78 research outputs found

    Applicant self-selection during the hiring process: Developing and testing a model of applicant withdrawal

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    Applicant withdrawal behavior is of considerable interest to organizations and selection system designers. Some of the primary reasons for this interest are that applicant decisions to withdraw from a selection procedure can impact the size and quality of the applicant pool (Barber & Roehling, 1993), which can decrease the utility of the selection procedure (Murphy, 1986) and increase the potential for adverse impact (Ryan, Sacco, McFarland, & Kriska, 2000; Tam, Murphy, & Lyall, 2004). The current study builds a model of applicant withdrawal based on prior theoretical and empirical work and subsequently tests components of this model. The proposed predictors of withdrawal intentions and behavior include applicant perceptions, motivation, selection process features, employment background characteristics, and individual differences. Data were collected from ~ 25,000 applicants to a large manufacturing start-up company in the US at four time points in the selection process - application, post-test, post-assessment, and post-interview. Results from linear and logistic regression analyses provided support for the proposed model of applicant withdrawal, highlighting the importance of both applicant perceptions and contextual features. More specifically, the study found that perceptions of Person-Job (P-J) and Person-Organization (P-O) fit as well as perceptions of offer expectancy were among the strongest predictors of withdrawal intentions. Withdrawal behavior was more difficult to predict, but was significantly predicted by current employment status, demographic characteristics, number of previous jobs held, P-O fit perceptions, and withdrawal intentions. Implications of the study\u27s results for organizations and selection system designers are discussed within the limitations of the current research. Additionally, directions for future research are detailed within a broader framework of applicant withdrawal

    Publica auctoritas, impudicitia, and presentation of the body in two controversiae of Seneca the Rhetor

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    Neste trabalho são examinados dois acontecimentos narrados nas controversiae de Sêneca (o Reitor), relacionados a diferentes situações interligadas pela sanção que o autor julgou ser aplicável a apresentações inadequadas do corpo, tanto em relação a um cidadão particular – o caso do adolescente que sai de casa à noite vestido de mulher e que, portanto, pode eventualmente ser considerado vítima de stuprum cum vi – quanto a um magistrado no exercício de suas funções – aquele que, na atividade de jus dicere, usa roupas que não condizem com o ofício que possui. A utilização de fontes retóricas de natureza didática é de grande interesse, pois permite exercícios modelados a partir de possíveis casos reais, com os quais os amantes da arte dialética são convidados a se entreter, ora representando o papel de acusação, ora o de defesa. Busca-se demonstrar que a apresentação pública do corpo, se realizada em violação ao código de vestimenta socialmente aceito, produzia na Roma Antiga consequências jurídicas significativas, como a privação do direito de falar em assembleia pública (contio) ou, no caso de o magistrado ter ofendido, com seu traje, a respeitabilidade da res publica, a imputação de crimen maiestatis.In this work, two events narrated in the controversiae of Seneca the Rhetor are examined. They are related to different situations connected to each other by the sanction that the author judged to be applicable in case of inadequate presentations of the body, be it by a private citizen – the case of the adolescent who goes out at night dressed as a woman and who, therefore, can possibly be a victim of a stuprum cum vi –, or by a magistrate in the exercise of his functions – one who, in the activity of jus dicere, wears clothes that are not appropriate to his duties. The use of rhetorical sources of a didactic nature is of considerable interest, allowing exercises that are modeled on possible real cases, on which lovers of dialectical art are invited to entertain themselves, sometimes performing the role of accusation, sometimes the defense one. It’s intended to demonstrate that in ancient Rome the public presentation of the body, if made in violation of the socially accepted dress-code, produced significant legal consequences, such as the deprivation of the right to speak in a public assembly (contio) or, in the case of the magistrate having offended, with its attire, the respectability of the Res publica, the imputation of crimen maiestatis

    An empirical examination of factors associated with Game Transfer Phenomena severity

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    Game Transfer Phenomena (GTP) (i.e. altered perceptions, spontaneous thoughts and behaviors with game content) occur on a continuum from mild to severe. This study examined the differences between mild, moderate and severe levels of GTP. A total of 2,362 gamers’ participated in an online survey. The majority of gamers experienced mild levels of GTP. The factors significantly associated with severe levels of GTP were: (i) being students, (ii) being aged 18 to 22, (iii) being professional gamers, (iv) playing videogames every day in sessions of 6 hours or more, (iv) playing to escape from the real world, (v) recalling dreams always or very often, (vi) having a sleep disorder, mental disorder or reported dysfunctional gaming, and (vii) having experienced distress or dysfunction due to GTP. In addition, having used drugs and experiencing flashbacks as side-effects of drug use were significantly less likely to be reported by those with mild levels of GTP. In general, the findings suggest that those with higher levels of GTP share characteristics with profiles of gamers with dysfunctional gaming (e.g., problematic and/or addictive gaming)

    Applicant perspectives during selection

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    We provide a comprehensive but critical review of research on applicant reactions to selection procedures published since 2000 (n = 145), when the last major review article on applicant reactions appeared in the Journal of Management. We start by addressing the main criticisms levied against the field to determine whether applicant reactions matter to individuals and employers (“So what?”). This is followed by a consideration of “What’s new?” by conducting a comprehensive and detailed review of applicant reaction research centered upon four areas of growth: expansion of the theoretical lens, incorporation of new technology in the selection arena, internationalization of applicant reactions research, and emerging boundary conditions. Our final section focuses on “Where to next?” and offers an updated and integrated conceptual model of applicant reactions, four key challenges, and eight specific future research questions. Our conclusion is that the field demonstrates stronger research designs, with studies incorporating greater control, broader constructs, and multiple time points. There is also solid evidence that applicant reactions have significant and meaningful effects on attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. At the same time, we identify some remaining gaps in the literature and a number of critical questions that remain to be explored, particularly in light of technological and societal changes

    L’utilizzo delle opere di James G. Frazer nello studio del diritto romano

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    Il contributo si propone di sondare l'apporto delle ricerche antropologiche di James Frazer nello studio del diritto romano, soprattutto attraverso il realismo giuridico scandivano, in particolare le opere di Axel Hägerströ

    Per advocatum defenditur. Profili ricostruttivi dello status dell'avvocatura in Roma antica

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    La monografia ricostruisce la figura e l'attivitĂ  dell'advocatus nel mondo romano

    Il corpo eloquente: l'utilizzo retorico della corporeitĂ  tra strategie processuali ed evidenza fisica

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    Il contributo si propone di analizzare l'utilizzo del corpo dei protagonisti del processo come strategia processual

    Il cd. «senatus consultum ultimum»: questioni di costituzionalità tra diritto romano e storiografia moderna

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    Il contributo intende esaminare la natura giuridica e politica del c.d. senatus consultum ultimum, sia nelle fonti antiche che nella tradizione storiografica moderna e contemporanea
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