374 research outputs found

    Análisis productivo-económico de las explotaciones ovinas de leche basadas en las razas Churra y Assaf

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    3 páginas, 1 tabla.-- Ponencia presentada a las VII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal (AIDA)(Zaragoza, 20 a 22 de mayo de 1997). Publicada en un número especial de la revista ITEA.Los sistemas de producción ovina de leche de la provincia de León se han basado tradicionalmente en la explotación de la raza Churra, localizándose en zonas marginales o áreas cerealistas (Gonzalez-Chabarri et al , 1995). En los ultimos años se ha producido un incremento importante de las explotaciones de producción ovina de leche en las zonas agricolamente más productivas, lo cual ha llevado a una intensificación de los sistemas de producción (Mantecon et al., 1994). Uno de los cambios más importantes ocurridos en el sistema de producción del ovino lechero ha sido la introducción de razas especializadas en la producción de leche, fundamentalmente la raza Assaf, siguiendo un esquema de cruzamientos continuados con sementales de esta raza, hasta la práctica absorción de la raza autóctona El objetivo de este trabajo es comparar los rendimientos productivos y económicos de las explotaciones ovinas basadas en la raza Churra en pureza y aquellas que han realizado un cruzamiento con otras razas más productoras, fundamentalmente la raza Assaf.Este trabajo ha sido realizado dentro del proyecto AIR CT-92 0646 subvencionado por la Unión Europea.Peer reviewe

    HSPG Modification by the Secreted Enzyme Notum Shapes the Wingless Morphogen Gradient

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    AbstractThe secreted signaling protein Wingless acts as a morphogen to pattern the imaginal discs of Drosophila. Here we report identification of a secreted repressor of Wingless activity, which we call Notum. Loss of Notum function leads to increased Wingless activity by altering the shape of the Wingless protein gradient. When overexpressed, Notum blocks Wingless activity. Notum encodes a member of the α/β-hydrolase superfamily, with similarity to pectin acetylesterases. We present evidence that Notum influences Wingless protein distribution by modifying the heparan sulfate proteoglycans Dally-like and Dally. High levels of Wingless signaling induce Notum expression. Thus, Wingless contributes to shaping its own gradient by regulating expression of a protein that modifies its interaction with cell surface proteoglycans

    School sport programs in Spain and the participation of the educational personnel

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    Las Comunidades Autónomas de España (CCAA) tienen competencias en la promoción deportiva escolar. La participación de agentes educativos en sus planes y programas es necesaria para una correcta pedagogía del deporte. Este trabajo presenta como objetivo el análisis de los agentes involucrados en la gestión, organización y puesta en práctica de los planes deportivos escolares, así como la implicación de agentes del ámbito educativo. Se realizó un estudio transversal sobre una muestra de 15 CCAA. Los datos fueron extraídos a través de diferentes técnicas de investigación cualitativa. Los resultados muestran una falta de uniformidad en la gestión de los planes autonómicos de deporte escolar, detectándose una importante ausencia de implicación de agentes educativosThe Autonomous Communities in Spain (CCAA in Spanish) have the competency to promote sports in schools. The participation of educational personnel in their programs is necessary for the correct tutoring ability of any sport. This study’s objective was to analyze the personnel involved in the management, organization and putting into practice the school sports programs, as well as the involvement of the personnel within the educational realm. We carried out a transverse study in a sample of 15 CCAA. The data were obtained through different qualitative investigation methods. The results showed a lack of uniformity in the management of the autonomous school sports programs, detecting an important absence of implication of the educational personne

    Requerimientos nutricionales para ovinos en reproducción

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    27 páginas.-- Desde el suelo a la gestión. Curso para Profesionales y Técnicos en Producción Ovina.--Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia, Chile, 2006).En general, el rendimiento productivo de la mayor parte de los sistemas ganaderos es dependiente de la eficiencia reproductiva en tanto en cuanto ésta condiciona, entre otros parámetros, el número de crías nacidas, la tasa de reposición, o el intervalo entre partos. En los sistemas de producción ovina de carne, al ser los corderos vendids la principal o única fuente de ingresos, la reproducción ejerce un efecto directo sobre los resultados productivos y económicos del sistema de explotación...Peer reviewe

    Metabolic and Stress Responses in Senegalese Soles (Solea senegalensis Kaup) Fed Tryptophan Supplements: E ects of Concentration and Feeding Period

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    The objective of this study was to assess the impact of di erent dietary Trp concentrations on the stress and metabolism response of juvenile Senegalese soles (Solea senegalensis). Fish (38.1 1.9 g) were fed di erent Trp-enriched feeds (0%, 1% and 2% Trp added) for two and eight days, and later exposed to air stress for three min. Samples were taken pre- and 1 h post-stress (condition). Plasma cortisol, lactate, glucose and proteins were significantly a ected by the sampling time, showing higher values at 1 h post-stress. Trp concentration in food also had significant e ects on lactate and glucose levels. However, the feeding period did not a ect these parameters. Post-stress values were higher than in the pre-stress condition for every plasma parameter, except for lactate in two days and 1% Trp treatment. Nevertheless, cortisol, glucose and lactate did not vary significantly between pre- and post-stress samplings in fish fed the 1% Trp-enriched diet for two days. The lack of variability in cortisol response was also due to the high pre-stress value, significantly superior to pre-stress control. The exposure time to Trp feeding did not significantly a ect any enzyme activity; however, Trp added and condition influenced protein-related enzyme activities. In spite of decreasing stress markers, Trp-enriched diets altered the protein metabolism

    Effect of tannic acid on rumen degradation and intestinal digestion of treated soya bean meals in sheep

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    http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=60689&fulltextType=RA&fileId=S0021859699008151.Previously published as proceeding at the XXIX Jornadas de Estudio AIDA (VII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal) (Zaragoza, Spain, May 20-22, 1997). https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/15774The current experiment was conducted to study the effect of different doses of tannic acid, a hydrolysable tannin, on ruminal degradation and post-ruminal digestion of treated soya bean meals (SBM) in sheep. Samples of SBM were prepared by spraying 100 g SBM with 100 mi distilled water containing 0, 1, 5, 10, 15 or 25 g of commercial tannic acid (S-0, S-TA1, S-TA2, S-TA3, S-TA4 and S-TA5, respectively). Three ruminally cannulated awes, that had never consumed tannic acid previously, were used to determine in situ degradability of tannic acid-treated SBM. Intestinal digestibility of protein remaining after 16 h rumen incubation was estimated in vitro. Extent of rumen degradation of SBMs was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by the tannic acid treatment. All doses of tannic acid used in this experiment, even the lowest one (S-TA1), significantly decreased the extent of N degradation but only doses higher than that used to treat S-TA3 reduced the extent of DM degradation. This reduction in the extent of DM and N degradation was mainly due to a marked decrease in the immediately degradable fraction (a), which was observed in all treated SBM, and to a lower rate of degradation (c), observed in meals S-TA3, S-TA4 and S-TA5. Intestinal digestion of the non-degraded protein was decreased (P < 0.05) by treatment with the two highest doses of tannic acid (those used to treat meals S-TA4 and S-TA5). It was therefore concluded that tannic acid can exert a negative effect both on rumen degradation and on intestinal digestion of SBM, this effect being clearly dependent on the dose used to treat the SBM.This work was supported by the Inter-ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT) of Spain (Project AGF98-0874) and the Junta de Castilla y Leon (Project CSI 7/98).Peer reviewe

    Beet silage: chemical composition, fermentacion parameters and use of NIRS Technology as a tool to identify ensiled beet varieties

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    8 páginas, 2 figuras, 4 tablas.--Comunicación presentada a la 53ª Reunión Científica de la Sociedad Española para el Estudio de los Pastos (SEEP). "Pastos y PAC 2014-2020"[EN] The use of beet root for the purpose of feeding the dairy cattle could be constrained by the scarce knowledge about the characteristics of this feed after it has been ensiled. To investigate the feasibility of using the NIRS methodology to analyze the chemical composition of ensiled beets and to discriminate between beet varieties, roots of four beet varieties were ensiled (Sandrina KWS 1193, Tilly KWS 2733, Gerty KWS 2734 and Páramo 3359) using laboratory silos (600 ml of capacity). Although small differences (P<0.05) in chemical composition were found between treatments, the range of variation was narrow, especially for crude protein, which reached low and quite uniform values. The pH values were lower than 4 for all the varieties and the fermentation was mainly acetic. Whereas NIRS spectra of raw silages did not allow beet varieties discrimination or chemical composition prediction, spectra from dried and milled samples suggest that NIRS technology could be used as a tool for both purposes. NIRS spectra of silage juices could also be useful to establish beet variety.[ES] El empleo de raíces de remolacha en la alimentación del vacuno de leche se ve limitado por el escaso conocimiento acerca de las características de este alimento una vez ensilado. Para estudiar la composición química y los principales parámetros de fermentación de ensilados de remolacha y explorar la posibilidad de emplear la tecnología de espectroscopía de reflectancia en el infrarrojo cercano (NIRS) para la estimación de los parámetros estudiados y para discriminar distintas variedades de remolacha, se ensilaron raíces de cuatro variedades de remolacha (Sandrina KWS 1193, Tilly KWS 2733, Gerty KWS 2734 y Páramo 3359) empleando micro-silos de 600 ml de capacidad. Se detectaron diferencias (P<0,05) entre variedades en todos los parámetros de composición química de los ensilados, aunque en el caso de la proteína sólo la variedad Tilly KWS 2733 presentó un contenido diferente (P<0,05) a los del resto de las variedades. El pH alcanzó valores menores que 4 para todas las variedades y la fermentación fue principalmente acética. Los espectros NIRS de las muestras de ensilado en fresco no permitieron ni discriminar entre las variedades ensiladas ni predecir la composición química. Sin embargo, los resultados con las muestras secas y molidas sí apuntan la posibilidad de emplear la tecnología NIRS con ambos fines. Los espectros NIRS de los jugos del ensilado también podrían resultar útiles para establecer la variedad de remolacha ensilada.Este trabajo se financió con el contrato asociado a proyecto CDTI titulado: Procesado y estudio de variedades de remolacha para su utilización en alimentación animal (código 100102120005). Organismo financiador: INDUSTRIAS DE NUTRICIÓN ANIMAL, S.L.Peer reviewe

    Effect of immature oak (Quercus pyrenaica) leaves intake on ruminal fermentation and adaptation of rumen microorganisms in cattle

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    6 pages, 2 figures.-- Contributed to: VII International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (Beijing, China, Sep 17−22, 2007).Later published as paper in: Animal Feed Science and Technology 150(1-2): 75-85 (2009), https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/13289Two experiments were conducted to study the effect of the consumption of different amounts of immature Pyrenean oak leaves (OL) by beef cattle on in vitro ruminal fermentation and potential adaptation of rumen microorganisms. A total of twelve ruminally cannulated young Brown Swiss bulls were divided in experimental groups that received different amounts of OL via the ruminal cannula (on average 0, 2.5, 5.2 and almost 10 kg fresh matter per animal and day). The gas production technique was used to study in vitro fermentation of two substrates (grass hay and OL) incubated with rumen inocula derived from each bull. Results suggest not only a dose-dependent negative effect of tannins consumption on ruminal fermentation of common feeds (e.g., grass hay), but also an adaptation of rumen microbial populations from animals receiving moderate amounts of OL. The high level of tannins in the rumen of bulls that received the highest amount of OL would have exceeded the ability of microorganisms to tolerate or detoxify them.Supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, MEC, Project AGL2004-06076-C02-01Peer reviewe

    Digestive utilization of quebracho-treated soya bean meals in sheep

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    The definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021859699007261Previamente, ha sido publicado en el congreso: ITEA, Vol. Extra 20 nº 2: 496-498 (1999).https:///digital.csic.es/handle/10261/16352Previamente, ha sido publicado en el congreso: ITEA, vol. Extra 20 Nº 2: 499-501 (1999). https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/16373A study on the use of quebracho tannins as chemical additives was carried out at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Leon, Spain during 1998 by conducting two experiments. In the first experiment, three ruminally cannulated ewes were used to determine in situ degradability of soya bean meals (SBM) treated with different doses of quebracho tannin. Samples were prepared by spraying 100 g SBM with 100 ml distilled water containing 0, 1, 5, 10, 15 or 25 g of commercial quebracho powder (S-0, S-Q1, S-Q2, S-Q3, and S-Q5, respectively). Intestinal digestibility of non-degradable protein was estimated in vitro. The rapidly degradable protein fraction of all quebracho treated soya bean meals was different (P < 0.05) from the non-treated SBM (S-0: 0.154), with values ranging from 0.032 to 0.133. S-Q4 and S-Q5 showed lower fractional rates of degradation of the protein than S-0 (0.042 and 0.046 v. 0.082, respectively). By contrast, in vitro digestibility of the non-degradable protein was not significantly affected by the treatments imposed, with the exception of treatment with the highest dose of quebracho tannin in which intestinal digestion was reduced (0.939 v. 0.826 for S-0 and S-Q5, respectively. P < 0.05). In the second experiment, ten ruminally cannulated ewes were used to examine the effect of a daily dosing of quebracho tannin into the rumen on the degradation of the quebracho-treated SBM. Long-term dosing of quebracho tannin did not increase the ability of the rumen microbes to degrade tannin treated SBM. It was therefore concluded that quebracho tannins could be used as chemical additives for improving the digestive utilization of protein-rich feeds in sheep.This work was supported by the Inter-ministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT) of Spain (Project AGF98-0874).Peer reviewe

    VirtualECare: group support in collaborative networks organizations for digital homecare

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    Collaborative Work plays an important role in today’s organizations and normally in areas where decisions must be made. However, any decision that involves a collective or group of decision makers is, by itself, complex but is becoming normal in recent years. In this work we present the VirtualECare project (Figure 10), intelligent multi‐agent system able to monitor, interact and serve its customers, which are, normally, in need of care services. In the last years there has been a substantially increase in the number of people needed of intensive care, especially among the elderly, a phenomenon that is related to population ageing. However, this is not exclusive of the elderly, as diseases as obesity, diabetes, and blood pressure have been increasing among young adults. As a new reality, it has to be dealt by the health sector, and particularly by the public one. Thus, the importance of finding new and cost effective ways for health care delivery are of particular importance, especially when one want them not to be removed from their “habitat”. Following this line of thinking, the VirtualECare project will be presented, like similar ones that preceded it. Recently we have assisted to a growing interest in combining the advances in information society ‐ computing, telecommunications and presentation – in order to create Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS). Indeed, the new economy, along with increased competition in today’s complex business environments, takes the companies to seek complementarities in order to increase competitiveness and reduce risks. Under these scenarios, planning takes a major role in a company life. However, effective planning depends on the generation and analysis of ideas (innovative or not) and, as a result, the idea generation and management processes are crucial. Our objective is to apply the above presented GDSS to a new area. We believe that the use of GDSS in the healthcare arena will allow professionals to achieve better results in the analysis of one’s Electronically Clinical Profile (ECP). This achievement is vital, regarding the explosion of knowledge and skills, together with the need to use limited resources and get better results