13 research outputs found

    Risk Reduction Methods for Managing the Development of Regional Electric Power Industry

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    The development of the regional electric power industry has come to the forefront due to the changing scale, quality, and configuration of electric power infrastructure, and the spread of distributed generation. This gives rise to more stringent requirements regarding the reliability, safety, and environmental impact of electric power supply. This article aims to justify a package of methods that make it possible to identify and minimize investment, production, financial, and environmental risks in order to ensure sustainable development of the regional electric power industry that performs anti-crisis functions, and of individual energy companies. The key method to be employed is integrated resource planning (IRP). As a part of the method, energy conservation, renewable energy sources, and combined heat and power production are considered as equally valid ways of meeting future demand. The authors have designed a methodology for taking into account uncertainty and risk when implementing IRP. The methodology includes analysis of scenarios and decision making processes by calculating past and projected values of profit indicators. When conducting the environmental and economic assessment of an investment project in the electric power industry, the authors suggest using an aggregate indicator of environmental and economic effectiveness that is calculated on the basis of a combination of locally significant positive and negative environmental and economic impacts of the project. The authors formulate conceptual provisions that serve as the foundation for a promising model of the regional electric power industry and which contain recommendations for managing the development of the industry while minimizing organizational, market, and technological risks

    New Business Models in the Energy Sector in the Context of Revolutionary Transformations

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    The relevance of the problem of improving business models in the energy industry has become especially acute in recent years due to the energy transition, the emergence of new energy production and consumption technologies, and the increase in environmental requirements for energy companies’ performance. The purpose of the study is to form recommendations for creating business models in energy companies that meet modern realities and ensure the sustainable development of the energy business in an environment that is characterized by increased uncertainty and aggressive competition. Based on the analysis of scientific publications and the systematization of industry cases, it is proved that business models in the energy sector are likely to transform in the following three aspects: implementation of green technologies as a response to the public demand for clean energy; spatial organization of production based on platforms and digital tools; and active implementation of customized knowledge-intensive services. This article discusses the development of the social investment concept, the key factors affecting its implementation in the energy sector and related industries, and its risks and limitations in the times of energy crises. It is justified that new business models require changes in energy market infrastructure and strategic management principles. In this regard, the authors developed recommendations for the adaptation of the wholesale and retail electricity and power market to the structural, technological, and economic transformations in the energy production and consumption areas. The main advantages, barriers, and ideas for the effective implementation of innovative business models in energy companies are verified through an expert survey

    Energy Transition Manifesto: A Contribution towards the Discourse on the Specifics Amid Energy Crisis

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    The article seeks to describe a more realistic approach to the transition to a carbon-neutral energy model in the current period of economic and geopolitical turbulence, with the high volatility of energy prices, and the disruption of geopolitical and logistic ties, and puts forward a set of fundamental principles for the energy transition. The hypothesis tested is that the development of low-carbon energy is based on the structural-technological diversification of production methods and rationalization of energy consumption through expanded electrification and application of energy demand-side management programs. The analysis of the main approaches to the energy transition across the world shows that many countries now prioritize renewable energy sources, even though, despite their obvious environmental benefits, they are less reliable due to their intermittent nature. The proposed principles of the energy transition draw from a more flexible, compromise approach that implies an optimal balance of mutually reinforcing centralized and distributed technologies of energy generation and their characteristics. The key provisions of the manifesto were verified by means of theoretical generalization and graphical interpretation of data from a number of analytical reports of international energy agencies and the results of an expert opinion survey. The survey was conducted among leading Russian experts from energy companies, who had relevant experience of developing innovation projects in this sphere, and university researchers. Most of them subscribe to the view that, despite the economic downturn, it would be unfeasible to curtail energy transition programs at this point, and even more so, it is important to continue local modernization projects. The results of the study could have a practical application when planning structural, organizational, and market transformations aimed at achieving the objectives of energy transition amid growing uncertainty, including the expansion of the structure of generating capacities in regional energy systems and the active use of low-carbon technologies in the energy sector and related industries

    Концептуальное представление энергетического перехода в электроэнергетике региона в новых реалиях

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    Энергетический переход является проблемой мирового значения, от решения которой зависят экологическая и энергетическая безопасность, устойчивое развитие экономики, благополучие общества. Однако его осуществление в регионах имеет существенные особенности, что определяет потребность в специальных методиках, учитывающих многочисленные местные факторы, внешние угрозы и риски. Целью исследования является разработка концептуального видения реализации энергетического перехода на региональном уровне в условиях кризиса, трансформации экономических и логистических связей, изменений в социально-экономической и научно-технической архитектуре мироустройства. Гипотеза авторов заключается в предположении о необходимости применения при энергопереходе компенсационного метода, обеспечивающего равноценность экологических, экономических и технических результатов. На основе систематизации экспертных мнений по проблемам энергоперехода в зарубежных и российских публикациях, индексируемых в базах SCOPUS, Science Direct, MDPI, WIT Press, аналитических отчетах международных энергетических агентств и консалтинговых компаний выявлено, что предпочтительной формой организации региональной электроэнергетики является гибкая модель, сочетающая системный и региональный контуры и предполагающая сооружение энергоустановок в широком диапазоне генерирующих мощностей. Уточнены объекты энергоперехода — объединенная электроэнергетическая система и генерирующие установки децентрализованного электроснабжения. Предложена рациональная последовательность процессов энергетического перехода, начинающаяся с относительно малозатратных мероприятий по управлению спросом на энергию и оканчивающаяся более масштабными преобразованиями, включающими реконструкцию угольных тепловых электростанций и создание генерирующих комплексов, работающих на возобновляемых источниках энергии. Разработана идеальная модель электроэнергетики региона, выполняющая функцию эталонного прообраза энергосистемы как стратегического ориентира при осуществлении энергетического перехода, определены ее нормативные условия и допущения. Обсуждены возможные сценарии и этапы реализации энергетического перехода. Результаты статьи представляют практический интерес для органов управления и отраслевого регулирования, энергокомпаний, крупных электроемких потребителей при планировании структурных, организационных и рыночных преобразований в региональной энергетике с учетом неопределенности контекста

    Diversification as a Method of Ensuring the Sustainability of Energy Supply within the Energy Transition

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    This article presents a structured approach to the implementation of diversification in the energy sector during the energy transition, accompanied by crisis phenomena in the economy. On the basis of the study of the unique features of the electric power industry, it is proved that diversification is an effective tool ensuring sustainable operation and development in the course of transformation. The specific directions of diversification to achieve technical, environmental and economic results are considered. The authors demonstrate that diversification can manifest itself in different forms: as a way to implement a systematic approach to energy transition management, as a complex set of organizational and technical changes in the electric power industry, and as an institutional mechanism to support innovations. Tools for managing diversification during the energy transition have been identified. In particular, the experience of implementing systems of integrated planning of energy resources is systematized, representing a set of legal and economic procedures that contribute to minimizing public costs for energy services to consumers. The key provisions of the structural maneuver have been formulated. These include specific directions of diversification, consisting of a certain increase in the specific market share of thermal power plants, in the structure of generation capacities of renewable energy sources in order to compensate for their increased production costs, and nuclear power plants under advanced development. The advantages and limitations of the developed principles of diversification in the context of the global energy crisis are discussed

    Interdisciplinary approach to formation of managers’ competences for innovative economy

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    Innovative economic development requires principally updated approach to the process of managers training, taking into account the increase in the complexity and scale of the problems that must be addressed to managers. The purpose of the work is to improve the methodological approach to the formation of the manager’s competence in the innovative economy. The paper analyzes the existing problems of managers’ education, the new paradigm of the educational process is substantiated. The need to strengthen the learning process in a multidisciplinary approach and the technical and economic training is shown. The model of manager professionalism representing interdisciplinary complex interdependent competencies is proved. Experimental testing of methods and technologies of an interdisciplinary approach to managers’ training in the organizational form of a research and educational center (REC «INZHEK», Ural Federal University) is demonstrated. Implementation of the results obtained by the authors will mainstream managers’ training in the context of real-world problems of industries modernization

    Risk Reduction Methods for Managing the Development of Regional Electric Power Industry

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    The development of the regional electric power industry has come to the forefront due to the changing scale, quality, and configuration of electric power infrastructure, and the spread of distributed generation. This gives rise to more stringent requirements regarding the reliability, safety, and environmental impact of electric power supply. This article aims to justify a package of methods that make it possible to identify and minimize investment, production, financial, and environmental risks in order to ensure sustainable development of the regional electric power industry that performs anti-crisis functions, and of individual energy companies. The key method to be employed is integrated resource planning (IRP). As a part of the method, energy conservation, renewable energy sources, and combined heat and power production are considered as equally valid ways of meeting future demand. The authors have designed a methodology for taking into account uncertainty and risk when implementing IRP. The methodology includes analysis of scenarios and decision making processes by calculating past and projected values of profit indicators. When conducting the environmental and economic assessment of an investment project in the electric power industry, the authors suggest using an aggregate indicator of environmental and economic effectiveness that is calculated on the basis of a combination of locally significant positive and negative environmental and economic impacts of the project. The authors formulate conceptual provisions that serve as the foundation for a promising model of the regional electric power industry and which contain recommendations for managing the development of the industry while minimizing organizational, market, and technological risks