168 research outputs found

    Itinerant ferromagnetism in the repulsive Hubbard chain with anisotropic odd-wave attraction

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    The ground-state properties of the Hubbard chain with on-site repulsion and anisotropic nearest-neighbor attraction are investigated by means of density matrix renormalization group calculations. The non-local attraction acts between fermions of one spin component only, mimicking the effect of p-wave Feshbach resonances in cold-atom systems. We analyze the onset of itinerant ferromagnetism, pinpointing the critical attraction strength where partially and fully ferromagnetic states occur. In the cold-atom setup, where the two (pseudo) spin populations are separately conserved, ferromagnetism occurs with the nucleation of a fully imbalanced band-insulating domain hosting the attractive component only. The size of this domain grows with the attraction strength, therefore increasing the (opposite) imbalance of the other domain, until the two spin components are fully separated. In the presence of a harmonic trap, the ferromagnetic state hosts a partially imbalanced domain in the center with an excess of the attractive component and filling lower than one. This central region is surrounded by fully imbalanced domains, located in the trap tails, hosting only fermions belonging to the other component.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    New Insights into the role of GSK-3 in the regulation of human cardiac electrophysiology

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    Cardiac arrhythmias still represent a serious health issue, leading to adverse outcomes, such as heart failure and sudden death. Several drugs used to treat noncardiac diseases, including antibiotics or antipsychotics, can also be responsible for arrhythmia development. Therefore, a major challenge is a deeper comprehension of the molecular mechanisms regulating cardiac electro- physiology, together with the development of predic- tive tools aimed at understanding how a specific condition or drug can favor arrhythmic events

    A Digital representation of Euryalus fortress: a historical interpretive study

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    [EN] It is clear that concepts and cognitive processes aimed at putting forward fortified systems in their relation with the territory and with the surrounding landscape, establish inextricably interwoven “interests” and a consequent osmotic hysteresis between their emergence and disappearance into the deepest part of the earth. The logic behind the defensive structures of Euryalus fortress is particularly interesting. The fortress designed during the Greek period and located on the top of Epipolae hill, represented a strategic fortification for the city’s defence. Therefore, it is reasonable to think about a sequence of emerging or disappearing empty spaces; a semantic vacuum to be filled with logical-subjective interpretations pertaining to those who visit the place. The conceptual framework provides knowledge and documentation meant as indispensable supporting instruments to understand Dionysius I and Archimedes’ thoughts where the integration of people and environment forms the basis of the close iterative connection among nature, artifice and landscape. The research takes this direction implementing innovative technological systems trying to go beyond in order to achieve virtual reconstruction processes, even if partial, of the fortress. Survey, thus, can be applied as an instrument for the knowledge of historical heritage which once converted into digital heritage is a support for the reconstruction of lost ancient scenarios. Actually, the implementation of innovative systems allows an easy-to-use data viewing which supports the interpretive phase, the archiving, consultation and dissemination of survey products. In particular, the survey of the fortress with integrated methodologies (both instrumental and photogrammetric) provides not only a fundamental basis for the documentation of the fortress conditions but also provides a basis for the collection of reconstructive hypotheses formulated by researchers who have been involved with the structure so far. Interactions among archaeology, history, geomorphology and technology make history and a past renowned glory come alive with the common spirit of coming up to a strong synergy between the past and the future destiny of the place.Valenti, R.; Giuliano, S.; Paternò, E. (2020). Una rappresentazione digitale del castello Eurialo per l’indagine storico-interpretativa. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 487-494. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2020.2020.11526OCS48749

    Angiotensin II receptor blockers and myocardial infarction: an updated analysis of randomized clinical trials

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of treatments based on angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) on the risk of myocardial infarction (MI), cardiovascular and all-cause death, as compared with conventional treatment or placebo. METHODS: We performed a meta-analysis of all available major international, randomized clinical trials (20 trials, n = 108 909 patients, mean age 66.5 +/- 4.1 years), published by 31 August 2008, comparing ARBs with other drugs or conventional therapies (placebo) and reporting MI incidence. RESULTS: During a mean follow-up of 3.3 +/- 1.1 years, a total of 2374/53 208 and 2354/53 153 cases of MI were recorded in ARB-based groups and in comparator arms, respectively [odds ratio (OR) 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.008 (0.950-1.069)]. Risks of MI were not different when tested in different clinical conditions, including hypertension, high cardiovascular risk, stroke, coronary disease, renal disease and heart failure. No significant differences in the risk of MI between treatment with ARBs versus placebo [OR 95% CI 0.944 (0.841-1.060)], beta-blockers and diuretics [OR 95% CI 0.970 (0.804-1.170)], calcium channel blockers [OR 95% CI 1.112 (0.971-1.272)], or angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors [OR 95% CI 1.008 (0.926-1.099)] were observed. Analysis of trials comparing combination therapy based on ARBs plus ACE inhibitors versus active treatments or placebo showed equivalent MI risk [OR 95% CI 0.996 (0.896-1.107)]. CONCLUSION: The present meta-analysis indicates that the risk of MI is comparable with use of ARBs and other antihypertensive drugs in a wide range of clinical conditions


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    L'articolo presenta alcuni risultati preliminari derivanti dal primo esperimento di liquefazione indotta tramite blast test realizzato in Italia, presso Mirabello (FE), comune fortemente colpito da fenomeni di liquefazione durante la sequenza sismica verificatasi in Emilia-Romagna nel 2012. In particolare diverse indagini in sito con tecniche invasive e non invasive sono state eseguite prima e dopo le detonazioni per confrontare la variazione dei parametri geotecnici e geofisici nel tempo

    Craxi e le Br, González e l’Eta: due strategie di comunicazione a confronto

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    L’obiettivo di questo articolo é confrontare due strategie comunicative – e, in termini più generali, politiche – diverse applicate contro il terrorismo: da un lato la politica di Bettino Craxi – segretario del Psi dal 1976 al 1992 e Presidente del Consiglio italiano dal 1983 al 1987 – contro le Brigate Rosse e, dall’altro, la strategia che usò Felipe González – segretario generale del Psoe dall’ottobre del 1974 fino al 1996 e Presidente del Governo dal 1982 fino al 1996 – nella sua lotta contro il terrorismo basco di Eta. I due terrorismi – come puntualizzeremo – sono radicalmente distinti, ma qui ci focalizzeremo solo sulle strategie utilizzate per affrontarli e sconfiggerli. Le due strategie risultano altrettanto radicalmente distinte, anche se i due leader qui presi in considerazione partivano da una ideologia comune. Sotto il profilo metodologico, verranno utilizzate testimonianze e stralci di discorsi, che saranno funzionali a organizzare una narrazione che metterà in risalto le differenze. Il registro descrittivo risulterà utile proprio al raggiungimento di tale obiettivo, nell’ambito di un approccio sociologico al fenomeno attraverso la prospettiva storico-sociale

    Pseudo-Planar Organic Heterojunctions by Sequential Printing of Quasi-Miscible Inks

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    This work deals with the interfacial mixing mechanism of picoliter (pL)-scale droplets produced by sequential inkjet printing of organic-based inks onto ITO/PET surfaces at a moderately high Weber number (~101). Differently from solution dispensing processes at a high Bond number such as spin coating, the deposition by inkjet printing is strictly controlled by droplet velocity, ink viscosity, and surface tension. In particular, this study considers the interfacial mixing of droplets containing the most investigated donor/acceptor couple for organic solar cells, i.e., poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and (6,6)-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM), showing how low-viscosity and low-surface energy inks can be leveraged for the fabrication of an interface suitable for a pseudo-planar heterojunction (pseudo-PHJ) organic solar cell (OSC) that is a convenient alternative to a bulk heterojunction (BHJ) OSC. The resulting thin-film morphology and molecular organization at the P3HT/PCBM interface are investigated, highlighting the roles of dissolution-driven molecular recirculation. This report represents a first step toward the sequential inkjet printing fabrication of pseudo-PHJ OSCs at low consumption of solvents/chemicals


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    L’articolo presenta alcuni risultati preliminari derivanti dal primo esperimento di liquefazione indotta tramite blast test realizzato in Italia, presso Mirabello (FE), comune fortemente colpito da fenomeni di liquefazione durante la sequenza sismica verificatasi in Emilia-Romagna nel 2012. In particolare diverse indagini in sito con tecniche invasive e non invasive sono state eseguite prima e dopo le detonazioni per confrontare la variazione dei parametri geotecnici e geofisici nel tempo
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