92 research outputs found


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    O interesse dos dirigentes do Centro Universitário Feevale, na tentativa de preservar os documentos jornalísticos referentes a passagens da Instituição, o qual desde sua fundação, no ano de 1970, estão sendo coletados por alunos do curso de Relações Públicas; somado às aspirações dos professores e alunos do curso de História, que através destes documentos – além de preservá-los, terão a possibilidade de remontar parte da história dos alicerces que estruturaram o que hoje conhecemos como Centro Universitário Feevale –, deram a partida para este projeto. O projeto Memória Institucional surgiu a partir deste interesse e teve início em fevereiro de 2003, com os objetivos de identificar, organizar, catalogar e preservar o material que se encontrava em pastas-arquivo, guardadas em uma sala específica do Campus II, conhecida como arquivo-morto. O material em geral foi encontrado sem maiores cuidados quanto à sua conservação e estava junto a outros documentos da Instituição. O material é composto de clipagens de matérias da imprensa local, relacionadas à história do Centro Universitário Feevale, bem como à educação. A continuidade do mesmo dar-se-á a partir do momento em que for preciso identificar a importância do acervo para a preservação da memória e da história do Centro Universitário Feevale, ao analisar a sua inserção e importância junto à comunidade e ao possibilitar, de maneira informatizada, o acesso da mesma, possibilitando encontrar neste material outras fontes de pesquisa. Palavras-chave: Acervo. Arquivo. Memória. História. Instituição. Imprensa Feevale. ASPEUR


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    O interesse dos dirigentes do Centro Universitário Feevale, na tentativa de preservar os documentos jornalísticos referentes a passagens da Instituição, o qual desde sua fundação, no ano de 1970, estão sendo coletados por alunos do curso de Relações Públicas; somado às aspirações dos professores e alunos do curso de História, que através destes documentos – além de preservá-los, terão a possibilidade de remontar parte da história dos alicerces que estruturaram o que hoje conhecemos como Centro Universitário Feevale –, deram a partida para este projeto. O projeto Memória Institucional surgiu a partir deste interesse e teve início em fevereiro de 2003, com os objetivos de identificar, organizar, catalogar e preservar o material que se encontrava em pastas-arquivo, guardadas em uma sala específica do Campus II, conhecida como arquivo-morto. O material em geral foi encontrado sem maiores cuidados quanto à sua conservação e estava junto a outros documentos da Instituição. O material é composto de clipagens de matérias da imprensa local, relacionadas à história do Centro Universitário Feevale, bem como à educação. A continuidade do mesmo dar-se-á a partir do momento em que for preciso identificar a importância do acervo para a preservação da memória e da história do Centro Universitário Feevale, ao analisar a sua inserção e importância junto à comunidade e ao possibilitar, de maneira informatizada, o acesso da mesma, possibilitando encontrar neste material outras fontes de pesquisa.Palavras-chave: Acervo. Arquivo. Memória. História. Instituição. Imprensa Feevale. ASPEUR

    Memory and language impairments are associated with anxiety disorder severity in childhood

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    Introduction Children with anxiety disorders have been suggested to possess deficits in verbal fluency, shifting and attention, with inconsistent results regarding working memory and its subcomponents. This study extends previous findings by analyzing the performance of children with anxiety disorders in a wide range of neuropsychological functions. Methods We evaluated 54 children with a primary diagnosis of an anxiety disorder according to diagnostic criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5) using subtests of a neuropsychological battery. The severity of anxiety disorders was assessed using the Pediatric Anxiety Rating Scale (PARS). We calculated the frequency of neuropsychological impairments (-1.5 standard deviation of the normative sample). Comparisons between groups were performed based on the severity of anxiety symptoms, as well as in the presence of one vs. more diagnoses of anxiety disorder. Results We found higher impairment in visuospatial working memory (23.1%), semantic memory (27.8%), oral language (35.4%) and word writing (44.4%) in anxious children. Moreover, children with higher anxiety severity presented lower performance in visuospatial working memory, inferential processing, word reading, writing comprehension, copied writing, and semantic verbal fluency (d = 0.49 to 0.96 [Cohen’s d]). The higher the number of anxiety diagnoses, the lower the performance in episodic memory and oral and written language (d = 0.56 to 0.77). Conclusion Our data suggested the presence of memory (visuospatial working memory and semantic memory) and language deficits (oral and writing) in some children with an anxiety disorder. Severity and number of anxiety diagnoses were associated with lower performance in memory and language domains in childhood

    The Association of Field Test Outcomes with Peak Oxygen Uptake in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis: A Systematic Review

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(3): 1381-1394, 2022. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the association of field test outcomes with peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and to describe the main prediction equations available. Data searches were performed in five databases (Pubmed, Embase, LILACs, Scopus and Web of Science) and also in the reference lists of articles included. The following inclusion criteria were used: studies including individuals with CF, presenting both a field test and a cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET), and describing a predictive equation or coefficient of correlation/determination. Case studies, abstracts, letters of reply, editorials and duplicate publications were excluded. The methodological quality analysis was performed using the JBI Critical Appraisal Checklist for Analytical Cross-Sectional Studies scale. Protocol registration number: CRD42020148363. Ten studies were eligible. Five equations were found to predict VO2peak. Equations derived from the shuttle tests (ST) showed strong correlations with VO2peak (r = 0.79 to 0.95). The six-minute walk test (6MWT) showed moderate associations with VO2peak in participants with moderate disease severity (r = 0.53 to 0.65). Furthermore, patients with lower maximum heart rate on the three-minute step test tended to have a higher percent predicted VO2peak (r = -0.40), and the one-minute sit-to-stand test demonstrated moderate correlations between VO2peak and the number of repetitions (r = 0.52 to 0.66). In conclusion, field test outcomes correlate with oxygen consumption assessed through CPET, although only the ST seems to be valid as a predictor of VO2peak in patients with CF

    Desempenho em tarefas de atenção, memória, habilidades visuoconstrutivas e funções executivas em adolescentes com transtornos de ansiedade : um estudo comunitário caso-controle

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to assess children and adolescents with mild and severe anxiety disorders for their performance in attention, verbal episodic memory, working memory, visuoconstructive skills, executive functions, and cognitive global functioning and conduct comparative analyses with the performance of children free from anxiety disorders. Methods: Our sample comprised 68 children and adolescents aged 10 to 17 years (41 with current diagnoses of anxiety disorders and 27 controls) selected from a larger cross-sectional community sample of adolescents. Children and adolescents with anxiety disorders were categorized into two groups on the basis of anxiety severity (mild or severe). All participants underwent a neuropsychological assessment battery to evaluate attention, verbal episodic memory, working memory, visuoconstructive skills, and executive and cognitive functions. Results: No differences were found in any neuropsychological tests, with the single exception that the group with mild anxiety had better performance on the Digit Span backward test compared to subjects with severe anxiety and to controls (p = 0.041; η2 = 0.11). Conclusions: Not only might anxiety disorders spare main cognitive functions during adolescence, they may even enhance certain working memory processes.Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou avaliar crianças e adolescentes com transtornos de ansiedade leve e moderada nas funções neuropsicológicas de atenção, memória episódica verbal, memória de trabalho, habilidades visuoconstrutivas, funções executivas e cognição global, comparando o seu desempenho ao de crianças com desenvolvimento típico. Métodos: Participaram do estudo 68 crianças e adolescentes com idade de 10 a 17 anos (41 com diagnósticos clínicos atuais de transtornos de ansiedade e 27 controles), selecionados de uma amostra transversal mais ampla de adolescentes da comunidade. Os adolescentes com diagnóstico foram divididos ainda em dois grupos com base na gravidade dos transtornos (leve ou moderado). Todos os participantes realizaram uma avaliação neuropsicológica individual das funções de atenção, memória episódica verbal, memória de trabalho, habilidades visuoconstrutivas, funções executivas e cognição global. Resultados: Nenhum dos testes neuropsicológicas demonstrou diferenças significativas, sendo a única exceção a tarefa de span de dígitos ordem inversa, na qual o grupo com ansiedade leve apresentou desempenho superior ao do grupo com ansiedade moderada e também ao dos controles (p = 0.041; η2 = 0.11). Conclusão: Os resultados sugerem que não só os transtornos de ansiedade podem preservar as principais funções cognitivas durante a adolescência, mas que podem até melhorar certos processos de memória de trabalho

    Acinetobacter baumannii : epidemiological and beta-lactamase data from two tertiary academic hospitals in Tshwane, South Africa

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    Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic pathogen that is increasingly responsible for hospital-acquired infections. The increasing prevalence of carbapenem resistant A. baumannii has left clinicians with limited treatment options. Last line antimicrobials (i.e., polymyxins and glycylcyclines) are often used as treatment options. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of selected b-lactamase genes from A. baumannii isolates obtained from patients with hospital-acquired infections and to determine the genetic relationship and epidemiological profiles among clinical A. baumannii isolates collected from two tertiary academic hospitals in the Tshwane region, South Africa (SA). Multiplex-PCR (M-PCR) assays were performed to detect selected resistance genes. The collected isolates’ genetic relatedness was determined by using pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The acquired oxacillinase (OXA) genes, notably blaOXA-23-like were prevalent in the A. baumannii isolates. The M-PCR assays showed that the isolates collected from hospital A contained the OXA-23-like (96%; n = 69/72) genes and the isolates collected from hospital B contained the OXA-23-like (91%; n = 63/69) and OXA-58-like (4%; n = 3/69) genes. Colistin resistance was found in 1% of the isolates (n = 2/141) and tigecycline intermediate resistance was found in 6% of the isolates (n = 8/141). The A. baumannii isolates were genetically diverse. Molecular epidemiological data showed that specific sequence types (STs) (ST106, ST229, ST258 and ST208) were established in both hospitals, while ST848 was established in hospital A and ST502, ST339 and the novel ST1552 were established in hospital B. ST848 (established in hospital A) was predominately detected in ICU wards whereas ST208, ST339 and the novel ST1552 (established in hospital B) were detected in ICUs and the general wards. The origin of the A. baumannii isolates in the hospitals may be due to the dissemination and adaptation of a diverse group of successful clones. Poor infection control and prevention strategies and possibly the overuse of antimicrobials contributed to the establishment of these A. baumannii clones in the studied hospitals.ML was supported by a National Research Foundation (NRF) grant.The authors hereby acknowledge the NHLS Research Trust and RESCOM, UP for financial support.http://www.frontiersin.org/Microbiologyam2019Medical Microbiolog

    Copy number profiling of Brazilian astrocytomas

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    Copy number alterations (CNA) are one of the driving mechanisms of glioma tumorigenesis, and are currently used as important biomarkers in the routine setting. Therefore, we performed CNA profiling of 65 astrocytomas of distinct malignant grades (WHO grade I-IV) of Brazilian origin, using array-CGH and microsatellite instability analysis (MSI), and investigated their correlation with TERT and IDH1 mutational status and clinico-pathological features. Furthermore, in silico analysis using the Oncomine database was performed to validate our findings and extend the findings to gene expression level. We found that the number of genomic alterations increases in accordance with glioma grade. In glioblastomas (GBM), the most common alterations were gene amplifications (PDGFRA, KIT, KDR, EGFR, and MET) and deletions (CDKN2A and PTEN). Log-rank analysis correlated EGFR amplification and/or chr7 gain with better survival of the patients. MSI was observed in 11% of GBMs. A total of 69% of GBMs presented TERT mutation, whereas IDH1 mutation was most frequent in diffuse (85.7%) and anaplastic (100%) astrocytomas. The combination of 1p19q deletion and TERT and IDH1 mutational status separated tumor groups that showed distinct age of diagnosis and outcome. In silico validation pointed to less explored genes that may be worthy of future investigation, such as CDK2, DMRTA1, and MTAP. Herein, using an extensive integrated analysis, we indicated potentially important genes, not extensively studied in gliomas, that could be further explored to assess their biological and clinical impact in astrocytomas.This study was partially supported by the Universal/National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) (475358/2011-2 – R.M.R.), São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (2012/19590-0 and 2016/09105-8 – R.M.R.) and the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (PTDC/SAU-ONC/115513/2009-FCMO-01-0124FEDER-015949). L.T.B. was recipient of FAPESP fellowships (2011/ 08523-7 and 2012/08287-4), N.C.C.was recipient of a FAPESP fellowship (2013/25787-3), M.L.S. was recipient of a CNPq/Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC) fellowship (100707/ 2014-9), W.M. was recipient of FAPESP (2013/15515-6) and Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)/ Programa de Suporte à Pós-Graduação de Instituições de Ensino Particulares (Prosup) fellowships, and M.V.P. was a Postdoctoral research fellow under the FCT project PTDC/SAU-ONC/115513/2009. R.M.R. has a CNPq scholarship. C.J. and A.M. acknowledge National Health Service funding to the National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre at The Royal Marsden and the Institute of Cancer Research.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular profiling of a rare rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor arising in the spinal cord

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    Rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT) of the IV ventricle is a rare and recently recognized brain tumor entity. It is histologically composed by two distinct features: a glial component, resembling pilocytic astrocytoma, and a component forming neurocytic rosettes and/or perivascular rosettes. Herein, we describe a 33-year-old man with RGNT arising in the spinal cord. Following an immunohistochemistry validation, we further performed an extensive genomic analysis, using array-CGH (aCGH), whole exome and cancer-related hotspot sequencing, in order to better understand its underlying biology. We observed the loss of 1p and gain of 1q, as well as gain of the whole chromosomes 7, 9 and 16. Local amplifications in 9q34.2 and 19p13.3 (encompassing the gene SBNO2) were identified. Moreover, we observed focal gains/losses in several chromosomes. Additionally, on chromosome 7, we identified the presence of the KIAA1549:BRAF gene fusion, which was further validated by RT-PCR and FISH. Across all mutational analyses, we detected and validated the somatic mutations of the genes MLL2, CNNM3, PCDHGC4 and SCN1A. Our comprehensive molecular profiling of this RGNT suggests that MAPK pathway and methylome changes, driven by KIAA1549:BRAF fusion and MLL2 mutation, respectively, could be associated with the development of this rare tumor entity.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico [475358/2011-2] to RMR (www.cnpq.br); Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo [2012/19590-0] to RMR and [2011/08523-7 and 2012/08287-4] to LTB (www.fapesp.br); the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [PTDC/SAU-ONC/115513/2009] to RMR; and the National Cancer Institute [P30CA046934] to MG

    Etiologia, fatores de risco e particularidades do Câncer de pênis na região nordeste do Brasil: Etiology, risk factors and penile Cancer particularities of northeastern Brazil

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    O câncer de pênis é uma patologia que, apesar de rara, resulta em profundos impactos emocionais e físicos no paciente. Ademais, a incidência na região Nordeste do Brasil é elevada, especialmente no estado do Maranhão, cuja incidência é a mais alta no contexto global. Nesse sentido, considerando o exposto, esse trabalho objetiva a revisão integrativa dos fatores de risco e da etiologia do câncer de pênis e destaca as particularidades de estados da região brasileira nordestina. Para tal, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados PubMed e BVS no intervalo temporal de 2000 a 2020, usando os seguintes descritores na língua inglesa: “etiology”, “risk factors”, “penis”, “cancer”, “Brazil” e “Maranhao”. Como resultados, foram selecionados 20 artigos para compor a discussão do tema e fatores de risco do câncer de pênis foram identificados como os mais proeminentes e destacados nos estudos. Como exemplo, pode-se citar a ausência de circuncisão, hábitos inadequados de higiene, fatores socioeconômicos, fimose, condições inflamatórias (líquen escleroso e atrófico e balanite), infecção por papilomavírus humano e hábito de fumar. Dessa forma, foram detalhados cada um desses tópicos visando o futuro delineamento de políticas públicas pelos governantes brasileiros no enfrentamento do câncer de pênis no Brasil, em especial, na região Nordeste brasileira. Assim, espera-se que futuramente hajam menos casos dessa enfermidade no país e melhoria da perspectiva de saúde dos brasileiros