49 research outputs found

    Assessment of Marine Litter in the Coralligenous Habitat of a Marine Protected Area along the Ionian Coast of Sicily (Central Mediterranean)

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    In the Mediterranean Sea, the coralligenous is an extremely important habitat for its biodiversity and role in carbon sequestration. However, coralligenous biocenosis is sensitive to many anthropogenic impacts, among which one of the major threats is the marine litter. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the marine litter present in the coralligenous habitat of the Marine Protected Area (MPA) Isole Ciclopi (Sicily, Italy). Through the analysis of frames obtained by Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROV) videos, data on the type of marine litter, grade of organisms' coverage, litter-organism interactions, and seabed coverage of items were gained. Through ROV surveys, a low number of marine litter items was observed and most of them were fishing gears. On the found items there was a high degree of organisms' coverage, which suggests that probably the marine litter was abandoned or lost since a long time. Overall, it was observed that in recent years the fishing activity in the MPA has not affected the coralligenous habitat. The present study represents a baseline for future monitoring programmes, which will be useful to develop protection measures and sustainable fishing, in order to preserve the coralligenous habitat of the MPA

    La Vegetazione marina bentonica sciafila del Mediterraneo: 3.: Infralitorale e Circalitorale: proposte di aggiornamento

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    Sono stati esaminati criticamente 19 Aggruppamenti vegetali sciafili dell'Infralitorale e del Circalitorale; di questi 10 (9 Associazioni ed 1 Subassociazione) sono stati ritenuti validi. A phytosociological revision of 19 sciafilic algae assemblages located in the infralittoral and circalittoral zones is presented. At all 9 associations and 1 association can be recognized

    La Vegetazione marina bentonica nel Mediterraneo: 1.: sopralitorale e mesolitorale: proposte di aggiornamento

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    In questo primo contributo gli autori presentano un aggiornamento degli aggruppamenti vegetali marini del sopralitorale e del mesolitorale del Mediterraneo. Nel piano sopralitorale è stata riconosciuta la presenza di una sola associazione; nel piano mesolitorale di otto associazioni: tre nel sottopiano superiore e cinque nel sottopiano inferiore. A phytosociological revision of both supralittoral and midlittoral marine algal communities from the Mediterranean Sea, is presented. In all, nine associations can be recognized: one in the supralittoral zone; three in the upper and five in the lower midlittoral zone

    L-Arginine-Derived Polyamidoamine Oligomers Bearing at Both Ends beta-Cyclodextrin Units as pH-Sensitive Curcumin Carriers

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    The aza-Michael polyaddition of L-arginine and N,N′-methylene-bis-acrylamide gives the biocompatible and easily cell-internalized polyamidoamine ARGO7. By controlled synthesis, two ARGO7 oligomers, namely a trimer and a pentamer, bearing acrylamide terminal units, were obtained as precursors of the β-cyclodextrin-end-terminated oligomers P3 and P5, which have been shown to encapsulate curcumin at both pH 7.4 and 4.5. After lyophilization, P3- and P5-curcumin complexes gave stable water solutions. The apparent solubility of encapsulated curcumin was in the range 20–51 μg mL(−1), that is, three orders of magnitude higher than the water solubility of free curcumin (0.011 μg mL(−1)). The drug release profiles showed induction periods both at pH levels 4.5 and 7.4, suggesting a diffusive release mechanism, as confirmed by kinetic studies. The release rate of curcumin was higher at pH 7.4 than at pH 4.5 and, in both cases, it was higher for the P5 complex. Encapsulated curcumin was more photostable than the free drug. Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations explain at atomistic level the formation of aggregates due to favorable van der Waals interactions. The drug molecules interact with the external surface of carriers or form inclusion complexes with the β-cyclodextrin cavities. The aggregate stability is higher at pH 4.5

    Degradation of a photophilic algal community and its associated fauna from eastern Sicily (Mediterranean Sea)

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    The status of the "Biocoenosis of the Infralittoral Algae" of the upper infralittoral zone (at 5 m depth) from two selected stations along the eastern coast of Sicily (Ionian Sea, Mediterranean) was studied with a multiproxy approach involving the study of algae and associated protist and animal organisms, including foraminifers, serpulids, molluscs, bryozoans and ostracods. Scraped samples (40x40 cm) were collected at selected seasons during a 2-year period (2015-2016) in order to identify possible seasonal and spatial differences between the two stations, and to compare present data with historical ones. A community made up of the algae Halopteris scoparia, Padina pavonica, Dictyota dichotoma, Ellisolandia elongata and several other geniculate coralline algae was found in sites historically colonised by a Cystoseira brachycarpa community, which was not found during our study. These algae presently structure the community and provide substratum for several associated epibiotic species. Hierarchical cluster analysis and Non-Metric Multi-Dimensional Scaling Ordination significantly differentiate the communities between the two stations but show no clear seasonal trend. Differences largely relate to changes in the algal vegetation and the impact produced by the regression of structuring species on epibiots (especially serpulids and bryozoans). Comparison with historical algal data from the area indicates the disappearance of Cystoseira brachycarpa, which was present at least until the last '1990s, and a community degradation with a considerable loss in species richness. This parallels observations in other Mediterranean areas, and could be related to the increase in echinoid population density and their heavy grazing activity

    Censimento delle macroalghe marine bentoniche delle coste pugliesi

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    ItSulla base dei dati di letteratura viene presentato un catalogo delle macroalghe marine bentoniche delle coste pugliesi. La flora risulta costituita di 616 taxa a livello specifico e infraspecifico di cui 385 Rhodophyta (compresi 23 taxa inquirenda), 119 Phaeophyta (compresi 5 taxa inquirenda), 105 Chlorophyta (compresi 9 taxa inquirenda), 5 Incertae sedis, 2 Nomina nuda. Inoltre vengono elencati 13 taxa excludenda e 38 taxa identificati solo a livello generico. La flora delle coste adriatiche è risultata molto piÚ ricca (569 specie) di quella delle coste ioniche (450 specie). Le specie comuni ai due mari sono 405, mentre quelle segnalate solo per le coste adriatiche sono 164 e solo 45 quelle esclusive delle coste ioniche. Da un punto di vista fitogeografico la flora mostra particolari affinità con flore di aree meridionali quali l'isola di Linosa, l'isola di Lampedusa e la Tunisia.EnOn the basis of literature data a check-list of the benthic marine macroalgae from Apulia is given. The list of taxa at specific and infraspecific level consists of 384 Rhodophyta (23 taxa inquirenda included), 119 Phaeophyta (5 taxa inquirenda included), 105 Chlorophyta (9 taxa inquirenda included), 5 Incertae sedis, 2 Nomina nuda. Thirteen taxa excludenda and 38 taxa identified at generic level only, are listed too. The flora of the Adriatic coast, with its 569 species, resulted richer than that of the Ionian coast consisting of 450 species. Four hundred and five species are shared by both seas, while 164 and 45 are exclusive of the Adriatic Sea and of the Ionian Sea, respectively. From a phytogeographic point of view, the Apulian flora shows affinities with floras of southern areas like Linosa Island, Lampedusa Island and Tunisia

    Contribution to the knowledge of Gongolaria barbata (Sargassaceae, Fucales) from the Mediterranean: insights into infraspecific diversity

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    Gongolaria barbata (Sargassaceae, Fucales) is a widespread species for which several infraspecific taxa have been described, indicating its polymorphism. This study contributes to the understanding of the molecular, nomenclatural, morphological and ecological aspects of G. barbata in the Mediterranean and sheds light on the infraspecific diversity and its implications for the taxonomy of this species. Molecular analyses were performed using sequencing of the mitochondrial cox1 gene on both haptophytic and pleustophytic forms from different sites in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian Seas. Vegetative and reproductive morphology was studied on thalli samples from the Adriatic. Our results showed that there are different morphotypes within G. barbata populations related to specific environmental conditions, suggesting infraspecific variation. In contrast, molecular analyses showed no differences between samples, regardless of whether individuals are growing “attached” to a substrate or “unattached”. We also discussed the taxonomic status and nomenclatural issues related to certain infraspecific taxa previously proposed for G. barbata. In particular, the confusion surrounding Cystoseira aurantia is clarified

    Spatial variation in key functional traits of Mediterranean fucoid algae: Insights from Cystoseira sensu lato intertidal canopies

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    Cystoseira sensu lato are fucoid algae that form dense stands on intertidal and subtidal rocky reefs sustaining species-rich associated assemblages. The increasing human pressure is causing the decline of these marine forests, raising wide concerns on the ecological consequences of their loss. Yet, little is known about functional trait variables of Cystoseira s.l. species, which are essential to a deeper understanding of their contribution to the functioning of coastal ecosystems. We analysed the intraspecific spatial variation of the total organic matter, Corg, N and P contents in Ericaria amentacea from intertidal rocky shores in the W Mediterranean Sea. Specifically, we quantified spatial patterns of variation of traits at large (100s km), small (1000s m), and local (100s cm) scale. We also explored potential interspecific variation by comparing the combined functional profile of trait variables between E. amentacea and Cystoseira compressa, an often co-occurring or vicariant species. Tissue contents of organic matter, Corg, N and P, were consistent among E. amentacea stands, supporting the hypothesis of a largescale (100s km) spatial homogeneity of such key traits in this species. Overlapping functional profiles between E. amentacea and C. compressa also suggested putative interspecific trait congruencies. However, a small-scale (1000s m) significant variability was found for all trait variables in E. amentacea. Variance components at small (1000s m) and local (100s cm) scale accounted for the largest contribution to the total spatial variation for all traits, recommending caution in the use of small and local-scale trait values to generalize functional performances of Cystoseira s.l. forests over large areas. This study represents one of the first attempts to shed light on the variability of key functional attributes of Cystoseira s.l. species at a range of spatial scales, which could assist more reliable assessments of their functional role and improve their management and conservation

    Studio della vegetazione del mesolitorale in stazioni della Sicilia orientale

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    Dottorato di ricerca in scienze ambientali 1. (fitogeografia dei territori mediterranei). 8. ciclo. A.a. 1992-95. Coordinatore S. Brullo. Tutore G. FurnariConsiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Macroalgal diversity of Santa Cesarea-Castro (Salento Peninsula, southeastern Italy)

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    The benthic macroalgal flora from the eastern Ionian coastal area of the Peninsula Salentina is scarcely studied. This study gives a contribution to the knowledge on its biodiversity in this area, which also includes marine caves, and the geographical distribution of some interesting species. A total of 174 macroalgae (119 Rhodophyta, 27 Ochrophyta, and 28 Chlorophyta) were identified. Six species are first records for the region, one of which, Liagora ceranoides, represents a new record for the Italian flora. The vegetation of most of the wave-exposed rocky substrata, as well as of the two sulphureous caves at Santa Cesarea Terme is characterised by extensive populations of Corallinales. The chorological spectrum of the flora shows a high occurrence of Indo-Pacific and Circumtropical elements, thus resulting more similar to that of floras of the Greek Ionian Sea