5,225 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan perilaku sosial siswa yang mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler olahraga dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler non olahraga. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini mengambil teknik sampel jenuh sebanyak 60 orang. Instrumen tes yang digunakan berupa angket perilaku sosial siswa. Hasil uji coba instrumen perilaku sosial siswa 41 butir soal valid dan reliabilitas. Nilai rata-rata perilaku sosial siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler olahraga sebesar 158.97 sedangkan siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler non-olahraga rata-ratanya sebesar 155.27.. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data maka kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa kegiatan ekstrakurikuler olahraga lebih besar daripada ekstrakurikuler non olahraga terhadap perilaku sosial siswa . ---------- Aim of this research is to know the difference of student social attitude that follows the sport extracurricular and non-sport extracurricular activities. Used method in this study is descriptive method. Sampling in this study uses saturated sample technique as much as 60 persons. Used test instrument like questionnaire of student social attitude. The instrument test result of student social attitude as much as 41 items that is valid question and reliability. Average value of student social attitude that follows sport extracurricular as much as 158.97 while student that follows non-sport extracurricular average as much as 155.27. Based on data collecting result, then the conclusion from this study that the sport extracurricular more than non-sport extracurricular through student social attitude

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Sunda Empire Case in The Indonesia Lawyers Club Panel Discussion

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    Critical discourse analysis is method and theory used in empirical review on correlations between discourse and development in social and cultural aspect. This research aimed to describe the text analysis, social cognition and context in the Sunda Empire discourse for the Indonesia Lawyer Club Panel Discussion. The data and data source consists of oral discourses by experts from the recorded episode of Indonesia Lawyers Club broadcasted on January 21st, 2020 with the topic of “Siapa dibalik Raja-raja Baru?”. The text analysis found macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure while the social cognition analysis found schemes of person, self, role and event. Lastly, the social context analysis fiund development of the discourse by Rangga Sasana as the informant of Sunda Empire at the Panel Discussion to the entire participating experts and every Indonesian people, which is based on the amount of digital news that discussed statements from the discourse

    Point configurations that are asymmetric yet balanced

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    A configuration of particles confined to a sphere is balanced if it is in equilibrium under all force laws (that act between pairs of points with strength given by a fixed function of distance). It is straightforward to show that every sufficiently symmetrical configuration is balanced, but the converse is far from obvious. In 1957 Leech completely classified the balanced configurations in R^3, and his classification is equivalent to the converse for R^3. In this paper we disprove the converse in high dimensions. We construct several counterexamples, including one with trivial symmetry group.Comment: 10 page

    Komparasi Zakat Profesi dalam Agama Islam dan Persepuluhan dalam Agama Kristen Protestan

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    This study aims to discuss the similarities and differences between professional zakat in Islam and tithing in Christianity. This research method is a qualitative type through library research and field studies by applying comparative descriptive analysis. The results and discussion of this study indicate that professional zakat in Islam and tithing in Christianity both originate from the holy books of each religion, it is found that there are similarities and differences between professional zakat in Islam and tithing in Christianity, and the meeting point of both has implications for the development of religious philanthropy in Indonesia. This study concludes that tithing is required in Malachi 3:10-11 and professional zakat is required in QS al-Baqarah verse 267 where the wisdom of both is for the benefit of the people or congregation, while the difference is that tithing can be carried out by anyone and professional zakat can only be implemented by people who have reached nishab, and the first aims to return God's gift and the second aims to clean up wealth

    SME Innovation in the Malaysian Manufacturing Sector

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    This paper examines the determinants of innovation amongst small and medium enterprises in the Malaysian manufacturing sector using firm-level data. For small-sized firms, younger firms are more likely to innovate compared to older firms. However, for medium-sized and large-sized firms, older firms are more likely to innovate. The extent of foreign ownership is not an important determinant of innovation. Small-sized firms with more employees are more likely to innovate. Medium-sized firms that produce for domestic market tend to be more innovative. In terms of ownership structure, medium-sized firms that are public limited companies are less likely to innovate. The relationship between technological characteristics of industry and firms' likelihood to innovate appear to be complex. Higher market concentration is associated with higher probability to innovate for medium-sized firms.

    Forms of early walking

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    Children in the first weeks of independent locomotion display a wide variety of walking forms. The walking forms differ in mechanical strategy and concern with balance. Three extreme walking forms are presented: the Twister, who uses trunk twist, the Faller, who uses gravity, and the Stepper, who remains balanced as much as possible. Each walking form is presented as a ''d-space'', a mathematical format combining continuous and discrete aspects, developed to express the sequence and pattern of a movement without the inappropriate precision of a physical trajectory. The three d-spaces represent analyses of three extreme modes of early walking. They are used to generate the variety of early walking forms and to predict mixtures of mechanical strategies as children mature and converge to more similar walking forms over the first few months of independent locomotion. (C) 1995 Academic Press Limite

    Applying the structural equation model rule-based fuzzy system with genetic algorithm for trading in currency market

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    The present study uses the structural equation model (SEM) to analyze the correlations between various economic indices pertaining to latent variables, such as the New Taiwan Dollar (NTD) value, the United States Dollar (USD) value, and USD index. In addition, a risk factor of volatility of currency returns is considered to develop a risk-controllable fuzzy inference system. The rational and linguistic knowledge-based fuzzy rules are established based on the SEM model and then optimized using the genetic algorithm. The empirical results reveal that the fuzzy logic trading system using the SEM indeed outperforms the buy-and-hold strategy. Moreover, when considering the risk factor of currency volatility, the performance appears significantly better. Remarkably, the trading strategy is apparently affected when the USD value or the volatility of currency returns shifts into either a higher or lower state.Knowledge-based Systems, Fuzzy Sets, Structural Equation Model (SEM), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Currency Volatility

    Apparatus and method for control of a solid fueled rocket vehicle Patent

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    Solid propellant rocket vehicle thrust control method and apparatu
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