49 research outputs found

    La Trilogía sobre 'Communication Activism': 'Communication for Social Change', 'Media and Performance Activism' y 'Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference'.

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    Nos encontramos ante una review particular ya que parte de la cita de una trilogía. La obra seleccionada, 'Communication Activism', está relacionada con el sentido y objetivo principal de la publicación que la alberga: reflejar intensamente todas las aportaciones que, desde el ámbito científico, trabajan por un cambio fundamentado en la búsqueda de una justicia social universal

    El Contrato de Inclusión Dialógica: una actuación de éxito en la superación de la pobreza y la exclusión social en contextos urbanos

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    [spa] La crisis financiera que afecta a las economías occidentales desde el año 2008 ha acarreado una serie de consecuencias sociales especialmente devastadoras para los segmentos de la población que viven en los barrios más desfavorecidos. Partiendo de una coyuntura extremadamente desfavorable, esta tesis analiza el desarrollo, impacto y transferibilidad del Contrato de Inclusión Dialógica (CID) en contextos urbanos. El CID es uno de los resultados aportados por el proyecto del 6º Programa Marco de Investigación la Comisión Europea INCLUD-ED, Strategies for inclusion and social cohesion from education in Europe (2006-2011). Este consiste en un proceso dialógico a través del cual end-users, investigadores e investigadoras, profesionales de los ámbitos socioeducativos, responsables políticos y otras personas implicadas en los procesos de transformación social recrean actuaciones de éxito en su contexto con el objetivo de superar las situaciones de desigualdad. En esta tesis doctoral nos centramos concretamente en el análisis del proceso de desarrollo y en el impacto social del CID en una de las áreas urbanas más desfavorecidas del contexto español, el barrio de La Milagrosa (Albacete). Además, en ella se amplía el conocimiento sobre la transferibilidad del CID a través del caso del barrio Montserrat (Terrassa). Los dos barrios seleccionados presentan altos índices de pobreza y concentración de minorías culturales. La Milagrosa acoge a un elevado porcentaje de población gitana mientras que el barrio Montserrat está compuesto principalmente por población inmigrante de origen norteafricano. La tesis nos ha permitido dar respuesta a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: ¿existe alguna relación entre la implementación del CID y el aumento de la calidad de vida de las personas del barrio de La Milagrosa?; ¿cuál ha sido el proceso de aplicación del CID en el barrio de La Milagrosa?; el CID, ¿es un procedimiento transferible a otros barrios desfavorecidos?; ¿cuáles son las implicaciones del CID en relación al papel que desempeñan las ciencias sociales frente al incremento de las desigualdades? Esta investigación ha sido llevada a cabo siguiendo la metodología comunicativa (Gómez, Puigvert & Flecha, 2011) y utilizando técnicas cualitativas de orientación comunicativa centradas en el análisis en profundidad de un estudio de caso. Como resultado, se han obtenido evidencias empíricas que avalan la idoneidad del CID para favorecer procesos de transformación social en barrios desfavorecidos. Además, el CID ha demostrado atender a la multidimensionalidad de la pobreza a través de respuestas integrales articuladas desde la escuela y ubicando en el centro de la toma de decisiones a las personas tradicionalmente excluidas. A partir de la implementación de este proceso, se han identificado mejoras en el ámbito educativo, laboral, urbanístico y en los propios procesos de intervención social, elemento que ha posibilitado la superación de la pobreza por parte de los vecinos y vecinas del barrio de La Milagrosa. Asimismo, hemos evidenciado que el CID es un proceso transferible que atiende a las necesidades específicas de cada comunidad y contribuye a la mejora de las condiciones de vida independientemente de las características contextuales o culturales del barrio en el que se implementa. Basándonos en estas contribuciones, el CID se plantea como un procedimiento capaz de generar una ciencia pública orientada a la superación de los problemas sociales.[eng] The financial crisis that has been affecting most Western economies since 2008 has entailed a number of social consequences which have been particularly harsh on those segments of the population with lower economic incomes. On this thesis we aim at analyzing the development, impact and transferability of the Dialogical Inclusion Contract (DIC) in urban contexts. The DIC is a dialogical process through which end-users, researchers, socio-educational professional, political representatives and other agents re-enact interventions which have proven successful in overcoming situations of inequality. We first focus on the application of the DIC in one of the most disadvantaged suburbs in Spain, La Milagrosa (Albacete), and then analyze the transferability of the DIC by looking at its application in the Montserrat neighborhood (Terrassa). Both neighborhoods display high poverty indexes and a strong concentration of cultural minorities. The underlying research questions that we have answered are: How exactly was the implementation of the DIC in La Milagrosa? Is there any connection between this process and the increase in quality of life perceived by the inhabitants of the neighborhood? Is this type of process transferable to other disadvantaged neighborhoods? And, finally, what are the implications of the DIC with respect to the role of social science in the face of growing inequalities? All the research that we have carried out follows the communicative methodology and employs qualitative techniques. We have found empirical evidence of the suitability of the DIC for fostering transformational processes in disadvantaged neighborhoods. The DIC is shown to tackle the multidimensionality of poverty through a number of comprehensive interventions in the areas of education, employment and urban planning, which furthermore are articulated from the schools and place in the center of the decision-making people that have traditionally been excluded from these type of processes. Finally, we have also shown that the DIC is a transferable process that is able to cater to the specific needs of each community while improving the life conditions of its members regardless of its contextual and cultural traits. We conclude that the DIC is an outstanding example of a public science aiming at the overcoming of social problems

    La Trilogía Sobre ‘Communication Activism’: ‘Communication for Social Change’, ‘Media and Performance Activism’ y ‘Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference’

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    Frey, L.R. & Carragee, K.M. (Eds). (2007). Communication Activism: Comunication for Social Change. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc. ISBN: 1-57273-697-6Frey, L.R. & Carragee, K.M. (Eds). (2007). Communication Activism: Media and Performance Activism. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc. ISBN: 1-57273-699-2Frey, L.R. & Carragee, K.M. (Eds). (2012). Communication Activism: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference. New York, NY: Hampton Press, Inc. ISBN: 1-61289-062-

    La Trilogía Sobre ‘Communication Activism’: ‘Communication for Social Change’, ‘Media and Performance Activism’ y ‘Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference’

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    Frey, L.R. & Carragee, K.M. (Eds). (2007). Communication Activism: Comunication for Social Change. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc. ISBN: 1-57273-697-6Frey, L.R. & Carragee, K.M. (Eds). (2007). Communication Activism: Media and Performance Activism. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, Inc. ISBN: 1-57273-699-2Frey, L.R. & Carragee, K.M. (Eds). (2012). Communication Activism: Struggling for Social Justice Amidst Difference. New York, NY: Hampton Press, Inc. ISBN: 1-61289-062-

    La transformación de la escuela “La Paz”. Un modelo dialógico de intervención social para la inclusión del pueblo Roma

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    Resumen: Este artículo profundiza en el potencial que la escuela y la comunidad pueden aportar para frenar los círculos de desigualdad que afectan a los colectivos más vulnerables. Para ello, nos centramos en un estudio de caso abordado por la investigación europea INCLUD-ED y por el proyecto I & D Actuaciones socioeducativas de éxito para la superación de la pobreza. Concretamente, analizamos el impacto de la transformación de la escuela “La Paz” en la superación de la exclusión de la población Roma de uno de los barrios urbanos más desfavorecidos de Europa. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian cómo dicha transformación - basada en la aplicación de Actuaciones Educativas de Éxito y a través del Contrato de Inclusión Dialógica - está contribuyendo a superar la exclusión de muchas familias Roma. Este caso aporta un nuevo modelo de intervención social basado en evidencias científicas y en la inclusión de las voces de los colectivos tradicionalmente excluidos.Abstract: This article explores the potential of the school and the community to slow circles of inequality affecting the most vulnerable groups. To do this, we focus on a case study addressed by European research INCLUD-ED and the R & D Socio-educational successful actions for poverty reduction project. Specifically, we analyze the impact of the transformation of the "La Paz" school in overcoming the exclusion of the Roma people, from one of the most disadvantaged urban areas in Europe population. The results show how this transformation - based on the application of Successful Educational Activities and through the Dialogic Inclusion Contract - is helping to overcome the exclusion of many Roma families. This case brings a new model of social intervention based on scientific evidence and on the inclusion of the voices of traditionally excluded groups

    Actuaciones educativas para la convivencia en centros con alumnado inmigrante

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    This article shows the results of fieldwork conducted in 11 schools within the project The improvement of living and learning in primary and secondary schools with immigrant students, funded under the National Plan I + D + i (2008-2012). In these schools different educational actions (non-segregation of students in specific groups, organization of host-group-meetings, Coexistence Gatherings or participation of family members) are being carried out, contributing to the improvement of coexistence not only among students but also among families and school professionals

    The role of communicative acts in the Dream process: engaging Moroccan migrants in a community development initiative in urban Spain

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    Abstract The present article offers relevant insights into how the evidence-based community development initiative known as the Dream process has had a positive impact on the inclusion, participation and leadership of a marginalized community of Moroccan immigrants in urban Spain. More specifically, we analyse how the commitment to promote dialogic communicative acts and to reduce power communicative acts during the process has attenuated some of the race, gender and class barriers that hindered the community's involvement in dialogic and decision-making spaces aimed at improving their living conditions. In this article, we first introduce the state of the art using studies that have examined the role of interaction and deliberation in community development processes in disadvantaged contexts. Then, we briefly refer to the deterioration of the living conditions of the Moroccan immigrant population in Spain. Finally, we present the main results obtained from the qualitative case study research carried out through the implementation of the communicative methodology. This case study provides both theoretical claims and practical orientations to examine how dialogic approaches can contribute to community development processes in contexts severely affected by racial segregation and poverty

    Overcoming feudal constraints on educational research in Spain: the impact of the CIMIE conference

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    Feudal structures and power relationships that Spanish universities inherited from Franco's dictatorship have damaged the quality of educational research. However, the emergence of initiatives aimed to address these limitations have been identified. In this article, we analyze the impact of the Multidisciplinary International Conference on Educational Research (CIMIE). Specifically, we analyze how CIMIE is contributing to overcome some of the feudal constraints affecting educational research in Spain, such as fragmentation of areas of knowledge, limited international research efforts, and precarious and unstable employment situations of many researchers. Grounded in the communicative methodology of research and using mixed methods, we have conducted a longitudinal study of this research initiative (2012-2016), comprising interviews and communicative observations, analysis of documentation and quantitative data. The results show that participants understand that their involvement in CIMIE is contributing to make them feel released from the constraints of university feudalism by building solidarity networks and egalitarian relationships, and by rethinking research

    'Without support, victims do not report': The Co-creation of a workplace sexual harassment risk assessment survey tool

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    Workplace sexual harassment (WSH) remains a common experience for many women worldwide. European policies and guidelines point to the need to establish comprehensive WSH prevention programs and strategies. One of the strategies contemplated is establishing risk assessment and monitoring systems to prevent and identify WSH situations. However, few WSH risk assessment tools are currently available to European organizations and companies. This article analyses the co-creation process that has led to developing an evidence-based risk assessment survey tool (ST) to prevent in a wide diversity of work contexts. This process has involved experts, survivors, activists, and other relevant stakeholders. The research has been carried out based on the communicative methodology through the implementation of qualitative fieldwork. Furthermore, an extensive review of scientific literature and international guidelines has been carried out. The established co-creation process has led to the inclusion of the Isolating Gender Violence approach in a risk assessment ST to prevent WSH for the first time