon-nucleon
interaction. The relative importance of correlation effects as compared to the
contribution of the meson exchange currents depends on the final state of the
residual nucleus. The cross section leading to specific states, like e.g. the
ground state of N, is rather sensitive to the details of the correlated
wave function.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures include
Learning Ground Traversability from Simulations
Mobile ground robots operating on unstructured terrain must predict which
areas of the environment they are able to pass in order to plan feasible paths.
We address traversability estimation as a heightmap classification problem: we
build a convolutional neural network that, given an image representing the
heightmap of a terrain patch, predicts whether the robot will be able to
traverse such patch from left to right. The classifier is trained for a
specific robot model (wheeled, tracked, legged, snake-like) using simulation
data on procedurally generated training terrains; the trained classifier can be
applied to unseen large heightmaps to yield oriented traversability maps, and
then plan traversable paths. We extensively evaluate the approach in simulation
on six real-world elevation datasets, and run a real-robot validation in one
indoor and one outdoor environment.Comment: Webpage: http://romarcg.xyz/traversability_estimation
Polar Varieties and Efficient Real Equation Solving: The Hypersurface Case
The objective of this paper is to show how the recently proposed method by
Giusti, Heintz, Morais, Morgenstern, Pardo \cite{gihemorpar} can be applied to
a case of real polynomial equation solving. Our main result concerns the
problem of finding one representative point for each connected component of a
real bounded smooth hypersurface. The algorithm in \cite{gihemorpar} yields a
method for symbolically solving a zero-dimensional polynomial equation system
in the affine (and toric) case. Its main feature is the use of adapted data
structure: Arithmetical networks and straight-line programs. The algorithm
solves any affine zero-dimensional equation system in non-uniform sequential
time that is polynomial in the length of the input description and an
adequately defined {\em affine degree} of the equation system. Replacing the
affine degree of the equation system by a suitably defined {\em real degree} of
certain polar varieties associated to the input equation, which describes the
hypersurface under consideration, and using straight-line program codification
of the input and intermediate results, we obtain a method for the problem
introduced above that is polynomial in the input length and the real degree.Comment: Late
Quenched Hadron Spectrum and Decay Constants on the lattice
In this talk we present the results obtained from a study of
(quenched) lattice configurations from the APE collaboration, at
, using both the Wilson and the SW-Clover fermion action.
We determine the light hadronic spectrum and the meson decay constants. For the
light-light systems we find an agreement with the experimental data of for mesonic masses and for baryonic masses and pseudoscalar
decay constants; a larger deviation is present for the vector decay constants.
For the heavy-light decay constants we find , in good agreement with previous estimates.Comment: 8 pages, latex, Talk given at XXV ITEP Winter School of Physics,
Moscow - Russia, 18-27 Feb 199
Probing the chiral weak Hamiltonian at finite volumes
Non-leptonic kaon decays are often described through an effective chiral weak
Hamiltonian, whose couplings ("low-energy constants") encode all
non-perturbative QCD physics. It has recently been suggested that these
low-energy constants could be determined at finite volumes by matching the
non-perturbatively measured three-point correlation functions between the weak
Hamiltonian and two left-handed flavour currents, to analytic predictions
following from chiral perturbation theory. Here we complete the analytic side
in two respects: by inspecting how small ("epsilon-regime") and intermediate or
large ("p-regime") quark masses connect to each other, and by including in the
discussion the two leading Delta I = 1/2 operators. We show that the
epsilon-regime offers a straightforward strategy for disentangling the
coefficients of the Delta I = 1/2 operators, and that in the p-regime
finite-volume effects are significant in these observables once the
pseudoscalar mass M and the box length L are in the regime ML \lsim 5.0.Comment: 37 pages. v2: some additions and clarifications; published versio
Knockout of proton-neutron pairs from O with electromagnetic probes
After recent improvements to the Pavia model of two-nucleon knockout from
O with electromagnetic probes the calculated cross sections are compared
to experimental data from such reactions. Comparison with data from a
measurement of the O(e,epn) reaction show much better agreement
between experiment and theory than was previously observed. In a comparison
with recent data from a measurement of the O(,pn) reaction the
model over-predicts the measured cross section at low missing momentum.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Final State Interaction in Exclusive Reactions
Contributions of nucleon-nucleon (NN) correlations, meson exchange currents
and the residual final state interactions (FSI) on exclusive two-nucleon
knock-out reactions induced by electron scattering are investigated. All
contributions are derived from the same realistic meson exchange model for the
NN interaction. Effects of correlations and FSI are determined in a consistent
way by solving the NN scattering equation, the Bethe-Goldstone equation, for
two nucleons in nuclear matter. One finds that the FSI re-scattering terms are
non-negligible even if the two nucleons are emitted back to back.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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