188 research outputs found

    Cell Metab

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    Cognitive dysfunction is often diagnosed in people with obesity and associated metabolic disorders. In the latest issue of Cell Metabolism, Ramírez et al. highlight an impaired production of the neurosteroid pregnenolone in the hypothalamus as a mechanism for obesity-induced cognitive impairment in both rodent models and patients with obesity.Dissection des mécanismes hypothalamiques impliqués dans la détection du statut nutritionnel et régulation de la prise alimentaire via les interactions entre mTORC1, les mélanocortines et les endocannabinoïdes.Représentation sensorielle lors d'états psychotiquesRole du recepteur CB1 mitocondriel du tissue adipeux dans la regulation de la balance energetiqueBordeaux Region Aquitaine Initiative for NeuroscienceNeurocircuitry of endocannabinoid regulation of food intakeDevelopment of pregnenolone derivatives as allosteric inhibitors of CB1 cannabinoid receptors for thetreatment of schizophrenia and psychotic syndrome

    Cannabinoid Control of Olfactory Processes: The Where Matters

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    Olfaction has a direct influence on behavior and cognitive processes. There are different neuromodulatory systems in olfactory circuits that control the sensory information flowing through the rest of the brain. The presence of the cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptor, (the main cannabinoid receptor in the brain), has been shown for more than 20 years in different brain olfactory areas. However, only over the last decade have we started to know the specific cellular mechanisms that link cannabinoid signaling to olfactory processing and the control of behavior. In this review, we aim to summarize and discuss our current knowledge about the presence of CB1 receptors, and the function of the endocannabinoid system in the regulation of different olfactory brain circuits and related behaviors.This research was funded by Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM, FDT20170436845) (to G.T.); The Basque Government (ITI230-19), Red de Trastornos Adictivos, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISC-III) and European Regional Development Funds-European Union (ERDF-EU; grant RD16/0017/0012), MINECO/FEDER, UE (SAF2015-65034-R) (to P.G.); EU–FP7 (PAINCAGE, HEALTH-603191), European Research Council (Endofood, ERC–2010–StG–260515; CannaPreg, ERC-2014-PoC-640923, Micabra) (to G.M.); Ikerbasque (The Basque Foundation for Science) and MINECO (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) PGC2018-093990-A-I00 (to E.S.-G.)

    Beyond the Activity-Based Anorexia Model: Reinforcing Values of Exercise and Feeding Examined in Stressed Adolescent Male and Female Mice

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    Anorexia nervosa (AN), mostly observed in female adolescents, is the most fatal mental illness. Its core is a motivational imbalance between exercise and feeding in favor of the former. The most privileged animal model of AN is the “activity-based anorexia” (ABA) model wherein partly starved rodents housed with running wheels exercise at the expense of feeding. However, the ABA model bears face and construct validity limits, including its inability to specifically assess running motivation and feeding motivation. As infant/adolescent trauma is a precipitating factor in AN, this study first analyzed post-weaning isolation rearing (PWIR) impacts on body weights and wheel-running performances in female mice exposed to an ABA protocol. Next, we studied through operant conditioning protocols i) whether food restriction affects in a sex-dependent manner running motivation before ii) investigating how PWIR and sex affect running and feeding drives under ad libitum fed conditions and food restriction. Besides amplifying ABA-elicited body weight reductions, PWIR stimulated wheel-running activities in anticipation of feeding in female mice, suggesting increased running motivation. To confirm this hypothesis, we used a cued-reward motivated instrumental task wherein wheel-running was conditioned by prior nose poke responses. It was first observed that food restriction increased running motivation in male, but not female, mice. When fed grouped and PWIR mice were tested for their running and palatable feeding drives, all mice, excepted PWIR males, displayed increased nose poke responses for running over feeding. This was true when rewards were proposed alone or within a concurrent test. The increased preference for running over feeding in fed females did not extend to running performances (time, distance) during each rewarded sequence, confirming that motivation for, and performance during, running are independent entities. With food restriction, mice displayed a sex-independent increase in their preference for feeding over running in both group-housed and PWIR conditions. This study shows that the ABA model does not specifically capture running and feeding drives, i.e. components known to be affected in AN

    Localization and Function of the Cannabinoid CB1 Receptor in the Anterolateral Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis

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    11 p.Background: The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) is involved in behaviors related to natural reward, drug addiction and stress. In spite of the emerging role of the endogenous cannabinoid (eCB) system in these behaviors, little is known about the anatomy and function of this system in the anterolateral BNST (alBNST). The aim of this study was to provide a detailed morphological characterization of the localization of the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptor a necessary step toward a better understanding of the physiological roles of the eCB system in this region of the brain. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have combined anatomical approaches at the confocal and electron microscopy level to ex-vivo electrophysiological techniques. Here, we report that CB1 is localized on presynaptic membranes of about 55% of immunopositive synaptic terminals for the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (vGluT1), which contain abundant spherical, clear synaptic vesicles and make asymmetrical synapses with alBNST neurons. About 64% of vGluT1 immunonegative synaptic terminals show CB1 immunolabeling. Furthermore, 30% and 35% of presynaptic boutons localize CB1 in alBNST of conditional mutant mice lacking CB1 mainly from GABAergic neurons (GABA-CB1-KO mice) and mainly from cortical glutamatergic neurons (Glu-CB1-KO mice), respectively. Extracellular field recordings and whole cell patch clamp in the alBNST rat brain slice preparation revealed that activation of CB1 strongly inhibits excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission. Conclusions/Significance: This study supports the anterolateral BNST as a potential neuronal substrate of the effects of cannabinoids on stress-related behaviors.Dr. Pedro Grandes' laboratory is supported by The Basque Country Government grant GIC07/70-IT-432-07, by Red de Trastornos Adictivos (RETICS), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN), grant RD07/0001/2001 and MICINN grant SAF2009-07065. Nagore Puente is supported by a Basque Country University grant for PhD Researcher's Specialization. Leire Reguero is in receipt of a predoctoral fellowship from the Basque Country Government. Dr. Olivier J. Manzoni's laboratory is supported by INSERM, ANR Neurosciences “Neurologie et Psychiatrie ANR-06-NEURO-043-01” and Région Aquitaine. Dr. Giovanni Marsicano's laboratory is supported by AVENIR/INSERM (with the Fondation Bettencourt-Schueller), by ANR (ANR-06-NEURO-043-01), by European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD), by the EU-FP7 (REPROBESITY, contract number HEALTH-F2-2008-223713) and European Commission Coordination Action ENINET (contract number LSHM-CT-2005-19063). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Increased endocannabinoid levels reduce the development of precancerous lesions in the mouse colon

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    Colorectal cancer is an increasingly important cause of death in Western countries. Endocannabinoids inhibit colorectal carcinoma cell proliferation in vitro. In this paper, we investigated the involvement of endocannabinoids on the formation of aberrant crypt foci (ACF, earliest preneoplastic lesions) in the colon mouse in vivo. ACF were induced by azoxymethane (AOM); fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and cannabinoid receptor messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) levels were analyzed by the quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR); endocannabinoid levels were measured by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry; caspase-3 and caspase-9 expressions were measured by Western blot analysis. Colonic ACF formation after AOM administration was associated with increased levels of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (with no changes in FAAH and cannabinoid receptor mRNA levels) and reduction in cleaved caspase-3 and caspase-9 expression. The FAAH inhibitor N-arachidonoylserotonin increased colon endocannabinoid levels, reduced ACF formation, and partially normalized cleaved caspase-3 (but not caspase-9) expression. Notably, N-arachidonoylserotonin completely prevented the formation of ACF with four or more crypts, which have been show to be best correlated with final tumor incidence. The effect of N-arachidonoylserotonin on ACF formation was mimicked by the cannabinoid receptor agonist HU-210. No differences in ACF formation were observed between CB1 receptor-deficient and wild-type mice. It is concluded that pharmacological enhancement of endocannabinoid levels (through inhibition of endocannabinoid hydrolysis) reduces the development of precancerous lesions in the mouse colon. The protective effect appears to involve caspase-3 (but not caspase-9) activation

    Bio Protoc

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    The novel object recognition (NOR) task is a behavioral test commonly used to evaluate episodic-like declarative memory and it relies on the innate tendency of rodents to explore novelty. Here we present a maze used to evaluate NOR memory in mice that reduces the time of the assay while improving reliability of the measurements by increasing the exploratory behavior. This memory test, being performed in a two-arms maze, is suitable for several strains of mice (including inbreed and outbreed) and does not require extended training sessions allowing an accurate temporal assessment of memory formation. This particular maze increases the mouse exploration time and reduces variability compared to other arenas used before to assess NOR. As both long- and short-term NOR memory can be easily and accurately quantified using this paradigm, this improved methodology can be easily applied to study pharmacological, genetic or age-related modulation of cognitive function. Copyright © 2020 The Authors; exclusive licensee Bio-protocol LLC.Initiative d'excellence de l'Université de Bordeau

    GABAergic and Cortical and Subcortical Glutamatergic Axon Terminals Contain CB1 Cannabinoid Receptors in the Ventromedial Nucleus of the Hypothalamus

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    Background: Type-1 cannabinoid receptors (CB1R) are enriched in the hypothalamus, particularly in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMH) that participates in homeostatic and behavioral functions including food intake. Although CB1R activation modulates excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission in the brain, CB1R contribution to the molecular architecture of the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic terminals in the VMH is not known. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the precise subcellular distribution of CB1R in the VMH to better understand the modulation exerted by the endocannabinoid system on the complex brain circuitries converging into this nucleus. Methodology/Principal Findings: Light and electron microscopy techniques were used to analyze CB1R distribution in the VMH of CB1R-WT, CB1R-KO and conditional mutant mice bearing a selective deletion of CB1R in cortical glutamatergic (Glu-CB1R-KO) or GABAergic neurons (GABA-CB1R-KO). At light microscopy, CB1R immunolabeling was observed in the VMH of CB1R-WT and Glu-CB1R-KO animals, being remarkably reduced in GABA-CB1R-KO mice. In the electron microscope, CB1R appeared in membranes of both glutamatergic and GABAergic terminals/preterminals. There was no significant difference in the percentage of CB1R immunopositive profiles and CB1R density in terminals making asymmetric or symmetric synapses in CB1R-WT mice. Furthermore, the proportion of CB1R immunopositive terminals/preterminals in CB1R-WT and Glu-CB1R-KO mice was reduced in GABA-CB1R-KO mutants. CB1R density was similar in all animal conditions. Finally, the percentage of CB1R labeled boutons making asymmetric synapses slightly decreased in Glu-CB1R-KO mutants relative to CB1R-WT mice, indicating that CB1R was distributed in cortical and subcortical excitatory synaptic terminals. Conclusions/Significance: Our anatomical results support the idea that the VMH is a relevant hub candidate in the endocannabinoid-mediated modulation of the excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission of cortical and subcortical pathways regulating essential hypothalamic functions for the individual's survival such as the feeding behavior.L. Reguero is in receipt of a Predoctoral Fellowship from the Basque Country Government (BFI 07.286); I. Buceta is in receipt of a Predoctoral Fellowship from the Basque Country University. Dr. Pedro Grandes' laboratory is supported by The Basque Country Government grant GIC07/70-IT-432-07, by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (SAF2009-07065) and by Red de Trastornos Adictivos, RETICS, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, MICINN, grant RD07/0001/2001. Dr. Giovanni Marsicano's laboratory is supported by AVENIR/INSERM (with the Fondation Bettencourt-Schueller), by ANR (ANR-06-NEURO-043-01), by European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes (EFSD), by the EU-FP7 (REPROBESITY, contract number HEALTH-F2-2008-223713) and European Commission Coordination Action ENINET (contract number LSHM-CT-2005-19063). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript


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    Via activation of the cannabinoid type-1 (CB1) receptor, endogenous and exogenous cannabinoids modulate important biochemical and cellular processes in adipocytes. Several pieces of evidence suggest that alterations of mitochondrial physiology might be a possible mechanism underlying cannabinoids’ effects on adipocyte biology. Many reports suggest the presence of CB1 receptor mRNA in both white and brown adipose tissue, but the detailed subcellular localization of CB1 protein in adipose cells has so far been scarcely addressed. In this study, we show the presence of the functional CB1 receptor at different subcellular locations of adipocytes from epididymal white adipose tissue (eWAT) depots. We observed that CB1 is located at different subcellular levels, including the plasma membrane and in close association with mitochondria (mtCB1). Functional analysis in tissue homogenates and isolated mitochondria allowed us to reveal that cannabinoids negatively regulate complex-I-dependent oxygen consumption in eWAT. This effect requires mtCB1 activation and consequent regulation of the intramitochondrial cAMP-PKA pathway. Thus, CB1 receptors are functionally present at the mitochondrial level in eWAT adipocytes, adding another possible mechanism for peripheral regulation of energy metabolism. © 2022 by the authors.Role du recepteur CB1 mitocondriel du tissue adipeux dans la regulation de la balance energetiqueVieillissement et démence: un rôle hormonal?Development of pregnenolone derivatives as allosteric inhibitors of CB1 cannabinoid receptors for thetreatment of schizophrenia and psychotic syndrome