63 research outputs found

    Satire and Stoicism: Pieter Bruegel the Elder\u27s Triumph of Death

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    In Bruegel and the Creative Process, 1559 – 1563, Margaret Sullivan explains how the religious and political disorder of the Reformation in the Netherlands influenced Pieter Bruegel’s most original works, including The Triumph of Death. During this period, Bruegel combined classical elements and vernacular traditions. As a result of this process, he was able to depict similar imagery to his contemporaries, yet convey a vastly different concept. In a review, Todd Richardson argued that her claim relied heavily on classical literary sources with inadequate visual evidence in the work itself, and her correlations to antiquity rely solely on the motif of death. In his study, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, Richardson built an analogous argument about Bruegel’s integration, but through the “analysis of the visual grammar”. This study uses both methods to argue that in his deliberate manipulations of the memento mori tradition, Bruegel adapted classical satire and stoic philosophy into a palatable form for the 16th century. In his Triumph of Death, vernacular images of death are visually dominant. Yet, it is the classical tradition of satire that allowed Bruegel to act as a neutral observer and critic of the contemporary violence. Bruegel presented a stoic’s view of the apocalypse in which death, satire’s ultimate weapon, overcomes mankind

    Distanslärare och distanslärande - En antologi

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    MalDA, Accelerating Malaria Drug Discovery

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    © 2021 The Authors The Malaria Drug Accelerator (MalDA) is a consortium of 15 leading scientific laboratories. The aim of MalDA is to improve and accelerate the early antimalarial drug discovery process by identifying new, essential, druggable targets. In addition, it seeks to produce early lead inhibitors that may be advanced into drug candidates suitable for preclinical development and subsequent clinical testing in humans. By sharing resources, including expertise, knowledge, materials, and reagents, the consortium strives to eliminate the structural barriers often encountered in the drug discovery process. Here we discuss the mission of the consortium and its scientific achievements, including the identification of new chemically and biologically validated targets, as well as future scientific directions

    Att stå vid spisen och föda barn : om hushållsarbete som kvinnoarbete

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    This thesis examines the complex problems concerning woman's "hidden labor" in the home and woman's role as "crypto-servant". These expressions illustrate housework as a production alloted no economic value. They also illustrate woman's acceptance of the responsibility of that labor and - more or less unconsciously - a subordinate role,a social position without societal influence. The theoretical points of departure take economical as well as social factors into consideration. The principles of Scientific (Home) Management, Home Economic theories and theories of gender division of labor are presented, and various combinations of principles of rationality - economical/technical,social - and concepts of gender are discussed. Housework - the daily labor with food,cleaning and wash - has changed drastically during the last hundred years. The bourgeois culture has influenced its values and modern industrial society has formed its conditions. The phases in this change are outlined and describe woman's work, from the demanding household production of the late 19:th century, to the elaborate home-making and the professional housewife of the early 20:th century, and the rational and scientific housework of the modern industrial society . The description ends with an empirical study of the conditions of housework and housewifes of today. Women as relatively economically independent individuals are a recent phenomenon. As yet we can see no tangible changes in the gender division of labor. Women still remains with one foot in the household work and this prevents their participation on equal terms in the labor market. This is creating a conflict between the demands of production and the demands of reproduction, a conflict previously shouldered by women alone but now spreading outward, in the home and in the society, as a result of ongoing economic changes. The analysis of values and conditions is based upon a study of relevant literature, parliament protocols,public investigations and official statistics. The conditions of housewifes of today have been studied through surveys and interviews in northern Swedish households from 1976 to 1981.digitalisering@um

    Vilka frågor ställer elever och vilka elever ställer frågor : En studie av elevers frågor i naturorienterande ämnen i och utanför klassrummet

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate some of the conditions for teaching based on questions asked by the students. Special attention is given to the possibilities inherent in students' questions and to the limitations in the classroom. Two classes in each of the grades 3, 6 and 9 in six different schools were visited and the teaching was tape-recorded and observed. Complete descriptions of the lessons could be written down on the basis of these recordings and the observer's notes. 1024 questions that students asked were extracted and analysed on the basis of these descriptions. It appeared that boys asked almost twice as many questions as girls in almost all categories of questions with the exception of questions that the teacher invited the students to ask, orally or in writing, at the beginning of a new content area. Girls also asked comparatively more questions that opened the perspective by putting things into a wider context. In the visited classes 55 students were randomly selected for interviews. In the interviews the students were told to ask questions about six different objects. Altogether the students produced 1345 questions, girls slightly more than boys. The questions had to be systematized in order to be described in a suitable way. From the systematizing activity both content-oriented themes and cognitive categories emerged. The content-oriented themes were different for different objects, but certain similarities were observed. The themes could be organized along two lines, one stretching from the history or origin through actual appearance to future use and the other from details through appearance to relations to the surroundings. The cognitive categories that were found remained the same for all objects. It is worth emphasizing that the identification and description of the themes and categories of the content of the pupils' questions, within as well as outside the classroom, are to be seen as a main result of this study. Both concerning content-oriented themes and cognitive categories it was found that boys, working class students and students in grade 3 favoured the different categories in much the same way. The same applies to girls, upper middle class students and students in grade 6. In interviews teachers claimed that students were allowed to influence the teaching content by asking questions. Questions were said to be welcomed, noticed and answered. At the same time some of the teachers expressed strong ideas about what the students should know and what was expected of them. The analysis of the teachers' handling of the students' questions clearly demonstrated how teachers used certain strategies in order to adjust the questions to suit their purpose of stressing or repeating things that they considered to be important. All in the interest of being efficient and not wasting time.digitalisering@um

    Mukuloita pirtti täynnä ja uutta pukkaa: Sisällönanalyysi köyhiin lapsiperheisiin kohdistuvista käsityksistä verkkokeskustelussa

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    Tutkielmani Mukuloita pirtti täynnä ja uutta pukkaa – sisällönanalyysi köyhiin lapsiperheisiin kohdistuvista käsityksistä verkkokeskustelussa tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia käsityksiä köyhiin lapsiperheisiin liittyy verkkokeskusteluissa. Tutkielmani tieteenfilosofinen viitekehys on fenomenografia. Ymmärrän tutkielmassani tutkimani käsitykset siten, että ne ovat ajassa eläviä yksittäisen ihmisen käsityksiä yhdestä todellisuudesta. Aineistoni olen kerännyt Vauva-lehden keskustelufoorumilta. Aineistoni käsittää 255 sivua ja 88505 sanaa eri keskusteluita, joissa aiheena on köyhät lapsiperheet. Analyysimenetelmänä käytän laadullista sisällönanalyysia. Analyysin tukena käytän kvantifiointia, eli esitän myös määrällistä tietoa siitä, miten usein eri luokat aineistossa esiintyvät. Tutkimusetiikasta pidän huolen kohtelemalla sekä keskustelijoita että keskustelun kohteena olevia henkilöitä kunnioittavasti ja säilytän aineistoni asianmukaisesti. Tutkielmassani luokittelen köyhyyskäsitykset lapsen oikeuksien näkökulmaan, elämänhallinnan ja kyvyttömyyden näkökulmaan, vastuullisen taloudenpidon näkökulmaan, pienituloisen työssäkäyvän näkökulmaan, nöyrän ja oikean köyhän näkökulmaan, erilaisten lähtökohtien näkökulmaan ja kokemuksen kautta syntyvän ymmärryksen näkökulmaan. Kvantifioinnissa köyhyyden selittäminen yksilöllisen syytöksen kautta nousee ylivoimaisesti yleisimmäksi tavaksi käsittää köyhyyttä. Erityisesti vastuullisen taloudenpidon ja elämänhallinnan ja kyvyttömyyden käsitykset ovat hallitsevia. Toisaalta aineistossani ilmenee myös empatian osoituksia ja koskettavia omakohtaisia köyhyyskokemuksia. Tutkielmassani ilmenee, että vaikka aineisto sisältääkin varsin monipuolisen kattauksen erilaisia käsityksiä lapsiperheiden köyhyydestä, saavat köyhyyttä yksilöllisen syytöksen kautta käsittävät kirjoittajat viesteihinsä eniten positiivisia reaktioita