654 research outputs found

    We must overcome our atomization to beat back neoliberal fascism / Debemos superar la atomización para deshacernos del fascismo neoliberal

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    The work focuses on education, social atomization and the terror of political authoritarianism and neoliberal fascism. Two different political tremors that shake the world these days are analyzed: on the one hand, the spread of resistance to the emerging neo-fascism; and on the other, a new emergence in massive forms of collective resistance against neoliberalism. The question lies about how education gives rise to ways of selftraining that can allow people to resist fascist and neoliberal mentalities. Pedagogy, as a resistance tool, opens a space for translation, criticism and resistance. This is particularly crucial in the face of atomization that isolates individuals and fosters a sense of helplessness by stating that the existing order cannot be changed. In order to dismantle these regimes, we must also find a way to break the atomization patterns that make them possible. Without hope there is no possibility of resistance, dissent and struggle. Organization is a condition for struggle, and hope is s condition for organization. Hope expands the space of the possible andbecomes a way to recognize and name the incomplete nature of the present.The work focuses on education, social atomization and the terror of political authoritarianism and neoliberal  fascism. Two different political tremors that shake the world these days are analyzed: on the one hand, the spread of resistance to the emerging neo-fascism; and on the other, a new emergence in massive forms of collective resistance against neoliberalism. The question lies about how education gives rise to ways of selftraining that can allow people to resist fascist and neoliberal mentalities. Pedagogy, as a resistance tool, opens a space for translation, criticism and resistance. This is particularly crucial in the face of atomization that isolates individuals and fosters a sense of helplessness by stating that the existing order cannot be changed. In order to dismantle these regimes, we must also find a way to break the atomization patterns that make them possible. Without hope there is no possibility of resistance, dissent and struggle. Organization is a condition for struggle, and hope is s condition for organization. Hope expands the space of the possible andbecomes a way to recognize and name the incomplete nature of the present

    Para uma pedagogia da esperança educada sob o capitalismo de casino

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    The purpose of this reflection paper is to analyze education and critical thinking as fundamental strategies for the consolidation of radical democracy. Social and political change, together with educated hope, are proposed as the main pillars to allow the construction of a non-authoritarian future. It is argued that critical pedagogy is the possibility for education to be recognized as a civic commitment that favors civic literacy, as well as the capacity for agency, action and change that allows for inclusion and social responsibility. Finally, it is affirmed that democracy becomes deficient when pedagogy is not the center of politics and that informed hope is the possibility of facing the obstacles and concrete realities of domination.La educación y el pensamiento crítico como estrategias fundamentales para consolidación de la democracia radical son el objeto de análisis del este artículo de reflexión. El cambio social y político junto a la esperanza educada se proponen como los ejes que permitirían construir un futuro no autoritario. Se argumenta que la pedagogía crítica es la posibilidad para que la educación se reconozca como un compromiso cívico que favorece la alfabetización cívica, así como la capacidad de agencia, acción y cambio que permite la inclusión y responsabilidad social. Finalmente, se afirma que la democracia se empobrece cuando la pedagogía no es el centro de la política y que la esperanza informada es la posibilidad de enfrentar los obstáculos y las realidades concretas de dominación.A educação e o pensamento crítico como estratégias fundamentais na consolidação da democracia radical são o objeto de análises desse artigo de reflexão. O cambio social e político junto à esperança educada se propõem como eixos que permitiríam construir um futuro não autoritário. Argumenta- se que a pedagogia crítica é a possibilidade para que a educação se reconheça como um compromisso cívico que favorece a alfabetização cívica, assim como a capacidade de agência, ação e mudança que permite a inclusão e responsabilidade social. Finalmente, afirma-se que a democracia empobrece-se quando a pedagogia não é o centro da política e que a esperança informada é a possibilidade de enfrentar os obstáculos e as realidades concretas de dominação

    Democracy in Crisis, the Specter of Authoritarianism, and the Future of Higher Education

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    As the forces of neoliberalism gain ascendency in the United States, democratic public spheres must confront a growing crisis—one that impacts subjectivity as much as the material conditions in which most people must now struggle to survive. Politics has become an extension of war as a range of groups are now considered disposable, including immigrants, low-income and poor ethnic minority youth, the elderly, the unemployed, the homeless, and people of color. Higher education is an important sphere that has historically supported a democratic public culture by infusing students with moral and political agency, critical thinking, and public values. But higher education, like American popular culture, is now in the grip of state-supported corporate power that seeks to reproduce and reward an orientation to the world infused with authoritarian ideas, practices, and principles. While facing widespread demoralization, higher education must be vigorously defended against corporatization because it is one of the few public spheres left that offers a space for critical dialogue, exchange, and dissent. Indeed, if American democracy is to have a future, all the various pedagogical apparatuses available in the larger culture must be embraced and transformed in order to support critical thinking, public intellectuals, and a public culture capable of exerting a formative educational influence in favor of democratic freedom, justice, and equality

    Pedagogias de perturbação e desafio da justiça social sob regimes do neoliberalismo

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    El neoliberalismo en el que nos encontramos actualmente es la última etapa del capitalismo, la más despiadada, y se caracteriza por una crisis económica, social y democrática latente. Las sociedades actuales, viven en una guerra constante, donde el racismo, la globalización y las injusticias sociales son las protagonistas indiscutibles de nuestros días. Frente a esta situación, la educación tiene el poder de luchar contra esta realidad. Es importante ser conscientes del fundamental papel político que tiene la educación, ya que moldea la forma en que los futuros ciudadanos piensan, desean y actúan. La educación tiene en sus manos la creación de intelectuales que luchen contra la opresión y puedan ser agentes de cambio social. La educación superior es, por ello, una de las pocas esferas públicas que tienen la posibilidad de mantener una cultura democrática real y cambiar así el rumbo de la historiaNowadays we find ourselves in a socio-political situation called neoliberalism, the last stage of capitalism, the most ruthless, and is characterized by a latent economic, social and democratic crisis. Modern societies are living in a constant war where racism, globalization and social injustice are the undisputed protagonists of today. Faced with this situation, education has the power to fight against this reality. It is important to be aware of the fundamental political role of education, considering that shapes the way in which future citizens think, wish and act. Education has in his hands the power of create intellectuals who fight against oppression and to be agents of social change. Higher education is therefore one of the few public spheres that has the ability to have a real democratic culture and thus change the course of historyO neoliberalismo em que nos encontramos atualmente é o último estágio do capitalismo, o mais cruel, e é caracterizado por uma crise econômica, social e democrático latente. As sociedades modernas, que vivem em uma guerra constante, onde o racismo, a globalização e injustiça social são as estrelas indiscutíveis de hoje. Perante esta situação, a educação tem o poder de lutar contra esta realidade. É importante estar ciente do papel político fundamental da educação, e que molda a forma pela qual os futuros cidadãos pensam, querem e agem. A educação tem em suas mãos a criação de intelectuais que lutam contra a opressão e ser agentes de mudança social. O ensino superior é, portanto, uma das poucas esferas públicas que têm a capacidade de ter uma cultura democrática real e, assim, mudar o curso da históri

    Mudando o roteiro: Repensando a resistência da classe operária

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    La importancia de un cambio de cultura de la propia clase obrera es uno de los ejes fundamentales de este artículo. Repasa las relaciones entre los estereotipos y normas de las clases dominantes y en qué medida estas afectan a la propia percepción de los más desfavorecidos. Desenmascara cómo el poder ejerce el control de la sociedad. Asimismo analiza la hipocresía de los poderes políticos, económicos y sociales. Evidencia su doble lenguaje frente a las guerras, la delincuencia y otras tantas injusticias sociales. Pero también visibiliza el comportamiento del capitalismo neoliberal y sus estructuras económicas que perpetúan y agrandan la brecha. Reconoce el adormecimiento de la sociedad norteamericana y su falta de contestación ante las injusticias. La cultura, la democracia y la educación son las que deben contribuir a actuar contra una represión generalizada y cambiando a los ciudadanos políticamente ingenuos. En definitiva, alienta a la clase obrera a unirse y a repensarse a sí misma cambiando la historia a corto y largo plazoThe significance of a culture change in the working class itself is one of the cornerstones of this article. It reviews the relations between stereotypes and norms of the dominant classes and describes to what extent they affect the perception of the poor’s it selves. Exposes how power has control of society. It also discusses the hypocrisy of the political, economic and social powers. Its shows the dual language against wars, crime and many other social injustices. But also makes visible the behaviour of neoliberal capitalism and economic structures that perpetuate massive gap. Recognizes the numbness of American society and its lack of response to injustice. Culture, Democracy and Education contribute to act against widespread repression and changing the politically naive citizens. In short, it encourages the workiA importância de uma mudança de cultura da própria classe operária é um dos eixos fundamentais deste artigo. Repassa as relações entre os estereótipos e as normas das classes dominantes e em que medida estas afetam à própria percepção dos mais desfavorecidos. Desmascara como o poder exerce o controle sobre a sociedade. Também analisa a hipocrisia dos poderes políticos, econômicos e sociais. Evidência sua dupla linguagem frente às guerras, a delinquência e às outras tantas injustiças sociais. Mas também evidencia o comportamento do capitalismo neoliberal e suas estruturas econômicas, que perpetuam e ampliam a brecha. Reconhece o adormecimento da sociedade norte-americana e sua falta de resposta às injustiças. A cultura, a democracia e a educação devem contribuir para uma atuação contra a repressão generalizada e para a modificação dos cidadãos politicamente ingênuos. Enfim, anima à classe operária a unir-se e a repensar a si mesma, mudando a história a curto e médio praz

    Introduction to Chapter from The Abandoned Generation written for this issue

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    This article was written at a very dire time in American history. Motivated by both a sense of outrage and hope, it attempted to identify a number of dangerous threats to democracy at home and abroad as well as and to offer a productive series of analyses of how to stop their poisonous effects on all aspects of public and private life. What was not clear to me at the time was the extent to which the horrific acts of September 11, 2001, would be used as a pretext to reinforce not simply the political and economic power of a number of hard-wired ideologues among a conservative, corporate and religious elite, but also to usher in an imperial presidency and administration that shredded civil liberties, lied to the American public to legitimate sending young American troops to Iraq, alienated most of the international community with a blatant exercise of arrogant power, tarnished the highest offices of government with unsavory corporate alliances, used political power to unabashedly pursue legislative polices that favor the rich and punish the poor, and disabled those public spheres not governed by the logic of the market

    A educação como arma de luta: Repensando a revolta de parkland na era da violência em massa

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    This essay attempts to address how the Parkland youth protesters are rewriting the nature of resistance as both an individual and collective effort by creating a new vision of hope and mass struggle. Central to their efforts is an attempt to make education central to politics itself and in doing so they have redefined education as a way of translating personal issues into larger systemic concerns, changing the way people see things, and investing a variety of modes of communication in order to use elements of belief and persuasion as appropriate weapons of struggle. Using new digital technologies and media, these young people are redefining the landscapes of pedagogy and resistance. This paper explores their efforts as a new way to connect politics and education.Este ensayo aborda cómo los jóvenes manifestantes de Parkland están reescribiendo la resistencia como un esfuerzo individual y colectivo, creando una nueva visión de esperanza y lucha de masas. En el centro de sus esfuerzos está el intento de hacer la educación como algo central para la propia política. Al hacerlo, buscan redefinir la educación como una forma de traducir cuestiones personales en preocupaciones sistémicas mayores, cambiando la forma en que las personas ven las cosas e invirtiendo en diversos modos de comunicación, para usar elementos de creencia y persuasión como armas apropiadas de lucha. Por las nuevas tecnologías digitales y medios, estos jóvenes están redefiniendo los paisajes de la pedagogía y la resistencia. Este artículo explora sus esfuerzos como una nueva manera de conectar política y educación.Este ensaio aborda como os jovens manifestantes de Parkland estão reescrevendo a resistência como um esforço individual e coletivo, criando uma nova visão de esperança e luta de massas. No centro de seus esforços está a tentativa de tornar a educação como algo central para a própria política. Ao fazê-lo, buscam redefinir a educação como uma forma de traduzir questões pessoais em preocupações sistêmicas maiores, mudando a forma como as pessoas veem as coisas e investindo em diversos modos de comunicação, de modo a usar elementos de crença e persuasão como armas apropriadas de luta. Pelas novas tecnologias digitais e mídia, esses jovens estão redefinindo as paisagens da pedagogia e da resistência. Este artigo explora seus esforços como uma nova maneira de conectar política e educação

    Higher Education and the Politics of the Radical Imagination

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    In this paper, I address the vital civic principle that democracies cannot exist without informed citizens and that education itself must be about more than training and is essential to creating critical and engaged citizens. Such an understanding is imperative at a time when democracy is under siege all over the globe. As an example of both the rise of authoritarianism and the challenge it poses to higher education, I focus on not only the election and presidency of Donald Trump but also an emboldened culture of manufactured illiteracy that exhibits a disdain for any notion of education wedded to the pursuit of the truth, science, and the public good. I argue that the Trump administration is engaged in not simply a neoliberal political project designed to consolidate wealth and power in the hands of the financial elite, but also is reworking of the very meaning of education both as an institution and as a broader cultural force. Democracy and politics itself are both in crisis and under siege. The central issue for this essay is what it might mean for educators to take seriously the notion that democracy should be a way of thinking about education - one that thrives on connecting equity to excellence, learning to ethics, and agency to the imperatives of social responsibility and the public good. Regarding the discourse of civic courage, social responsibility and the ethical imagination, I argue that civic literacy is crucial to a democracy and that the university must play a vital role in creating the formative cultures that make critically engaged citizens possible. In addition to taking up these issues, I will point to several recommendations that provide an alternative to some of the oppressive conditions now shaping institutions of higher learning, particularly in the United States. In doing so, I conclude with a particular emphasis on the need for educators to develop a new language of governance accompanied by reclaiming the discourse of civic courage and the ethical imagination, all of which I believe are central to any viable notion of transformative democratic change

    American Fascism:Fourteen Deadly Principles of Contemporary Politics

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    Ensino superior, para quê?

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    O texto propõe retomar a universidade democrática como referência ética, em face dos desafios do mundo globalizado. Discute a situação atual das universidades, caracterizada como uma crise mundial no Ensino Superior, tendo como referência as IES dos Estados Unidos da América e do Canadá. São destacados três aspectos nessa questão-problema: 1- as conseqüências do movimento de globalização, que atinge todas as esferas da vida humana, entre elas a educação, e demandam do Ensino Superior o exercício da função de educar as gerações futuras para enfrentar os desafios de uma democracia global, evitando adotar a prática da indução dos professores e alunos à instrumentalização e ao imediatismo, subvalorizando o conhecimento crítico. 2- a retomada pelas universidades de seus objetivos de conhecimento e autonomia, posicionando-se contra a instrumentalização, a mercantilização e a militarização, essa última, como monitoramento de diferentes sujeitos sociais, e do Estado, exercidos sobre as IES. Para isso, propõe a colaboração inclusiva como uma das principais formas de divulgação da universidade e da importância da liberdade e da autonomia da Instituição Superior em suas decisões e ações. 3- a universidade acessível a todos que, além de possibilitar o desenvolvimento de uma educação crítica e de uma cultura intelectual verdadeira, adota metodologias prazerosas, estimulantes e capacitadoras, e valoriza os professores extinguindo os “contratos alternativos de trabalho” que têm contribuído para o empobrecimento da qualidade do Ensino Superior