344 research outputs found


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    This paper introduces a novel methodology developed for creating 3D models of archaeological artifacts that reduces the time and effort required by operators. The approach uses a simple vision system mounted on a robotic arm that follows a predetermined path around the object to be reconstructed. The robotic system captures different viewing angles of the object and assigns 3D coordinates corresponding to the robot's pose, allowing it to adjust the trajectory to accommodate objects of various shapes and sizes. The angular displacement between consecutive acquisitions can also be fine-tuned based on the desired final resolution. This flexible approach is suitable for different object sizes, textures, and levels of detail, making it ideal for both large volumes with low detail and small volumes with high detail. The recorded images and assigned coordinates are fed into a constrained implementation of the structure-from-motion (SfM) algorithm, which uses the scale-invariant features transform (SIFT) method to detect key points in each image. By utilising a priori knowledge of the coordinates and SIFT algorithm, low processing time can be ensured while maintaining high accuracy in the final reconstruction. The use of a robotic system to acquire images at a pre-defined pace ensures high repeatability and consistency across different 3D reconstructions, eliminating operator errors in the workflow. This approach not only allows for comparisons between similar objects but also provides the ability to track structural changes of the same object over time. Overall, the proposed methodology provides a significant improvement over current photogrammetry techniques by reducing the time and effort required to create 3D models while maintaining a high level of accuracy and repeatability

    A multi-input UV-VIS airborne GASCOD/A4r spectroradiometer for the validation of satellite remote sensing measurements

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    The present paper describes a UV-VIS spectroradiometer named GASCOD/A4r developed at ISAC-CNR for remote sensing measurements aboard stratospheric M55-Geophysica aircraft, flying up to 21 km. Obtained experimental data are used for retrieving of NO2, O3 and of other minor gases atmospheric content, applying the DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) method. UV actinic flux and J(NO2) are also derived. All these parameters are used for satellite data validation tasks. The specific results obtained during dedicated aircraft missions in different geographical areas have already been utilized for ENVISAT validation

    Perspectives of 2D and 3D mapping of atmospheric pollutants over urban areas by means of airborne DOAS spectrometers

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    tants, offering numerous advantages over conventional networks of in situ analysers. We propose some innovative solutions in the field of DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) remote systems, utilizing diffuse solar light as the radiation source. We examine the numerous potentialities of minor gas slant column calculations, applying the «off-axis» methodology for collecting the diffuse solar radiation. One of these particular approaches, using measurements along horizontal paths, has already been tested with the spectrometer installed on board the Geophysica aircraft during stratospheric flights up to altitudes of 20 km. The theoretical basis of these new measurement techniques using DOAS remote sensing systems are delineated to assess whether low altitude flights can provide 2D and 3D pollution tomography over metropolitan areas. The 2D or 3D trace gas total column mapping could be used to investigate: i) transport and dispersion phenomena of air pollution, ii) photochemical process rates, iii) gas plume tomography, iv) minor gas vertical profiles into the Planetary Boundary Layer and v) minor gas flux divergence over a large area

    Cavity evolution in relativistic self-gravitating fluids

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    We consider the evolution of cavities within spherically symmetric relativistic fluids, under the assumption that proper radial distance between neighboring fluid elements remains constant during their evolution (purely areal evolution condition). The general formalism is deployed and solutions are presented. Some of them satisfy Darmois conditions whereas others present shells and must satisfy Israel conditions, on either one or both boundary surfaces. Prospective applications of these results to some astrophysical scenarios is suggested.Comment: 10 pages Revtex. To appear in Class. Quantum Grav

    An Extragalactic HI Cloud with No Optical Counterpart?

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    We report the discovery, from the HI Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS), of an isolated cloud of neutral hydrogen which we believe to be extragalactic. The HI mass of the cloud (HIPASS J1712-64) is very low, 1.7 x 10^7 Msun, using an estimated distance of ~3.2 Mpc. Most significantly, we have found no optical companion to this object to very faint limits (mu(B)~ 27 mag arcsec^-2). HIPASS J1712-64 appears to be a binary system similar to, but much less massive than, HI 1225+01 (the Virgo HI Cloud) and has a size of at least 15 kpc. The mean velocity dispersion, measured with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), is only 4 km/s for the main component and because of the weak or non-existent star-formation, possibly reflects the thermal linewidth (T<2000 K) rather than bulk motion or turbulence. The peak column density for HIPASS J1712-64, from the combined Parkes and ATCA data, is only 3.5 x 10^19 cm^-2, which is estimated to be a factor of two below the critical threshold for star formation. Apart from its significantly higher velocity, the properties of HIPASS J1712-64 are similar to the recently recognised class of Compact High Velocity Clouds. We therefore consider the evidence for a Local Group or Galactic origin, although a more plausible alternative is that HIPASS J1712-64 was ejected from the interacting Magellanic Cloud/Galaxy system at perigalacticon ~ 2 x 10^8 yr ago.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, AJ accepte


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    ABSTRACT Ground-based zenith sky Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) measurements performed by means of GASCOD instruments at Mt. Cimone (44N 11E), Italy and Stara Zagora (42N, 25E), Bulgaria are used for validation of SCIAMACHY NO 2 vertical column density (vcd) of ESA SCI_NL product retrieved with 5.01 processor version. The results presented in this work regard satellite data for the JulyDecember 2002 period. On this base it is concluded that during summer-autumn period the overall NO 2 vcd above both stations is fairly well reproduced by the SCIAMACHY data, while towards the winter period they deviate from the seasonal behaviour of NO 2 vcd derived at both stations

    The Hubble Space Telescope Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale XXIV: The Calibration of Tully-Fisher Relations and the Value of the Hubble Constant

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    This paper presents the calibration of BVRIH$ Tully-Fisher relations based on Cepheid distances to 21 galaxies within 25 Mpc, and 23 clusters within 10,000 km/s. These relations have been applied to several distant cluster surveys in order to derive a value for the Hubble constant, H0, mainly concentrating on an I-band all-sky survey by Giovanelli and collaborators which consisted of total I magnitudes and 50% linewidth data for ~550 galaxies in 16 clusters. For comparison, we also derive the values of H0 using surveys in B-band and V-band by Bothun and collaborators, and in H-band by Aaronson and collaborators. Careful comparisons with various other databases from literature suggest that the H-band data, whose magnitudes are isophotal magnitudes extrapolated from aperture magnitudes rather than total magnitudes, are subject to systematic uncertainties. Taking a weighted average of the estimates of Hubble constants from four surveys, we obtain H0 = 71 +- 4 (random) +- 7 (systematic) km/s/Mpc. We have also investigated how various systematic uncertainties affect the value of H0 such as the internal extinction correction method used, Tully-Fisher slopes and shapes, a possible metallicity dependence of the Cepheid period-luminosity relation and cluster population incompleteness bias.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figure

    The Large Scale Distribution of Neutral Hydrogen in the Fornax Region

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    Using HIPASS data, we have searched for HI in a ~25x25 sq.deg. region centred on the Fornax cluster. Within a velocity search range of 300 - 3700 km/s and a lower flux limit of ~40 mJy, 110 galaxies with HI emission were detected, one of which is previously uncatalogued. None of the detections has early-type morphology. Previously unknown velocities for 14 galaxies have been determined, with a further 4 velocity measurements being significantly dissimilar to published values. Identification of an optical counterpart is relatively unambiguous for more than ~90% of our HI galaxies. The galaxies appear to be embedded in a sheet at the cluster velocity which extends for more than 30 deg across the search area. At the nominal cluster distance of ~20 Mpc, this corresponds to an elongated structure more than 10 Mpc in extent. A velocity gradient across the structure is detected, with radial velocities increasing by \~500 km/s from SE to NW. The clustering of galaxies evident in optical surveys is only weakly suggested in the spatial distribution of our HI detections. Our results suggest a considerable deficit of HI-rich galaxies in the centre of the cluster. However, relative to the field, there is a 3(+/-1)-fold excess of HI-rich galaxies in the outer parts of the cluster where galaxies may be infalling towards the cluster for the first time.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, 110 HI spectra. To be published in MNRA

    The Ks-band Tully-Fisher Relation - A Determination of the Hubble Parameter from 218 ScI Galaxies and 16 Galaxy Clusters

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    The value of the Hubble Parameter (H0) is determined using the morphologically type dependent Ks-band Tully-Fisher Relation (K-TFR). The slope and zero point are determined using 36 calibrator galaxies with ScI morphology. Calibration distances are adopted from direct Cepheid distances, and group or companion distances derived with the Surface Brightness Fluctuation Method or Type Ia Supernova. Distances are determined to 16 galaxy clusters and 218 ScI galaxies with minimum distances of 40.0 Mpc. From the 16 galaxy clusters a weighted mean Hubble Parameter of H0=84.2 +/-6 km s-1 Mpc-1 is found. From the 218 ScI galaxies a Hubble Parameter of H0=83.4 +/-8 km s-1 Mpc-1 is found. When the zero point of the K-TFR is corrected to account for recent results that find a Large Magellanic Cloud distance modulus of 18.39 +/-0.05 a Hubble Parameter of 88.0 +/-6 km s-1 Mpc-1 is found. A comparison with the results of the Hubble Key Project (Freedman et al 2001) is made and discrepancies between the K-TFR distances and the HKP I-TFR distances are discussed. Implications for Lamda-CDM cosmology are considered with H0=84 km s-1 Mpc-1. (Abridged)Comment: 37 pages including 12 tables and 7 figures. Final version accepted for publication in the Journal of Astrophysics & Astronom

    Becoming an English language teacher:linguistic knowledge, anxieties and the shifting sense of identity

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    English Language is a fast growing and popular subject at A level but the majority of qualified secondary teachers in the UK have subject expertise and backgrounds in literature. This paper reports on interviews with seven secondary English teachers who discuss the strategies they used when taking on the responsibility of A level English Language teaching for the first time. It highlights the shifting sense of identity that these teachers felt they went through, and as such, explores some emerging issues related to identity from a narrative/personal history perspective. The study reveals that despite feelings of anxiety and low self-confidence, teachers felt that the experience had been a positive one in terms of their own developing identity as an English teacher and had impacted on other aspects of their teaching. The paper raises questions about the value of language-based work for English teachers and has implications for UK initial and continuing teacher education in English
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