8 research outputs found

    "Une Ă©cole pour chacun" ? L'autonomie enseignante face Ă  l'injonction Ă  la personnalisation. EnquĂȘte ethnographique au sein de trois lycĂ©es sur la rĂ©forme Chatel

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    Presented as essential to respond to the growing heterogeneity of the school population, a logic of differentiation in the treatment of students accompanies the process of school massification in various forms. By committing educational agents to "personalize" the management of pupils and school careers, as part of a strengthened school autonomy, the Chatel reform of general and technological high schools updates this logic of school adaptation. This thesis questions the appropriations and effects of the Chatel reform in institutions from the angle of the coherence of the professional group and even more of what the injunction to personalisation does to the professional autonomy of teachers, understood as the group's ability to control the definition and practice of work. To do this, it relies on an ethnographic survey, carried out in three high schools, which combines observations of professional daily life and interviews with teachers as well as management staff. Thanks to the combined perspectives of the sociology of public action and the sociology of professional groups, the thesis shows that the ambivalent reconfigurations (fuelled by the reform) in the teachers’ view of their work and role, as well as in the relationships of work and power within institutions, tend to weaken the autonomy of the teachers as a professional group. On the one hand, if the margin of autonomy granted by the reform allows teaching teams to partially shape their working environment, they collide with the strengthening of the means of action of management staff and with their eased foray into pedagogical territory. On the other hand, beyond a common tendency to an increased workload, the injunctions and measures of the reform are the subject of contrasting practical logics and generate asymmetric effects on teachers’ experience of their work. These are linked to social trajectories and positions in the professional space which are themselves differentiated. Finally, the autonomy of a professional group also depends on its ability to think about and organize itself collectively. However, if the reform examined here can be the support of collective dynamics at the local level, it also participates in the fragmentation of professional experiences and reveals as much as it exacerbates divisions in professional conceptions and positions. This thesis thus contributes to shedding light on the recompositions of the working and organizational methods of the teachers group, at the heart of a tension between the process of segmentation and renewed ways of acting and thinking as a group.PrĂ©sentĂ©e comme indispensable pour rĂ©pondre Ă  l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© croissante du public scolaire, une logique de diffĂ©renciation du traitement des Ă©lĂšves accompagne, sous diverses formes, le processus de massification scolaire. En engageant les acteurs Ă©ducatifs Ă  « personnaliser » la prise en charge des Ă©lĂšves et les parcours scolaires, dans le cadre d’une autonomie accrue des Ă©tablissements, la rĂ©forme Chatel des lycĂ©es d’enseignement gĂ©nĂ©ral et technologique rĂ©actualise cette logique d’adaptation scolaire. Cette thĂšse interroge les appropriations et effets de la rĂ©forme Chatel dans les Ă©tablissements sous l’angle de la cohĂ©rence du groupe professionnel, et plus encore de ce que l’injonction Ă  la personnalisation fait Ă  l’autonomie professionnelle enseignante, entendue comme la capacitĂ© du groupe Ă  maĂźtriser la dĂ©finition et la pratique du travail. Elle s’appuie pour cela sur une enquĂȘte ethnographique, menĂ©e dans trois lycĂ©es, qui articule observations du quotidien professionnel et entretiens avec des enseignants ainsi que des personnels de direction. GrĂące Ă  l’éclairage croisĂ© de la sociologie de l’action publique et de la sociologie des groupes professionnels, la thĂšse montre que les reconfigurations ambivalentes que la rĂ©forme alimente dans les rapports au mĂ©tier des enseignants, ainsi que dans les rapports de travail et de pouvoir au sein des Ă©tablissements, tendent Ă  fragiliser l’autonomie du groupe professionnel enseignant. D’une part, si les marges d’autonomie octroyĂ©es par la rĂ©forme permettent aux Ă©quipes enseignantes de modeler partiellement leur cadre de travail, elles se heurtent au renforcement des moyens d’action des personnels de direction et Ă  leur incursion facilitĂ©e en territoire pĂ©dagogique. D’autre part, au-delĂ  d’une tendance commune Ă  l’alourdissement de la charge du travail, les injonctions et dispositifs de la rĂ©forme font l’objet de logiques pratiques contrastĂ©es et gĂ©nĂšrent des effets asymĂ©triques sur les rapports au mĂ©tier. Ceux-ci s’arriment Ă  des trajectoires sociales et Ă  des positions dans l’espace professionnel elles-mĂȘmes diffĂ©renciĂ©es. Enfin, l’autonomie d’un groupe professionnel passe Ă©galement par sa capacitĂ© Ă  se penser et s’organiser collectivement. Or, si la rĂ©forme Ă©tudiĂ©e peut ĂȘtre le support de dynamiques collectives Ă  l’échelle locale, elle participe Ă©galement au morcellement des expĂ©riences professionnelles et rĂ©vĂšle autant qu’elle exacerbe des clivages dans les conceptions et positions professionnelles. Cette thĂšse contribue ainsi Ă  Ă©clairer les recompositions des modalitĂ©s de travail et d’organisation du groupe enseignant, au cƓur d’une tension entre processus de segmentation et maniĂšres renouvelĂ©es de faire collectif

    "Une Ă©cole pour chacun" ? L'autonomie enseignante face Ă  l'injonction Ă  la personnalisation. EnquĂȘte ethnographique au sein de trois lycĂ©es sur la rĂ©forme Chatel

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    Presented as essential to respond to the growing heterogeneity of the school population, a logic of differentiation in the treatment of students accompanies the process of school massification in various forms. By committing educational agents to "personalize" the management of pupils and school careers, as part of a strengthened school autonomy, the Chatel reform of general and technological high schools updates this logic of school adaptation. This thesis questions the appropriations and effects of the Chatel reform in institutions from the angle of the coherence of the professional group and even more of what the injunction to personalisation does to the professional autonomy of teachers, understood as the group's ability to control the definition and practice of work. To do this, it relies on an ethnographic survey, carried out in three high schools, which combines observations of professional daily life and interviews with teachers as well as management staff. Thanks to the combined perspectives of the sociology of public action and the sociology of professional groups, the thesis shows that the ambivalent reconfigurations (fuelled by the reform) in the teachers’ view of their work and role, as well as in the relationships of work and power within institutions, tend to weaken the autonomy of the teachers as a professional group. On the one hand, if the margin of autonomy granted by the reform allows teaching teams to partially shape their working environment, they collide with the strengthening of the means of action of management staff and with their eased foray into pedagogical territory. On the other hand, beyond a common tendency to an increased workload, the injunctions and measures of the reform are the subject of contrasting practical logics and generate asymmetric effects on teachers’ experience of their work. These are linked to social trajectories and positions in the professional space which are themselves differentiated. Finally, the autonomy of a professional group also depends on its ability to think about and organize itself collectively. However, if the reform examined here can be the support of collective dynamics at the local level, it also participates in the fragmentation of professional experiences and reveals as much as it exacerbates divisions in professional conceptions and positions. This thesis thus contributes to shedding light on the recompositions of the working and organizational methods of the teachers group, at the heart of a tension between the process of segmentation and renewed ways of acting and thinking as a group.PrĂ©sentĂ©e comme indispensable pour rĂ©pondre Ă  l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© croissante du public scolaire, une logique de diffĂ©renciation du traitement des Ă©lĂšves accompagne, sous diverses formes, le processus de massification scolaire. En engageant les acteurs Ă©ducatifs Ă  « personnaliser » la prise en charge des Ă©lĂšves et les parcours scolaires, dans le cadre d’une autonomie accrue des Ă©tablissements, la rĂ©forme Chatel des lycĂ©es d’enseignement gĂ©nĂ©ral et technologique rĂ©actualise cette logique d’adaptation scolaire. Cette thĂšse interroge les appropriations et effets de la rĂ©forme Chatel dans les Ă©tablissements sous l’angle de la cohĂ©rence du groupe professionnel, et plus encore de ce que l’injonction Ă  la personnalisation fait Ă  l’autonomie professionnelle enseignante, entendue comme la capacitĂ© du groupe Ă  maĂźtriser la dĂ©finition et la pratique du travail. Elle s’appuie pour cela sur une enquĂȘte ethnographique, menĂ©e dans trois lycĂ©es, qui articule observations du quotidien professionnel et entretiens avec des enseignants ainsi que des personnels de direction. GrĂące Ă  l’éclairage croisĂ© de la sociologie de l’action publique et de la sociologie des groupes professionnels, la thĂšse montre que les reconfigurations ambivalentes que la rĂ©forme alimente dans les rapports au mĂ©tier des enseignants, ainsi que dans les rapports de travail et de pouvoir au sein des Ă©tablissements, tendent Ă  fragiliser l’autonomie du groupe professionnel enseignant. D’une part, si les marges d’autonomie octroyĂ©es par la rĂ©forme permettent aux Ă©quipes enseignantes de modeler partiellement leur cadre de travail, elles se heurtent au renforcement des moyens d’action des personnels de direction et Ă  leur incursion facilitĂ©e en territoire pĂ©dagogique. D’autre part, au-delĂ  d’une tendance commune Ă  l’alourdissement de la charge du travail, les injonctions et dispositifs de la rĂ©forme font l’objet de logiques pratiques contrastĂ©es et gĂ©nĂšrent des effets asymĂ©triques sur les rapports au mĂ©tier. Ceux-ci s’arriment Ă  des trajectoires sociales et Ă  des positions dans l’espace professionnel elles-mĂȘmes diffĂ©renciĂ©es. Enfin, l’autonomie d’un groupe professionnel passe Ă©galement par sa capacitĂ© Ă  se penser et s’organiser collectivement. Or, si la rĂ©forme Ă©tudiĂ©e peut ĂȘtre le support de dynamiques collectives Ă  l’échelle locale, elle participe Ă©galement au morcellement des expĂ©riences professionnelles et rĂ©vĂšle autant qu’elle exacerbe des clivages dans les conceptions et positions professionnelles. Cette thĂšse contribue ainsi Ă  Ă©clairer les recompositions des modalitĂ©s de travail et d’organisation du groupe enseignant, au cƓur d’une tension entre processus de segmentation et maniĂšres renouvelĂ©es de faire collectif

    Personnaliser les parcours scolaires des Ă©lĂšves, un facteur d’émancipation ? Lectures et pratiques enseignantes divergentes

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    Depuis les annĂ©es 1960 et les premiers pas de l’unification du systĂšme scolaire, une logique d’adaptation pĂ©dagogique a nourri plusieurs rĂ©formes visant Ă  gĂ©rer l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des Ă©lĂšves. AffichĂ©e comme une « rĂ©volution de la personnalisation » par le ministre de l’Éducation Luc Chatel, la rĂ©forme des lycĂ©es de 2010 s’inscrit dans ce processus, Ă  travers notamment la mise en place du dispositif d’accompagnement personnalisĂ©. Une enquĂȘte ethnographique sur la rĂ©ception de cette injonction Ă  la personnalisation met en Ă©vidence un clivage chez les enseignants. Pour certains, la personnalisation est une source d’épanouissement et d’émancipation individuelle vis-Ă -vis du carcan scolaire. Pour d’autres, personnaliser les parcours scolaires gĂ©nĂšre des inĂ©galitĂ©s qui compromettent l’émancipation par rapport Ă  la reproduction sociale. Enfin, l’articulation des reprĂ©sentations et des pratiques face Ă  la rĂ©forme rĂ©vĂšle une multiplicitĂ© des logiques d’action susceptible de fragmenter le corps enseignant.Since the 1960s and the first steps towards the unification of the school system, reflections on educational adaptation have fuelled several reforms meant to deal with the heterogeneity of the student population. Presented as a “revolution of personalization” by the Education Secretary Luc Chatel, the 2010 reform of high school is part of this process, particularly through the implementation of the Personalized Support programme. An ethnographic inquiry into the reception of this requirement to personalize teaching reveals a divide among teachers. For some of them, personalization is a source of fulfilment and individual emancipation from the constraints of the school system. For others, personalizing school careers generates inequalities which compromise emancipation from the reproduction of social roles. Finally, the mix of representations and practices in the face of this reform suggests that teachers are guided by a multiplicity of logics that are ultimately likely to create cracks in the teaching profession

    Repair strategy for traumatic spinal cord injury; an advance in bioengineering-based preclinical approaches

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    International audienceRecovery from traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) usually fails due to a cascade of cellular and molecular events that compromise neural tissue reconstitution by giving rise to glial scarring and cavity formation. We designed a scaffold material for SCI treatment containing only chitosan and water as fragmented physical hydrogel suspension (Chitosan-FPHS), with defined degree of acetylation (DA), polymer concentration, and mean fragment size. As a proof of concept, we previously demonstrated (Chedly et al., 2017) that implantation of Chitosan-FPHS alone into rat spinal cord immediately after a bilateral dorsal hemisection promoted reconstitution of spinal tissue and vasculature. Fibrous glial scarring was diminished, allowing the border between lesion site and intact tissue to become permissive for regrowth of numerous axons into, and for some even beyond the lesion site. This structural remodeling was associated with significant, long-lasting gain in locomotor function recovery. We are now investigating our strategy in a rat model of contusion injury, which is even more severe than the bilateral dorsal hemisection used in the initial study, and above all a much more common type of SCI in humans. Our data show that also after a contusion injury Chitosan-FPHS, now implanted 24 hours post-injury, is highly effective in that it improves functional locomotor recovery and tissue restoration. A major contribution of the biomaterial to tissue repair appears to be its modulation of the inflammatory response, favoring inflammation resolution through macrophage polarization towards the anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype. Thus, our tissue engineering approach seems very promising, as it promotes a highly dynamic tissue restorative process by favoring cell survival and axon growth, and by modulating the immune response. Our perspective for a follow-up of the present study is to determine the suitable time window for the biomaterial implantation to test the relevance of the strategy in a chronic lesion model

    Macrophage polarization in vitro and in vivo modified by contact with fragmented chitosan hydrogel Running title: Chitosan hydrogel and inflammation

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    International audienceWe have previously shown that implantation of a fragmented chitosan hydrogel suspension (chitosan-FPHS) into a traumatic spinal cord lesion in adult rats led to significant axon regrowth and functional recovery, which was associated to a modulation of inflammation. Using an in vitro culture system, we show here that polarization of bone marrow-derived macrophages is indeed modified by direct contact with chitosan-FPHS. Reducing the degree of acetylation (DA), and raising the concentration of chitosan (Cp, from 1.5% to 3%), favors macrophage polarization towards anti-inflammatory subtypes. These latter also migrate and adhere efficiently on low, but not high DA chitosan-FPHS, both in vitro and in vivo, while inflammatory macrophages rarely invade a chitosan-FPHS implant in vivo, no matter the DA. Our in vitro model setup should prove a valuable tool for screening diverse biomaterial formulations and combinations thereof for their inflammatory potential prior to implantation in vivo